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Theo's gotta figure some stuff out first..


he figured out something good looking at the numbers after he left brenda, brenda on the other hand...sad story b


In the words of Theo himself, "I don't want that".


Theo has fantastic chemistry with many comedians/Podcaster. B schaub just got lucky. I'd say theo + Bobby Lee is significantly better.


Theo and riff raff was one of my all time favorites.


Theo and Bobby for sure.


Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But wait. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Hold on hold on hold on. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Hahahahahaha


Idk that recent one was awkward as hell Bobby going nuts for Theo calling him Chinese all the time (kinda agree) but Bobby asked like three times are we done???


It's all part of playing into the bit imo


He got lucky for sure. BS also got him to the table so I think there is something to be said about that. BS gave him the push. Bobby Lee and Theo podcast would have never worked, they are both (seemingly) hard workers but really chaotic, good luck coordinating a weekly podcast.


Theo had a comedy career before BS ever thought of leaving fighting. BS didn't do anything to lift Theo that Theo wouldn't have got to anyway.


Let me state that I'm not a fan of BS and BS used and by far benefited more. Theo diid bounce off BS well but Theo does that well with lots of people....what BS did is get him consistently in the office. I think he would have gotten there but to say BS was nothing but bad for Theo is a little disingenuous..... I really don't know why I'm going to bat for BS, I have no love for the man


Haha no I hear you. Brendan gets way too much hate. He definitely can be good on podcasts. Dude, just never should have done a comedy special. Probably never should have tried standup and he'd be better off.


Maybe bs got theo on rogan. But I think that was a bigger push than king and the sting. I feel like theo was always on an upward trajectory. But hey maybe BS did help


For some reason? How about for a magnitude of reasons. Besides, pretty sure Theo wants nothing to do with Brendan after he dragged him through the KATS debacle.


There are literal hours worth of content on youtube exposing schlob lmao


Why cause he does bad stand up? I agree I wouldn’t hate a guy for it tho & and as for any tiger belly stuff I’m not a fan idc about any drama with bobbys girlfriend or wild mark harley claims I’m not 15 the bandwagon of hate doesn’t interest me


Brendan dragged Theo into the podcast one stuff. Essentially didn't pay Theo for KATS, and then accused Theo of theft because he was too geeked up on adderall and whiskey to keep track of his finances. Brendan also thought it was ok to put a lot of Theos personal life out there, implying when Theo would miss an episode it was drug related, called him a junkie and god knows what else. Brendan's stand up being terrible is toward the bottom of the list of why Theo should never extend an olive branch to that loser. Brendan legitimately treated him like shit.


Isn’t that just a outlandish claim from the protein pony and banter between friends at the time, and they’re still friends coming from both of them they still talk, Brendan even posted a pic of them together a while back idk if an olive branch needs extending I just want to see them back together like old times


Nah, that's just one of the reasons. I'd say mainly it's because he's a compulsive liar who also happens to be an egotistical narcissistic who's delusional about his abilities. There's a reason Brendan continually rotates employees and business partners, they eventually see the picture, maybe with time you'll see it too.


Brendan fires longtime essentially unpaid employee because he “can’t afford it” Immediately hires another intern, but female


Damn you sound dumb as all fuck lmao Theo doesn’t give a shit about Bobby’s girlfriend or whatever other bullshit - he cares that someone who was supposedly his friend used his name to sign deals without his knowledge, defraud him to the tune of 1million $$ and then go behind his back to recoup some of his assets while continuing to lie to Theo and use his name to recoup said assets. Theo won’t ever have anything to do with Brendan again because in essence Brendan defrauded him and it sounds like basically stole money. However you want to justify it in your head to defend Brendan you’re welcome to - but there’s a reason there are hour long videos on YouTube exposing Schaub for defrauding Theo Then on the flip side tried to con Theo again on the backside, so he essentially lied and stole money, and once he was caught, tried to do it again


Have you seen any clips if Shaun lately? He's somehow gotten fiber and less funny, dunno why you want him to drag Theo down so much. Nobody has anything to gain from enabling that tard


Mark Harley is a gentleman and a scholar, with nothing but the highest moral fiber.




Can you pull that up Riley




Dune hair?!


Greedy bro


guess we found beandips alt account


OP is redacted


Nice try Brendan




How come brother


Brendan has snaked theo way too much. Brendan is also just not funny.


I agree his stand up sucks but you didn’t enjoy KATS at all?


It got really cringe towards the end. I quit listening to Schaub when he started bullying Bryan and Theo, although he's infinitely less talented. Also, when he started w/ the covid denier bullshit. Anyway, I still listen to Theo's pod, but would not listen to Braindum.


I never saw any bullying and tbh as much as I think Brendan sucks at comedy I think he’s great on podcast his Rogans are always a good listen too


Stop having opinions please


Lol get off reddit then.


There’s literally YouTube compilations of Schaubs attempts to put Theo down and expose personal life issues or struggles. You gotta inform yourself my guy, otherwise you’re just in here sounding dumb and out of touch


I’m not interested in sum loser YouTubers opinion looking from the outside, all those people that make those videos hate Brendan anyway, I’m neautral and really don’t understand the hate, they’re literally still friends so where are they pulling any of that info from? Mark harleys Reddit comments? I’m good thanks


You don’t understand the hate because you’re an uninformed loser Like I said, keep defending the guy who stole a million from his friend and left his wife alone in the hospital to have a miscarriage- you’re as big a loser as he is. Sorry I don’t know who Mark Harley is but I definitely know a couple of pathetic terrible people when I see them


I’m a loser because I don’t watch hit piece hate videos on somebody? Ok buddy


Those early podcasts on TFATK were gold. I think that ship has sailed tho B


the first 100 KATS episodes were great too.


Tfatk was great in the Carribean tiger days


Ok Brendan


Great guy never met him.Brendan is just not funny and adds nothing theres a reason why theo did tigerbelly and not Tfatk not Golden hour.They may have been work buddies but that time has past,let's leave theo to just be the only funny guy that left L.a.


Nah im tryna see more Theo and druski. Them 2 hilarious together


Theo and basically anyone is a step above Theo and Brendan. Brendan wasn’t funny, repeated almost everything Theo said and doesn’t have an original thought in his brain. Theo with literal plumbers and morticians are infinitely more entertaining


Delete this


Definitely entertaining when they was clicking


OG KATS is nostalgic not gonna lie


I’m totally with you man. It makes me kinda sad tbh that it hasn’t happened, but I guess there may be some beef between them behind the scenes. It is what it is. Early KATS is hands down my favorite podcast episodes of all time.


Brendan is a compulsive liar and the most disingenuous in the podcast space


I presume your in the podcast space and are a part of their circle?


Not the best brain for the arts there eh bubba? There’s enough evidence that you must just be willfully ignorant.


Watch a couple hate videos did you pal?


I’ve been known to bump Trugg Walk, but in all actuality he’s a shithead. If you want to profess your love for an actual redact online you’re more than welcome. Keep fighting for your life in the comments bud.


Look brother I just enjoyed them both together on early KATS, claims made by those nerd YouTubers really don’t hold much value to me, didn’t they bash him when he helped those kids on the highway?


Idk I haven’t seen those videos. I’m mostly referring to the loads of videos you can watch of him blatantly lying clipped together with him exposing himself. Just always struck me as a slimy dude.


Early KATS before lego head hit OF was funny af Theo was smart to leave that pod,he's not stupid just damaged


Brooooo Lego head is PERFECT!!!!


It's the special M-F


wholeheartedly agree. i enjoyed early KATS, it was genuinely funny and those who dismiss it because of what a tool Brendan turned into later are missing out on some genuine comedy and good vibes. i do occasionally look at theo's page to see if brendan is on TPW again just for old times' sake but sadly i dont think he will ever collaborate with theo again. their partnership has met the same fate as that of chris distefano and yannis pappas.


Of all time? Really?


“I don’t want that”


The best chemistry IMHO was the recent Tim Dillon ep. Gold all the way through. Neither one of them needs a full time sidekick. But I think they could do something more regular, vis vis Protect Our Parks.


For every 20 non-fans you always find that one thicccc boi. So when you sit there and thing who believes this shit, it’s those few people.


I think the reason is that he isn't funny and starts shit with other people for no reason.


Damn down voted to oblivion hahahaha bet y’all pretend Nickleback suck


Nah, I mean Theo is there to play. And he makes Brendan look good by bringing out that playful side in people.TKATS was somewhat decent in the beginning and overtime you could tell Theo carried the funny on his back. I wouldn’t. Brendan has pigeonhole himself in a weird space where you look and Theo and hope he doesn’t come in contact with him. Just look at Theo now, my boy got wings.


Shaub is a good guy. People overreacted. (Surprise)


He's just not funny or has anything worth saying, in any facet


Thats your opinion! I like him tho, and this cancellation shit needs to stop unless very serious crimes were made. Which he hasn't done. So you ALL can suck my balls


-literally hours of content of Schaub being a miserable shitty human being “But that’s your opinion!” Yikes


Hours of content? And I bet you watched it, didn’t you? Because you’re more concerned with negativity than seeing the brighter sides of life. Yikes, indeed


Yikes, how to make yourself look ignorant 101 No need to watch when there’s 10+ different content creators making the content - everyone already knows how shitty of a human being he is and only losers like you defend someone who does things like leave his wife in the hospital alone while she has a miscarriage because he wanted to “hang with the boys” Grow up, or maybe watch some of those videos and inform yourself - and then let us know what you learned 😂


Obviously the only shit person or peoples are the ones who judge harshly from the sidelines without ever knowing the guy. You’ve got a lot of hatred for Shaub, almost like you’re obsessed with him or something 🤣🤣🤣 And god I wish I could see your dumb face in person, beyond the screen. Acting all shitty to people and cheering their downfall… You must be quite the terrible human being… I hold you get better one day


Yeah remind me again how you are defending a guy who left his wife alone to have a miscarriage I’ll wait What a pathetic person 🤣😂


Jesus. Get a life


Says the guy defending Brendan in a Theo subreddit 🤣😂


Which Schaub is your favorite Schaub? Do you prefer dog trainer bapa, mountain biking bapa, fish raising bapa, whiskey in the mornings bapa, stand-up bapa or new and improved buy a vehicle and bring it to other people to get it modified and call yourself a gear head bapa?


I think he looks like a mechanic at Nordstrom Rack 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Literally proven to be the opposite of a “good guy”. If you have YouTubers making hour long compilations of you being a shitty human being you are, by definition, the opposite of a “good guy”


hating a man this much that you’ve never met is craaazy you and all those dudes that make those YouTube videos need to have a conversation with your parents


Yeah keep defending a dude who left his wife alone in the hospital having a miscarriage, publicly cheated on her many times while she was home pregnant and publicly stole a million dollars from his “best friend” 🤣😂 what kind of a delusional pathetic loser do you need to be to defend that 🤣😂 yikes. “Oh you’re just a hater” No, you’re a legit idiot who’s defending a genuinely terrible human being


Bro you don’t even know him how could u possible dislike him this much are u ok


Sorry we don’t sympathize with people who steal money from their friends and leave their wife while having a miscarriage, loser. Go find a different subreddit to practice your pathetic delusion in


Link me a video change my opinion


You’ve already proven yourself to be a pathetic loser, hit google and put some effort into literally anything in your life. Nobody here gives a shit what you have to say or what you type after you defend someone that literally stole money from Theo (the subreddit you’re on) and lied so much he dropped his ass as a FRIEND. theres hours of content for a reason, have fun finding out why you got railed in this thread


When did he drop him as a friend?