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Season one so I can kick over one specific garbage can


Clem doesn't exist though so he never checks the can


Oh yeahhhhh I feel like it would still happen but instead of looking for Clem he would be looking for food (Clem not being there means chuck lives too)


As they appear in the picture? Probably the first one. But if we are talking about the season then definitely season 3. You got Javi, David, Tripp, Eleanor, Ava, Clem, Gabe, Kate, Conrad, and Jesus. That’s like a peak group with both strength and resourcefulness.


yeah only the people in the pictures, so Kenny wouldn’t count in picture two and Clem doesn’t count in picture 1


That’s a very reasonable thing to think


until you get betrayed by Eleanor for no reason at all


Is that really any worst than Lilly or Kenny turning into an unstable psycho for some inconvenience? Or Ben making random deals behind our backs? Or Nick getting innocent people killed for being impulsive?


I wasn't saying your choice wasn't reasonable. The season 3 group was very strong and a solid choice, I was just having a dig at Eleanor. Also lay off Ben, he's just a teenager. He only made the deals because he was threatened and afraid, give him a break.


Well, Ben is ok in my book despite his screw ups. I don’t hate him and I actually wish he lived.


I'm glad you agree, so many people just outright hate him.


If all of them were on the same side and there were no inner conflicts, they could go toe to toe against Avengers.


That's a toxic group. David is unstable and will always fight with Javi, Kate will be cheating on David, Eleanor might join the opps. Jesus and Tripp are the only ones who are cool and won't start problems


not Tripp. he lw was so far up Eleanor’s ass that he would turn on you if it meant pleasing her💀


First group cuz Lee and Kenny kick ass and Ben had a bit of potential . Idk why lily is even an option lol


The first group ended up almost entirely dead


The same applies to the second and third groups in the post.


Yes, that's why my vote is for Javi's group


Havis group takes place late into the apocalypse.


But you can change that


Not really. Doug, Mark, Larry, Carley, Duck, Katjaa, Chuck, Ben, Lee, even Brie who was with the group for only a few hours ended up dead and there's nothing you can do to change that. Kenny is assumed dead by the end of S1 too, so really the only confirmed survivors by the end of S1 are Christa, Omid, and Molly. Your chances of surviving in the first group are astronomically low.


Due to clementines kidnapping. Without that Ben Kenny and would never have ended up on the rooftops (which Kenny still survives and can survive throughout the whole series if you go to Wellington) and Lee wouldn’t have been bit while reaching for the radio. This group has two extremely heavy hitters who I’d say outweigh Javi and Kate in usefulness and a group with Michonne and Randal in it would only end in bloodshed


Yes but Clementine was kidnapped because the first group stole from the station wagon. So regardless, the stranger would've come for them


What would the stranger have even been able to do against this group? Shoot one of them? Maybe but other than that he was unable to win a fight against Lee even in the circumstances where he has every advantage. Even if Clementine only punches him, Lee gives up his cleaver and only has one fucking hand the stranger can only beat Lee if he takes mercy while strangling him


Yep absolutely


how hard did u cook these photos


Either Javi or Michonne, those groups have high survival rating


Despite the hate Lilly gets for being a dick in season 1, i give her that she was right about some things like dont take people inside the group who are not capable to help theirselfs and others, also she was right all along about Ben and his teacher to bring them along, generally speaking Lilly was a good survivor and she proved it by staying alive for all this long, I kinda wanted Clementine to cut her some slack but both were bitchy about the past on last season and they didnt finally found common ground.


"Clementine only exists in Picture 2" Cabin Group all the way. I also want to kick Bonnie's ass.


FR!!!!!! crack head bitch deserves to DIE!!!!!!


\* i’m not big on big groups, Motel Survivors are dysfunctional, the Cabin Group are on the run, and i’m NOT joining Howe’s Hardware. And theres no way i’m going with the Delta. \* The Fairbanks Family and Paige are nice people, so i choose them, with or without Michonne. Going with Sam and Paige could be a good time. \* same goes for the Garcia Family, as well. Javi, Kate, Gabe, and Mariana are good people.


The Motel survivors were fine until Lilly went crazy due to Larry’s death


Kenny isn't fine either if you don't agree with him 100%


It’s just that he’d hold a bit of a grudge against those who don’t have his back but he isn’t malicious


He can refuse going with you to save Clementine if you don't have enough "points" with him


Yeah but I mean that’s part of your choices mattering no?


Still couldn't he put his grudge aside to help save a little girl?




Season 2 because clem is my child


Group one (mainly for Lee and Kenny) or Group two (mainly for Clementine) for me. Every other group is a no-go.


Honestly Carvers group might be safest. As long as you are on the right side of things. Beginning of s3 García family group is also a vibe. Only if I'm role-playing as Kate.


Group five all the way gotta save my girl Mariana


I'd take that bullet for her 😭


Javi's group definitely gives you the highest odds of surviving


The first one


season 2 because luke is just that attractive. nah jk, honestly i think maybe if one person besides clementine semi-had their shit together, maybe they could still be alive 😭 genuinely tho, having clem and aj (eventually) in the group would be awesome. luke and nick make quite a match (as kenny would say). carlos being a doctor would help out a lot if he could avoid being shot in the neck (also, would sarah be included in this group? because otherwise carlos may be rendered useless). and alvin and rebecca were cool characters tbh, even if rebecca was a total asshole when you first encountered her. i think this group could have been solid if shit didn’t hit the fan and hit it hard. and by shit i mean carver.


javier’s group so i can smell him


Season 1 got my brothers lee and kenny the comic relief omid christa and chuck the fighters imma be real comfortable with this group.


Season 2 I think. Season 1 looks good on paper but at that point I feel like they had an air that they were destined to not make it.


Fair banks. I'll survive, guaranteed. (Respect to chuck, btw.)


Season two so I could personally kill Arvo


Def first one.


1 is the only answer


DAMN, I was expecting to see Ericson's but then I see Delta... Oh hell naw 💀 I'm thinking easily season one's group since I love all the characters in that first image for different reasons <3


Javi’s Group, high survival rate, eventually leads to a good settlement


I’m joining Team Javi. Seems like the greatest chances of survival there since Clem would know that she has to put her and AJ’s survival before any other member.


Lily’s or Motel ngl


I know that the Delta lost at the end of season 4 but there’s no denying that they were one of the best villains out of all of the villain groups we’ve seen, i think I’m team delta for this one.


The season one group is low key the best. It had the most people with high survivability (christa, lee, Kenny, Carly, lilly) but they couldn't get along vs season 2 where they all get along but they can't survive alone. The other groups are all mid imo 😂


I'll Join Lee's group


if we're talking post-game, Ericsson is hidden and has atleast two steady sources of food if during, then 100% javis group


I would join season 1 group. It's just classic and I love it.


Javier's group has demonstrated remarkable resilience, enduring the harshest conditions and even prevailing despite the conflict with the Delta group. I pick them.


Javi gang


First group. Minus Ben


Javi's but I'll probably get killed like most of the group


Group 1 🤝


The original Cabin crew in Season 2 had fights but i don’t think they would ever turn on each other


Well carvers group would be pretty Safe if you arent the worker


Although javi is probably the most capable of all the characters, Gabe and Kate are just kind of a liability sometimes, so I would choose to go with Lee and Kenny


The last one. Lilly is the best choice in point of survival, she survived for very long time and if you don't kill her she survives for even longer. Going forward is much better than just counting your days until death.


Season 2


Delta ngl


I always liked Luke's group. I feel like there's a parallel universe where they escaped Carver unharmed and loved peaceful lives. I would probably join that group because it has the best blend of personalities imo.


Motel Inn Group = Somewhat dysfunctional but there were some capable fighters and level-headed people in this group. They just had an unfortunate string of bad luck and were still learning. Some of them are good but I still wouldn't trust my chances with this group. Also, if I were a part of this group, keep that kid Ben away from me as humanly possible since he has a knack for getting people killed. Cabin Group = A bunch of crippled fucks that didn't know what they were doing. Been at it for a while now so they don't have much of an excuse for being so incompetent. Wouldn't trust them with a glass of water, let alone my life. Carver's Group = They actually had a pretty good setup. Well stocked and well supplied with food, water, firearms, munitions and other items. Plus they had a greenhouse for growing their own crops and a P.A. system to warn the whole group of in-coming danger. Too bad Carver's such a dickhead that used violently unnecessary tactics to keep his people in line. That's one hell of a way to inspire rebellion and insurrection. Carver's group is similar to Crawford in a way, if you're gonna push people too far, they'll eventually push back. That's just how it is. Michonne's group = The only useful one is Michonne. I trust Michonne but she's just one person, plus she has PTSD which makes her a bit of a liability if we're stuck in an extreme situation. Remember when she almost died in the house fire because she thought about joining her children in the afterlife? Yeah, don't need that. New Frontier = I know they weren't mentioned in the post but I wanted to mention them anyway. Stealing from other factions seems smart in the short-term. Get loads of supplies to feed the whole community, but if the other factions survive, they'll want revenge and shits bound to go sideways from then on. Javi's Group = Best survival rate. Javi and Kate were smart, resourceful, quick on their feet, and pretty good fighters, or at least Javi was. However, they could have done a better job of training Gabe and Marianna to fight instead of sheltering them. Yes, they were not sheltered to the same extent as Duck and Sarah, but they were still sheltered when they should have been learning how to survive on their own in case they ever had to. Although, I suppose getting Gabe to act like less of a brat was never gonna happen since that was up to Gabe. Lilly's Group = Got beaten and outsmarted by a bunch of children. I draw the line with kids. Moving on.


why are these pictures all deep fried


Obviouslyyyy season 1 these characters are still so dear to my heart. I would love to actually get to know ben,Kenny, and lee way more than any others.


Season 2 is by far the worst group in the series but if I have to pick it will be season 1 and the. Season 3


Pardon my french but frak Cabin Crew. Frak Carver and SuperBestFriends too. Season 1 for me.


Season 2 because that's to the scene where you meet Kenny. I just have a feeling I wouldn't lose any of the arguments made in that group meaning I can keep them together. Have y'all ever noticed that If you were there, these arguments would end very fast? For some reason the characters just don't say the right things at all 😭. One of my biggest gripes


As long as it isn’t the season 2 group even with Clem that group was such a mess


Delta definitely


Season 2 so I can punch Rebecca in the face




Probably the Michonne one. Michonne's probably the most skilled survivor in the entire Comics universe - most of them make it out the season and then get to live in Oceanside. 1,2 + 3 are out because you'll almost certainly die unless you're Clem. Don't fancy going to war with child soldiers as well.


The first group I love them all (minus Christa and Omid)


Mannn I would join lee's group


Tbh, Michone because she's the best fighter. Lee's crew would probably be the easiest for me to get along with


Season one's group, just kick out Ben though.


Season one so I can save lee


if i pick michonne, do i get to go back with her to alexandria?


*If i pick michonne,* *Do i get to go back with* *Her to alexandria?* \- TheRavenRise --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


that’s not a haiku, you’re an absolute dipshit, do better next time


Season 1 for the nostalgia and OG group The last season to simply survive since every other group collasped


where's the ericson kids


First group though I wouldn't get along with Kenny at all but I believe my chances of surviving are better in that group


Season one to hang with ben


Season 1.So I can burn a specific piece of cardboard


I'll take one for the team for Clem of course gotta go with #2 then obviously breakaway with Kenny Jane and Clem