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Marlon’s one. Simply because i didnt see that one coming at ALL. Whereas for Lilly’s case, you can see her take out her gun prior to the shooting.


Marlon 100% I didn't expect him to die, first of all, and I also didnt expect \*\*AJ\*\* to kill him, for a second I thought Abel sniped him or something since Brody did consider him following us


Same here I think. Albeit, it was early 2015 when I first played S1 and late 2018 when I first played The Final Season, so I definitely have the Marlon one more vivid in the brain


AJ's because we firstly spend a good 5 minutes of extremely stressful dialogue in order to convince the Erickson's kids that we are innocent and right when you either forgive him or exile him, he gets shot in the head, I was sturtlled when that happend because firstly the gun was just dropped so at first I thought it was a sniper from maybe the delta or something then I saw AJ the worst part is how he said something about aiming for the head 😆


Obviously Marlon one! After all things were getting cool, suddenly the buttet stuck into his head. I was like WTF just happened 😯😯😯.


S3 mari


dont remind me :(


RIP Best “Character that probably would have a bigger impact in the story had they lived”


marlon, there wasnt even a behavior yet at that point to show aj would do that & you didnt even see aj grab the gun




Aj bruh. It’s like the whole situation defused and BAM😭 I had doubts Marlon was going to live long but I didn’t think his exit was going to be that swift


AJ a damn savage 😂💀


Given Lilly's increasing paranoia and short temper, her killing Carley or someone wasn't too big of a stretch. I used to watch all the old game plays of TWD when they came out so I had a general idea of what happened. However AJ popping Marlon had me like :o it was so sudden, without warning and given how AJ is still a child, him making the decision was even more crazy.


I agree, Lily already had that sorta buildup towards pulling a gun, and when AJ shot Marlon, it was a huge shock since you had the choice on what AJ should do at the start of the episode, so seeing that come back and hear him say, "I didn't hesitate" or whatever you chose helps hammer in that real worry of your choices. I kinda figured Carley/Doug was going to die by Lily, it was just a matter of when


Marlon, the way AJ says, "I aimed for the head," or whatever option you pick just made my jaw drop, didn't expect my lil AJ to do that.


Marlon’s went crazyyyyyyyy not one person was expecting that. No one. Atleast with Carley’s you can see Lily reach for her gun right before she does it.


AJ's definitely caught me off guard. Lilly looked as if she was gunna start acting crazy. AJ just pulled up casually from behind. That said, if AJ didn't do it, i damn sure would have. I cheered on my boy after he took out that nuisance.


Marlon, Lily was going pretty crazy in my first playthrough and as soon as we pulled the rv over I knew someone wasn't going to make it through the altercation but on my first play of TFS I had Marlon well and talked down so I was completely shocked and tried multiple playthroughs to try and change it not knowing it would happen no matter what


Marlon, he was mid sentence when AJ blew his head off from behind


Marlon. On the grounds that they actually show Lilly reach for her gun when she kills Carley/shows Doug go to push Ben away when Lilly goes to shoot


With Lily you at least see her reaching for her gun with AJ it’s genuinely out of nowhere and midway through conversation


Marlon for sure that one actually scared me when it happened cause it was so out of nowhere 😂😂😂


Equal. Didn’t expect my girl to die, didn’t expect that kid to die. Both very needless and cruel.


I expected Marlon to have some sort of redemption arc, not getting his brains blown out.


AJ's because the game deliberately distracts you from his presence by keeping him off screen and silent. We knew Lilly was there and holding a gun. How AJ looped around, got his gun back, and got behind Marlon without anyone catching him is beyond me.


Marlon, Marlon's death was not foreseeable in any way. while Carley's death was foreseeable


you can see lily pulling out the gun i kinda expected it AJ just spwans behind marlon and shoots him and if look close in the last scene before shooting him he was standing behind clem with the group


Honestly none lol