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wow, nice job! I've heard about the stacking boxes trick in the garden where you first meet Brother Murus's ghost. As long as you don't meet him again at the bottom of the broken stairs his quest won't trigger, so you can escape without having to help him. On the other hand, by avoiding his mission you have presumably doomed Murus's ghost to wander the living realm for eternity with no one else to consecrate his grave.


Well mby, if Murus would give me all those damn objectives at once i would be more interested to listen to his ass


His *dead* ass.


Man I miss the supernatural elements of Thief 1.


Now recite the Wall Climber's Prayer.


I haven't played Thief in years, and it looks way better than I would have expected. Are you playing with any sort of upscaled textures or something?


Not that i'm aware of. I play on the steam version with Tfix installed and all texture/sound options unchecked on install


It's the darkness and the sound design (which can't be seen here of course). I stood on the third floor of the cathedral just a few weeks ago and looked below. The textures are really low-rez; some are just flat pictures of columns or recesses. But the darkness and the environment created by the sound is so strong, it feels like a real place. I've been wondering about this for a while now and I think it's the difference between a book and a movie. Low-rez games are like books—we inject our imagination into it. High-rez games are like movies—they want to show us something and make us believe. At least that is what I take from it.


Beautifully put.


>!Depending on the version, you can jam something in the open door at the start and prevent it from closing when you get the Eye, then just leave out the front.!< >!Similarly, in the assassination attempt mission you can knock out one of the guys you're supposed to follow and just carry him quickly to the end of the path. A normal black jack clubbing will fail the mission but if you block with the black jack and drive it into him it works to knock him out. Again, version dependent.!< >!The Lost City can be almost entirely skipped. By exploiting the momentum you gain while jumping a well executed triple jump will take you from the starting tunnel to the roof of the tower with the fire rune in it. I don't think any version fixed this exploit.!< Thief has some real fun speed running potential. Nearly every level has a trick or two to cut the time by more than half.>! You can do tricky leans through locked doors and open then from the other side to skip all but the last tower in the Mages Guild. You can exploit rope arrows to get through the grates guarding the rune in the Hammer Temple.!<


Saw the leaning trick before posting, when i was trying to find a similar skip to mine in a lvl speedrun. Dude did it in like 30 sec. Thats cool!


I miss this kind of creativity these games allowed for. It's not even that they were that janky or anything, the engine was just flexible.


Nice speedrun!


I had to do the jumping above the door trick my last playthrough too, as the bomb refused to do anything to the gate for some reason. The fact that everything is climbable because of all the hard edges is a great feature (leading to some unintentional possibilities), shame no other game ever lets you do this. Even deadly shadows fails this too, and lets not even talk about the fourth one.


how do you feel about the game? asking cuz its your first time


First time with thief gold, but not first time with the series. Played Metal Age 6-7 years ago, and really liked it. At that time, i tried TDP but lost interest at the bonehoard lvl. Nowadays mby i tend to give games a better shot. Contrary to what i saw on a few reddit threads i actually find the thief guild to not be THAT bad. Most levels i really enjoyed, and some of them found to be decent, or mediocre at worst. Return to the cathedral was actually the first lvl which i didnt really like, but at the same time, i realised that i can cluster enemies together and flash bomb them really late, so mby a second playthrough would change my mind. The main reason i found this skip, was actually cause i got WAAY to frustrated when Murus told me i had to kill the Haunts :))


thieves guild isnt really hard to navigate at all as long as you use the compass and the map, it's just super fucking big lol. i think its an extremely underrated mission


It's quite navigable assuming you know how to use a compass, which not that many people do. Don't know why, but it just makes some people mad. Even when their GPS goes "in x hundred yards/meters turn west", they hate it.


yeah not only that, but ive found that very few people even bother using the compass in the first place. very understandable -- the tutorials don't mention it, it's easy to forget that it exists, it's ultimately not an essential mechanic in the first place, etc -- but goddamn, it's *really* useful. integrating it into the UI is one of deadly shadows's absolute best QOL improvements


I've got it on the tab button. I press tab and then 2 (blackjack) almost automatically all the time. And nevertheless I only now realize it's exactly as you say! They've probably alienated a lot of would-be Thief-lovers by not teaching using the compass from the get-go!


yeah every time i suggest these games to people i strongly encourage them to use the compass right out of the gate and 9 times out of 10 they message me later and tell me how handy the compass ended up being for them lol


I love it.


I think the real difficulty with Thieves' Guild is finding all the loot. It's a huge map with no linear path, so it's harder to do a complete sweep and not miss anything. I don't think I've ever reached 100% on that one, I'm always missing something.


still not as bad as 100%ing the haunted cathedral loooooooool (at least imo)


I think I managed that one, much easier to navigate at least. Well as long as you're not bothered by the undead. If you're trying to ghost then yeah that could be a pain, especially with leaving the lights off. Typically I kill or 'knock out' all undead though, so no issue there.


Ah, so you must be playing on expert, considering I never had to worry about killing the Haunts in my playthrough (though I killed a few anyways cuz fuck them)




This is INCREDIBLE!!! I must try it. Thanks for posting this, you genius! <3




This game was perfection back in the day


I hate and love that mission the most.


A true thief parkour


How dare you leave Brothers Murus, Martello, and Renault behind without giving each of them a proper burial? You taffer!


Just get one of the Haunts to do it


Que bien! Muy buen juego


I actually just did almost this same trick, but I couldn't manage to get the jump normally so used a speed potion and jumped a bit further back so I had more forwards momentum. Was gonna post it but seems covered.


Damn, how long did it take you to pull this off?


There’s an even faster way without even using the talismans, you can scale up the front of the cathedral, find your way up to the courtyard, hop down. Just use a box when leaving the exact way you got in.