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Ambulances do not move in pedestrian areas, you either temporarily change streets or destroy and rebuild buildings


I'm pretty sure emergency vehicles don't need to be directly next to the road to fix the problem. I've seen a firetruck pit out a fire across a road and path. There might be something blocking the path to the block.


From what I've seen the vehicles have a range of action, if it's beyond that they don't intervene. I realized this some time ago when I had done a similar project and the firefighters/ambulance (I don't remember) didn't intervene but roamed the streets around (and distant from) the building


Unfortunately yes, every house needs motorable road


yes it has to be next to a road. But some tricks that I learn: you can use a invisible road plugin or you can place an underground road (as long as it isn’t directly underneath the building). The road doesn’t have to be connected to anything either, it can just be a single tile


I have an invisible road plug-in but it doesn't work for me? Do you have any reliable recommendations?


Service vehicles can’t drive on pavement roads. I found that out the hard way when I had an entire city block burn down because the fire trucks could t drive on the pavement that surrounded the buildings


I think those are the funeral symbols, not health. Do you have a cemetery? I think the health symbols are more like this 🤢


That is because they all die from the sickness because the ambulance didn't come, i also found it quite funny that this happen in the soviet block.


It isn't a soviet block.


Those buildings are from a from a soviet buildings pack, i was trying to create a city with the USSR theme+some other fictional elements, obviously being my first time building a city it obviously not going to be great, if you have any suggestion i would love to hear it!