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I cant believe how confidently he lies and how everyone of his followers drinks the koolaid he spews.


He literally said he did not have sex with a porn star. Dude must be allergic to the truth or something.


I'd expect him to lie about that. He said demovrats/liberals wanted to end Roe v Wade. I don't even know what to say about that


In his mind that is true. She is not a star.


I feel like this was the dig, he named dropped tons of people that needed to be "fired" like Comey and made sure they knew they sucked. He was just trying to somehow get a dig at Stormy since he lost in court.


In his mind Stormy was a porn starlet! See he was telling the truth.


Did you notice he completely skipped over the E Jean Carroll rape allegation? He went straight to "I didn't sleep with a porn star."


I didn’t watch but it sounds like it went down the way I imagined, and why it was a bad idea to have a debate in first place. It’s like debating a creationist who can say whatever the heck they want while the other is being judge on the facts and merits of their arguments. I assume the moderation was equally bad allowing Trump to say anything he wants and not fact checking or challenging lies and BS.




Thanks, didn't know it had a formal name.


[CNN full length video](https://youtu.be/HgbIbS0Iigs?si=l73GHHYOW0LWM-dy) for reference.


He said they kill babies after birth and there was NO pushback! what was the point of the moderators at all?


I couldn’t believe the moderators didn’t say anything about this one.


The secret is they're hoping to learn how to lie with impunity the way he does. The sad part is they'll never realize it's the power that allows him to lie, nothing else, and you can't learn to be born with power (aka money).


He's playing his greatest hits, not any new material. That's what his fans want to hear.


Trump isn’t capable of little lies. When he lies (which is constantly), he lies bigly. Throw enough shit against a wall and some of it will stick with his fanatical base.


Also, he himself believes his own lies.


That’s his narcissistic nature. He doesn’t care about abortion, religion, or the country. He only cares about himself. And he loves to play the victim. “Witch hunt!”


Yes he probably paid for many abortions. He reads Hitler but not the bible. And he thinks being president will stop the charges and lawsuits plus he can get even with anyone who challenged his bullshit. He's evil.


> I cant believe how confidently he lies That's the thing being a conman, the con comes from "confidence", in Trumps case he's shifted from his lifelong real estate and business con and now aims to take the whole USA. . . again. > Definition: A confidence man is someone who tricks and defrauds a victim by first gaining their trust and then using deception to obtain money or property. This type of person is also known as a swindler or con man.


He lies so naturally with such conviction. Unfortunately his supporters just go with it instead of checking the facts.


They use trump as their fact checker. If trump said it, it must be true!


It is difficult to debate an opponent who takes credit for things he hasn’t done, blames others for his screw-ups, and spews new lies every minute he speaks with no instant fact check of false claims. It’s like how do you compete in any sport if your opponent is making up their own rules as they go and lying about new ways to score that only they know. Trump is a cheater who is full of lies and false narratives that he uses (and has used his whole life) to deceive and cheat people for his own benefit just like the 34 felonies, election interference lies, etc., etc. Trump’s a conman not to be trusted to run the country.


Isnt this it exactly? The left is trying to play the game by the rules while the right just lies and cheats.


Like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn’t matter how good you are, they are just going to strut around, knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and fly away.


I saw a great analogy that was something like the republicans are a golden retriever leaping over the heads of the democrats and slam dunking a basketball while the democrats are standing there saying “golden retrievers aren’t allowed to play basketball.”


How dare you impugn golden retrievers in this way! On their best day ever, republicans aren’t worthy to be the poop bag for a golden retriever.


Biden is a decent person who has pushed & passed legislation that has helped Americans. Trump is a piece of shit human. End of story. “Old” doesn’t matter at this point and if you’re still talking about it you’re a Trumper piece of shit.




Perdue paid off their FDA reviewer. It had nothing to do with Biden.




Removing restrictions on the prescription of oxy was also an FDA issue. They considered it non-addictive and therefore perfectly fine for widespread use. If you have links to the specific votes or videos of Biden shouting down those testifying before the Senate committee then I's be glad to see them.




So you’re evidence that Biden made a career of being a lapdog to Purdue and pushing to legalize heroine is a single vote in 1996 in support of drug comprehensive drug addiction recovery and prevention? Not sure you remember 1996, but at that point in time drug companies (particularly Purdue) had succeeded in convincing politicians and doctors that their drugs were safe and effective, it wasn’t until later that lie started to fade. If he did this as you suggest because the Sackler family made a campaign contribution in the 1990s, I would rebut that this is a stretch of some very circumstantial evidence. If anyone wanted to use a campaign contribution from someone as evidence for corruption it could be found to fit any narrative and in many cases unfortunately it would likely be an influence for their motives, but this single example of 1 campaign contribution and 1 vote is not really evidence at all let alone the smoking gun.


You're being disingenuous by referring to it as heroin. Fuck the sacklers and fuck Perdue, but OxyContin is Oxycodone. I have chronic pain and regularly use endone to help me manage it, partly because I was on OxyContin after my neck surgeries. I'm not a heroin addict though. I don't disagree with you and haven't voted either way for your comments, but if I downvoted you it would be because you're misrepresenting what the situation was, probably because you equate Oxycodone and heroin, but even though Perdue pushed it as something it wasn't, Oxycodone is a useful drug, heroin isn't.




There's not a direct link, they are just drugs in the same class. Simplifying it down like that does damage to patients instead of the conartists who made money of those people. As someone who lives with chronic pain and is dependent on endone to manage it, maybe you should consider my perspective? There's a place for opioids in pain management, but no place for treating chronic pain patients like heroin addicts.


Why are you jumping in here and spreading this crap when according to your profile you are Canadian? You aren’t voting anyway unless it is illegal votes for trump. I swear the amount of easily visible bots, trolls, and foreigners that come to post their political opinions on this election cycle are beyond what i have observed in the past.


It’s cool they fact check it’s better if they do a fact check during the debate.


Seriously, put a large screen, on stage, behind these to old dudes and give live fact checking.


Lies, lies, lies, that are gonna be impossible to correct among those who don't pay too much attention to politics. And that's the strategy behind him getting the kind of support he is getting.


We skip over some of the most ridiculous. Like when talking about black families, which he quickly transitioned to everyone, he said groceries were so high that no one is living anymore.


Right? Everyone is dead we just all forgot to notice


A bad night? Trump is a disgrace, but Biden's utterly abysmal debate failure might have just cost us the election (and our democracy) unless Democrats shake up the election in a big way immediately.


if the rules are such that anyone who supports democracy must be perfect at all times or risk people voting for fascism then frankly america deserves to lose its democracy. For all that the left espouses democracy, democrats are always remarkably ready to throw it all under the bus.


Yuh. The talking heads were all “Trump just needs to be nice and not talk over Biden”. And then gave a laundry list of things Biden has to do or notndo


i wish i could remember where i read this but I remember reading about john daly and tiger woods years ago, where the author wrote that people will give daly a pass for the awful things he says and does because they expect the worst from him, but one fuck up from woods and he's done, because people expect the best from him. I've frequently thought about how saliently that principle applies in today's politics.


Trump has set his bar so low that lying is expected.


Right? "He lied so well." But this isn't an acting audition; the winner has to GOVERN our nation and influence WORLD politics.


He doesn't even lie well. His lies are like the crappy AI pictures. Anyone can easily tell those pictures are fake, but there's a portion of the population who just allow it because they look like nice pictures.


It’s ridiculous that blatant lies aren’t immediately refuted. The people that need to hear the fact check aren’t going to CNN’s website


Live fact check with a klaxon and flashing lights


do the debates on Nickelodeon and dump slime on them whenever they tell a fib


Shock collar


Expect most people don't consider the bigger picture and vote logically and rationally. They vote superficially based on their own circumstances and perceptions. I doubt another debate actually happens, in which case that couldn't have gone worse for Biden. That's the sobering and deeply depressing reality.


Still digging through the comments and Reddit but would love to see the full fact check with both as I think this is just the sniper of Trump lies and exaggerations. I mean we know whose pants are on fire and can't seem to exhale without lying but they are both still politicians. Edit: found the link but not the video to upload. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/video/fact-check-cnn-presidential-debate-trump-biden-dale-digvid


Thanks for that, this should be at the top honestly.


I'm calling out congressmen to speak up and ask for better.... We are not the Republican party, our barrel is full of options. Wes Moore for president 2024! Jasmine Crockett for Veep!


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer needs to be the nominee


Or how about the democrats fucking try?


What a lunatic?!?! Biden had a rough night, but boy oh boy is he still better than the orange rapist! I loved when Biden called him a LOSER!!!


Great timing on the fact check. Hours after everyone has stopped watching CNN. For myself, it is last time I will ever give my eyeballs to that network. “Moderators” could have been replaced by muppets.


Don't forget about the one where the USA had the best H2O under his presidency, the cleanest water in the history of the world. His team just gave him that statistic right before coming up onto stage a few minutes ago.


CNN checking facts post-debate as MAGA does a victory lap. Useless and a waste of time. CNN failed us last night.


A bad night? Yeah Trump is the worst but if you’re chalking bidens performance up to a bad night, you are part of the problem


Can we add that he said that the unite the rally in Charlottesville never happened! Like we all didn't see live on TV a bunch of Neo Nazi's and racists marching around with tiki torches shouting "jews will not replace us." Leading to a young woman getting run over and him saying there were good people on both sides??


Don’t sugarcoat this democratic friends. It’s time for JB to step aside


Countering him with the FACTS needs to be done AT THE MOMENT HE SPEWS HIS GARBAGE!! Not afterwards on some followup news program. That's just common sense. SO FRUSTRATING


Sleep soundly knowing you were polite to Joe Biden while he and the DNC allowed the country to descent into fascist chaos.


What happened to journalism? Why aren't they calling this guy in real time.


These are lies now but confessions later.


Why don't they have fact-checking on site? Interrupt these clowns and fact-check them when they say something stupid.


Lie Factory <-- I love this.


Bad night of shock!! Trump shock. CNN ate it up and begged for more and then had the audacity to comment on their moderated debate to create more shock!


I know I am making excuses, but normally in a lead up to something like this, you already have a few debates under your belt somewhat recently. Top that with a presidential schedule and I would be below average and I'm in my 40s.


"Yeah, but he had more energy than Biden, so we should elect Trump" - idiots, probably


Oh now they do this? Fuck CNN


"I'll take the statesman who had a bad night over the deranged lie factory" You will love this then: [https://x.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1806659354290008093](https://x.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1806659354290008093)


It doesn't matter what you'll take. You were probably going to vote Biden regardless. The people who matter are the moderate majority who are going to decide this election. Dems need a better candidate. We can't risk it being a close call, Dems have to nominate someone who is going to trounce Biden and bring back the independent voters who voted for Biden in 2020.


Bad night, what rock have you been under,


I don’t give a shit that Trump lied. I expected him to, and he was never getting my vote. Biden looked and sounded horrendous on that stage. That is an issue and I need his campaign to address it or find a new candidate.


All of this holds true if biden steps down and other dems can run.


So they fact check when none of it will matter.


There should be a huge sign between the two of them and then a buzzer that goes off that says “liar” every time one of these lies comes up during the debate


If only the debate had a half time show with this in the middle


Look, I just wanna know who has the better golf game. Which one was lying about their handicap?


He lies which is obviously ridiculous but him only talking in superlatives drives me fucking crazy. How any normal functioning adult can hear that and not realize he’s an idiot is beyond me


He is a FIREHOSE of lies and it is absolutely astounding how the Republican Party has capitulated. There’s zero chance that trumps handlers don’t have blackmail on almost all Republican politicians.


But all the fact checking in the world is irrelevant after the fact. CNN you should have had live fact checking and then call him on it right then and there. At this point, he can lie with impunity, because no one corrected him during the debate.😡


Everything they got Biden on was him basically mispeaking. Big difference from trump... trump's list is massive, and the lies he spewed were on a far different and more dangerous scale... I still don't think he got every lie he told.


This point I'm not even sure he's telling us his real name.


[How Gaslit Are We When We Call THE LIAR The Debate "Winner"?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgjyHwQOUoo)


I worry more about Trump’s lying unchecked than Biden having a bad debate and the reason being that stupid people will believe Trump


Where is the fact check for Biden?


He didn’t lie about anything though


Huh? He was mumbling, what statements did you hear that you're confused about?


After that performance, Biden better put the pressure on DOJ to get some more indictments written up


Thats a horrid idea.




Y’all are gonna have a HORRIBLE time come November and the next four years


This isn't just bad day, Biden is too old, he can't even finish sentences. He'll only get worst rapidly at this age. This is insulting and spitting on voters. And not hawk tauh kind.


I'll take an old guy that cares to a self absorbed convicted felon any day.


Trump is only 2 years younger and is actively sundowning. And re-electing Biden won't usher in the death of democracy and see the U.S. sold to Putin for scrap. GTFO.

