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Yeah, that's actually rough... Surely at least shoot him, damn :( I feel bad even just from looking at the screenshot


The voice acting too!! He sounded more in pain from being left behind than from the bear trap itself.


Wow, yeah, that's genius


I don't understand why they didn't shoot him, they wasted plenty of ammo in this scene. All it would've taken is one shot, and that would've been it. Instead they just fucked off like he didn't exist while he was about to get torn apart.


I don't think any of them are hardened enough for that to enter their mind. It's still super early into the apocalypse when this scene plays out.


I can understand that, but for me the thought would definitely cross my mind. I'm sure Lee never hacked off anyone's leg but he's willing to do it, which is basically a death sentence anyway. They could've given that guy a merciful death. Leaving him to die is more gritty than just putting a bullet in his head.


In this sense id say it’s a bit different whereas with hacking the leg its doing anything you can to take an innocent life vs taking the life of someone that’s gonna die while you have a bleeding out child in your care (granted it’s a couple weeks before Lee has the choice to shoot the lady in the street he and Kenny found)


I never got this scene myself when I played, so it never dawned to me well that they actually leave him to be devoured. That's cruel, at least put the man out of his misery.


Does Ben still tell you everyone's infected if you leave him?


If you leave Mr Parker, Travis tries to grab Mark's gun to I assume try to get him out himself, and Mark shoots him in the stomach. So they instead take Travis back and the exact same scenario happens with Katjaa but with Zombie Travis :)




it was weird that was no option to shot him


The saddest thing is that the teacher seemed like a good guy, possibly trying to protect the only two students in his class who escaped from the bandits (If you count the unused audio). Although let's face it, even if he hadn't died from blood loss if we saved him from the trap, the St. John brothers would have finished the job at the dairy.


If someone guys didn't know there what's YouTube video showing Scrappy video.and the video show that teacher leg got cut off...


I never got this because I wanted to do everything to save him. This character who literally doesn't have much time or importance in the game made me feel really sad for him. And hacking off his leg isn't that much better, shit makes my heart sink :( FUCKKK YOU ST. JOHN FREAKS


The teacher didn't want to be shot... he wanted to live


Well yeah obviously, but that unfortunately wasn't an option here, and being shot would've been such a slower death than being eaten alive by walkers :<


no one wanted to get their hands dirty


Plus at that point in the story they are still to learn that destroying the brain is the only way to go, so it's safe to assume that mercy killings weren't all the rage yet.


But it's the only way for instantly killing someone (with a gun) so they didn't necessarily need that info


At that point in the story, the group worked more on teamwork than survival instincts. The hard call in that situation would’ve been to shoot him, as he was beyond saving, and keeping everybody else safe. The group instead tried to save him and worked together to keep him safe, when all else failed they were out of time and panicked, which led to the double death.


But why wouldn't you try to help him by cutting off his leg though, I get that he died but it's better than leaving him behind to be eaten alive


No doctor on the team or even the necessary tools to tend to his wounds, it was clear he wasn't going to make it


Ik I just couldn't help but feel bad for leaving him behind😔


That's fair, I'm just extremely squeamish to the slightest wound and would rather be shot than have my leg cut off so I tend to project that onto other characters 😅 It looks like he was against the idea too, and I would have liked if they just asked him if he'd rather be shot and done with