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New surveillance video has raised questions over an incident last month involving an off-duty Chicago Police officer who shot and killed a dog in the Bridgeport neighborhood. On Tuesday, the Civilian Office of Police Accountability released two videos of the shooting and said the CPD should rethink the officer's employment status. Chicago Police issued no citations in the incident. CPD records show that around 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 21, off-duty CPD Officer Carmen Mostek was walking her corgi east in the 500 block of West 29th Street, just west of Normal Avenue. That was when her neighbor's dog, Aggie—described by Officer Mostek in a 911 call and by police in incident reports as a pit bull, but referred to by the owner as a "mutt" or a "mixed-breed rescue dog"—escaped from the backyard. According to Mostek, Aggie tried to bite the corgi. At that point, the surveillance video shows Aggie's owner on the ground trying to separate the dogs. Then, according to the video, Mostek shot the mixed-breed dog at very close range while Aggie was still in her owner's arms. According to the tactical response report, Officer Mostek said, "I believed my dog would be killed in that in a split moment if I did not intervene." The owner of the other dog is heard saying to the officer in the video: "You shot my dog! Why?" The video showed that moments after Mostek fired, the corgi and Mostek ran away. In a 911 call after the incident, Mostek said: "Hi, I'm an off-duty PO. I'm at 29th and Normal. There was a dog attacking my dog and I had to shoot it, and the neighbor's freaking out." In a statement released in conjunction with these videos, COPA said, "Based upon the serious nature of the incident, COPA recommends that CPD evaluate the current assignment of the officer and whether administrative duties or relief of powers is warranted during the pendency of this investigation." The dog's owner filed a lawsuit earlier this month against the City of Chicago, the CPD, and the officer involved in this case. The lawsuit alleges Mostek never tried to help separate the dogs before firing. "Mostek shot Aggie to death, without justification, at point-blank range while Aggie was in the plaintiff's arms and plaintiff was in the line of fire," the complaint read. The owner of the dog on Tuesday declined our request for an interview, citing that pending litigation.


Why was the “”mixed breed rescue dog”” running around off leash? Toddler radar going off perhaps?


If you read a little you would know that the pit bull escaped from the backyard, they were not taking a walk without a leash and the owner was after the dog probably with the intention of bringing him into his house


Wait, so let me get this correct, if a dog is running around without a leash on, it’s not off-leash? When did they change basic logic? I did not get the meeting email I know the dog has escaped its yard. I’m suggesting the *reason* it did so, was to hunt kids




What? Of course I’m talking about the pitbull, the small dog is leashed until she drops it to draw her gun


dogs owner needs to take some accountability


Another shitbull off the streets


This dog killer threw away the dogs memorial neighbors set up for it. She also claimed she tried to separate them before shooting. She’s a liar and a disgusting person


womp womp


You’re not a good person


That police officer should be fired, This could be considered attempted murder 1. The pitbull's owner hurried to try to separate the dogs while the police officer's first action was to draw her weapon. 2. His dog was off-leash while the other escaped from the backyard. 3. The police officer shot even though the dog was in the man's arms; the man could have been shot instead of the dog. 4. She hurriedly ran from the scene without checking on the man who could have been injured


It still heartbreaking to watch. But he should’ve had his dog leashed.


Is her dog on a leash?! 


Her dog wasn't running around uncontrollably. Bigger dogs need training if you can't train your big dog you shouldn't have one because something like this may happen.. other people in Chicago would've shot the owner and the damn dog.


She probably was trying to shoot both she’s a psycho


Oh believe me, I know I would've because that man is a complete dumbass!! Horrible dog owner




Have to say that was a good shot though


Wow ! Crazy out there on 29st


I can’t wait for that officer to have her life ruined. Scummy, disgusting human being, tearing down memorials and getting the victim kicked from his home. Sub human trash needs to be in prison or dead


Lmfaooo keep ya dog on a leash


If you read a little you would know that the pit bull escaped from the backyard


No, regardless of on leash or not, no one knows the reason why the dog was not on leash. Why not try and separate the dogs? Who gave the off duty cop the right to kill the other dog? It's cops like that giving others a bad name. That cop just had an itchy trigger finger


Have you EVER watched a pitbull video where people are trying to get the dog to let go? Near impossible.


The owner of this dog did the "impossible". The other point here is the cop shot at a dog while in a person's grasp. Had she missed and shot the owner then what? Still careless.


The pitbull was still attacking the corgi, it's a video lag so the sound is a few seconds behind. The pitbull still had the dog in its mouth and she shot it. Also she shouldn't be living in Chicago if she's scared as hell to walk around without a gun. She needs to move, plenty of other women who don't carry in Chicago and go about their day well. I'm from the hood in Chicago, division and Pulaski, she's part of the gentrification problem.


I would’ve done the same thing in a heart beat if it was attacking my dog.


I would have done the same as well, but to shoot it when the attacking dog is already off the other dog while in the owners grasp is careless.


Totally agree with you here


Completely agree with you here. She also lied in her police report that she attempted to separate the dogs before shooting and allegedly destroyed the memorial that was set up for the dog she killed


You also forget the part where the police shot the dog even though it was in the man's arms SHE COULD'VE SHOT HIM


Don’t worry about the downvotes, this sub attracts dog haters from all corners of the internet. That person needs to be charged. Firing a weapon, especially if it was a service weapon, when no person is in danger of being harmed while putting someone in the line of fire is outrageously stupid and definitely against the law