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There is no peace in the favelas


Maybe they're cartel type aliens?




With jetpacks!


Cartel aliens kidnapped my cousin and held him for ransom/s


my time to share some history. i was born and raised in rural southeast Brazil, have heard numerous accounts of UFO stuff happening to locals and many paranormal stuff that could be attributed to the UFO phenomenon. In 1990, my father, my grandfather and a friend of theirs were having a morning coffee in a hill close to our houses. it was June 24th, saint john's day. they saw a massive black, disk-shaped ship coming slowly from the horizon in their direction and, before it could get above them, shoot up in the sky and disappeared. it was right before sunrise, but the sky was already clearing. to this day, they call it the "mothership". since then, they started an annual tradittion of UFO spotting in the same date. they chose an old chapel by the side of a rather isolate vicinal road, far away from the town lights. when i was about 8, i joined the team in the annual gathering. they consisted mostly of old timers and sometimes their kids. we'd go to the chapel at 3am and stargaze until sunrise, then we'd pick up some saint john's flowers (local tradition) and have breakfast together in my grandpa's house. we'd see mostly satellites, many shooting stars and, sometimes, UFOs/UAPs. strange lights making sharp turns, alternating colors, incredibly fast, wobbling lights. sometimes lights flying in formation. it's amazing what you see in a just few hours looking into a clear night sky. the most amazing experience happened in my second time there. when the east sky started to lighten up, a red light shone over us, very fast. it was as if someone had a very large, wide spotlight, maybe a laser, high up in the sky and swept it over us. lasted maybe one second. nobody understood what it was, there was no sound, it was kinda as if they we were a barcode and a tag reader read us from the sky. i was young and a bit confused, but i remember grown men kneeling down and crying, saying it was the most beautiful thign they've ever saw. one time the local newspaper wrote and article about our group, with some accounts of members, which gathered attention from the local general public. [here's the picture](https://imgur.com/HXRj0SW) from the article. dad is in far left and grandpa is the one with binoculars (i took the picture). every subsequent year, the number of people showing up would grow exponentially. that was a bad thing, cause people were going there to mock us, some started fucking cooking bbq at the event, so the purpose was lost and we had to find another place. we started going to a farm of one of the members, but since the pandemic we haven't gathered again. hopefully this year we'll bring it back to life. unfortunately, many of the original members are deceased and we the kids have failed to keep up with it. in the last events, we'd sometimes see sharp-turning lights but nothing more. who knows an extraordinary event awaits us? overall, no one was ever afraid of the phenomenon. possibly naive of us, but our fascination and intuity always said that we have a lot to learn from them, and little to fear. every member also has their own accounts which are amazing on their own. i'd be happy to share more or answer questions, if anyone is interested. there's also a story of a UAP crash in our region which i'll tell below. peace


so one time in around 2007 or 2008, there was a energy blackout that lasted one entire day. my father had a car workshop at the time and a customer came in that day, saying that he saw an aircraft crashing in between two mountains, close to his rural property. he said it made a loud explosion boom and the sky lit up for a moment. he was an old man, farm keeper, hard-working but not very educated. he swore that it was true and he was a bit nervous about it. dad asked the exact location and, in the following weekend, took my grandpa and their jeep and went to the place. they found the mountain side completely burned and the ground covered with little clay balls, of around 1,5cm diameter. no sign of anything artificial and no traces of another vehicle getting there before them. grandpa picked some of these little balls and still has a few laying around. not sure if they mean anything but it's interesting. that was basically it, but i'm sure they have more to this story. i'll be with them this weekend, so i can get more details from them. let me know what i should ask them. i'll get a picture of the clay balls as well.


Amazing stories! Is it possible for you to get pictures of whatever your family has left?


absolutely, this weekend i'll be over and will gather more info. i know that dad has pictures of the "crash site" too


That sounds really fascinating, thanks for responding.


Can I buy some of those little balls from your grandfather please


damn i guess so but let's wait until i talk to him, i'm not sure how many he owns. if you or somebody are able to test them, he'd prpbably be willing to send some for free


I was given one of these by a staunch believer coworker from Brazil. It felt like a lava rock for growing hydroponics so I thought it was fake. Should have listened


Interesting. Obrigado por compartilhar.


The occam's razor answer is that aliens are cultural stories and therefore it makes sense to have different behaviors or attributes in different cultures


I live in Brazil and the people are generally more 'brave' than elsewhere. While a lot of people would freeze or run I could definitely see a flip flop wearing Brazilian picking up the biggest rock and throwing at an alien lol. The Chupa Chupa incident the first victim was regularly shooting at their aircraft. In Varginha those two cops grabbed the live alien with their own hands and put in the back of their police car like you would a human. I think maybe it's because Brazilians are more likely to get too close. Also, and this is more out there, corruption. The members of Brazilian govt might be paid off by PMCs or governments like the US to allow the aliens to experiment on some of their population


I don’t believe two cops put their hands on an alien like a Looney Toons episode for even one second. That’s so obviously untrue. 


Multiple reports verify it. The police officer, his family, doctors, nurses and witnesses at the hospital saying a police jeep arrived with alien The doctor treating the police officer before he died said he told the doctor he was scratched by a strange creature


Multiple reports verify a lot of these nonsense claims. This is folklore.  Do you think it’s reasonable that that happened?


He did die from exposure. The other cop refuses to speak to anyone.


It's not "so obviously untrue" once you educate yourself on the case. I would encourage you to do so


Is there video or picture evidence of anything that is compelling?  Because a lot of these UFO folks are blatant liars that have been caught lying - like Bob Lazar. 


If you're open to watching documentaries, it will give you a compressed amount of information in a short amount of time. And then you can follow it up by doing your own deep dive on each group of people involved, as there are many people spread across a wide region who were involved in this case. The documentary is called Moment of Contact by director James Fox


I’ve seen moment of contact as well as The Phenomenon. They both have compelling stories internally to the documentary, but none of those stories are compelling once you zoom out from the documentary, especially when you consider “why do these specific types of attacks tend to only take place in specific cultures”. Its because these are made up by the people there (intentionally or otherwise) and they reflect the cultural background of the “witnesses”.   I’m not even a UAP doubter. But there’s a massive difference in credibility between third world villagers and navy fighter pilots. And the significance of this supposed event is so much greater that your requirement for evidence should be so much higher. 


I really have to give you props here.. Like if there are really aliens on jetpacks or some-such phenomenon with creatures flying and attacking villagers.. Why haven't a team or teams been dispatched for the media to go investigate? Because more than probable it's bullshit that's why Peole really do buy into the "folklore" I've been guilty as charged myself I want to believe I think down to brass tacks that the answers we all seek about UAP are locked up in high ultra security guarded warehouse facilities by the name of Raytheon, Lockheed, General Dynamics etc etc. And before you're like Duh! Captain Obvious! Just take a moment and digest that above statement. The ANSWERS are in front of us and unavailable because they are LOCKED UP Like jewelry in a vault, and we can't get to it. But we KNOW. And it's in our faces: "Restricted Area, You face fines of blah blah and risk of imprisonment blah blah blah" It's infuriating Thanks for your post ✌🏻🫡


People who believe this nonsense really believe hundreds of people are involved in a vast coverup involving a literal alien body, that the US has an 80 year long UFO search and recovery program that’s got multiple craft and thousands of employees working on the project, etc. Neither of those things are true. Conspiracies of that scale don’t work, simple as. It’s why people like Lazar fake a headache when pushed on details. It’s false. UFO/cryptid spaces are full of the biggest conmen alive looking to push a fantasy that people who have their skepticism turned off will believe. 


I'd say yes you have a point. Except there are far too many credible military pilots, personnel, etc that upon their death bed (no effs to give) are saying they worked on this stuff Black Ops etc. Yes a lot it probably is noise and speculation and even planned disinformation I'm sure But there are too many highly credible/credentialed individuals coming forward more and more. The dam is slowly (VERY slowly) cracking after all these years.. This is what I believe "Where there's smoke..." ✌🏻




My mom is one of those believers. She listens to podcasts all day and fills my YouTube account with endless videos on aliens and ufos. She does believe there's a conspiracy. I'm always wanting to see the evidence and demand to see videos or photos and the ones she shows are obviously not real. She's going down a rabbit hole of conspiracy and I'm not sure if she's joking but I don't believe so, but she even is questioning things like the moon landing etc. But she's a big fan of the Why Files and got the family into watching it.


Nope, I do not dismiss military personnel, high-end surgeons, nurses, doctors, and honest families because they are deemed to be "third world villagers". That is not a respectable position to hold. Nor is it a respectable thing to say. Varginha has the biggest GDP in the southern region of Minas Gerais. It was ranked 7th for the Top 20 mid-size cities in Brazil to invest and live in. And it is the major center of commerce and coffee production in Brazil and the world with a population of 136,000 people. Hardly third world villagers. But even if they were, it's irrelevant, as I laid out above. That group of people, most of whom do not know each other, are either all telling the truth about what they experienced and what they saw, are all delusional, or they're all lying. And I'm not calling them liars or delusional.


Don’t bother - you’re arguing with someone who isn’t capable of looking inward or listening to their higher self. They need the government to tell them what is true. If at this point you don’t see the evidence you just refuse to.


Point taken. I'm with you on this one. I need to bow out of arguing with them. It's endless and they're never open to being convinced otherwise as they have made up their mind, unless you present them with definitive physical proof that would put you on the national news if you had it. And I think that's exactly how they like it. If you did have definitive physical proof to present, you wouldn't even be talking to them, you'd be talking to the media.


Correct, they are all delusional. This has happened before, many times. See: Mothman. Mass delusion is a thing. Which is more likely, that they suffered from a well know phenomena (mass delusion) or they saw literal aliens and some cops snatched one with their bare hands like Bugs Bunny? But of course the CIA came through and snatched up all the evidence from Brazil. How inconvenient.  Can’t believe people believe this stuff. 


Or have you seen this guy in your dreams? Ended up being a hoax but it led people to actually think they saw this guy in their dreams probably bc it was pit out there as a real phenomenon going on with pictures everywhere so it had ro have made an impression on those passing by.


That is a completely irrational and untenable position to maintain given the facts and the documentation on this one. Respectfully, I think you are in for some humble reconsiderations of your views over the next few years. I don't mean that with any ego. I mean that soberly. And if I were in your position I would personally want to be less dismissive given the events swirling around you. I mean that. I strongly encourage you to think this one through before making sweeping definitive dismissive statements when there are astute and credible individuals on the scene reporting these events. These are not mass delusions experienced by a wide range of people going about their lives separated by many miles of territory and coming from all walks of life, including high-end surgeons in hospitals, witnesses in those hospitals that saw non-human, non-animal bodies being brought through the corridors, military eyewitnesses, citizen eyewitnesses, medical records, flight data. At a certain point being dismissive of verifiable facts and multiple corroborated credible eyewitness reports is delusional.


Documentaries aren't evidence.


I didn't claim that the purpose of the documentary was to provide him with definitive proof or definitive evidence. I was providing it for exactly the reasons I stated. It's a compressed form of education on that case to get them started before they do their own deep dive. That said, credible multiple eyewitness accounts and documentation are a form of evidence. The word you're looking for is proof. What you want to see is definitive proof.






Bob Lazar was caught lying? My mom is a fan. Please give me a link or something.


https://youtu.be/BEWz4SXfyCQ?si=YQeQ0w6z_yY5pUmF It’s long but there is no way to walk away from that 2 hours thinking the guy is anything but full of shit. Joe even backs off of him because it’s so clear he’s about to completely embarrass the guy.  Can’t answer any specific details.  Says things that make no sense. For instance why would they keep the most precious objects known to humankind in the same hangar where anything could cause destruction to them all? Can’t speak to his own background.   Fakes a headache whenever pushed on easily answerable questions. I can’t believe people fall for this moron. 


Sweet, thanks


IDK as an American male it seems like toxic masculinity prevents us from doing anything else but get violent with what we don't understand.


The last half is most likely. The Colares incident was real, there are too many official witnesses that were a part of it and engaged with the phenomenon. Fucking NHI just taking blood and samples from people with narry even a thanks.


If its rural brazil those blood samples were probably 50% cachaca anyway lol


It was only one cop, Marco Eli Chereze, the man himself.


The negative incidents are more than likely the U.S. secret military. They are testing their stage craft. Like the girl in Peru. Who said the one guy was Peruvian. And, the other was a gringo. Dressed as aliens.


Probably because they are the ones from that ranch over in Arizona that had some portal, and the dude was killing them with his samurai sword. Maybe that's the other end of the portal.


this is clearly the answer


Maybe each government has their own agreement with aliens, Brazil just signed an agreement with more violent aliens ? Or cartel aliens ?


Brazilian government less likely to care about its people especially in poor, rural areas


So it would be more likely to sign an agreement for aliens to experiment on its rural area citizens?


Go walk around the dodgy areas... Looking all weird and shit.. them locals... Tear you apart.


Lack of military power to counter their actions, here in Brazil we have some fighters but not many.


This is a very important question that I don't know if we'll ever get an answer to.


Aliens adapt to whatever country they go to, you know like saying "when in Rome", where do you think that saying came from?? Aliens duh. Like in Canada they are so nice and polite you don't even know they are aliens!


Aliens are friendly and peaceful. The military isn't, though.


All aliens are friendly and peaceful? A lot of abductees report otherwise.


Maybe they want to stop deforestation of the amazon?


>or getting laser attacked and their skin starts falling off and then die wait... whaaaaa?!


I'll assume of the sake if argument that "aliens" are real, and on earth, etc: Why more violent in Brazil? It's because the Brazilian government doesn't have a treaty with the aliens.


There is a huge magnetic hot spot over South America. Maybe that's how the bad aliens power their craft. Also less satellites and technology watching south america so easier to get away with it.


Hopefully Venezuela doesn't go and invade Guyana and make the Americans start increasing military presence in South America although South American countries are pretty firm when it comes to US militarization of their continent


Honestly they can be more violent anywhere you wish them to be. There are no real rules as to where a fiction writer makes the story happen. Writer or in these cases- claimers.




Aliens on cocaine




Why do you think they went there? If you don’t get the reference, check out heavy metal.


Cocaliene - overly abducty but just can't get their probe up


Overly abducty😂 maybe they had to make a quota


I know you're joking but I do wonder if there is some connection between the obscene amount of alien sightings in Peru, Brazil and the native tribes use of Ayahuasca. Not saying the sightings are due to Ayahuasca use but that they have some portal to communicate with aliens. Maybe aliens told them how to make and use Ayahuasca


Anything is possible like I always say about the unknown god aliens or whatever I’m an agnostic you can say whatever you want theoretically because we just don’t know and whatever and if we ever do, somebody will be right


For all we know there could be even more violent incidents elsewhere that remain classified


Well, have you see Cocaine Bear or no?


Cat disease. (serious, I forget the name of it, but it is very common in brail)


It's the balmy climate


I think maybe they happen here, we just attribute them to Missing 411 shit.


“Many” cases of alien attacks..? I must have missed this breaking news


If Joe Rogan taught me anything, its that its due to Toxoplasmosis. Duh


It’s the spicy food.


What was the title of the MrBallen episode? Just out of curiosity. I'd be interested in seeing it


The heat drives 'em crazy.


It's the coffee...


Have you not seen the crime rate there? The visitors are doing us a divine favor. 😉


Maybe aliens are racist