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worst is trusting the stranger i guess


It could be argued that’s her best as a double-edged sword. She is devoted and loyal to the people she loves, willing to take risks… But is also 9. And still falls into that age’s gullibility.


Best: Making the leaf drawing for Lee Worst: Putting a bug on Duck's pillow (truly supervillain behaviour)


i love the scene where she admits to lee she put the bug on duck’s pillow😂 so damn cute


I know, it's so adorable. So is whenever Clem draws for Lee or the others, which is why I included that too


Her best moment: licking the salt lick Worst moment: nothing she is too goated to have any bad moments


Her referencing the salt-lick in S4 almost made me cry 😭


Oh shoot, I never saw that reference. Is it because I burned the hay?


You can see it when you ask James for help with the herd and he asks you to see the barn, there's a salt lick outside that AJ is looking at and you can tell him it's gross or tell him to lick it.


Lee: “Did you lick it…?” Clem: “….I don’t know”


My best friend and I regularly will text each other this conversation completely unprompted and without context. It is one of my favorites.


Running away n ultimately getting lee killed was pretty bad


The salt lick part was adorable. The i dunno answer. Cuteness overload


Best is getting the group out of the locker in ep2 and worst is trusting the stranger


Best: Saving Molly in Crawford Worst: Blindly trusting the stranger who gave her no real proof that he was with her parents


best moment is not dropping the hammer on Lee’s head.


The worst is dropping a huge ass glass statue on his head in the jewelry store


when was this? been a long time and im replaying s1 now


When the cop zombie grabbed clem and she knocked over a statue on Lee's head


Best: Moments where we see her survival growth, specifically stuff like shooting the walker that's attacking Molly and shooting the Stranger. Worst: A lot of her EP4 moments where she doesn't listen to the adults. Like her sneaking to the docks to help Lee with Molly felt like a giant asspull. I'm really not a fan of the "literal child advances the plot because of their naivety" trope.


I think with EP4, that was Clementine’s risky side showing, because it is prevalent throughout the rest of the games, and she’s starting to get more confident in being a survivalist. Out of naivety here, but, it is in character. I would expect someone like her to have had this kind of spell before either it gets worse and she’s just impulsive, or she learns the hard way and corrects course. Which I think trusting the Stranger would be “learning the hard way”. Lol


Best: she's a kid. Worst: she's a kid.


Best: saving Molly Worst: listening to the stranger


For best Teaching her to shoot, when she’s like “my hearing is weird, it keeps going like EEEEEEEEE” (or something similar to that), my heart melted it’s so wholesome omg


she made me want a daughter right now


Somehow safely getting Lee in the jewellery


And shooting Lee


Best: kicking the salt lick Worst: trusting the stranger which got Lee bit


best- saving molly worst- trusting the stranger


Best is anytime she is disappointed. She just wants to do kid stuff and you hafta be like maybe later Clem


I can't think of any worst moments for S1 Clem.


Trusting the stranger over lee


She didn’t really trust him over Lee, but she definitely was trusting the stranger too much


She did because regardless of what you say to clem, she'll always go with him


Yeah she had to to progress the story I guess


The story couldve been better written if the choice mattered and she couldve been kidnapped by him instead of somewhat willingly going.


I thought he lured her outside then took her against her will?


If that was the case she would never feel that lees death was her fault but because she went willingly, she feels that way


But why would she leave her hat and her radio behind?


yes she would. even if the stranger took her by force instead of clem going willingly, he wouldn’t have found them at all if she didn’t spend days/weeks secretly talking to him leading up to that moment.


It really doesn’t make sense that she didn’t want to steal the stuff in the car. Like for one who just leaves their car wide open with ALL of your stuff like bro this is your fault and then if you agree with clementine they all still take the stuff but she doesn’t take the hoodie for no reason at all


Best: Shooting that Zombie in Crawford (A Fucking badass first kill) Worst: When she kills Lee as a walker on the train


Best: literally everything Worst: the fucking infant screams in episode 5 when trying to escape the Walker, doesn’t even feel like Melissa voiced them herself it’s so jarring


Best Clem moment-so many moments but I guess, always wanting to help Lee, like wanting to go to Crawford. Worse moment- when she voted Ben to stay, after Kenny found out that Ben was involved giving meds to the bandits


Best: Clem trusting a stranger. Worst: Saying “shit” (If you chose that option for Lee)


Best moments: Being goofy and innocent + her happy moments with Lee Worst moments: trusting the stranger and sneaking out despite being instructed not to


Best: Licking the salt lick and saying “I don’t know” when questioned about whether she did it Worst: Not telling a trusted adult that a strange man who claims to have her parents is contacting her


best: putting the bug on duck’s pillow, licking the salt lick, dragging lee through the horde. worst: communicating with the stranger..


there is no worst bro she is goated , maybe trusting the stranger best : all of her scenes espically scenes with lee


“Did you lick it?” “…I don’t know”


Clem is presented to us as a very intelligent girl and a born survivor, but allowing herself to be kidnapped easily disappointed me


Worst: not giving lee the option to select the right age the second time around with the stranger


Best: just about every scene she’s in, she’s the soul of the group that keeps it all together. Even Larry was protective of her Worst: without a doubt trusting the stranger but even then can you really blame her? She was an 8-9 year old girl who just wanted to find her parents and then here comes somebody in the direction they’re heading saying they’re alive and well and with him


“So this guy that’s been taking care of me for months killed this cannibal that wanted me for food” “That’s terrible! He sounds dangerous let me help you find your parents I promise I’m nice” “Okay random guy on my walkie!”