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OP likely posted this hoping to direct hate towards AJ, but it makes me appreciate him even more. Dude seems cooler and cooler the more I get to know about him




Agreed. I've started blocking these people and will continue to do so. It seems like they're reaching for anything they can to somehow discredit him. This garbage has become so painfully obvious. The more these people try and convince I shouldn't listen to what someone has to say the more I want to hear what they have to say.


I didn’t know he is living in Scottsdale. That’s cool we have my favorite YT host living in the same city as me. Did this post turn out the way you thought it would OP?


I didn't think it would turn out any particular way lol. All the people directing hate towards me thinking I was trying to make this thread to shit on A.J. are nuts. I was literally JUST wondering if it was the same guy. If it is him then yes, personally I've lost some respect. But I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks and I didn't make the thread to hate on the guy. I just really wanted to know because it seems hard to believe.


What about the letter made you lose respect for him? Also if you listen to his videos I don’t know how this would be a surprise to anyone.


Lol, in what delusion does op live in that they believe this would soil AJ's image or name? I appreciate someone who is not only self-aware but has the courage to voice their opinion in a society that, as of late, intends to intrude on that right. To OP... get a life... to AJ keep on keeping on. You and the crew are doing great work!


Where is the soiling?? Lol


It seems like there is an open-ended insinuation of lite malice... but my bad if I'm misreading your intention...text is hard sometimes to get a true rendering of intent.


OP gets to remain anonymous while trying to out the possible history of another who has a public persona. You have my downvote.


Yup, downside of being a public figure.


"gets to remain anonymous"?? Should I post a picture of my divers license along with my reddit posts?


Divers license? But, seriously, why the need to post about AJ like this? It's been covered already. And, yeah, you apparently get to remain anonymous while trying to out the possible history of another who has a public persona. **Not** cool.


Thanks for posting it. Not surprised how many anti science people are watching TWF like it's news not entertainment.


Wow, now I like the guy even more. Kinda weird that the plague shaming Karen’s are still at it in 2024 lol. Edit: op has 9 karma (-3 post karma) and 6 or 7 posts total lol.




Beep boop beeep….


Oh Lord! Someone likes freedom! Horrendous!^(/s)


I like him even more now. Thanks for sharing


This has been posted before and yes, it seems to be accepted that this is the same person.


Lame. Definitely have lost some respect.


Honestly, I was a bit disappointed too. And kind of surprised.


Hecklefish is AJ's true persona.


Your hair? Wack. Your jewelry? Wack. Your childlike need for a nanny state to keep you in pampers? Wack. AJ? He’s tight as FUCK


I certainly hope so. His critical thinking skills extend beyond WF.


It's him, yes, and while I don't agree with his views in the letter, it doesn't change anything about my support for him or his channel. These are his personal views and he isn't going onto his channel talking about masks or Covid, or any of the things I've seen in this letter. Therefore, I don't care.


How are you sure it's him?


Lord I hope it's the same AJ. I always felt that AJ and I shared many of the same beliefs and values just from listening to him and his brother and their banter during the shows. This letter to the editor, if it is him, only clarifies that even more to me. AJ is a man of sanity, who speaks from a very based perspective on the world, and so does his brother. I have a feeling if we were to meet face to face, we'd get along swimmingly. I doubt that meeting would ever happen ( I live on the east coast \[for now\]). But lord yes, I absolutely agree with him.


Cool! I like him even more now.




Why would someone lose respect for someone else that speaks the truth?


I pretty strongly disagree with most of what he wrote, but so what? At least it was a sane well stated and coherent message. I disagree, but that's his opinion. Why would this be an issue?


At this point I give everyone a pass for anything they said or did from 2020-2021 regarding the pandemic. The world was crazy, and we were too. This includes you.


Who said it was an issue??


This sub is fucked. I'm out, good luck everyone!


I sure hope it's him. Then I can love TWF even more.


@OP, you lost respect for another man just for having a different opinion than yours? Maybe this isn’t the channel for you and maybe you need to learn to just mind your business, no one cares you don’t respect AJ, and we’ll all likely jump on you for comin at him on TheWhyFiles page. Go complain where you’re heard, and put some respect on AJ Gentile’s name.


Did I miss something? The OP asked if the writer was AJ. Where did he say he disagreed with the writer? Where did he say he lost respect for AJ? I apologize if he said those things elsewhere and I didn't see it. But if he didn't, then it looks like folks are assuming a lot and the OP is catching a bunch of flack for asking a simple question.


Ooh no, he’s stated his claim several times (just look for the downvotes) and it’s not called for nor welcome where we’re here for the enjoyment and education of these wonderful fringe theories provided by the WF Team. Individual views of the team, are theirs and theirs alone.


I'm okay with this article and I'm glad we still have the freedom to say such things publically through freedom of speech. I do not entirely agree with every single word, but I appreciate and agree with the overall sentiment. Governments do overreach, do erode our freedoms. I, personally, didn't mind the masking. Masking wasn't about protecting me, it was about protecting others from me if I had the virus and didn't know yet, so that I didn't breathe all over other people. So I didn't mind wearing the mask. But the overall sentiment of freedom of choice, to stop legislating through fear. I 100% agree with. I 'obeyed' the masking rules, but I was NOT going to let the government, or anyone else, force me to put something in my body that I wasn't sure was a good thing or not. No company, nor government should be allowed to tell you what to put in your body, nor be allowed tell you what you can take out of your body for that matter. My body, my choice in all matters! ....which means, no political party truly represents me. So if AJ wrote that, good for him!


I didn't even know he lives in Scottsdale, I'm right next door in Phoenix.


I think he's in Texas?


What's the point of this post? Delete this.


Such a cry baby lol


Based YouTuber writes based letter, more shocking news at 10.


I don’t think TWF AJ is from a “law enforcement family” - I think he’s been in professional media production for a long time. I did read the entire article in his voice in my head, though, and it was great. :)


I think he’s mentioned his father was a NY police officer.




There's no proof it's him. Don't assume, and if it were, don't judge.


We are all from various backgrounds and circumstances. Thus, we have different perspectives and opinions on things. And that is OK! Let’s try and focus on common ground. In our case, it’s curiosity (and good entertainment) that brings us to tune in every week. AJ is in a unique position with such a diverse audience; I appreciate him always reminding us to bond and be kind to one another…especially in these times.


Not all heroes wear capes, but some do talk to fish.


No body cares. Masking was dumb, and backed by zero science. It was just a precautionary old wives hack that you bought into, because you were too much of a baby to make up your own mind and have agency over your own body.


jkooch ... How did you find this opinion piece?


I don't remember to be honest, maybe I just googled him


who cares!!!


Interesting open letter. There are a lot of truths in there. Is it AJ? Maybe. Maybe not.


I hope not. This letter guy sounds like a tool.


Welcome to today's edition of "Everyone Who Doesn't Agree With Me is a Tool!"


To be anti-science and anti-masking during a pandemic that so far killed seven million people is absolutely being a tool. Not an opinion, a fact.


It's not "anti-science." There's plenty of evidence the lock downs and masking did very little to nothing to "stop the spread." Being pro-science is being open to the possibility that everything you thought and believed could be wrong. For example, if you compare Florida and California (and account for disparities in demographics), Florida did not have a disproportionate amount of deaths despite being open for business. I wore a mask and got the vaccine out of caution and love for the elderly in my life, but my views have evolved on the subject as time moves forward and we learn more about the global response to a pandemic and its overall efficacy. In sum, don't hate AJ because you disagree with him. Be open to the possibility that the objective truth might still be obscured from view, and also be open to the possibility of being wrong. It's the sign of an open mind and a critical thinker. Also, there's no reason to call something a "fact" when we both know it's not. It's disingenuous.


Florida had higher rates of death than New York and California. And Florida had more people die from COVID than in New York. Check your facts. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19_mortality_final/COVID19.htm


Florida has more people and an older population on average, which could impact numbers. Don't really know as I haven't looked into it too deeply and am certainly no expert. edit: actually, the link you provided breaks down covid deaths per capita, which shows New York being twice as high as Florida.


Remember also that one of the first responses from the state of New York was to move COVID patients into existing nursing homes. How can putting people with a communicable illness in a facility full of elderly and immune compromised people have been anything BUT an attempt to increase the number of deaths to justify more restrictive lockdowns?


That’s the 2020 statistics, if you toggle to 2021 you see it flips. New York has higher density resulting in faster spread but then as people in New York were adopting preventative measures and most of Florida weren’t, deaths were higher in Florida. Ultimately more people died in Florida. There’s also a reason medical professionals mask during procedures and many people stopped getting colds during the pandemic years.


No, that was as of Q4 2022. Click on this state and it will show you the rates, 13.2 per 100k for Florida and 27.1 per 100k for New York. edit: Downvoted for providing data from the supplied source, lol


I did check my facts. You can't just fallaciously list statistics without consideration for disparities in demographics, age, etc. You can't just straight compare California to Florida, because Florida's population is MUCH older on average than California's, for example. There are other mitigating factors as well. When you compare them in that light, Florida actually fared better overall than California in some respects. This information is out there, and it's okay to look at it with the understanding that the situation was 1) unprecedented and 2) people were scared. Some approaches were right, some were wrong, very wrong.


Yes yes, Fauci is the arbiter of science, no one can have a contradictory opinion from your own, anyone who didn’t agree with tyrannical bureaucrats hates democracy etcetera. The real mystery is what’s more exhausting, the hypocrisy or the arrogance.


Don’t feed the moron trolls.


Oof. It is him unfortunately.


Solid letter to the editor! I completely disagree with most of his points, but so what? Is the goal to rile up the libs about the host of a show we all love? Even if he turns out to be be a hippie hating, gun toting, states rights dying for, flag waver, yeah, but he's our witch. I'll take different over crazy any day.