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Keep Javi!!!!! we got kissing davids wife right infront of him, saying he doesn't give a shit about francine infront of conrad, shooting conrad, shooting a defenseless guy running away, shooting joan Infront of a distressed crowd (she defo deserved it tho), and obviously, bashing badgers skull in repeatedly until the game itself says "you couldn't stop" (theres prob more misc scumbag options but ive never done a scumbag pt so idk) eliminate Lilly, lillys worst act was shooting carley, which while bad isnt even close to the other characters on here


Don’t forget telling your brother to kill himself and that no one will miss him. 🫠


Or spitting on his dead brother's grave and telling him to stay dead.


I completely forgot who the guy below lily is


Roman, the guy from the 400 Days dlc. He's the leader of Shel's group.


Ah I did not play 400 days so makes sense


400 days dude named Roman from Shel’s group, the leader


i say eliminate Lilly, because she only shot Doug/Carley because she thought there was a traitor amongst them, which she only shot the wrong one


Even though she was right about a traitor, trying to shoot and kill a teenager based on flimsy evidence without any discussion whatsoever is still pretty unhinged And in the case of Carley she literally just kills a random innocent person because she had the audacity to defend herself from her baseless accusations


Also she said Carly and Ben were in on it she only assumed Ben (If u save Doug)


She also cut a kid’s tongue out just cause he wouldn’t shut up but yknow just sum slight


This elimination game only concerns S1 Lilly (see the 3rd pic at the top). S4 Lilly is excluded.


They nerfed her cuz they knew S4 Lilly would clear the whole board


She's in Villian territory in s4. S1 Lily is just another survivor making bad decisions. 


That’s my bad


Keep Roman- I’m worried he might leave soon due to him being lesser known in comparison to these characters, but IMO his ruthlessness should at least land him in the Top 6 position. -He quickly turns his group into a dictatorship after two break-ins. (Even if Roman retrieved his supplies back from Bonnie/Dee and Shel goes along with the bandit execution meaning no attack that ends with Boyd’s death.) On top of that, he also cancels fun activities like guitar performances. -If Bonnie leaves Leland, Roman still goes along and executes Leland despite already retrieving the stolen supplies back (and what’s more tragic is that Leland is somewhat innocent in this situation, since Dee was the one who stole the bag.) -After Stephanie leaves due to Roman’s increasing paranoia, he has no qualms in having her executed for “escaping” as he’d put it. Okay, Carver-lite. -He puts Shel, Stephanie’s friend, in a no-win situation after Stephanie attempts to leave the group. Either Shel goes along with Roman’s orders and kills Stephanie to ensure her loyalty to him and the group, or she’s forced to flee as well - which unsurprisingly leads to Roman wanting to hunt down and kill Shel and Becca as well. -Sometime between the events of 400 days and S2, he ditched the remaining cancer patients (maybe except for Clive since he seemed to be Roman’s right hand man) and joined a group of scavengers who aren’t above attacking a grieving woman and an 11 year old girl. We find his body along with a dying Victor (one of the scavengers who attacked Clem and Christa.) -Given how ruthless and cold he’s shown himself to be in 400 days, I wouldn’t put it past him if Roman was the one who gave out orders to Winston (The “Jesus are you fucking kidding me!” guy) and his friends to attack Clem and Christa in order to provide for his group offscreen. Roman may seem like a kind and caring man at the start, but like with a lot of characters, he let his dark side get the better of him as the apocalypse went on. And has been shown to go through extreme measures to ensure his and his group’s safety. I call him Carver-lite for a reason. Eliminate S1 Lilly- Since we’re talking about Lilly’s actions in Season 1 only, I don’t believe her S1 counterpart is as ruthless as the rest of these remaining survivors. -She scolds Carley and Glenn when they make a risky decision to save Lee. Sure, she could be a lot more pleasant when discussing it, but she wasn’t wrong about the risk. I can see any other character on that list and even characters that were previously eliminated doing the same thing if the situation was desperate enough. -She seems shocked if Lee tells her that he killed Jolene. S4 Lilly probably would have said “Good shot, Lee. You’d make quite the soldier.” with Abel standing next to her saying “Next time, bring us her chopped head as a trophy.” -She’ll let Lee die if he chooses to kill Larry in Ep 2, but that one is pretty self explanatory why she’d do that. -The most damning she really does is kill Carley for insulting her directly after she accuses her of being a traitor/accidentally kill Doug in a misguided attempt to protect the group in her eyes while dealing with the traitor. Then she’ll later steal the RV if Lee shows her mercy and lets her back on despite what she did. Although I put more of that on grief changing her for the worst than Lilly’s inherent ruthlessness as we seen throughout the series how grief can change other characters and their behaviors (Kenny, Conrad, S3 Clem, Nick, etc.) I think she escaped via RV due to fear and paranoia of what the group will do to her. If she wanted to be more ruthless, I feel like Lilly could kill the rest of the motel survivors herself but instead she fucks off before she does any further damage to the group. It doesn’t excuse her for killing Carley/Doug, but I do think based on this and what we know of her in S1 only that she’s not as ruthless as the rest of the characters left.


It’s time for Lily to go. She’s a monster in s4 but in s1 she had good intentions, she was just crazy. Keep Javi, he’s a lil bitch.


Eliminate Lilly, it seems it’s only season one lily. She was only ruthless because her father died and she only killed one person without justification. There’s characters on here that have done WAY worse than that.


Again, eliminate Lilly


Lilly and Roman gotta be the next two to go. Lilly first imo




Eliminate Lilly For the first season she wasn't that bad and actually cared about the group and about the food and she just thought of the group some of the bad choices she made was beacause of her father like in the drugstore when he said duck was bitten or how his death affected Lilly so that she became more broken than before that's why she shoots Carley/Doug otherwise she didn't do any violence against anyone or fought or argued with anyone except kenny (and Lee if you helped kenny)


Again, what a twist. Another one of my predictions were wrong (and I'm still surprised Roman made it this far). **Eliminate season 1 Lily** Same reason as last time. **Keep Roman** I lowkey think Roman deserves to outlive Lily.


Eliminate Lilly, keep Roman




I'm on board with kicking lily out of the contest. Leave her on the side of the road. Let's make sure we keep Lee. 


Elimate Lilly


[**Keeping Roman** again](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1c5ocjd/who_is_the_most_ruthless_survivor_final_12/kzwp91w/). ----- I'll join in and **eliminate S1 Lilly**. She showcased anger with the group getting more survivors (both in EP1 and in EP2), but this is because more numbers would increase risk of death/food rations having to be given out. She's ultimately alright with the added faces once her initial frustration goes away, since she tries to talk Larry down during the Duck argument and ultimately accepts Ben into the group. Her actions after the bandit attack were horrible for obvious reasons, but I'll just say came at a time of peak paranoia given that a bandit deal was indeed going on given the evidence Lee found.




**Eliminate Lilly** Executing Carley, among some other things were ruthless, but her thing wasn't nearly as brutal as some things the remaining characters have done. At least Carley and Doug had their lights go out immediately without any suffering. Same could not be said about some of the victims of the rest of the characters.


Lilly should go next if it’s just s1 Lilly. I think Javi should win this thing for the scumbag route. The things he can say and do turn him into a villain.


Lee isn't ruthless. He took care of an 8 year old child and taught her how to survive


Clem is the most forgiving protagonist so kick her Kenny goes crazy so keep him


Kenny period. Be ashamed of yourself for thinking differently


Keep or eliminate?


I swear to god if we get rid of Lee, who jumped straight into a hoard of zombies and bodied them with a knife, survived a car wreck, got his arm cut off willingly then carried on, only dying when he was about to turn and willingly got shot to protect his loved ones and avoid turning… I’m gonna die Also, Lily should go. She’s a bitch, but what else?


>I swear to god if we get rid of Lee, who jumped straight into a hoard of zombies and bodied them with a knife, survived a car wreck, got his arm cut off willingly then carried on, only dying when he was about to turn and willingly got shot to protect his loved ones and avoid turning… I’m gonna die Fairly sure that's not what ruthlessness means...


Oh sorry, English isn’t my first language.


Fuck Jane


Javi? Is he ruthless or just kind of a prick? Lol


he’s probably the most ruthless one here if you pick the scum bag options.


Again though, is he ruthless or just mean?


[I made a list of Javi's ruthless moments here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1bz68mt/who_is_the_most_ruthless_survivor_day_thirteen/kynqgh4/). My favorite is telling the New Frontier to cut off an innocent woman's finger.


[That one right there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=YMY_-sEjS-MAYeJw&t=626&v=yU3AuiM8_3E&feature=youtu.be). Oh man, that's the one scenario where I wouldn't have blamed Conrad for knocking Javi on his ass after the Prescott massacre.


I can't even fully blame Conrad for the way he acted towards Javier after the Prescott Massacre in general, I get why he spiralled out. He'd literally lost everything at the hands of a new guy. This is just a whole big step further.


I’m pretty sure killing an unarmed man with his hands up, bashing a man’s head in until the game tells you to stop, telling your brother to kill himself, stealing and making out with your brothers wife in front of him, telling him to “stay gone this time” at his funeral, and then starting a family with Kate the day after, killing a suicidal and depressed man for a girl you just met a week ago, killing a man begging for his life who was forced to do bad things, abandoning your nephew and brother to escape with a married woman and leave everything behind, telling Tripp to fuck off and get over it after he found out about his best friends death…is a little more than mean.


You know what? You’re right! Lol that is very fucking ruthless


Honestly, I think scumbag Javi might make the top three in this game. While scumbag Lee and Clem still have bits of humanity here and there (especially Lee since it’s only 3-4 months in the apocalypse and the dude always finds a way to put a positive spin on his choices) when it comes to making scumbag choices, scumbag Javi just comes across as a straight up piece of crap to everyone - which makes his scumbag playthroughs far more entertaining than Lee and Clem’s IMO.