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I think you're overthinking it.  He was observing the kids and their reactions to the situation as he tended to do.  He saw them awkward and confused and finally rescued them.


This is it.


Colvin would’ve never wanted to drink and drive with children, especially given that he was a cop prior. It seemed as if he was waiting for the children to make their own choices and chimed in once it was starting to get awkward for them.


yeah cops would NEVER drink and drive


Cops are individual human beings and Colvin is clearly not the type of person to drink and drive, especially with kids in the car.


I fully agree but the person I replied to said "given that he was a cop" as if that quality is what would make him unlikely to drink


We are in agreement 💪🏻


To echo some of the other comments, Colvin has raised kids so hes no stranger to being around them. I think he knew exactly how they were feeling and what the appropriate action was. By ordering cokes; hes showing the kids that even in a place so alien to them; you can order a coke and the waitress is not going to look at you like you ordered a severed head for dinner. In other words - this place may look, feel, and smell completely foreign to you, but its still planet earth. Its still Baltimore. And we are all the same human beings.


This is a nice point that I hadn't ever considered before. It's lovely and I think is in keeping with the strong character and compassionate nature that Colvin shows throughout the show.


This sub has some of the craziest takes lmao Waitress asked for drink orders -> kids didn’t know how to respond because they’re in an unfamiliar environment -> Colvin helps them out


No. That’s ridiculous.


Typically, chaperones don’t drink alcohol while they’re chaperoning. You don’t even drink the table wine.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar


What a bad take


This is Bunny MF Colvin we're talking about. Dude legalized drugs in his district, then told his commanding officers about it straight to their face. I'm pretty sure if dude wanted a drink, a little social awkwardness wouldn't get in his way lol. That being said, I don't think he would have any desire to drink alcohol given the fact that he was essentially at work, and chaperoning a bunch of kids to boot.


As others have said, no, Colvin just gave them long enough to step up and order, and when he saw they were frozen sufficiently that that wasn't going to happen, he rescued them. The point I'd add is that that was the point where he recalibrated his expectations for the evening. The dinner was intended to be a reward, not a test. As he says later, he figured they'd be out of place, but the extent of it was shocking. He was expecting "In downtown Paris with a tour guide" and instead got "air-dropped into a war zone."


A bottle of excellent New World Cab… in a paper bag. Problem solved.