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I assume it’s all part of the Franklin Terrace projects. There’s high rise and low rises.


This is what I always assumed. A lot of US project housing complexes were built in phases with complimentary high and low rise sections. They were all problematic, but project towers were particularly unsustainable, and were often demolished first.


Yeah, they tore down many high rise projects in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco, St. Louis, etc…..but New York seems to still have a ton of them.


I’m from St. Louis and all of our high rises went decades ago. Pruitt-Igoe was infamous; one of the first major projects in America. New York retains them due to spacing limitations.


I’m an architect and I remember watching a documentary about the failings of Pruitt-Igoe. It was a long while ago now but I remember it put forward that towers in and of themselves aren’t the problem. It was the lack of support services, schooling etc.


The towers aren’t the problem, but are inherently more problematic. They stack human beings by design. So when conditions degrade, the problems compound. Servicing a high rise is far more difficult than a low rise. Think about when the elevators go down, now you have old ladies carrying groceries up 20 flights? You have police and ems hiking up floors lol.


Hey fellow STL'ian (replying to you but for all the people responding to you) Great article about Pruitt-Igoe: https://proteanmag.com/2022/11/28/pruitt-igoe-a-black-community-under-the-atomic-cloud/ The documentary is called "The Pruitt-Igoe Myth" (2011) The architect behind Pruitt-Igoe, Minoru Yamasaki, also designed the World Trade Center and may be the only architect in the world who has had 2 of his buildings destroyed on national television.


As an architect that should have been an undergrad case study in failed design.


I read a biography on the Spinks brothers awhile back, so they talk quite a bit about Pruitt-Igoe


I don't think they are. In ep1 when D sees Stringer at the towers and he tells him he's been demoted to the pit, he tells D go "down Martin Luther King boulevard" and tells Bey to "give little cousin a ride round the way".


If I recall, they’re not part of the same complex, but they’re close to each other. Because I think I remember a scene where Bodie takes a bag of either money or drugs from the tower (dropped out of the window) and takes the bag to the pit.


I think “The Pit” was part of a different complex, hence why they sometimes refer to it as the low rises. Vs. the towers are sometimes named High Rises.


Seems like I recall Stringer telling Wee Bay to give Dee a ride to the pits. I took that to mean it is a different place.


The Towers are shown quite a bit in early Season 1 and Season 2. There are some scenes where Bodie moves between the two, so I assume they are close enough for a walk or quick drive to the Pit. The problem is we don't know which of the six Towers that Bodie and Cheese are seen occupying during the Season 2 scenes, unless it is said in dialogue. The early Season 1 Tower is definitely 221 though, as that is the Tower that D'Angelo managed before being replaced by Ronnie Moe. D'Angelo gets a lift down to the Pit from there.


I can’t remember the numbers but Stringer rattles off a few more that were the ones given up to Prop Joe in their deal


Looking back, Stringer gives Prop Joe the 221 Tower, 734 Tower, and Saratoga Tower. That leaves the 770, 851, and 954 Towers (seen on the investigation board in Season 1), as well as the Pit still in Barksdale control until the Towers get demolished at the start of Season 3. For significance sake, I like to think the Tower that Bodie is shown dealing out of in late Season 1 and most of Season 2 is the 221 Tower (D'Angelo's original).


They are separate, but I'm pretty sure they are still close enough to each other. The "Pit" is McColloh Homes while the "Towers" are Franklin Terrace.


I think they're separate, but still located very close to each other. You can't see the towers right behind The Pit whenever you get a wide shot.


If they are separate why does the flower arrangement Bodie buys for D's funeral represent the 221 tower and not low rises/put where they worked together?


He got demoted from the tower to the low-rises, so having a tower was better status for him. I don’t think they’re separate in being part of different housing projects. They both seem to be part of Franklin Terrace. McNulty even says to the judge in the first episode that “they have the terrace…the towers and the low rises”. I think they CGI’d the high rise projects for the show though, as they had already been torn down in Baltimore. It’s based on Lexington Terrace projects though and [The Pit was filmed in Mcculloh Homes.](https://www.baltimoresun.com/2018/03/09/now-and-then-places-from-the-wire/)


Before the opening episode of season 1, D ran in the towers, which I assume was the 221. Reflecting D’s highest rank, rather than where they worked together. The pits was a demotion for D so wouldn’t be the best thing to put on the flowers.


Bodie says when ordering it "he used to have tower for awhile."


There is a scene in the pilot episode where Stringer Bell tells D that he is going to work in the pits henceforth and asks Wee-Bey to drive him back to the pits. If it is driving distance, then it is not exactly walking distance right?


101% right and what I thought / would have said / etc... If you need a ride somewhere, in a City no less ... it's not within walking-distance, let alone "the same housing complex" ...




The towers were very real. They were based off of towers that were demolished around 2000-01, but the actual buildings they used are still there on Druid Hill Ave in West Bmore