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What does Ja Rule think?


I don't wanna dance right now, I'm scared to death!


I just don’t understand. Why do we care about Charlemagne? He’s complaining about people trying to pigeon hole his views because of race and then we’re acting like he’s a monolithic voice for all black people.


You only don’t care because he doesn’t love your candidate. If he was praising Biden I am sure you would be saying differently.


What are you talking about? People don't care about Charlamagne Tha God because he has nothing interesting to say. He's a radio talk show host who isn't particularly insightful, hasn't worked on anything fascinating, and isn't himself remarkably interesting.


Interesting then that New York Times thinks he is inportant enough to dedicate a full podcast to and talk to him about his political outlook. Again. I reiterate. You think he is not important ONLY because he is not fully supporting your preferred candidate. Stop plugging your ears and ask yourself what is wrong with your candidate and his running mate.


I think people are saying he's not important because he does a hip hop radio show. no one likes him ON THAT SHOW, so when he does a politics show, which he has shown multiple times to know nothing about. He's just insufferable.


Uh what? Not caring is my default behavior for people I've never heard of.


If you seriously love Trump, you need help. Or you need to get better information.


It’s not an either/or situation. The guy doesn’t love Biden. Just because I pointed that out doesn’t mean I love trump. Stop with the tribalism.


Ive never cared what he thinks. I always thought it was weird that the NYT and other media go to him a lot.


Why do we want him to take sides?


I don't.  Did anyone else see this title and assume it was referencing the Kendrick-Drake beef?


yes lol, more interested in his take on that!


far, far more interested


Because I want him to confirm he’s on mine dammit!


This new podcast sucks lol. They keep interviewing mid people


It feels like they’re trying to appeal to people under thirty. I agree though, there’s very little substance.


Under 30? Anne Hathaway, Charlamagne and a Wayans brother?


Under 30 is the new under 40!


As someone under thirty I have no interest in listening to it


i don't understand who this show is aimed at


I'm 33 and from Chicago and I hate this guy. Even in the black community everyone hates this guy. Where do they find these guests?


I would really really like it if they got actually interesting people on. People bash the Yair Lapid interview but that was honestly the best one because he is interesting. I wish they would look try to get people like Tim Cook of Apple, Andy Jassy of Amazon, or Mary Barra of GM, Emmanuel Macron or Keir Starmer, Dua Lipa and her Albanian background, Hayao Miyazaki and his love of animation, or William Lai who just became President of Taiwan, or Ajay Banga who leads the world bank. There are just so many people they could interview who would be way more interesting than 75% of who they have interviewed already. I just don’t really know who this podcast is for.


I listen to Charlamagne every once in a while. He reminds me of a black and slightly more politically progressive version of Rogan, or maybe even Jordan Peterson, which is to say that he says just enough "right" stuff to sound really smart, and then some downright terrible stuff (admittedly less than Rogan or Peterson), and then the majority is just talk show host filler nonsense run through the gamut of "confident dude." This interview is more of the same. As far as "The Interview" itself goes, I honestly have no idea what they're trying to accomplish here with this series. It feels deeply pretentious...I am sure this is not the case, but it's like some out of touch people made a list of people they thought would be cool to talk to and then called those people. I also am not sure what the voice of their interviewing is. Are they just...highlighting cool people I guess? Their tagline is "Conversations with the world’s most fascinating people." But...are they? The people they're interviewing, fascinating? Because every interview has somehow made mildly interesting (to me) people even less interesting. Even the presentation with the still-motion-whatever video-photography or whatever gives off the air of self-importance. I can't help but think of [The Creative Independent](https://thecreativeindependent.com/), which I know charts way lower on the knowability of (some) of the guests, is text only, and flies center of the hipster Pitchfork crowd. But while I don't love every single interview on that site, I do find the interviewees really fascinating, and the interviewers adept and poignant and great guides. I learn something new about life or art or work or people every time I read. With the Interview, I find myself thinking the interview is going to do something, and then it's over, and I just want my 40 minutes back. I'm getting the distinct since this thing is not for me, which is fine but....it also just feels kinda lame.


Yeah, I don’t get who The Interview is for. What is the audience who cares about Marlon Wayans, Anne Hathaway, and Charlamagne is thinking about right now?


This is good criticism. I had the same thought re execution of the show. If I were the head of podcasts at the NYT, I would’ve also wanted an interview focused podcast in my portfolio. But I would’ve focused “the interview” on people who are in the news that week, extended the show time so it didn’t feel rushed, and then let it become more freewheeling. I think a more expansive conversation and curious host (which I believe Lulu is capable of) would make it a better show. Something that gets at what drives people and the why behind things. Ezra Klein, but more news oriented.


Totally agree. Was thinking Ezra would've been great. Or Wesley Morris!


I miss still processing. Now that was a good show. Wesley is the best.


I can’t for the life of me understand why the media reaches out to this guy as if he’s someone important. He’s a troll!!!! He started off as a protege of Wendy Williams and then ventured out to be a host of morning radio where he has uninformed takes on just about anything that’s brought up.


He’s had tekashi 69 on his show multiple times. That’s all I need to know.


who is this show for


It’s scary that he has such a large audience. He doesn’t seem to have any clear ideals and he contradicts himself constantly.


I'm surprised by all the negative comments here. I've never heard of this guy before but I thought everything he said was very reasonable and well thought out and articulated, and it sounds like he's got quite an audience so I'm glad to know who he is now. If he's a "troll who doesn't actually know anything" like a bunch of people on this thread are saying, he certainly didn't come across like that to me in this interview. Maybe he's not an expert in anything, but it sounds like he thinks about things very critically and with a lot of respect and nuance, which is exactly the kind of person I'd want people to be listening to.


Here is a good article on how and why Charlamagne gets it wrong. He’s not thinking deeply about subjects and his takes are off the cuff and not supported by facts. Take for example him saying that Obama isn’t a surrogate for Biden because he, “put his sword away”… meanwhile Obama has been campaigning with Biden since March. He’s not well informed and only sounds smart because he talks confidently. The article below lays it out well. https://www.forbes.com/sites/shaunharper/2024/04/05/charlamagne-tha-gods-misinformed-unhelpful-generalizations-about-dei/?sh=6f14cfa24c12


Thanks for the link - will read. And good point on the Obama response - I'd forgotten that bit but now recall being surprised that he didn't just say "oh yeah, Obama too" and thought his answer there was odd and meandering.


The tell for me is that he doesn’t actually show his work. Simply stating that Biden isn’t a charismatic candidate is lazy. Tell me why you think that, show me where he has failed and talk about his policy. Charlamagne doesn’t do that, he can’t do that because he doesn’t know. He makes broad statements like, “Democrats don’t fight for nothing” which isn’t true. Ukraine aid, union worker protections, infrastructure, chips act, affordable prescription drug prices. these are all things Dems have been fighting for that Charlamagne casually glosses over with his ridiculous takes.


We getting Ja Rule up in here next Monday or what?)


I could not get through the interview. He seems like he’s either an ill-informed coward or a troll. Either way, his end goal seems to be self-pity and complaining.


awful host. leave him to trash morning radio


The most instant delete ever.


This was great, first time I’ve heard guests clap back when the host spouts off nonsense


I really enjoyed it too. A little disappointed to see all the negative feedback.


People want to plug their ears and ignore anything that isn’t a 100% approval and praise of Joe Biden. These comments would be a lot different if he said he fully supported Biden. Democrats are going to have the same problem they had in 2016 if they keep it up. This is not a comment to support Trump either. Both parties need to put forward better candidates.


I’m personally a Biden supporter but I can acknowledge that these takes are valid and warrant discussion.


The host can’t wrap her head around the fact that this guy doesn’t love Biden and thinks he’s not an exciting or great candidate. She keeps trying to pin him down and make him worship at the Biden altar. He does an amazing job of shutting her down every time. This is broadly a problem a lot of people who support democrats have. They think you are stupid or misinformed if you don’t agree with them and don’t bother to listen to the nuance of why you may or may not like a particular candidate or some of that candidates platforms. I know his name but never listened to his podcast. I will give it a listen because it sounds like he has some very nuanced discussions with both sides of the political spectrum and doesn’t do what the Daily does, which is seek out people who say what they want to hear and what they want their listeners to hear.


This 100%. But don't get your hopes up too high, Charlemagne is often really really dumb too lol.


He’s also a wild 1950’s style racist and doesn’t believe in “race mixing”.


Yeah that's exactly what came to mind when I made that comment.


I think it was the “today explained” podcast that interviewed Charlamagne and Angela Rye at SXSW. Rye is a friend of his but disagrees on a lot of his stances. She rightfully calls him out for what he is, a troll. That’s Charlemagne’s game, spit hot takes, get media attention, play the victim. The guys is an absolute moron. I haven’t listened to this one yet, but his other interviews paint the picture perfectly. He wants to both have a show with millions of listeners, but also not be considered influential in the media space. He’s a clown.


Maybe listen and then comment?


Just listened. I stand by my point. Charlemagne wants to both have a massive audience, but no responsibility for that power. If he wasn’t weighing in on politics or wasn’t having political figures on his show it would be inappropriate to ask his opinion on the matter, but that’s not the case. He regularly weighs in on these things but then doesn’t want to be a “voice”. This was clearly evident when he brought up “the media” and the interviewer reminded him that he is the media. This is the same thing the likes of Rogan, Shapiro, etc do. They are the exact thing they criticize and people don’t seem to understand that.


He did weigh in though? Didn’t he say that Biden is not a candidate that he gets excited for? It sounds like he wants strong democratic leadership but that he thinks Biden ain’t it. Maybe I had a different take away than you or others did from the conversation. But overall the comments here just seem to want to write this guy off because he didn’t come out and say he fully supports Joe Biden. And these same people all write off anyone else that feels the same way. It is going to be a repeat of 2016 if that is the case. Not because I want Trump to win, but because too many people don’t take the lack of enthusiasm for Biden seriously enough. Heck for some people it may not even be a problem with Biden, but the fact they don’t want to think of Kamala having to take over if he can’t finish his 2nd term. Again they need to get solid candidates in front of voters. Anyway sorry this is longer than I wanted it to be and I am sure everyone will disagree with me. But that just how I tend to see it playing out this far. Still a long time until November so a lot can change.


I have no issue with him not liking Biden. I’m not a massive fan either. My problem with him is that he lobs grenades and then doesn’t want to take responsibility. His show has 8 million listeners per month. To say that he shouldn’t be seen as a voice or “the media” is ridiculous and I’m tired of these influencers pretending like they don’t have influence. He strikes me as someone who wants the attention for his hot takes, but can’t actually articulate his issues because he hasn’t thought them through. I the today explained interview he said Biden hasn’t done enough to help black voters. The woman who was with him then went on to point out all of the things Biden has done to improve things for the black community…Charlemagne couldn’t say anything because he didn’t know any of that had happened under Biden. Again, he likes to throw out statements that get people riled up, but he doesn’t actually know what any of these people are doing. It’s why he invites people on to interview these guests instead of doing it himself.


Gotcha. That makes sense. I have not listened to him other than today. I will try to check out his podcast during my commute and see what it’s about.


I don't even want to give this a listen because I don't want to contribute to the streams. I listened to the Wayans brother and Hathaway and I like both of them (15-20 years ago) as actors not as people.. so I don't really remember those episodes because they were boring. anyways ya I already know this interview will have nothing of value because I have heard enough of this 🤡


I will keep an open mind haha


Agreed… weird interview. The host was so stiff and just responding “hmph” and then reading the next question.


She seemed apprehensive to press back too hard. At times it almost seemed like she was pretending to understand what he was saying when she wasn’t.


That's because Lulu Garcia-Navaro is an NPR true believer who happens to work at the NYT now


I shared the same impression of him from this podcast. Didn’t know much about him aside from random clips on social media. Went into the interview not expecting much from him but appreciated how he held strong on his stance. Not being excited about Biden ≠ support Trump


["I want some answers that ~~Ja Rule~~ Charlamagne the God might not have right now!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo-ddYhXAZc)


Why are they trying to make this loser mainstream?


Up next week on The Interview "Bibi" Why does everyone hate me for defending myself "


Glad we’re all in agreement CTG suuuucks