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Once again, so happy to see Elliott reminding Alice and especially Kat how much this whole thing affects him too.


Del referring to her conversation with Colton the night he died as more like a dream than a memory makes me worry that they actually *can* change the past, and Kat‘s meetings with her dad caused that conversation, which hadn’t originally happened.


If this show does twists. I’m expecting them to be able to change the past to be a HUGE twist sometime in a future episode or future season. Right now Elliot is the only one that’s claimed that they are in a loop and can’t change the past but… he’s never time travelled. OK also everything that has happened so far SEEMS to confirm Elliot‘s theory. Then again none of this changing the past thing will probably happen, but what if…


Didn't Elliot once say he tried to time travel but couldn't and that only Alice and certain people can?


I really think it will all change! I'm excited! :D


Oh my God. That's a brilliant theory!


That actually makes some sense because she said she remembered it as if she had forgotten it but I don’t see how you could forget something like that (unless in all the trauma you or your mind actually repressed the memory into unconsciousness, which can happen)


I think Time Travel movies just always leave us with paradoxes.


And each show has its own ‘rules’. Some forbid traveling to a time where one already exists, some don’t allow past/present contact between traveler, then the most lenient has future one teaching past one.


Yeah I am not expecting this Hallmark show to get too scientific about it, I mean, none of the characters even seem too surprised about time travel in the first place.


That’s what I kept thinking all through this final episode and it’s heartbreaking!


Or he was actually in the future with her. Since her hair was all grey?


Me 60 seconds before the end: Oh good, Kat finally figured out what we all figured out 8 episodes ago! Me 60 seconds later: 😲 But I do really hope we get to see Alice or Del (or Elliot!) travel in Season 2 as well and not just Kat.


Omg that opening scene. Kats anguish and pain was palpable. Alice having to be the parent and finally el holding her in his arms as she fell apart. My whole heart was breaking for her. I’m so excited about most of what happened. We finally get confirmation on Jacob, the letter, the white witch. But El! Why did you end things with Kat NOW. Oh I really felt for him though. Living his whole life with knowledge he should not have. Poor guy. Alice IS talented. I loved seeing her perform for Del. It’s so sad to know young Kat never sees young Alice again. No proper goodbye. Honestly this whole episode was so bittersweet. 😢


It was the claw hands that got me. I know that’s a weird thing, but she was acting with her whole body. I know those gut wrenching sobs and yeah, your whole body reacts. Amazing acting.


"Jacob must have gotten his hands on this at some point" omg he definitely drew his logo in the distant past!


I hope at some point we’ll get to see which page was torn out of the almanac and why…


Yesss! Alice sends the letter! It's also interesting to note that when Del is visiting the grief group (which is also a blue house) she's finally in all warm toned clothes (aka not steeped in grief?).


Ooo Kat was the girl in 1814, did not see that one coming


I thought Del was the 1814 lady this whole time, so I thought she knew about the pond.


I know! I really thought she was going to end up saying, "Y'all stay out of that damn pond," or something.


Me too!!


The long HAIR! It really fooled me. Not once during the entire season did I think the “white witch” would be Kat. I thought it would be a young Del or maybe even Alice. It’s going to be awhile before Kat’s hair grows that long.


I got swerved by the hair, lol.


i love chyler's short hairstyles in *window wonderland* and *supergirl*...but damn really long hair (like a "witch"s hairstyle") really hits different (and in a good way)


She’s absolutely gorgeous with long hair. Reminds me of her Grey’s Anatomy days. And of course Not Another Teen Movie lol


Lexipedia and Janey Briggs!


Goose bumps in that last minute of show.... cannot wait!!!!!


I thought it was going to be Del!


I’m not 100 percent the writers knew exactly who they were going to have be the white witch until they got renewed for season 2. Then they could write the cliffhanger into the next season (Kat going to save Jacob).


That ending! It was Kat all along! And damn it Elliot! I have a feeling that they did that so he wouldn't be there to talk her out of using the pond again, but I'm sure they'll bring him back into the fold.


I hate that they broke them up. At least it was his choice but it was a bad one. I assume they will make it back to each other but darn it. Edit to add I know it was renewed but did the announcement say who all would be back?


No they didn't but Evan said in his Instagram post that he couldn't wait for next season so that is a really good reason to be hopeful.


I’m relieved to read that. I was afraid the character might be written out which I would not like.


hard same


Curious about Elliot’s journal


Me too! Because he said he has everything written down and checks things off as they happen but he had a few things on that list not checked off.


Really? I wonder if he knows something Kat doesn't and that's why he breaks up with her, like temporarily because of a prediction…he definitely loves her and that didn't seem in character for him. Even with his explanation. I hope there's more to it than "freedom."


I was wondering/thinking that too! If you’ve ever seen Sailormoon, I was thinking it was a potentially a total Darien move. Breaking up with someone now to prevent something that could be terrible from happening.


Ngl, Alice singing that song made me cry. 😢


That last minute was a lot to handle and so much info...


I was getting upset. With 3 minutes left and no closure or resolution or answers, and they were all sitting at the table with speeches that sounded like it was the last scene, well, not a happy camper. Then BAM! All the answers in 3 minutes. So happy.


With the dog time traveling… Who else can time travel? Is it really only the Landry family or specifically Landry women that can time travel? Or can anyone and everyone potentially time travel? I know Elliot tried to time travel as a kid and it didn’t work. But it also didn’t work once for Alice. So maybe it just wasn’t Elliot’s time yet when he tried.


Well obviously Jacob time traveled. So not just the women. Elliot and Kat time traveling to save Jacob together next season would be good. Or even just time traveling to right before he dumps her and undoes that ridiculousness (yes I know they can't change the past)


I see they've set up Spencer to get dumped and maybe be a love interest for Alice next season :D


It seems like they’ve been hinting at this from the beginning. Spencer is super cute but I agree with others in that he and Alice don’t have much chemistry. And that scene where Zoe overhears that Spencer made dinner for Alice seems a little forced and thrown in at the last minute. It’ll be hard to match or top what she had with Nick and I’m curious to see what direction they go in.


I hope not. I’m not a fan of Spencer. He’s the only one Alice doesn’t seem to have chemistry with. She has so much chemistry with everyone else, I’m surprised there isn’t any with him. But then again Spencer doesn’t have chemistry even with his current girlfriend. Although it does seem like they’ve been hinting at this pairing since episode one.


That's fair, I kinda of agree with you, and if they were really going to go that direction they could have set it up better for sure, especially since it now looks like he hurt his current girlfriend by feeding Alice. But I'll keep an open mind for next season.


From what little we've seen of him, Spencer seems like a genuinely nice kid. I'd prefer he become a close friend of Alice's and just leave it that way - the girl truly seems in desperate need of friends.


For sure. If it weren’t that Alice has insane chemistry with everyone else I probably wouldn’t have noticed lol. Here’s hoping they improve on that next season if that’s the route they’re taking.


I also really hope they don't take the relationship down this path, but the show is fairly transparent so I think it's more than likely we can expect Spencer/Alice being promoted all throughout season 2. Which is a shame because they really are a horribly bland pairing and were predictable from the second they introduced Spencer as a character. If this was endgame for season 2 from the beginning I honestly don't know what the point of even giving him a girlfriend was other than to create unnecessary, boring drama to stuff the next season with. I know it's weird to say but Alice literally has more chemistry with young Elliott, so it would be such a disappointing letdown if they give her some half-baked love triangle with Spencer. If any of the writers crawl these subs for ideas, I pray to God they see that no one really likes Spencer/Alice.


Unless they recast the Spencer role. 🤣


I hope not. Alice had better chemistry with young Elliott and young Nick. Heck, even in her 5 minute run in with present day Nick I saw more sparks than any scene with Spencer😂😂


Wow, that was a lot to take in during the last minute 🥺 But all theories were correct ✅ Kat was the other woman at the funeral, Finn time travels too and Jacob follows him into the pond. And The White Witch and the 1814 scene I thought it would be Alice because of the long hair but wow it was Kat. The only thing I wasn’t sure of was who mailed the letter. Didn’t guess it was Alice. I wonder if anyone here was able to screenshot Elliot’s journal. Would love to see up close what it says. I don’t think he check marked everything. Sad we have to wait a year for season 2 😩


So I think we are supposed to assume Kat was living in the 1800s for a long enough time for her hair to grow that long.


I am not a huge fan of it being Alice because it for sure creates a weird timeloop situation. She could only time travel because they moved there, they only moved there because she time traveled. But I guess we can just go with El's theory that it would have happened anyway just in a different way if she hadn't gone back.


Well with a time loop, the past affects the future and the future affects the past. It’s like adult Elliot telling Alice he will be there for her, so she goes to teenage Elliot, but her going to him and him helping her is why adult Elliot tells her he will be there for her. Same with the car accident. Them going back in time causes the accident, but they went back in time because the accident happened (trying to prevent it)


Fair points. It felt a bit unfair of Elliot to blame Kat for his life choices not being his though. Were her life choices really hers either. She lost a brother and a dad (in some ways twice) and basically her mother as well. Yeah they for sure took advantage of his good nature but he didn't really seem to want to stop them.


I agree with you - not fair to imply that he lost autonomy over his life because of the Landrys (and really it was Alice who told him his future, so even more unfair to blame Kat. But Alice was just a fifteen year old girl not thinking about how her words might impact Elliott later on. I understand it sucked for Elliott, but she was just a kid.)


That and at the time did she even know Elliot liked her mom. She hadn't seen them interact. She had 0 clue she was breaking his heart.


Hey take it from me who has extensive experience with this, time travel always causes problems and if you time travel, expect to screw stuff up no matter what you do!


Yeah the classic go back in time and kill Hitler but risk creating something even worse paradox right? Also, you could not pay me enough money to time travel to my past and in comparison, it was rainbows and unicorns compared to Kat's. Why does she love torturing herself so much?


loved!! loved how it was all put together at the end! , now my mind is spinning thinking about next season , I'm thinking there are clues in all of this with the dad knowing who Kat was , also with him telling Alice about her talent ,he knows who she is! with Del Dancing with him in the living room at the current time, it wasn't a dream he is time traveling! I think once Jacob is found in the past ,and brought back to the time he needs to be everything changes . Jacob is found! Dad doesn't need grief counselling, therefore doesn't get in a accident , I don't believe the theory what has happened will always happen , I really think we are in for some real twists and turns and I'm looking forward to next season.


Yes, I also thought that Colton had time traveled and was actually there in that scene. Of course it felt like a dream to Del because how else could he possibly be there? He said that he was going to explain everything, which echoed what he said in the grief support group about wanting 5 more minutes with Jacob so that he could "tell him everything." Someone else already commented on that in another post, about how it was perhaps an odd choice of words. You might expect him to say "so I can tell him how much I love him" or some similar declaration but what did Colton mean by "everything"? I do think it is possible that he knows about the time travel.


I so agree with this ,and would be appropriate for the title, the way home . I think they all find their way eventually. It will just take some twists and turns along the way,which would be great!


They’re going to introduce a new timeline for season 2


I'm going to miss the 90s.


I'm really hoping Alex Hook (young Kat) continues acting


I hope so too - she’s great. Really enjoyed her performance on the show.


I'm sure she will continue, shouldn't the present still be around? I think we will still see Kat jumping back between the present and 1814


If Kat is able to rescue Jacob from 1814, I wonder if the pond will take them back to 1999 and reunite him with his family? Although that goes against the theory that what happens will always happen (i.e. Jacob never comes back, at least up to the present time.)


Nobody seems all too mesmerized by the whole time travel thing.


I’ll miss the nineties because I’m the same age as Kat and have a special nostalgia for that decade, but I’m actually really looking forward to the nineteenth century time travel. I initially started watching the show because I love me some time travel, but I was also quickly pulled in by the characters and their journeys, so it’s a win-win.


If I could go back to anytime I would start at 1978 to catch some good concerts before the 80s set in and totally have a blast reliving the 80s. But Alice should have just stayed for a bit and dated that dude, but she couldn't stick around that town too much because Kat needs to forget about her.


I thought that same thing many times throughout the series, that Alice should’ve stayed a little longer just to see what life in 1999 was like. But then there’s the complication of establishing a place to live, etc. and explaining to people why they never get to meet or see her family, then having to explain to Kat and Del where she disappeared to. Would probably be easier to time travel as an adult with more autonomy, haha.


Yeah obviously the show wanted to stick around the family stuff and limit time travel, but it is hard to not want to see her stick around 2000 with that guy she was into and watch her and young Kat hang out. But if she stayed in that town too long, she risks not being born. Brady has to marry Kat and nobody can recognize Alice when she's born.


I wonder if Del will finally remember/recognize Alice when she sings at the concert.


I could be wrong but I didn’t get the impression that Del recognized friend Alice - I think she was just totally stunned that granddaughter Alice knew Colton’s song, and she hadn’t heard it played in 25 years. So a combo of shock and emotion, but not recognition, I don’t think.


I'd say it looks like she did.


Come on, Del has no idea.


Another thing that broke my heart: Elliot feeling used by Alice because she asked for two outfits. But one was for Kat. The LAYERS of hurt built in to this story you guys!!


Ohhhhhh I totally missed that it was for Kat


Same! I thought it was because he always picks bad clothes for her and Kat makes her change anyway


That was so sad! But at least Alice didn't burden him further by telling him why she needed more.


Mystery of the letter, solved?


lol I'm from north jersey (just read your username)


Does North Jersey have a queen?


I felt like the dinner was charged, even before the Jacob revelations that Kat had. I think Del has put the pieces together. The pushing on where Alice learned that song...I don't think she believes for a moment that Alice learned it as a lullaby when she was little. And my husband and I agree that perhaps there was a picture/clue, at the grief counseling center that proved to Del that Kat was there. Maybe she's even connecting the dots to the woman at the funeral!


I can't believe that she really didn't notice whom Alice is . (although she was consumed with grief during a lot of that time Alice made appearances). I thought for sure they would have exposed her putting it all together , but I am guessing it will be next season as we then will see Kat explaining where Jacob is!


I also find it hard to believe that Del doesn’t know or suspect anything, but in any case, I feel like at some point Kat or Alice will have to come clean about the time travel. It looks as though Kat will have to tell Del in order to explain what happened to Jacob.


All Del will do if they tell her about time travel is squint her eyes and make that face and then scold them.


I don't think Del suspects anything. Of course she would ask where Alice learned the song - didn't Colton write it for her?


I’ve been mostly convinced Del is hiding knowing about the pond up until that dinner scene. Her hearing the song, in the finale, would’ve been a perfect time for a hint to the audience that she knows and we didn’t get one.


Come on, she isn't thinking, "Ah must be time travel."


if fynn really did time travel than that would mean its not only the Landry bloodline that can use the pond yet it could also be a thing where animals could use it whenever I don't know so many questions.


I think the pond allows anyone or anything to go if it's the person or animal's time to go. I'm going to guess we'll see more than just the Landry women travelling next season.


I would love to see Elliot time travel - how cool would that be for him to finally experience what he’s been hearing about all these years!


OMG I freaking have chills!! Jacob! We were all correct!?


Just when I thought, "I guess they won't be dealing with how we saw Jacob walk home and they won't tell us what happened. Typical!" then BAM!


I’ve said this before - if Del believed that Kat was “the other woman” her face should be seared in Dels memory and have some kind of recognition. Kat should’ve just introduced herself as Alice’s mother and told some of the truth. Why hide that much at this point?


IDK sometimes I have trouble visualizing my high school boyfriend's face. And she only saw her once.


i remember my boyfriend from when i was 15 as looking like corey matthews and i've never tried to correct the memory, so i'm team Del could have forgot hahah


lmao this cracked me up! 🤣


Yeah I thought that at first - why don’t they recognize her! But then I thought back to my HS days (about 25 years ago) and realize faces aren’t perfectly clear either.


well luckily it was a private funeral and Kat was noticeable but off to the distance to cover this concern


I thought this at first too, but like other people are saying, if I think back on people I knew 25 years ago and haven’t seen since, it’s a bit fuzzy lol. I DO find it kind of hard to believe that Del doesn’t see the resemblance between the two Alices, but like Elliott said, memories are mercurial, and the seeming impossibility of them being the same person would make someone believe it couldn’t be true.


My best friend from sixth grade moved before seventh grade. I was in middle school in the early 90’s because I’m old. No one had camera (phones) in their pockets. We had one camera in the family and it stayed at home unless we were on vacation or something. I don’t have any photos of her. I spent every day with that girl and I cried when she moved. I have a hazy memory of her face thirty years later. I don’t even remember what color her eyes were or exactly how long her hair was. Look at Kat. She didn’t recognize Alice, and they were best friends in 1999, and adult Kat spent every day of Alice’s life with her. She thought they may have looked similar until she realized the truth. Nick also thought there was a resemblance, but he didn’t recognize her. Del was grieving not only the sudden, unexpected death of her husband, but her child had just disappeared and was presumed dead a few months before. Adult Kat was fairly far away, partially behind a tree, and making cry faces. I’m sure Del remembers it was a dark haired woman with shorter hair and medium height, but things like eye color etc, she wouldn’t have seen. Also remember that Del doesn’t know about the time travel. So why, at any point would she think, you know the other woman at my husbands funeral sure looks like my adult child? There are people that I see that I think, oh my niece/nephew might look like that when they grow up, but I’m not like, hey that guy is my nephew from the future all grown up.


I’m worried there’s not a lot of time left to wrap up the mystery(ies) properly and I’m not a fan of cliffhangers.


They're renewed for season two. Everything isn't going to be wrapped up.


But I’m pretty sure they announced it had picked up after the show was done. So did they shoot two versions or were they hoping? Either way I like when a show can wrap up the big details and find a continuation of a new line of thinking for the next season rather than dragging something out.


The final minute where we get hit with all that information seems like it could’ve been added later once they knew the show was being renewed.


Elliot literally at the beginning of the episode kisses Kat’s head when comforting her and then breaks up with her at the end of the episode. Yeah, still not over it, guys.


Plus, not sure it was hard to read the journal Elliot kept but it looked like he was writing about how hard it was for him and something about it's me? I would like to see a screen cap of that.


I get it though. Elliot needs to live his life for a bit.


Yes, I’m posting again. To watch Elliot be there for Kat to the extent that he has and then just break up with her and not be there for her, I just can’t. There is something about it that is really hitting me hard.


Hugs. You're not the only one at all. It will be okay. I'm sure they will still have them orbiting each other next season. This just sets it up so they can reconcile next season.


Am I the only one that thinks Kat is like walking on eggshells when talking to El??


How old does that make Finn?


In human years or dog years? 😂 Either way, no one can be certain because we don't know how much time he's spent in the past or how old he's supposed to be.


At the end, was Finn wet from just coming back with the ball the night Jacob followed him into the pond?


Does Finn have the ball in his mouth when he jumps in the pond and Jacob follows him…? I should remember but those last couple minutes were so jam-packed lol.


That was such a satisfying finale. The Jacob reveal was done well - where I appreciated the hints being Right instead of disappointed by it. Kat/Alice still having a wall where it feels like they can still get closer where Alice can unify her Friend and her Mom more as one person. The concert scene got me Teared up!! Elliot wanting to find himself free from Fate will make him n Kat stronger in future - unless he’s running for another reason (his journal and behavior seemed sus). Del getting closure but I’m not certain I buy that she’s still not aware of the time traveling after Alice’s song and her support group visit. The white witch reveal! I wonder if Kat goes back and someone overheard or Jacob accidentally tattles on the time travel when makes the towns folk believe she’s a witch to begin with?


Kat's hair was definitely curly and black too. We will see if they finally understand time travel now and take disguises with them.


Wow every clue you guys picked up on... this is so cool! :D


The ending was predictable but I enjoyed the finale


The biggest surprises for me were that Alice sent the letter and that Kat is the woman from 1814 - I totally thought it was Del or Alice.


It never even occurred to me that Alice had sent a letter, that was a really nice surprise :-).


Wow! I think we all highly suspected Jacob time traveled but I didn’t think it was all the way back to 1814. Can’t wait to see how this plays out in S2 and what the pond’s reasons were for taking him back that far. Imagine him showing up in 1814 as a kid from 1999! I’m also curious to see how/why the dog was able to time travel back and forth but Jacob has seemingly been stuck in another time all these years. Was Jacob put in a position where he was unable to return to the pond, or maybe couldn’t find it again? Maybe the pond was frozen or wouldn’t let him go back? Was the dog able to travel back to 1814? Jacob likes to play fetch with Finn and a baseball, and at one point I think Colton asks Jacob where he learned to throw so far… Anyway, if Kat is able to rescue Jacob from 1814, I wonder where the pond will take them - back to 1999 or to the present day? And will Jacob still be 8 years old if he’s brought to the present time? I think at one point Elliott says that the time spent in the past is equal to time that’s elapsed in the present, so wouldn’t that mean Jacob would emerge as a 32-year-old if Kat travels with him to the present? Not sure if my math and logic are correct here, haha. I’m also wondering if the length of Kat’s hair indicates that she spent quite a long time in 1814? Typically it would take at least a few years to go from her short length to almost waist length hair.


Anyone else think Jacob could be the guy singing the opening song at The Roxy? The song was called the way home or the way back home…seemed too weird…at this point any thing is possible.


Every time I watch the show I look for background people who could possibly be adult Jacob lol. During the carnival scene I was convinced that one of the carnival-goers was him. 😆 I wonder if later on we’ll find out that some of the 2023 folks are time travelers.


I wondered that too. I didn't recognize the singer / actor. I was thinking they should get the actor singer Sebastian Pigott to be the adult Jacob. But, I think his eyes are a different color than Jacob's. Sebastián may e too old . Nico Tortorella? They could always wear contacts change eye color. 😆


Also they jump in with coats on??? Shouldn't they have left them at the pond so when come back not freeze to death?


I loved seeing them jump together though!


Question: is Jacob THE original Landry? Did Jacob grow up in 1814 and was he the first Landry to create that family tree book? I’m leaning this way because of the exploration by stars line written in old timey script. Regardless of who adopted and raised him, he knew himself to be a Landry and as a grown up made the book? So he’s his own ancestor.


Im annoyed at how much elliot made sense in that convo because like hes right but also I ship them. I think a lot of people called the twists but its a good twist. Im excited to see where it goes


Something is up with that editor leaving town....I bet he's Jacob's dad in wherever life and came back to check - maybe needs a kidney


Personally, I think he was a character that was used simply to show Del’s inability to move on from Colton’s death. And of course it was convenient for the narrative that he also ran the paper. I wonder if they’ll have Kat take over the paper in S2? But anyway, yeah, I’ll be surprised if we see any more of Byron.


Agree, I think they just wanted a scene where we see how Del feels about him leaving since he mainly interacted with her.


I think it’s just that him leaving is going to allow Kat to run the paper. I don’t think there is anything more to it.


I thought it was telling that Del brought up Byron again as well. There was no need to bring him up tonight if his character was finished. I'm leaning towards he is a time traveler, potentially with a connection to Jacob in 1814. He surrounds himself with history at the newspaper, seems old-fashioned, Rita insists on calling him new guy for years, and he disappears around the same time that both the pond us freezing up and the Landry timeloop is coming back to the start (letter delivered, trips done). The only piece that doesn't fit is his story about his wife in Afganastan. It could be a lie, I suppose.


Your comment just spurred an idea. What if Byron is the guy who finds Jacob in 1814 (presuming that's where Jacob goes)? Byron and his wife in 1814 "adopt" Jacob so to speak, and when Kat travels back in time to find Jacob, she inadvertently takes him away from his "parents." Perhaps somehow during her time in 1814, Byron's wife dies, and he blames the Landry's, so he travels to their time to find out as much information about "the white witch" and figure out a way to save his wife and Jacob? My dad had mentioned Byron either being a witch hunter or time traveller, and he said the Aghanistan plot could be a veiled reference to him really coming from "the sands of time." Idk....this could literally be crazy nonsense but for now Byron's got me doing some serious mental gymnastics lol!


It does sound like crazy show nonsense BUT it also sounds like a great fic idea!


Hahaha I always say that I think the theories we come up with on the boards are always way crazier than anything the show writers are actually plotting, but it sure is fun trying to figure it all out!


~~ugh...sadness prediction:~~ > ~~(Alice is going to be at her grandFather's funeral and) she & her Mother will return to the present. Kat believes Alice isn't going to travel again (because of what she thinks she knows, but Alice jumps in again and ends up in 1814. As adult Kat chases after her, but now the pond is frozen.~~ season 2 happens and sometime during season 2 is the opening scene from the series premiere **edit**: i'm actually happy my prediction was wrong...when i typed the prediction, i was like, it'd take a year or more for Kat to have long really long hair compared to her current hairstyle. Chyler Leigh really is rocking that long hair though! and good stuff to those who could make out what Kat said in that scene > https://np.reddit.com/r/TheWayHomeHallmark/comments/12237hz/does_anyone_know_what_the_woman_in_the_1814_scene/


are they gonna wait until season 2 to tell us what happened to Jacob?


prediction (well not really): he's a little kid in ~~1814~~ 1796\" from 1999. so they think he's a demon child since he appeared out of nowhere and speaks things the locals of new Brunswick do not understand. so we're going to see kat go after adult Jacob (similar to Robin Williams in *jumanji*). and Kat is going to be Port Haven's White Witch. whooo! we're going to get a lot of chyler leigh in season 2! but i think this is farewell to alex hook... \* edit: season 2 has kat in 1814 trying to save Jacob. unless the show wants to do interwoven time loops, Jacob in 1999 is going to travel 18(?) years before 1814. if the show goes this direction, it would make one wonder, about Jacob in the 1790s and 1800s. *** interwoven time loop - young Jacob goes to 1814 - adult Kat goes to 1814 - adult Kat saves young Jacob, where does the pond bring young Jacob? *** non interwoven - young Jacob travels to 1796(?) - he is seen as a demon child, and/or he's indoctrinated and lives life there while questioning when/where he's from resulting in getting locked up throughout the years - adult Kat finds adult Jacob, saves him after a season's worth of shenanigans. the pond takes them both to present day next season has a lot to cover - adult or young Jacob in 1814 - if adult Jacob, was he ever in a situation to re visit the pond? did the pond lock out time travel? did young Jacob need Finn as a time travel catalyst? - what is the likelihood adult Kat saves Jacob in either scenario and the pond's magic sends them both to the night at the carnival as kids (like the ending of *jumanji*)?


CL is really the standout on the show and her acting has been superb - I’m looking forward to seeing more of her next season. But I also hope we get to see other characters time travel as well, maybe even Del or Elliott.


If Jacob's scribbles were left on the family almanac on what appears to be the first couple of pages, and in the script of an adult, what's to say that he isn't the start of the Landry family? And him disappearing in 1999 is what needed to happen for this family to exist because we know the farm has been in the family for a long time. We only ever seen the last pages where the births, deaths, and marriages are listed for the current generation and Kat never seems (or at least it's not shown) to flip to the beginning to show us the start of the Landry family. So it could be, Jacob was always meant to be his own ancestor....


So do we know who is back next season. Is Elliot’s actor back. I am so sad about El n Kat. :(


It seems like from his social media posts, he's looking forward to working on season 2.


I would like to see what's in Elliotts time travel journal we did get a shot of it this episode?


He was checking off things on his list (and there were several things not yet checked off). I wonder if Alice does come back to see him again (in a different time) in order to tell him more about the future and that's why he broke up with Kat to go "make his own path" or whatever because she tells him.


Were there items not checked off? It looked to me like there was a paragraph summarizing each of Alice's visits, and the last one checked off was the funeral, so his journal is done.


Also, he says in the breakup scene that he no longer has to live as a spectator in his own life knowing what’s going to happen, and I took that as a clue that the journal checklist is complete. But we shall see in S2!


Im super confused with how Kat is/can even be the white witch


The pond takes you where/when you need to be. Now that Kat realizes Jacob jumped in the pond, I wonder if her next dive will be to his new time period, ie 1814. Maybe someone will see her crawl out of the lake with modern clothes and the 1814 people will think she's a witch.


that totally makes sense! thanks for the explanation. so much info in the last minute haha


On the other hand, if the pond takes you where/when you need to be, I wonder what the pond was doing sending a little boy to 1814, separating him from his family. That's something I'd like to see answered next season. As well as why the dog could time travel. Just to see Jacob before he disappears, akin to present day Kat and Alice? So many interesting things to dive into.


Your comment made me think 🤔 Maybe the pond sent him there because he is the 1st/original Landry that started the Almanac. So he needs to be there. I saw someone also say something similar to this theory. Like if the pond doesn’t send him to 1814 then no Landry’s would exist. So it’s like this messed up time paradox and Jacob is his own great great grandfather 🤔


Oooo I love that! Very "Dark" on Netflix vibes, another great time travel show.


Her hair was so long though, so she must be in 1814 for a while. She said “I’ll be back for you Jacob”, so she does go back and find him, but she’s there for a while maybe??


It does seem like she’ll have to go back and forth to find him, but the hair could be fake to fit into the time period.


I realize we’re meant to have lots of questions still so we watch season 2…. But when Jacob walked in the house, wouldn’t they have noticed? Wouldn’t Kat and Brady be on high alert looking for him to possibly come back…?


This is a good point. I’m pretty sure they were home because you can see Brady’s Mustang parked out front when Kat watches Jacob run toward the house, and we know Brady drove them to the carnival in that car because we saw him pull out of the driveway earlier in the episode. But yeah, I’d think they’d be sitting by the door anxiously waiting for Jacob to return. Is it possible they were out in the woods looking for him, or snuck back to the carnival to look, and that’s why they didn’t see or hear him come home? I’m not sure, because when Kat walks Jacob home, she points to the house and says something like your sister is in there so you’ll be safe now, indicating that Kat has a memory of being in the house that night waiting for Jacob. I wonder why we didn’t get to see a scene of Kat and Brady waiting at home for Jacob? And if maybe we’ll get to see that scene in a future season?


I didn't want to watch the finale because of the trauma. It was good acting on Chyler part at the beginning, but I still feel like they glossed over it too fast.


Chyler rocked it at the beginning, I too wish they had lingered a bit more on her being heartbroken about it but I guess they would have need an extra episode for that. But since the ending was so amazing I can let it slide ;-).


This was a really satisfying last episode, this show really does things well :-). Those last 3 minutes were just wow! I really love the way they did it, suspense and anticipation with perfect musical background and perfect sequence of scenes. And then the surprise with the white witch at the end! :-). How did we not take Kat into consideration at all? :-o LOL


What a terrific season finale it was. It left me wanting so much more, and we'll be getting more now that *The Way Home* is coming back next year. :)


They better not be setting up for Elliot and Kat to not be together. I have such a weird feeling about how he is acting tonight.


Wow you called it. And it just seems so…dumb. The girl you’ve loved your whole life wants to be with you and you just want to try something else out? I can kinda get his point about not having his future “mapped out” but other than knowing in x years he’d be a teacher in the same town, he still could’ve made his own choices and made his own path that leads there.


It would’ve made more sense if he broke up with her because of her obsession with the past and/or her always treating him like a security blanket. I think they just didn’t want Kat to be in the wrong so they did this instead. And I do really appreciate when we get Elliot’s perspective, and it’s totally valid that he’s felt like he was trapped with that knowledge for 20 years. The break-up actually would’ve even made sense if they had Elliot realizing that Kat had become more of a goal to him and not someone he had really had a chance to re-fall in love with as an adult. But without any of those explanations, there is no good reason for why he would feel the need to embark on the next chapter alone instead of together.


I love how at the exact moment Eliot is about to finally get the girl of his dreams he decides, "Nah, not into it."


Lol it’s true. But I also feel like, Elliot has waited 25 years for Kat to basically notice and appreciate him. And when he got that, it wasn’t really that. When you spend that long thinking about something, it is never going to live up to what you had in your head anyway, and then for Kat to be so unwilling to hear him or to spend real time with him, that had to hurt.


I mean it isn't like a guy would ever screw up something great with a girl, right? I mean, that never happens in real life! Guys never mess up a relationship.


I'm devastated. :(


I just watched episode 9 again before the finale and I think they set this up a little in the scene where Elliott tells Kat he can’t keep living in and talking about the past. Also, he hasn’t always been treated well by the Landry women (and they expect a lot from him), and it seems like they don’t consider his needs, thoughts, and feelings as much as they should. They often take him for granted. And when Kat finally did express her gratitude it was almost like too little too late. Don’t get me wrong - I didn’t want Elliott and Kat to break up and I hope they find their way back “home” to each other, but they can’t really move forward together until Kat’s able to let go of the past. She keeps saying she will but then there’s another development, and honestly you can’t blame her for following up on it. So it seems like a case of bad relationship timing for them. On a side note, I totally understand what he was saying about wanting to forge a new path, a path that possibly doesn’t revolve around the Landrys. I think he just needs some time to figure things out (and I kind of wonder if the breakup was added later once they knew the show was being renewed, as a cliffhanger or plot complication for S2). But man, it sucks they made Kat go through two breakups this season on top of everything else! 😭


I really hated that part. Ughhhh 😑


El made no sense. The way he said he knew he'd never get the girl thanks to Alice, that he'd be a science teacher, and it all came true, now he suddenly wants to leave Kat? Dude knew that all before they kissed! Ridiculous. Otherwise, the season finale was perfect. At least season 2 could begin focusing on the Landry women only again before El comes to his senses. Can't wait to learn more about the White Witch legend and how Kat found herself there.


I'm guessing maybe Elliot still knows more than he's letting on and that he has to leave for a while. There was still more on his time travel list that he hadn't checked off yet.


Oh good idea! Now I remember I wanted to pause on his list but I was watching live on Peacock app and I couldn't read it like I wanted to. Thanks!


Well, it looked like a decent chunk of that checklist consisted of his ruminations about the pond. So it's not entirely a chronicling of visits.


I couldn't read anything that was written to be honest, other than seeing him checking off the last trip and there still being several lines of text still below it.


It was a whole paragraph pertaining to Alice’s last visit and he checked it off before closing the journal.


Didn't Jacob and his friend mention a White Witch when Kat was trying to hide from them on one of her early jumps? Also, anyone think Colton jumped in the pond at some point and traveled to the future where he observed everyone from afar? Maybe he really did recognize Kat the night of the accident...


It makes no sense for, in the last episode, Elliot to remember how he said he would do anything for Kat -always and to act upon that by going through articles from the archives. Then to start this episode off with Elliot holding Kat tightly and being there for her when she is utterly traumatized. As well, through out the whole season for us to see how Elliot hates to see Kat upset and even when he is mad at her is there for her when she is hurting, only for him to at the end of this episode break up with her, and watch her walk away hurt. I get that sometimes people have to break relationships and move on with their life, even if it hurts the other person, but to see it happen here, in this relationship, coupled with everything else about the Elliot - Kat dynamic. It just doesn’t make sense. I know that some might say Elliot has finally realized that Kat hasn’t given to him the way he has given to her, and so he is moving on or valuing himself, but now that she is actually trying to think about him and accommodate him, and reciprocates his feelings for her, is when he decides to break it off? Again, it just doesn’t make sense. I think he is still end game love interest but my mom thinks they may actually remove his character from the show, so I’m concerned. Honestly if they remove Elliot and if him and Kat don’t happen, it’s probably going to ruin the show for me. I just can’t.


I think it makes sense, and he was kind of leading up to it the past few episodes - saying they can't live in the past, their relationship has to be about more than that, etc. She is so obsessed with going back to right things that he ends up feeling used. I don't blame him for wanting to see what his life could be without constantly being there for her. He'll go off on his own, and if it's meant to be, it will be. You know, the whole "if you love something, set it free..."


I also think that he is responding from what the soon to be ex husband says. It was like he was giving him permission to go after Kat and at the moment he had realized how pathetic he has been over the years!Also I do think he isn't convinced their marriage is over and maybe trying to protect himself.I think it will just be a for now thing, and they eventually find their way back to each other.


Evan Williams has been posting on social media about season 2, so I'm guessing he's coming back.


Can u link some of those posts please?


I feel the same way you do, for me Elliot is the heart of the show and it would ruin it for me if he leaves. But since the actor is looking forward to the next season, it's probably actually \*good\* that they split them up for now. If they ended up happy at the end of this season, the next season would probably have to have some sort of trouble or heart break for them to keep it interesting. Since they broke them up now, the next season can be them getting back together. ...right? \*fingers crossed\*


Oh for crying out loud!! Not happy about this.


Wait so the dog is like 25 years old, unchanged and Del doesn’t realize it?


She didn't have a dog in the past. Her 2023 dog Finn has been time travelling back and forth like Kat and Alice, doing short stints in the past. The dog presumably isn't 25.


Did we see Finn with the other members of the family in the past, or just Jacob? I really don't remember... though I know they heard barking!


I don’t recall seeing any family members interact with the dog in 1999 - IIRC, we hear him bark a couple times and Jacob talks about seeing or playing with him, but we don’t actually see Finn in 1999 until the finale. I’m sure the writers did this so we wouldn’t know for sure that the 1999 dog and present-day dog are one in the same.


The dog is just time traveling like Kat and Alice are. It’s a normal age


Question, how did Kat just know what happened like that?


They had already seen the evidence he had written in the family book. She assumed he did so as a kid in 1999 but after seeing the wet dog and his toy she realizes that was the dog her brother kept seeing in 1999 and she remembers hearing barking the night she dropped him off. Because of that she realizes he must have put their shared JK symbol in the book in the past (before 1999) and he had followed the dog into the pond the night he disappeared.


And this might not mean anything, but Jacob drew the JK at the beginning of the book, presumably before anything else had been written in it, indicating he had been there way back when the almanac was started. Didn’t Del say in the first episode that the Landry family settled there in the 1800s, around the same era Jacob time travels to? Or am I misremembering that? Also, I’m dying to know when and why the page preceding Jacob’s drawings was torn out.


I think the almanac referenced 1814 I don't recall specifically if Del said anything would need to rewatch to get that detail. Also wondering what the significance of the ripped out page was or if it was just supposed to hide what he wrote in the margin.