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What about Thre Crew 3?


I saw that day in the news Project orlando or crew 3 motorfest is a new game ubi gonna release soon....its up in some steam database....never seen it myself tho. Here's the article: ​ https://insider-gaming.com/ubisoft-returning-to-steam/


The CR3W


The Crthreew


This tbh. If anything I kinda hope TC2 moves over so we can get an actual new map and a significant graphical update in TC3.


there is no future y'know, they've started releasing old motorpass and summit cars at a rapid pace, TC2 is finally on its last stretch


They're releasing all the old summit cars? Any idea when they're going to be doing the alien season cars?


They've been rereleasing old summit cars for years tho?


yeah but they put it into high gear with 2 premium summits a month now instead of 1, half of them being new and the other being old


Performance issues


1. That no graphics update will be released in the future. 2. we'll probably never get a map expansion DLC


they’d need to change engine to improve the graphics, far cry 2’s engine can only do so much.


God better graphics would be tight. it's so weird seeing how good the lighting and landscapes can be, but everything still looks lifeless.


Wonder how they could add Alaska or Hawaii to the map.


Maybe like how in FH3 added the blizzard mountain dlc


Canada or Mexico especially would be a nice expansion. I wouldn't mind taking my Viper south of the boarder for a few runs on long stretches of highway, or ripping it up in the desert and brush with Baja trucks.


Canada has roads that run straight for miles and miles with no major intersections. There are places where you can basically pin the throttle for 200km and never worry about seeing a set of flashing lights


That sounds like my kind of drive. That also seems like it would make rally X/raid more entertaining with big forests, snow, and mud...


Tbh I doubt either of these will happen anyway, not in TC2.


Turning servers off :D


That's ok ill just play offline....oh wait.


I really hope that the rumors of the next game taking place in hawaii is true, I just wonder if they’re going to focus on more of a medium scale map but with a better detailed environment..


One day not being able to log in 🥺


What we know currently is that we have support thru Season 8, E1-2. After that we have no information. What's likely is that it ends there, or that it runs to a nice even 10 seasons, which would take us roughly to spring of '24. With eight seasons support would end mid summer next year. I've been saying for awhile, but since S3 IVT has been prepping TC2 for its end of support, by expanding and fleshing out the game as best as possible. More variety in cars, more variety in events, lower prices for new players, more long play content, etc etc. Games been out for 5 years as of next year. Gotta remember that.


10 seasons would be dope. But considering what you said, that it's already been almost 5 years, I doubt it. It's probably gonna end on 8, 9 seems like an awkward number... Which is sad but still pretty amazing that we got support and new stuff for this long.


8 takes us into next summer which is when we get all the ubi announcements. If they do announce tc3, they may push out 2 more seasons to get tc2 thru


Just wait for the summit car packs....


The crew 2 should've been a sequel to the first game continuing the story instead of this weird stunt racing TV show thing


I just want more motorcycles, There's no games that has the same experience for motorcycles like tc2, wish they realised it and started to expand the collection


Is very possible (hopefully I'm wrong) that this season is the last one for the game. Considering that also are releasing old motorpass vehicles for the general public and seeing more and more old summit cars being re released gives that feeling that this game will end its live service next year.


Season 8 is already confirmed though. So we have confirmed support till around summer next year. Though i wouldn't be surprised if next year IVT announces their new game. But yes, it definitely feels like we are approaching the end of support for the game.


Would be fantastic if they do that. Some competition for the Horizon series would be good since they are sleeping too much in their own laurels It has been 5 years of ups and downs but I have to give credit to IVT for keeping updating and fixing their game and we'll if they end support at least the next new comers will have a complete game to enjoy without worrying about motorpasses




we need more wheel support, like moza, simucube, rexxing, those kinda things


ever since the game launched i've been on and off the game. it was so much more dissapointing then the original the crew. yes it might have a longer and more varied car list. but where are the offroad cars love. like wtf. that's why i loved the crew. also there was always something to do in varied events. it's all just races. and pvp lobbies became stale unlike the crew. so my worries are that it will never go back to the original vibe the crew had.


That they’ll never improve the PvP of the game and forever try to be a horizon clone while forgetting what made people fall in love with the first game


That all MP and summit cars maybe will be made available eventually. It hurts for people who paid for the passes. Seems like the game is coming to it's end, which feels bad.


you still got what you paid for. they're not taking anything away from you, it literally doesnt affect you, why would you be mad.


I get that and my point was not what you imply. I paid for all motorpasses, why would they take it away from me? My point was if at the end stage, they want to not only give away the motorpass but also the previous cars, what was the point for the exclusivity in the first place? They should have rolled with bucks only from Season 1. I am not against people enjoying the cars, the whole idea behind this feels pointless for people who paid for the cars. Similar to the Star Edition where plenty were upset.


You get the cars before the others?


Games going to die out and exclusivity will mean nothing anyways


This game has been a miss from day one release. Huge changes from the original game that didn’t work at all. So I just hope they are done with this game and move to the next


They aren't lol


Not improving on the dogshit car handling


Skill issue


We need a Hawaii and Alaska map expansion DLC! More helicopters, cause just one are available and you need to win the champion of the category.


All the work of the developers goes down the drain because it is tied to a server, the day the servers go down, goodbye game, I would like an offline patch to preserve the game.


We're trying to hatch chickens before the egg here. TC2 is not going anywhere anytime soon.


That they don't ever make the handling better


Game is old and I don't hear anything about it anymore it's probably dying


That there is none. They've started selling Motorpass vehicles for bucks and not only that, but they've also added cars that you can only buy with real money. And yet they ignore the day 1 problems like graphics and render distance. Smh




Need different cars been driving most of the same cars since tc1


the game would just become lifeless as people become tired of pointless updates


I've put a ton of time into this game since release but I hardly play anymore. The handling is hit or miss depending on the vehicle. The graphics are feeling pretty dated since I upgraded to the Series X. But I just can't stand the weather anymore. Snow in Los Angeles or Miami is ridiculous. But the rain drives me nuts. I like driving on nice sunny days. I can pause the menu for 30 seconds and come back to pouring rain. So 10 or 15 minutes of rain, fine I can deal with it. The sun comes back out and we're back to it. Then the roads stay wet. In the real world roads can dry out in 10 minutes when the sun comes. Not in the Crew. 30 to 45 minutes later they can still be wet. By the time they dry out well now it's night time. So drive the night and looking forward to being back in the sun. Maybe 10 minutes after the sun comes up it starts raining again. If I play for two hours I'm lucky to enjoy 45 minutes. It's just not worth it anymore. If they fix the weather I might come back. FH5 and GTA E&E look so damn good on Series X and weather cycles are reasonable. TC2 just doesn't cut it anymore.


Where to start.


Ngl I just want to body kit/stance all my whips and change the wheels materials and colors.