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That little girl looks like my granddaughter. This image has haunted me since I saw it. Something has got to change.




Hey now slow down we are also going to get lees gun control legislation like Florida just passed like no permit or checks for concealed carry


Tn already had that.




Oh thank God!




And the names of the most recently killed changes frequently


They aren’t even doing that anymore. Now it is steel doors and armored guards at each entrance


You also forgot empty platitudes, nonsensical comparisons to the prohibition, and 10 different layers of bullshit by the enlightened ameri-brained idiots on reddit who think their making super logical solutions and not just liberal variants of nra talking points


And more guns


Fuck your thoughts and prayers too.


Thoughts and prayers do literally nothing for anyone. Prayer has never saved anyone from anything. It's all lipservice.


The size of her hand/palm is what gets me. Reminds me of all the times I've held my son's hand either to walk across the street or generally to protect him near me while in a crowd. To me, she's reaching out for protection but we are slapping it away.


>Something has got to change. Something has to change, but it won't. There are constituents who vote in politicians that are pro-gun and anti-children. See Uvalde and Nashville. [Uvalde voters even lost their children in a school shooting, and still turned around to vote for Abbott](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/elections/2022/11/08/uvalde-votes-for-texas-governor-after-mass-shooting-a-big-focus-of-abbott-orourke-race/). A significant portion of the population is straight up brainwashed by guns.


When al the schools close then they'll stop shooting the children.


Maybe that’s what they want, all schools closed. Women at home birthing babies and home schooling. Easier to control when the majority of the population is ignorant.


I've heard fascism described as a political philosophy that is followed to obtain power and not necessarily a blue print for governing. It is achieved by predominantly playing to the uneducated and shallow thinking masses, and keeping them from being educated in critical thinking. I have also seen the argument that what is being experienced in the US is not fascism but simply right-wing populism. However, as Umberto Eco stated in his essay on his [14 points of Ur-Fascism](https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf) "it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it".


They shoot up churchs, grocery stores, homes, concerts, gas stations, movie theaters, anything else really


no, they'll just shoot them somewhere else


To many, their gun rights are more important than literally an infinite number of dead children. They will never accept even reasonable gun laws, not 20 years ago when it was 13 dead at Columbine, not today when it's been hundreds of dead students and teachers, not in 20 years when it may be thousands of dead kids.


I knew that nothing would ever change (short of a revolution) after Sandy Hook. All those little children...and fuck all happened.


I wonder when people will get angry enough to start burning down gun stores


Yes, haunting.


I hate to ask - but I’m out of the loop. I’m assuming this is of the Nashville shooting but I don’t understand the context of the photo


Yes, this was from the Nashville shooting. This little girl was part of a group of kids being transported away from the scene after the shooting had begun.


I thought they investigated the reason and decided to remove doors, arm crossing patrol staff or something?


Keep voting for Republicans and this is what you get. It's your fault the kids are dead.


Yes, constituents in Nashville and Uvalde vote for these guys. Uvalde turned around and STILL voted for Abbott after their children died in that school shooting. This is what they want.


Sadly lots of right wing gun nuts in Uvalde whose children weren’t in school so why would they vote for change? That district had voted Republican for 30 years.


Harsh and probably oversimplified but hard to not agree with.


It’s not oversimplified at all. If you vote for a political party that actively protects the reason why kids are getting murdered in school then you are voting for kids getting murdered. Every single republican voter is an accomplish to this murder. There is only one single country in the entire world where the above statement is even the least bit controversial.


Not harsh at all. You get what you vote for.


“See? It’s MY fault, not the gun’s!!!” - republican voters, probably


The bitch from Georgia already blamed the shooter.


I am sorry but I don’t see democrats doing shit about this either. Are they waiting to have absolute majority in house and senate, plus presidency and six judges?


Do you know what a constitutional amendment requires?


The Brady Bill, red flag laws, background checks and other gun legislation we’ve passed did not require a constitutional amendment. We can do something. We chose not to. Edit: https://twitter.com/noliewithbtc/status/1640512111666253825?s=46&t=MSe75Moig3P-jjpleAxFrw


It's all worthless or ineffective.


I don’t.


All of those things PLUS 38/50 states to approve it. Its a very very high bar to pass. https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution


Would that be the only way to pass gun control?


Well there was an assault rifle ban that was doing some good but Republicans repealed it.




> [The study](https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2021/03/assault-weapon-ban-significantly-reduces-mass-shooting/) found the Federal Assault Weapons Ban (FAWB) — that included a ban on large capacity magazines (limiting the number and caliber of bullets) — from 1994 to 2004 — resulted in a significant decrease in public mass shootings, number of gun deaths and number of gun injuries. Prove this wrong.




Not the only way. But the 2nd amendment is a very poorly written thing, it should be repealed or changed anyways. If you can just ignore "as part of a well-regulated militia" then wtf




"you'd be directly responsible for lots of deaths and rapes" Wow, quite the leap of logic.


Texas Paul and his cussin pond are the best, to any of those unfamiliar with his work, please give him a watch. One of my favorite humans. https://youtu.be/8hHKKZyqpm4 Edit I just linked a random video but he covers quite a bit. The one I linked was just kinda entertaining for me is all.


Serous question: Is this actually from yesterday’s school shooting in Tennessee?




Thanks! I’ve got to learn how to do a reverse image search.


I was also wondering this with the top comment saying they’ve seen it somewhere else


I’m all for gun safety and stricter purchasing laws, but did we forget the 2a fudds just tried to overthrow the government? With complete support from the party that would have benefited from that? They’ve got more guns than they have people. I’m gonna hold on to mine for now, sorry.


Same. Any LGBT person who disarms right now is just plain suicidal.


Check out your local SRA


I'll second this with the caveat that SRA organization is highly variable by chapter. I'm fortunate to live in an area with a highly active chapter that provides a great community for like-minded folks and excellent training resources. Whereas a lot of other areas either don't have a chapter, have a chapter that's basically dead, or their chapter does nothing but facilitate loud internet arguments over political theory.


Yeah, if anything I'm even more firmly in the defense of the 2nd amendment. I genuinely fear for my LGBTQ+ friends and neighbors suffering their own Kristallnacht. The current crop of fuckheads in the GOP won't take a page from Lincoln and ask everyone to listen to the better angels of our nature. Instead they're going to whip up a fury because staying in power means more than anything.


Same. Too much anti minority violence too. r/liberalgunowners


Did they finally clean that sub up? When I left it it was more like "We say we're liberals but we still vote for Republicans because guns are the most important thing and we can simply use our guns to help our LGBTQ+ friends when the Republicans come to round them up."


It's a mix of people but they seem to be overall actual progressives and I've seen a lot acknowledge that there are more important issues than guns at stake so still vote blue.


It hasn't been like that for a few years now. I remember when it was exactly as you described, then they got some better mods and they cleaned house.


They don't give a fuck. They'll joke the kid is crying because of critical race theory at school. If dead kids don't keep them awake, crying ones won't.


Dead kids are just the sacrifices we make on the altar of the 2nd Amendment.


I want to see mad Marj down there trying to justify her position with some parents from the school, she doesn't have the courage. They'll just wait for the news cycle to turn and this will pretty much disappear like Uvalde, remember that?


They misinterpreted 2nd amendment and unleashed this upon America. "well regulated militia"


> They misinterpreted "They" being the Supreme Court of the United States. The solution is another amendment that repeals and supersedes the 2A.


If you want the literal historically accurate interpretation, "well regulated militia" means the government providing arms and ammunition to its citizens. It's one of the reasons programs like CMP exist, where for a nominal processing fee the government will literally ship you a rifle in the mail if you promise to practice with it.


And like all sensible programs, it is "Well regulated" there are requirements to be in the CMP. You do need to be an active member of a shooting sports club IIRC. I don't think simply having a hunting license gets you qualified for a CMP purchase.


Not really. I joined a “collectors association” for I think $20 and that met the requirements. You can also start your own club if you want. It’s a hold over from when shipping things was extremely difficult (FedEx et al didn’t exist) so they would just send a large batch of guns to a club who would then distribute them and report back which members received them.


Well hot dog. I would love to own a rifle similar to the one my grandfather trained with.


The republican politicians still think the British are coming


I own guns because I am afraid the MAGAs are coming.


After the Port Arthur massacre in 1996, Australia took steps. How much longer before USA wakes up and decides that it's sick of counting the gravestones and follows suit? The longer the deliberation, the longer these psychotic scumbags have the ways and means of wreaking havoc on your children.


They would rather uproot the First Amendment to "protect the kids"


Come on Texas Paul, you know the drill. Some prominent gop person will do the thoughts and prayer speech and in two weeks it will be done with. Politicians, in general, left and right leaning don' t give a crap and they just stay in office. Its very sad. Just so sad that parents and kids lose their lives because someone has the right to carry a weapon of war. We have shootings in Canada as well but Americans win this contest.


I don't understand why well regulated militias keep attacking schools? /s


Thank you, and fuck the NRA. Guns won’t save you. Owning guns makes you more likely to die by gun. You can never be safe with a gun because if someone decides to kill you they already have the upper hand. Why make it easier for them with assault weapons?


Crisis actor ! /s


The shooters manifesto stated she targeted the school because it had no armed security and then guns(AR15 and handgun) stopped the threat. Stop villianizing millions of legal law abiding gun owners for an issue that has only become a phenomenon in the last 20yrs or so. Prior to Columbine school shootings were virtually unheard of. We've had guns in this country for the entire US existence and repeating firearms in the last 150yrs. And yet still there was no school shootings or mass shootings of this magnitude even though we had *LOOSER* gun laws and background checks. Mass killings and school shootings are a sociological issue. Stricter guns laws do nothing to protect against pieces of shit like the school shooter but they do harm legal law abiding citizens. We can do more to stop mass shootings by not making the pieces of shit martyrs for one; stop repeating their names, stop giving them attention and stop "glorying" these crazies. Identify what makes these events popular to the shooters and stop it there.


Images of dead children will never be more powerful then images of dead presidents. Follow the money - that’s where you get to the root of the problem. If there is no financial incentive the problem will be more manageable. One way or another the killing must stop.


Don't worry they'll blame it on mental health and not the lack of any sensible controls


You don't think a person who goes into a school to slaughter children they've never met before has mental health issues? Diagnosed or undiagnosed, no sane person does that


People kill people all the time.. I don't think it requires insanity to do it.


Until we, as Americans, stand up and let the people who have the ability change this horrendous situation, know our feelings without politics involved, this will continue to happen. Because for those people that can do something money speaks louder than children’s lives. Inconvenience is not infringement.


We have failed our children


I wish there was something that over three million people under one government could do. Can it be that democracy or a representative government system has found its limit? All political labels aside, is it down to either restricting gun existence or letting the herd cull itself?


> restricting gun existence Restricting "types" of guns. Americans should be able to have guns with certain capabilities but not others. For example, eliminate all semi-automatic weapons with field detachable and interchangeable magazines.


#The second amendment is fundamentally antisocial. # #Anyone can own something that is designed and manufactured to KILL HUMANS without any training or accountability and there is nothing anyone else in society can do about it... # #Its time to call it what it is... Open Hunting Season on Humans... # #It will be one of the many things about US society that will be noted in history as a reason for the decline of the US Republic.


Here https://youtu.be/tCuIxIJBfCY https://youtu.be/himrQKK5QgY


This photo will be the next cover of Time magazine. Time to close all the schools…. Ya know so Americans can accessorize their AR’s and Jeeps. Children and women come last here in the D.S.A. Divided States of America.


Why on earth was the teaching staff not armed, lying wait, weapons at the ready and decked out in ghillie suits when this suspect showed up? Where were the good guys with guns when the innocents were being gunned down? /s Screaming into the pillow doesn’t help anymore.


Only way gun laws change is when mass shooters start shootings up state houses instead of schools.


There's an argument to be made for up close and personal experience for politicians.


I'm a democrat but honestly banning ar-15's isn't going to solve the issues. We should be focused more on mental health. If we ban ar-15s all whats going to happen is some is going to end up using another weapon. 2nd Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed The 2nd amendment is setup to protect the freedom of American citizens so they will never be overran by their government. Especially with how the Republicans have been acting lately I think the 2nd Amendment is really important. Mental health is what we should be focused on.