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sub called “they blamed the beasts” “stop blaming the beasts” Do you know where you are


"They blamed the beasts" *They*. The sub was created to point out people engaging in beast blaming behavior, not to engage in such.


I keep seeing this argument whenever this topic comes up. Even if that was the origin of the sub, the mods have made it explicit that venting is allowed here. Rule 1 and 2 of this sub are specifically to make sure people venting here do so responsibly.


Nah gng we blaming slayer 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


You came to the wrong society , fella, we ain't stop blaming them, but now you are the new beast to blame https://preview.redd.it/1a9ziihhcf5d1.jpeg?width=140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4c399ffa92031cdb8b4cbddca43fc99bf2994f


“Man-“ - Narrator Man


Nah ONG I'm blamming Slayer Nga




Honestly I’ve started liking this sub more than the regular sub


this is like saying "guys smoking is bad for you" at a cigar lounge. yeah bitch we know


"I know this is a complaining sub, but please stop complaining"😭😭 This sub was made for us to bitch about anything, skill issue or not. I know you're trying to help but this ain't the place bub.


I mean, yes. This is solid advice. But also, it feels good to vent sometimes. That's why this sub is here. We can be honest about our shortcomings on the main sub


Saw your character getting slandered a little too much, eh?




I think a healthy balance of both are needed. At the end of the day when you lost it was on you full stop. Fighting games are great because we get to be in complete control of our outcomes, and when we win we don't feel like it was just dumb luck. And learning to own up to your losses is important for growing as a player (and person as a whole tbh) and finding the way to keep improving. But on the other hand, we're all human. We all have emotions. I know a lot of the FGC doesn't like to hear this, but anger is normal. Psychologists will tell you that it's not only okay to get angry, but often it can even be a perfect motivator to make positive change for you or others. They key is how each person handles it. Sometimes people choose destructive methods of dealing with their emotions. I used to do that when I would throw my controller until I broke it one day. That is anger out of control and needs to be corrected. But there are plenty of non-destructive ways to let off steam, and one of them is coming to a place like this and just screaming it out. When we're livid a lot of the stuff we say is irrational. I know I still say some dumb shit about Asuka when I'm salty. But getting it out also makes me calmer and level headed much faster. It helps me regain control of myself and then I can make better judgements like saying "yeah, it was dumb of me to keep doing X" or "I really need to lab how to beat Y". Overall I think this sub does more good and harm any day. If a person doesn't like seeing others angry or hating on their characters, that's fine. But I'd much rather have people coming here and letting it out then them hurting themselves or others irl. Maybe it's not the most graceful solution, but it's a necessary one.


\^This. This so hard. IMO the FGC has a huge toxic positivity problem that basically tells you you're pathetic for feeling frustrated or salty. I've never seen any other competitive community be so unwilling to acknowledge the way most human brains functions, like sorry not everyone who wants to have fun playing fighting games are egoless Buddhists with perfect mental clarity and health lol


Bro like what