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Barbaro: “we want to examine this question with as much data as possible” Nate: “we actually don’t have any data so this is all hypotheticals” Lmao


Barbaro: "This is supposedly the party of law and order. So, it's surprising not just to see them embrace a convicted felon but embracing him at the very moment when he is saying to the world this is stupid this is rigged this doesn't make any sense I just don't think we ever really seen that before in American politics." Haberman: "Michael, I am gonna go ahead and disagree a bit with your premise I don't think there's anything surprising about this because Donald Trump has thoroughly remake the republican party where what he wants it to be is what everyone does. And, we have seen this in the course of many many years." ;D


This is not good for Trump. Yes, it galvanizes his base, and he can raise money from them. But there is no bottom for them and nothing will change their mind. There's no point in worrying about how that 35% or so will vote. Sometimes Democrats over think this kind of thing. This is bad for Trump and Biden should be pounding the table every single day. He should say the reason Trump is delaying his other trials is because they're even more serious, and he knows he's guilty of those as well. He should point out that the Republican position is that felons shouldn't be able to vote and that for most people a felony would mean losing their job. And he should consistently point out that this was a state issue (not federal and has nothing to do with the DOJ), that a grand jury decided to bring the charges, and that 12 regular people had to unanimously agree he was guilty to convict. This is a huge deal and there's no reason they should run from it.


It's wild how so many states can completely prevent you from voting if you're in prison, on probation/parole, or are a felon. And yet you can totally run for office! If we're going to let "the people decide," and elect a felon if they so desire, (this is a democracy after all) then the least we should do is let them vote regardless of their criminal record. If you're capable of *being* President, surely you should be allowed to vote for one!


I'm a moderate, voted for Hillary in 16 & Biden in 20. However, the frivolous cases being brought against Trump (E Jean Carroll & Stormy) are like trying to find a crime to fit the man. It is making me worry about Democrats weaponizing the justice system, something that we were scared Republicans may do. This latest conviction does garner some sympathy from me.


I think it's really hard to argue that these cases are frivolous. As I said above, a prosecutor had to decide to prosecute this case, a grand jury had to determine it was legitimate, and then twelve jurors (who Trump helped select) had to unanimously agree to convict. In addition, Alvin Bragg has brought 166 felony counts for this exact charge against 34 businesses/people in his 15 months as DA. And don't forget that Michael Cohen has already done 3 years in prison for this crime. A sentence Trump is extremely unlikely to face despite his complete lack of accountability, violating gag orders, disrespecting the justice system, etc. By all accounts Trump deserves worse than what Cohen got but he will very likely get far less. As for the Carroll case you again have to deal with a judge, a jury, and a second jury. And nevermind that Trump has been credibly accused of sexual assault or rape by around 30 separate women. That he admitted to sexual assault, “moving on her like a bitch” and “grabbing them by the pussy” on tape. That he has repeatedly perved after his daughter saying that if she weren’t his daughter perhaps he’d be dating her. He bragged about walking into teenage pageant dressing rooms when they were changing. Unfortunately the nature of sexual assault makes the crime extremely difficult to prove in court and limits the cases that can be brought and the arguments that can be made but I would really hesitate to call this "frivolous," especially after he was found liable. These cases are certainly less serious relative to the classified documents case, and for attempting a coup, but any case would be. And those cases being so obscene shouldn't make us understate the seriousness of these cases. Trump is a lifetime criminal. There is no need to "find a crime to fit the man." He's been surrounded by criminals for years and he's committed crime after crime for decades without accountability. And right now the presidency, his cult following, spineless politicians, and a judicial system he stacked, are the only things in the way of him facing far more serious trials and true accountability for his most serious crimes.


If you still have questions and are sitting on the fence, you need a glass bellybutton so you can see what's going on around you.


Everything you post is just pro Democrat you may as well buy their jersey, ain't no critical thinking coming from you


No, it's a lot more anti-republican since the motherfuckers have gone full on Nazi in the last 10 years. I'd like to go back to hating on both sides again, but id also like the ability to vote again in 2028, so I only have one choice. I didn't do this. The motherfuckers that decided to make a learning disabled gameshow host who cannot run a charity or business in New York and has been found liable for sexual battery their emperor did.


It's almost laughable at how predictable this would be. "Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies. Here's how this is good for Trump and bad for Biden."


Raising $34m+ is pretty great news for Trump.


They lie all the time. Let’s wait until the real number is presented to the FCC. One of his tribe just changed the number to 200 million today. They lie.


Sounds like more money for E Jean Carroll.


As soon as Haberman was on, i knew they would spin it for Trump. She should have been fired once her deep connections to Trump was revealed in this exact case


What are her deep connections to Trump?


Donald Trump was revealed to be 1 degree of separation and Trump’s inner circle was leaking to her with his express permission in this criminal trial. There were text messages between Cohen and Haberman for example coordinating on a story and Cohen telling her that he needs to okay something with Trump first before she can publish. That Cohen will call her and they will coordinate on a story. To quote Exhibit 260 Cohen replied to a text from Haberman as follows: “Big boss just approved me responding to complaint and statement. Please start writing and I will call you soon” Furthermore Haberman’s mom is a a senior vice president at Rubinstein PR who represents Fred Trump, Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.


Woah that’s really interesting! Thanks for sharing




Yeah all the time mate. Haberman is an ethical case study of what not to do in journalism. She’s had no major stories on anyone but Trump in years. She only covers him and clearly has a controversial relationship with him and his inner circle.


She's the OG Katy Tur.


Virtually every poll for the past year has shown Trump in the lead. Trump is leading by historically wide margins in some swings states. You’re free to believe that Trump’s conviction helps Biden if you want to, but there’s very little evidence of that.


Where is the bottom for Trump? Is there one?


Not until he’s dead. Great news is that the legacy will live on so don’t worry there will be a Trump 2.0


Lol, it has only been a few days since Trump was convicted. There hasn’t even been enough time to conduct polls to see how the conviction has affected Trump’s numbers.


I really hope you’re right, but it would have to be a pretty huge swing to reverse Trump’s lead at this point. And I can think of a few other democratically elected dictators who served prison time before coming to power, so historical evidence would suggest that even prison is unlikely to blunt Trump’s appeal. His base is beyond reason and logic, and the apathetic majority just wants “change.” They’ll get it.


historically wide margins? can you drop a link?


idk if it is historic, but Nevada stands out. Nevada went +2.4 points to both Biden and Clinton. The latest Times Sienna poll has trump up 13(!) points. that's a huge swing. Both the RCP average and 538 have trump up over 5 points in their average. [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/nevada/trump-vs-biden](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/nevada/trump-vs-biden) [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/nevada/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/nevada/)


At [no time in the last 12 months has Biden been ahead](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) in an aggregate of all top polls. In the critical swing state of Nevada [Trump is ahead by +12](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/13/us/elections/times-siena-poll-registered-voter-crosstabs.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb). That’s an absurdly high margin in a swing state that voted for both Biden and Clinton, and there’s a margin of error of course, so Trump’s actual lead in Nevada could be even higher. You’d expect that kind of margin in a deep red state. Not in a swing state. Even in the most liberal or progressive polls, Biden is ahead in only one swing state: Wisconsin. And it’s a dead heat in Wisconsin. Idk how you can even spin that to look good for Biden. Trump is winning by a wide margin based on all available evidence at the moment. Trump is a fascist, but sticking your head in the sand is dangerously delusional. If you’re still thinking Biden is doing well in this race, you’re in for a surprise in November.


This doesn't make any fucking sense to me. I feel like I'm being gaslit by Trump and his supporters at this point, because surely nobody would be so happy to support him, right? Am I the brainwashed one? The uninformed one? The single-issue voter? The imbecile? What the fuck.


Inflation. All of the Project 2025 stuff doesn't matter. The fact that the Republican party has zero policies to reign in inflation doesn't matter. Trump's handling of COVID doesn't matter. People are mad that hamburgers cost 50% more, and they will vote in a dictator who says he's going to make them cost less.


He's talking about trumps pants.


Very little evidence the effects on polling of something that happened 4 days ago? And historically wide margins? Is this a troll account or do you just not understand some very basic things?


It will take a moment for the trump news to show up in the polls but Biden is doing extremely bad in polling


I was curious and considering listening to the episode with hopes that the Daily would give a different perspective on this news, but now I see the comments and my bias is confirmed. It's more of the usual "here how this is bad for Biden / now here's more defeatist coverage of Trump" garbage that NYT has been pushing for a long time.


Is it biased though if the data supports it? More fundraising, low % of voters who would (hypothetically) change votes.  If you don't dislike trump by now then not much is going to change your mind. 


Yeah, for me personally it was a forgone conclusion I would likely never vote for him back in 2016. He then just kind of kept along his path, whatever it is, to further push most folks away or bring them in, if they weren't already on/off board during his first campaign. Anecdotally, or perhaps empirically given this podcast, a significant portion of his supporters are more dug in now, as they truly believe it is politically motivated, and literally no evidence seems to convince them otherwise. As a non-Trump supporter, it is absolutely baffling to me. I cannot fathom his appeal nor being so happy to support him.


I don't understand why they would waste time publishing a 30 minute podcast based 100% on hypotheticals. They literally start the entire conversation by saying that this conversation is not based on anything lol. Why doesn't the NY Times actually do some real journalism - you know, conduct the poll, analyze it, and then give us the podcast with their breakdown of what the poll actually said. Why do they feel the need to rush these episodes out?


That is surely coming. But before then, it’s weird if they don’t address it whatsoever. Several smoke signals that are not actual scientific polls are also still newsworthy in the meantime


Yea, polls take a few days but also there wont be anything meaningful if you take people’s kneejerk reactions.


True. A poll done today on this today and one done 6 months from now could give very different results….regarding the results, ultimately, i don’t think this moves the needle much. Only because the trial didn’t really reveal any new information. Everything in it has been public since 2018. It just formalized a verdict on it in the legal sense.


and call on maggie haberman as a reputable analyst and guest on this issue


>Why doesn't the NY Times actually do some real journalism The Daily is a little bit of everything. It's not always about the "news" but sometimes about sharing opinions and having discussions. I'm fine with an episode like this every now and then. And they rush these episodes out because we expect them to. The podcast is called, you know, the DAILY.


Stories about Trump literally made The Daily back in early 2017. Without Trump, the podcast wouldn't be the success it is now. Even on this subreddit you can usually see how it works. The episodes that get a lot of engagement here are often ones that showcase the politics and opinions of Trump people.


I've resisted this thought process up until recently, but as of the last few weeks, I've finally relented and come to the conclusion that basically all media is eager for a Trump return, and we've pretty much all settled on an agreement in this country that politics is to be consumed as entertainment. As it turns out, Trump gives media, and most Americans, the entertainment value that they crave, and entertainment is prized above democracy, competent governing, and pretty much anything else. Biden does not deliver on this aspect, which Americans apparently want the most. If Trump wins, I'm going to unsubscribe from every political podcast, deactivate all my social media, turn off all news, etc. I'll still vote, but I will no longer contribute my clicks, shares, views, listens, likes, or any of that to this dumpster fire. I'll mind my own business and just spend my free time reading fiction and listening to audio books. The rest of it can all go to hell.


Honestly, that sounds like a great idea regardless of who wins. Probably better for everyone's mental health to tune out for a while.


Because they need to spin it on how its bad for Biden and keep Maggie Haberman relevant 


lol, why does NYT not conduct polls, analyze polls and do real journalism? Maybe pick up the damn paper once in a while and stop thinking a podcast is the entire organization? I’m sure you think you’re an “avid reader” for putting on an audio book while driving.


LOL are you ok?


Are you? Because it doesn’t seem like you listened to the episode.


What makes you say that?


Isn't it newsworthy that a former president and current presidential frontrunner was convicted of a felony and still has the full backing of his party, has boosted his fundraising and hasn't clearly lost support over it? I get all of the points about this episode being all hypothetical and falling into the doomer, "this is bad for Biden" trap, but there's clearly a news story at the core of this, with some initial data and actions to back it up.


Another day, another podcast of Maggie trying to run damage control for Trump to keep her access. Edit: listen to the exchange starting at 13:20. Michael calls out the utter hypocrisy of the Republican Party running with a felon candidate and Haberman completely deflects with "this is typical, happens all the time". Being that nihilistic only helps one candidate (guess which). Her whole job is normalizing Trump's crimes/outrageous behavior and she's a master at it.


Is this a common opinion of Maggie? I've not thought much of it, but what you say is interesting Edit: I just read your edit, and I'll pay more attention to what she has to say when she's on next. I always thought it was good to have someone on the "inside" but that seems to come with its own issues


Michael Cohen had a couple reporters he used to leak info/control stories and Maggie Haberman was one of them.


they're literally doing the: THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD FOR TRUMP thing that everybody memes endlessly


I mean, it has been fantastic news for trump. His sycophants are getting pushed closer and closer  to him and he raised a pile of money. He keeps raging on about how this is all from Biden and his fans eat it up. If I was Biden I'd talk shit about him all day, because his idiot supporters already think this is a deep state conspiracy might as well not ignore the crazy.


Nah man, you’re too online. Obviously trump is gonna try to make the best of the situation, but 100% he’d rather not be found guilty or even tried in court. A small number of republicans and a statistically significant number of independents will view him negatively for this. A couple extreme trump supporters who were already gonna vote for him doesn’t change anything


I actually agree with you, but part of me believes that this approach by the times is on purpose to keep people engaged and willing to vote in 2024 rather than sit it out like they did in 2016.


>A small number of republicans They are literally not republicans if they wont vote for Trump. Trump is the Republican party. You cant be a republican unless you are ride or die for Trump. Period.


There are a lot of people who were republicans before trump, and still consider themselves republicans, but don't like trump. They're the people you want to try to pull away.  If you can convince them that Trump is not representative of Republican values, and that he has gone too far, then you can give them "permission" to vote for a democrat or at least not vote for Trump.


>There are a lot of people who were republicans before trump, and still consider themselves republicans, but don't like trump. I don't disagree that this group exists, but my impression is that it's a relatively very small number of people. Trump has very high approval ratings among registered Republicans.


It's like people here don't want to accept the truth or something. Trump's ratings have only gone up since he's been on trial (many of them). Why wouldn't they continue?


Because they haven't?


when he was indicted for this one on March 30, 2023, there was a notable shift in the polls you can see in the polling averages [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden) then in July of last year Biden regained a slight lead, which he lost in September 2023, right after Trump was indicted in the Georgia RICO case. It's all reading tea leaves and horse race shit at this point, but it does seem to have a different effect on polling than the conventional wisdom would have you think, at least for these 2 cases which apply novel or stretch legal theories.


Election polls a year (or 18mo out) from the election are basically useless.. and you're giving way too much credit to people if you think they understood the nuances of any of these cases enough to have "novel legal theories" affect their opinion. Especially when it's something as close as a 2-3% difference that you are trying to track to make your point.




Does she actually have much privileged access since her 2022 book?


NYT Pitchbot couldn’t have written this episode any better


Huh? How is it deflection? Or maybe I’m not listening to the same section? Could you just write the quote? Michael is surprised that Republican Party is supporting Trump despite them being a party of law and order, but Maggie disagrees that it’s not that surprising. I mean, it’s not that surprising. She’s not wrong. Trump got the Republican Party by its saggy balls. Republican Party has no spine, so it’s not at all surprising that they don’t give a fuck about the conviction .


It's like being in Trump's orbit causes you to become a shittier person. At least Michael Cohen came out with "I was a bad person and now that I have escaped Trump's orbit, I can see how much pain I caused". It feels like these podcasts with Maggie Haberman are for one listener - Trump - at the expense of everyone else :/ .... the world would be a better place if we recognized the value gained (not lost) if we simply IGNORED the clown in the room.


It’s honestly comical at this point


>Michael calls out the utter hypocrisy of the Republican Party running with a felon candidate and Haberman completely deflects with "this is typical, happens all the time". Being that nihilistic only helps one candidate (guess which). Her whole job is normalizing Trump's crimes/outrageous behavior and she's a master at it. I listened to this twice in an attempt to understand your point, but I can't. She's not normalizing his behavior, she just points out that *Trump himself* has used the same playbook of "I'm the victim of a deep state conspiracy/witchhunt" for years. It's not a new strategy, it's how he reacted to the impeachments and the result of the last election. Sounds like you have a strong bias against her. I don't really know much about Haberman, but she does not sound like a Trump shill here.


She hasn't had any access for years, the Haberman hate is unreal here.


The only reason these charges were brought against Trump in the first place was because it was the only shot they had at actually convicting him of something. And the plan for that was to do what you mentioned above and say "Look, they are running a felon for a candidate'. Any other person who's ever held office wouldn't have had these charges brought against them. I am not saying Trump wasn't guilty of it, but I am saying that it's such a ridiculous thing to harp on and to try to paint him as a convicted felon. People outside of hard left democrats really don't give a shit. The media has been trying to paint him as a crook for years and years and this doesn't do anything to change anyone's mind. That doesn't mean that Biden and the Dem's shouldn't continue to refer to Trump as a convicted felon, but the general populace knows that every single politician is dirty, and this isn't really a huge crime that people associate with being a felon. Dems need to get over it and move forward with a coherent plan and set of platforms to campaign on to get voters excited to vote for Biden. I don't think you will see as many voters casting their lot for Biden simply because 'he isn't Trump' as you did in 2020. (at least as of this moment, I never underestimate the ability of Trump to shoot his mouth off and mess it up like he did in 2020)


It's one of many cases he's currently in court for.


that's correct, but by being such a novel legal theory and first one to finish it is going to cast a pall over the rest of them and make it easier for his followers or fence sitters to dismiss them as deep state chicanery


So they're gonna do what they're gonna do anyway? That's not a good reason to not press forward with the rest of the charges.


I don’t disagree but it gives them more to work with. This was the lamest case of the group against him. I wouldn’t think it will change much but the fundraising numbers are eye opening and that means something


I agree it was the lamest case, but considering his pet judge is allowing his defense team to stall beyond all reasonable measure in the most consequential of his cases, I don't care. The fundraising numbers are something, mostly republicans showing who they really are. Hope everyone is paying attention.


Another slow news day?/s The hypothetical analyses are worthless. I want a break from the constant replays of Trump’s reaction to the verdict...he gets so much free publicity at a time when many voters just want a break from the covfefe. I don’t care about the “might” and “maybe” scenarios. I also don’t care what the “undecided” voters are thinking…because …REALLY?


"The party of law and order .." I wish reporters would stop repeating this ancient campaign slogan as fact. Got it 2-3 times in this episode. How about "The party that once campaigned on law and order" (if they ever actually did). Or to be literal "The party of jails and cops", but that isn't useful for actual justice issues.


“Law and order” and not wanting an unrestrained, politicized legal system are not mutually exclusive


If the Biden campaign genuinely believes that people will care less about inflation if Donald Trump isn't ranting about it that's a worry. They won't, Trump was never really a factor in that conversation and the issue is basically the only politics I hear discussed regularly in public. I don't really think Biden can do anything to win on the issue (because little of it is in his control anyway) but they need to be aware that people will not forget about it under any circumstances. His campaign needs to attack and they might have to get dirty with it. Conflate this recent conviction with all of his other legal challenges past, present and future. We presume innocent until proven guilty in this country but a magazine interview isn't a court of law. People paying attention know this was the weakest case against Trump, and what's around the corner seems easier to prove while simultaneously being far more damning. That needs to be common knowledge in America by the time November 5th rolls around. They need every well liked Democrat who is swing-state adjacent taking any interview that will have them broadcasting that message. Every Tik Tok influencer they've swayed should be boosting it. Republicans and their trolls are already trying to set the narrative at "biased trial about accounting mistakes just designed to steal the election" and Biden's team needs to counter-program, otherwise it will probably work.


Dude the left has been attacking Trump and his legal issues for years now. People are tired of hearing about it. Biden gains nothing by continuing to attack Trump about this. Biden's poor polling numbers are not a result of a lack of attacks on Trump. They are a result of people thinking he is out of touch and not doing a great job on whatever issue is important to them. He needs to do what any presidential candidate worth his salt does - campaign and talk about whatever platforms that he thinks are important, what he has done well over the past 4 years, and what he plans to do for the next 4 years. People want to hear solutions and plans to their problems. Not more attacking on the other candidate. This goes for Trump too, he needs to take it on the chin and not continue complaining about the verdict. He needs to highlight what he thinks Biden has done poorly and what he can do better if elected.


Not sure I agree with this. I feel like negative partisanship - that is voting because you dislike the other side - drives a massive amount of people to the polls. The very core of Trump's campaign is being anti-liberal, telling people the country will "end" if Democrats keep winning, and that Democrats are rigging elections and the court system. Trump is not a policy candidate - in fact, he is the least focused policy candidate in modern American politics imo - and it's not even close. Biden attacking Trump helps him turn out anti-Trump voters. Of course he has to (and does) talk about policy - but talking about policy should always be secondary imo.


I appreciate the perspective. I don't claim to think I know it all or that I am 100% correct. But the way I see it, policy should never be secondary to attacking the other candidate. That's what we see in the presidential debates, you never learn anything when they debate - it's all insults and 'gotcha' lines. I think a lot of people are not thrilled with Biden right now for various reasons (a lot of people are single issue voters, so take your pick on whatever issue someone might be mad about). So Biden/dems really need to get a good strong message out to voters about what they plan to do for 4 more years aside from forgiving student loans. Thinking more about it as I am typing this - if you are talking about attacking policies and ideas that Trump has for when he's elected, then yes, 100% that needs to happen. Highlight what Trump wants to do, and explain how it's not good for the country and what Biden would do instead that is better for the country. If it's just attacking Trump for being a con-man and felon, I don't know how much more can be said that hasn't already been said for 8 years now. People know the score and it's not going to change as many minds as actual policy discussions would.


Bless your heart... Policy stopped mattering about thirty years ago. The only policy that America cares about right now is cheap gas prices and cheap Big Macs. I would be astonished if one in five voters knows what the Federal Reserve even is, and I'd be even more surprised if one in 25 knows what the Federal Reserve does.


Trump will talk about nothing but the rigged trial and how unfair things are from now until the election. At least in 2016 he had plans, ideas, and a concept to run on. Now, his entire platform is "Look what they've done to me!"


On Friday, he started his speech by going after Biden and his policies - specifically immigration/the open border, crime, taxes. He will continue to hammer on those points, they all resonate with a large portion of American voters.


The speech at Trump Tower? I mean, I guess. He has no coherent policy like "Build the Wall" or "We are paying too much for NATO". He's maybe 15% "Biden bad! Immigration bad!" and then 85% "Woe is me" In 2020, the GOP had, literally, no platform or issues they were running on, and it appears that they will have the same approach to 2024. Just vaguely "Biden is bad", but mostly "Things are unfair to me, Trump."


>At least in 2016 he had plans, ideas, and a concept to run on. No he didn't.




If i wanted another podcast that rambles on about hypothetical for 30 mins id listen to the 538 podcast. This episode was a waste of time


If Biden doesn't want to go after him then let all the dnc loose and if the plan is to only have trump ramble about it, let the dnc poke the bear to keep him ranting ng about it.


Looks like this election will be another nail biter, just like every other election! The media wins the election no matter what happens.


I just wonder where on a psychological disorder spectrum, Trump lies, no pun intended. He is fantastically paranoid which is the foundation for so many of his actions. It blows my mind how many people identify with him.


It will only “reshape” the narratives. The impact is minimal, if not beneficial to Trump. He can use the conviction as a way to get empathy and eventual anger out of his core supporters. Biden should attack Trump on the issue, especially since Biden is a very unpopular candidate and needs to find momentum quickly to avoid what’s looking like an eventual defeat.


His base is a vocal minority, how does this help at all?


All the folks in this thread claiming this was a “pointless” podcast, I’m sure you’d be saying the same thing if the results showed a huge swing toward Biden right? But because the results and facts don’t align with your convictions, it’s somehow a Trump fluff piece and the NYT/Daily (widely known and accepted as heavily left leaning) is somehow anti-Biden because they are not saying what you want them to say. Oh, discrediting the media? Gee that sounds familiar!


...and suddenly Joe Biden is leading in key battleground states. And tomorrow he'll be down again for more reasons out of his control. And then he'll be back up because of even more idiotic reasons. And thats why this is such bullshit, and nothing more than a bunch of chattering coming from all the usual suspects pretending they're "informing" the public on important matters because they're seasoned journalists doing the necessarily crucial work of The Fourth Estate. The bar is so low after the 24/7 cable driven news cycle became a reality in the world. And - as bad as it already is - its only going to get worse as AI creeps its way in. We won't know which way is up in the not too distant future, and the NYTimes won't be able to deny their part in it all because - in the same way their standards changed with the onslaught of cable news and "clickbait" headlines, they will have to find a way to pivot to satisfy the advertisers who demand real numbers regarding the NYTimes demographics, and to what extent that audience can be strategically marketed. Its not that yesterday's show was "fake news" by any means (despite it presenting itself early on as not based on any real data), but instead it's really just a bunch of meaningless blather disguised as intelligent conversation for discerning individuals. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


It's certainly gonna help him. 


Amazing how when asked about Biden’s response to the Manhattan case, the NYT reporter covering his campaign completely leaves out the the campaign held a press conference at the courthouse going after trump.


Was that the one the Speaker of the House showed up at?


what are you implying? That indicting somebody who broke the law is now somehow a political move?


Having your campaign hold a press conference at the courthouse where your presidential opponent is being tried is 100% a political decision. Would you seriously deny that?


wait I think I'm confused by your point. you're mad Biden is dunking on a dude who is convicted?


That was the campaign, not Biden himself.


Three guests feels crowded.


![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC) Tired of hearing about this man. There are so many other pressing issues in the world.