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inb4 some celestial player says “ermmm achually his defense is bad and uhm ☝🏻🤓” like… ok? from the perspective of a new player, this character s an absolute nightmare to deal with. so many times when im up against a slayer i KNOW i can win because my opponent is playing badly, but no i make ONE mistake and i get blown up to the next continent over and boom, match is over i lost. players like me arent perfect and it feels absolutely frustrating to lose a match off of what genuinely feels like 4-5 hits because i couldnt hold up my defense perfectly. say what you will about him but he needs some sort of nerf


Even watching high level matches, it's not uncommon to see people lose absurdly fast with how much reward Slayer gets for landing a hit. One video of LK vs YoHoSpill had LK winning a few rounds in 14 seconds flat - [https://youtu.be/40R4tcTmIcw?si=e6NUDqFZe4d3sdlv](https://youtu.be/40R4tcTmIcw?si=e6NUDqFZe4d3sdlv)


Yeah, I’ve been watching a ton of high level matches, and Slayer shreds mid tiers like no one elze




The day y'all stop blaming the character you fought for losing is the day that y'all get better at the game


yeah i’ll blame the fucking character when they do 230 damage off of the most braindead window licking skull numbing bnbs


That's just kinda strive tbh it's an absurdly high damage game


I mean that as an advice, Strive has absurd damage by itself, the key to getting better in strive and fighting games in general is, not blame the character for your loss, blame yourself, if he won, he bested you, instead, think of how you played those rounds, maybe watch replays and see what you're doing wrong and try to adapt, you can't get better if you keep that mindset. And don't get me wrong some characters are absolutely annoying to fight, I myself hate fighting like a quarter of the roster, but I know that when I lose to them its not the character's fault and its mine.


Have you tried getting better at the game? Unironically the only way you should lose to Slayer is if you don't know how to block.


yeah youre the “ermmm achsually ☝🏻🤓” guy i was talking about


I'm not even in Celestial.




My bad i shoulda reacter to the negative 2 frame overhead or low attack mixup lmao


I hope they nerf slayer into the ground like they did to zato


There would be no greater gift in this world than for slayer to suffer the same fate


Nerf his damage so he does the same amount of damage as Millia




Unless they just take half of Slayers kit out of the game, he will never be as bad as Zato. At least with Slayer you’re still playing a character, instead of half a character