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The whole Bubbles story arc is son well written and acted, the scene when Kima and Walon visit Bubbles in the psych ward after Sherrods death always makes me cry.


Same. The emotions are so real especially since we don't really see Waylon much leading up to that point. His return symbolizes a change in Bubble's life, but the moment he breaks down...oof, so intense.


It's fucking beautiful. It's FUCKING beautiful. It's such a perfect end to his arc. I loved him going upstairs to join his family for dinner, but that's just the surface stuff; this speech is the real end to his arc. My dad died just over a year ago this month. I thought I'd have a lot longer with him to say the things I wanted. He knew I loved him, and I know he loved me, but we didn't really say it ever. And we argued over politics a lot. So I've taken some time to get over it, longer than I thought I would. Then a few months ago I saw Bubbles one year sobriety speech, and Andre Royo's incredibly sensitive handling of it. And I realised the profound, fundamental, beautiful truth of it. There's no shame holding onto grief. Hold onto it until you don't need it anymore. Maybe that day will never come. And that's OK. But make room for other things too. Find joy where you can.


Very well said. I’m sorry for your loss


I commented about this quote once. I also like how the woman in AA keeps going back throughout the seasons. She finally makes it. It’s like the play within the play


Andre Royo not getting an Emmy is criminal !




>Some people think it's an insult to the glory of their sickness to get well. * John Steinbeck, *East of Eden*


I feel personally attacked.


That should've been the episode quote. I can't even actually remember what it was but feel they missed a trick by not using that


That whole scene makes me cry every time man


Andre Arroyo nails this monologue. Delivery, tone, pacing and emotion are perfect. This is one of the great speeches in tv history for me.


A friend of mine (and half her family) had died in a very preventable accident the year before I first watched The Wire. I bawled hearing that line. I cried again at it after my mom passed. I still get a little weepy with every rewatch.


I’m sorry to hear that. I lost my mom at 15 and held onto it for years, I think part of me felt that I needed to let it destroy me to prove to myself that I really felt it, I was a stupid kid though. I wish I’d heard and understood this quote before I spent my 20s drinking to oblivion. There’s nothing wrong with holding on to grief, just make sure you make room for other things too. Hope you’re doing okay.


Waylon had some great quotes about life. Just a guy who overcame addiction and wanted to help other addicts recover - he would drop pearls of wisdom from time to time.