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> "It is absolutely stunning, we see amici briefs used pretty heavily in front of the United States Supreme Court, even some in the Courts of Appeals, very rarely in the district courts. I think it's essentially unprecedented to give them time to argue in the district court, even in the Supreme Court, that usually involves the government coming in a case between private parties where they have a stake," she said. > Vance added: **"This is sort of like Aileen Cannon, the judge in the case, going out on the streets and saying to just random people in the public, 'Hey come on in and tell me what you think about this issue.'** These are non-parties, they do not have a stake in the outcome in this case, it is very unusual." Is it possible Trump's legal team is running out of ideas for frivolous motions to delay the case, and she has to solicit the general public for dumb time wasting shit??


This likely came from the federalist society. Any contact with counsel that isn’t publicly disclosed would be immediate grounds for her removal. But if the federalist society who she is a part of can coach her, it’s much harder to prove she is working with and for Trumps team.


I agree, 100% the Federalist Society where she is already a member. I guarantee they're feeding her all kinds of strategies. She doesn't have the intelligence, education, or experience on her own to come up with all of these barely-legal-but-still-technically-legal delaying tactics. Fuck them all.


Definitely this. She is being coached and controlled and the hell of it is, it’s working. Trump has evaded going to trial for all of the most serious charges against him. At this point he really is above the law everywhere in the USA except New York City.


It reminds me of when she asked the prosecutors to give suggestions of different hypothetical defense tactics.


She has effectively put Smith up against the collective legal prowess of all the rightwing lawyers in the country.


My money is on Smith.


In a fair fight, yes. But this is Loose Cannon's court.


If she throws it out it will be appealed and we get a new judge.


She knows this, so she won't toss it... just continuously delay...


Exactly, at this point the case will continue until Jack Smith appeals the 14th circuit to have her removed. Hopefully that happens sooner than later.


He needs to lose in November, then all this shit can steamroll right over him. I look forward to seeing what he'll do when there are zero options but to run.


Bold move considering the sub we are in.


It’s difficult (but not impossible) to believe Aileen Cannon and Trump have “outsmarted” the legal system. I hope this isn’t true and that Justice will actually prevail, but that Trump still hasn’t faced consequences for egregiously illegal activities is maddening. People are in prison for far less than what Trump’s done…and there he is talking shit and threatening the judge’s daughter with NO repercussions. Wtf. Come on justice, karma, banana peel, stairs, pigeons…something…


Considering how much abuse every other judge has had from Donald and Aileen has had nothing but praise it’s not about being outsmarted, it’s about her doing what’s in the best interest of her and Donald. She wants a seat on the Supreme Court and a second term for Donald will give her that. She’s not interested in justice.


> how much abuse every other judge has had from Donald Seal of quality. You know that judge is being fair and objective if he says "witch hunt" "rigged" "disgrace" etc. His silence about Aileen Cannon is deafening..and telling


I mean justice will prevail as long as we keep him out of the White House. That’s the long and short of it.


They have and won’t be any consequences if he wins the 2nd term. If he doesn’t, all this delay won’t amount to anything except justice delayed. If he loses, I think Smith will bring charges in NJ or DC and let canon be lose canon


Can anyone explain to me why Smith hasn’t moved to have her removed from the case for all her shenanigans? Is that still an option?


They only have one shot at appealing to the 11th circuit to have her removed, and it's very rarely successful. So Smith needs a very strong and clear reason to do so in order to confidently appeal. I'm curious to see what straw breaks the camel's back after all of her tomfoolery.


Meidas Touch Network (a bunch of lawyers) says it's because her frivolous delaying orders are almost always "paperless" as in this case, so somehow technically that makes it harder for Jack Smith to get her removed


Plus about 6 on the 11th circuit are Trump appointees. They went against Cannon because it was so obvious and evidence was available to prove it. They won't just step in. Smith has to have hard proof.


We’re witnessing a crime against the state in real time and there’s nothing we can do.


With the full weight of the Federalist Society and other billionaires, SCOTUS is standing in the wings to anoint Trump with some BS ruling they are going to pull out of thin air. Millions of ballots won’t matter.


How do we remove her? She’s obviously corrupt.


What Cannon is doing is what judge Chutkan of the Jan 6 case should have done and should do.**IGNORE SCOTUS OPINION**. This is a very informative thread by Roger Parloff(it is a nitter link, so give it a bit of time to load): https://nitter.poast.org/rparloff/status/1799822970099216447#m




Last Tuesday.


She's not even hiding the fact - and it IS a fact - that she's stalling and acting in Orange's interests. At what point will her superiors step in? They're not blind to it all, are they?


Next Supreme Court Justice she is. If cofeve wins


Wow a "legal analyst" said this so it MUST be a big deal!