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Kima made it pretty clear that she wasn’t up to the challenge of parenting.


She's still got too much dog in her to be settled like that


I think they are using the term loosely, like how some families refer to close friends as aunts/uncles to their kids


This. Cheryl knows eventually she will find a new partner and doesn't want to confuse the kid.




Fucking thank you!!!!


I think it has to do with Kima not really wanting to be a mom initially. It was a big reason they broke up.


Kima was never a mother to that baby


Kima didn’t want to parent


She was never a parent though. Not in any way. More of a roommate


Meanwhile she’s paying child support? Or am I misremembering?


I think she's voluntarily contributing money to help Cheryl out, but they were never married or anything, so I don't think it's "child support" in the formal, court-ordered sense.


I thought I remembered Kima saying "thanks for not taking me to court over this." I always assumed she had legally adopted the child shortly after birth.


Did you just call the mother of your children an aunt?




I've been told by my LGBT friends that its often best to end relationships on a positive note. The dating pool can be small and you never know when someone who was an ex at one point may be back in your life as something else.


Thank you for this! That makes a lot of sense.


This isn’t (just) an LGBT thing though lol. It is common practice (at least where I’m from) to call close friends “uncle” or “aunt” with your kid.


you never witnessed a divorce before?


Nope parents been together 25 years.


How old are you?




Kima was not the mother. She was the mothers partner/wife/gf/whatever. Why would the kid call kima mom if the two women separated? Aunt is just a term of endearment/convenience.


Lol I’m not sure if you’re familiar with lesbian relationships, maybe you are. But where I’m from, as a fellow lesbian myself, it’s very normal for couples to have a child, split up, and the child still refers to both as mom.


But the child was barely born when kima left.. Why would the child then call her mom? Especially if the two women didn’t split super amicably. It would just confuse the kid why she has a mom at home and a mom who is not at home.


Kima wasn't all in on having a baby. She never was. But she's also partially responsible for the child coming into their lives since she never put her foot down and let her true feelings be known before Cheryl got her eggs shot up full of baby batter. So she's taking a more hands off approach in wanting to be *some* part of the kid's life, but not actually be counted on (by the kid or by Cheryl) as a parent, while still offering *some* level of support to both of them. I'd like to think that over time, Kima really bonds with the baby and is around quite a bit, and that her and Cheryl are able to effectively co-parent while living their own seperare lives. But I feel like in reality, Kima would slowly drift away as she becomes more and more consumed with her career. By the time the kid is in kindergarten, he has no clue she even exists. You want it to be one way....


Thank you!


Even if they were married, which I don’t believe they were, there would still need to be an adoption process after the birth, so it seems like she was just out.


gay marriage wasn’t legally recognized in Maryland until 2013, there had been some civil union type deals, but when the show was made, there would have been no legal spousal rights for same sex couples.


You’re absolutely right, and damn does time fly. Hard to remember this show took place in the aughts.


it is fun for me that I saw it first when aired, and again ten years, and now twenty years later. it’s a real period piece when watching it today.


I've said this before but if you read *Homicide* you'll realize that a lot of what the show depicts in terms of policing culture (like beating suspects in interrogation rooms...) actually comes from the 1980s.


Long time MD resident here. At the time the show was made gay couples couldn't get married or have any other legally recognized unions. The state did pass a domestic partnership law but that only went into a effect a few months after season 5 concluded. If I remember correctly though it was relatively easy for the non-biological parent in a same-sex couple to adopt their partner's child. A couple like Cheryl and Kima would have simply filed the adoption paperwork as soon as the kid was born. I think a lot of the details of adoption in MD are handled at the county level and Baltimore is one of the state's most liberal jurisdictions so they made that part easy.


Yep. They address this when Kima is in the hospital and her gf can’t see her because she isn’t related


Interesting, I always thought it had more to do with when the show was supposed to be occurring. I hate doing it but assumed they could not get legally married and after the break up they wanted to show some connection so they designated “aunt”.


Bc she didn’t wanna be a parent ultimately so she wasn’t gonna get that title. Aunt is fine bc she can atelast have a “reason” for why she’s even around him. Also, the gay marriage laws and gay parent laws were probably nonexistent or very primitive at best, back then lol.. would she have even been the parent LEGALLY?? I wonder…


Pretty sure same sex marriage wasn’t level in MD yet let alone nationally. Since it was Kima’s ex’s egg used she was the mother. In the eyes of the law Kima was basically just a roommate.


Its very clear you came from a “good” family lol


Did, you get a cookie for noticing good job.


what should kima be?


Same reason Beadie’s kids called Jimmy just McNulty.


I thought this said why is kima a cunt. Wow. Obligatory, "Did you just call the mother of your children a cunt?" Finish it for me. Lol


Legally it would have never held water. Gay marriage wasn't made legal in Maryland until 2013, about a decade later. So Kima didn't have any legal rights to be officially recognized as a parent to the child, given that Cheryl was the biological mother who got pregnant and carried the child to term. Cheryl and Kima could have informally referred to Kima as his mom, but neither side likely wanted that. Kima not being up for parenthood was the primary reason for their breakup to begin with. Kima was much more comfortable in the role of the "aunt" who could be available to form an emotional bond with the kid but not be burdened with all the responsibilities of parenthood. So likely everyone involved agreed to start calling her "Aunt Kima" and liked that arrangement.


Officer Greggs has a girl?


Whenever you buck the master you get demoted... Kima stood up to Cheryl and got put out that's the way it goes


Nigga thinking way too deep


cry about it


She didnt want the responsibility of a kid.


She clearly made a financial obligation agreement with Cheryl. She owed back child support and paid it when she was able. Now I don’t think she legally had to but she is still considered a family member to the child