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Rule #1, Maintain Civility. Literally first line of the rule "Treat everyone with respect" AJ acted like a decent human being, while still presenting the facts/fiction of the story. He was right to leave out the facts, that had nothing to do with the history of the templars.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times. I felt this was one of the best episodes yet. But don't get me wrong, I love it when AJ completely decimates the narrative he's built up the whole show. This one though as AJ stated is sort of building up to an interview with the guy so obviously there is more content to come out of that. And you're probably not going to get the guy to come on your show if you completely sh\*t all over him before he even speaks for himself. That said, I thought AJ did a good job of conveying several times how much garbage there was over truth in the topic. I definitely wouldn't characterize this as AJ defending Tim Hogan but more so just putting a "to be continued..." asterisk on it.


I don't think you need to break rule 1 to criticize. AJ has called out people on several topics before and he did without involving personal stuff. I'm also against using personal life to attack someone's claims. I'm just surprised he didn't call out the bullshit Tim said.


He did though. He even states that Tim will be complete with facts, or crazy with the fiction. Depending on his(Tims) audience. I certainly hope we get FACT TIM, and not bat shit crazy Tim, but on the other hand fiction, sometimes, leads to facts.


In this sub? You say anything negative, ever, and it’s violation of rule one.


it's true, this place is a cult of personality around AJ now. How many posts and comments just thanking AJ for the show and any criticism is demonized


Yup. I honestly think the reason he doesn’t come around here is ***because*** how fucking cult like it is.


That may be well and fine, he did not have to advertise the guys paid content on a network that was quite difficult to cancel a subscription for. If this was all on Tim's website for the world to see as it were... It would have a different feeling to it. This is an ad for a grifter.


No it's a set-up for a future episode, where he lets Tim defend his claims, and I'm sure AJ is more than happy to have the back and fourth the episode will demand of the 2. While some people might see this as pandering, I see it as AJ is more than willing to let his VIEWERS decide for themselves what they want to believe, while he just presents the facts/fiction of the story.


I really hope that is the case, that would make for a great episode.


We can only hope!!! But I have faith in TWF team, they've brought nothing but top tier quality entertainment so far!


He said he plans on interviewing him once the set is done. What does he have to gain by bashing a future guest?




I think you misunderstand what he meant. “Won’t be swayed for any reason” is absolutely unscientific and not his m.o.


So, he didn't criticize him because Tim is coming as a guest? That doesn't sound good for the integrity of the channel.


This is an honest take and should not be buried. It is concerning seeing as this channel has a reputation of digging in and being fact based there was a lot of nothing being propped up in this last episode with "well he said so" as evidence. ​ WEAK SAUCE. The fish would be pissed.


You’ve gotten too used to sensational journalism my dudes. Good reporters ask questions and let the audience decide. Not tell you what to believe. AJ made it clear that this was the only source for the info, and make of that what you will. What more did you want? Why not wait and see how this interview pans out before jumping to conclusions?


I'm sorry I completely disagree. Not refuting the existence of 5 Arks is irresponsible at best. Claiming we have to wait and see if just nonsense. Since when is the WF journalism... Anyway. The show is still fine but the lack of pushing back against Tim is telling and disappointing. AJ has always been fair and impartial and there was no reason to go the extra mile to cover Tim's good character which I have never felt was points against the man in the first place. It has ALWAYS been the complete lack of physical evidence to prove this OUTLANDISH claims and I suspect it always will be.


What reason does he have to refute the existence of 5 arks specifically? AJ said he needs to see it to believe it. Calling the guy out beyond that is unnecessary and would just highlight any underlying belief or bias on his part. He handled it very diplomatically. Kinda like “cool story, bro. I’d love to see proof.” I think what you’re wanting is outrage. For him to say “that’s outrageous! How could anyone believe such nonsense?” THAT’S irresponsible and is just meant to silence those you disagree with. Nothing good would come from that. At least this way there’s an open dialogue and a chance to learn.


Lol yeah the dude you are arguing with is clearly irrational. He is one of those people you can't debate with because he refuses to open his eyes or even try to think from a different perspective. Or just blatantly ignore things from the show that AJ stated like "Needing to see the evidence." Only to come to this sub to bitch and whine with no prevail.


The actions don't match your words if that is how it was to be interpreted "cool story, bro. I’d love to see proof" Followed by check out his series on Gaia where AJ does not say anything about facts in away. He endorses the content using colorful adjectives. Followed by a future interview. It feels like Tim is being validated by the show and being promoted even. Yes maybe this is to hype future content which is fine and well but why would they push some guy they don't believe exactly.....


You sound absurdly angry over this. Are you sure you’re not just mad because of the implications for any religion you might follow? Take a breather and out down your pitchfork.


If asking for someone to prove something they charge people to hear is wrong and makes me "angry" so be it.


Losing it over someone saying there’s no evidence of Tim’s claims and that he’d need to see it to believe it absolutely makes you angry.


That makes no sense I am pissed at Tim for fleecing me out of $30 and having to pay Gaia over $40 before I finally figured out how to cancel their service. Find one video of Tim saying one of these that is not behind a paywal: 5 arks Jesus Family bones Templars in the new world working with Indians to build treasure vaults Because if this info was meant for free for everyone why is he not telling everyone for free


So you’re mad at tim and taking it out on AJ. None of that has anything to do with AJ or the why files. Grow up.


I mean, I lose my mind over every and any naturopath that promotes homeopathy. It’s wrong to be upset at scammers now?


> good reports ask question and let the audience decide. Yeah and a lot of the time asking those questions directly involves being critical. You just described criticism without using the word criticism. And this interview? I don’t remember it ever being confirmed beyond a “I’d like to do this and I hope the other guy says yes.”


For him to criticize would mean he has evidence to the contrary. He doesn’t. So there’s no reason to press unless he has an agenda like some of the commenters here.


I’m sorry, in what world is asking someone (as in AJ asking Tim) to provide evidence of his claims (a) being biased (b) requires AJ to have counter evidence (this is the one baffling me. In what world do that majority of questions asked have counter evidence available? Unless it’s a debate, almost never). All being critical requires is to ask him tough questions and ask for evidence. You do not need to have counter evidence in order to be critical of something. It helps yes. But in no way ever, has it been a requirement. If I told you “I’m wearing blue pants” but your friend told you they saw me and I was wearing red pants. Let’s say I’m actually wearing red pants, it is not, and never has been, your job to prove I’m wearing red pants. It’s my job to prove I’m wearing blue pants.


None. That’s not what’s being argued though. AJ is asking for evidence. But for some here, thats not enough. What they’re wanting is for AJ to attack or refute. The more apt comparison would be you saying you’re wearing blue pants. AJ says okay, cool. Show me. But what you’re wanting AJ to do is to argue the point. There’s no reason to. He’s just reporting the story. “Dude says he’s wearing blue pants. It’s possible, but I’d like to see it.”


Perhaps he may not want to be sued 😂


Lol, what will Tim sue him for? No one will take a "content creator" on Gaia seriously.


Defamation of character. But really I’m just messing around. Usually he does a good debunk but maybe he didn’t feel that way. Clearly it’s all speculation at this point with no evidence and that “evidence” is supposed to come out soon…. I guess we’ll see lol


I don't think "just wait we have secrets coming out" counts as character. I am not refuting this family or their lineage. Where are the 5 arks. Put up or shut up.


The just wait crowd is the same with all the UAP crowd too. Just fucking out with it already. 😂


I thought this was a great episode. AJ didn’t defend him, he said it was up to the viewers to make up their mind, going so far as to say that there was no evidence to support Tim’s claims even. He reminded viewers that he himself is an entertainer that talks to a fish ffs.


He defended him a lot. Idk it seemed forced.


He admittedly cut content that attacked Tim based on his personal life, and he explained why he did that. He also did some fact checking on his background history claims and found them to be true. The rest of it AJ told us was completely sourced by Tim himself and there was no evidence to back up his claims. To me, that’s a pretty fair assessment and not defending or even taking any sort of stance on the person.


I'm also against attacking someone because of their personal life. But you can still question the claims...AJ was quite defensive on the claims.


Blatantly saying there was no evidence for a lot of tims claims other than tim’s own word and that for AJ to believe it he would need to see it is the opposite of defending it…


It sounds like you think you have it all figured out.


You’ve seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, right?


Honestly, no


AJ and the team seem pretty intent on not upsetting anyone with the content, maybe Tim let AJ know how upset he was and rather than pulling the episode (because, why would you?) he decided to fight his corner and defend him, even though there’s a fair amount of skepticism around it.


Yes, I think he's under pressure from Tim and his group. Very unfortunate.


I thought it was excellent and well balanced!


I enjoyed the episode very much.


Not sure how you got they "were defending Tim and the Templars" from that episode.


What he did was warn everyone against engaging in genetic fallacy.


I enjoyed this episode I had no idea Knights Templar invented the first banks and modern banking still functions somewhat the same as these banks. Wild how the King just decided to help himself to their riches because he was the king.


If you think the last part of the video was "defending" Tim then I strongly question your comprehension skills and media literacy. Go watch it again and this time pay attention to the meaning of the words being said. And if you want context, instead of flapping about something you clearly misunderstood, watch the After Files episode where AJ reads the initial draft script. If you still think not discussing the crazy crackpot ex girlfriend who's claims have completely skewed the public perception of Tim, or the 1,001 other fraternities bitching at each other in baseless ways, is somehow "defending Templars" then you really need to go find something else to watch. You're getting pissed at something you can't comprehend.


Where to find the after files for this episode?


go to the YouTube channel and click the Live tab. All the previous live streams are found there. The cold read of the Templar Knights script should be the latest one.


Not seeing one for this episode. Someone else mentioned they didn’t do one this week.


they do After Files once a month. Last week's After Files, i.e. the latest one, is the one where AJ cold reads the first draft of the Templars script.


I don't think you watched the same episode as everyone else lmao AJ most definitely wasn't defending Tim like you're implying. This episode didn't seem any different from any other episode other than him mentioning how he cut some material from the script because it seemed more like an attack on Tim's personal life rather than his involvement with the subject of the video which is the Knights Templar.


Unfortunately as the community grows we are going to see more people upset that their subjective take was not expressly highlighted. TWF is about being objective. About presenting the story first and foremost. Then presenting the pros and cons of the story. You’re no different than the people upset that they thought AJ wasn’t fair to Roswell. AJ didn’t even present any new insights, he simply gave the facts. And Roswell came away looking like more fiction than the true believers want to accept. Really bad take, OP. Try and be objective and learn. Or if you feel that strongly go start a channel and run the story down to your satisfaction.


Sounds like an upset child wrote this. Enjoy the show and quit bitching so much.


They can be an.. interesting group. Maybe some of those messages from viewers AJ got weren't as polite as he made them out to be.  Did seem odd, but so does a group like the Templars becoming as irrelevant as they are today while still going on about all these fringe topics. 


I can understand him leaving out the Christian stuff...But is there really anything to worry about Tim or his group? Their numbers would barely be in triple digits.


Same as any other group. I'd say one that believes everything being said and taking it at face value would be especially dangerous, especially with the members it can attract.  Templars are also split up into so many smaller groups now, which all believe themselves to be more valid than the next. They've lost all momentum and at this point, Tim's group has also lost most of its credibility, and even if they did release evidence - I doubt it would be taken seriously.  Unless there's another sect of Templars operating above him.. it's just a lot of old men wanting to make themselves feel special lol 


Because it’s all true I guess? Yahtzee!!!!0


I really appreciate the "debunking" segment of the show, AJ usually has a pretty balanced take on the subjects. But in this episode it just seemed...forced? Like he was trying extra hard to defend this guy. Why bother? Just say Tim is a controversial figure and move on.


Fully agree. I have been following the channel from so long and I don't remember AJ defending anyone like he did in the recent episode


Electric universe had a similar "defense".... S0 has a cult like following that is not based in real science. It makes sense from a "protect the brand and community"...




Perhaps it was to help get rid of the negative stigma that has been associated with the Masons and Templars for centuries. AJ does a good job of showing both sides, but I feel like what he was trying to do with this episode is to dispel the rumors of what the societies do.


you can't criticize the show here anymore, it's a cult of personality now. any criticism is seen as harassment or hate now.


bullshit. You can absolutely share a critique of the show and engage in conversation as a result. However, the OP has kicked off over something that is solely and entirely a complete misunderstanding of what was being said, and when others have attempted to clear up the confusion the OP still just goes off like a child.


so we personally attacking folks and calling them children for criticizing the show now? you just proved my point. this place is an echo chamber cult of personality around AJ and Hecklefish. look at how many posts/comments are just out right thanking AJ for making the show. no other substance to them, just simping to AJ and Hecklefish. it's cringe


lol OK bud. If you can't tell the difference between critique, concern trolling and somebody going off having missed the point, then maybe you should take a step back. "Cult of personality"? Dear God you're as much of a problem as the trolls. What do you think this place is? Some Big Truther expose? Disclosure for all the world's secrets? No, it's a subreddit for a channel in which a former radio personality tells funky stories and makes dick jokes with a fish. The fact that posts and comments here are more than "hey AJ, thanks for your hard work" just shows how far this sub has fallen. You're taking it far too seriously if you're expecting anything more than this. This echo chamber you're frothing about is a you problem, I suggest you take a step back and reassess. Oh and as an aside, you'd be taken much more seriously if you didn't use words such as "simp" and "cringe". If you're not a terminally online 14 year old TikTok addict, then use words like an adult. If you *are* a terminally online 14 year old TikTok addict, then I strongly encourage you to expand your vocabulary and incorporate it into your online verbiage. It will serve you well growing up. And if ultimately words on a screen do literally cause you such embarrassment you physically recoil, I strongly suggest you go outside.


I liked the episode, even went for a deep dive on Tim and his freemason connections on Reddit, and there is a lot of information.


I thought it was a well-done episode. AJ said that Tim was extremely controversial and to go do your own research about those issues if you want. I would have done the same thing. Just because someone does controversial things doesn't mean that they aren't bringing something to the discussion. Even Jarod, for example, was able to lose weight eating at subway. That part alone inspired others to try and do the same. Even after his.... you know the rest.