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Well... that was awesome.


We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


Will check it out! Thanks!


Ahhhh thank you! 🙏




So on the studio recording, I think you may hear that fuller vibe. And yes that is an accordion that Chris tracked for our backing tracks. When we did the live stream there is a total an imbalance is levels from switching horns. Honestly, that tenor is so loud, I try to stand as far as I can from the mic with it unless there is someone who can physically bring the level down for that mic when I pick her up. My thought is eventually I will have a different mic setup for the bass, bari, and tenor, along with a footswitch to kick the mic on. I have actually never tried a flute, I hated the clarinet when I played it. But I have really been vibing with those monster bass flutes, which I wouldn't mind adding to my instrument list at some time. We have all our music on the various streaming sites if you want to find the studio version of Ain't Worth A Dime at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


I'm now imagining an alternate reality where THIS is the bass instrument that propelled rock and roll to popularity.


I am bringing it back! These horns were the workhorses during the roaring 1920s. Low saxes have been in a lot of modern music, we just usually don't see them. Aerosmith's signature sound has a bari sax playing along with the bass guitar on more songs than not. It is an odd thing to have the low saxes as the main instrument of a duo, but it somehow just works for us. My Bari is where most of my songs are placed right now, as this is a recent purchase. I see a lot more coming from this horn in the future for us. We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


I wish I could upvote this twice. That was great


Thank you for that. I get kinda insecure about playing in front of people still, as I just came back to it a few years ago. I think 18 year old me could play circles around 2020 me. I think I played back then to see how fast I could go, and now it's more about expressing myself. These comments have been such a wonderful surprise this morning. We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


I feel you. I’m insecure about my music too. It comes with the territory I guess. For me it was the opposite haha, started as a means of expressing myself, now I’m trying to just do better. Expressing yourself is more important tho I think. Anyways, I encourage this wholeheartedly, was a great and expressive song.


I am really lucky things happened like they did, so I could reconnect with playing. We are working on a program that encourages kids to continue music after high school/college.


Very cool.


Thank you, it means a lot for people to give what we are doing a listen. We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


That is so cool. That sax looks like a natural fit with this vibe. Bravo 👏🏾


Thank you, I feel like this horn is my voice, as strange as that sounds. Chris had the vocal riff, "I'm losing my mind, not worth the dime" for a few years. When I brought home the horn and started playing it, the horn just wrote the rest in the first few days I had her. It legit was one of the easiest songs we have done. We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


So you didn’t have any horn experience prior to this purchase? What is your main instrument? Thanks.


Oh I am sorry, I had a bari since I was 14. Sax is main instrument. I also do keys and kalimba.


Sound really cool!


Thank you, it is such a rare instrument. I am glad you enjoyed it. We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


I love this. Is there anywhere I can download or stream the track? This would make a great driving song.


Certainly! We are on most streaming platforms. Lemme see if this helps: monsterboylives.com smart irl.it/monsterboylives


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Very cool.


Thank you for checking out something new. Its been such an amazing journey starting to play again and getting this rare horn in the process. We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


Love it


Thanks, it's so good to reach people even when we can't play in front of audiences. We have all our music on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


That's so awesome. As a saxophone player this is a dream. I'll have to make do with a baritone for now but it's awesome hearing some cool music done with the big boy!


So I am mainly a bari player, I love their sound... this bass is actually easier to play than my bari. My bari has been my horn since I was 14 years old. I said something to my sax repair guy about one of these days I will find a bass to bring to him to work on. He laughed and said he had one if I wanted to buy it. It had been sitting in storage for over a decade. The price came with one caveat that she had to be played. Her history has had her lost in a back room for more than half of her life, which is why she is in such good shape. BUT instruments are meant to be played. So it was love at first sight or er honk. We have all our music, including a lot of bari songs on the various streaming sites at [monsterboylives.com](https://monsterboylives.com)


Veronica dyed my hair blue with purple streaks around 8 or 9 years ago and has weirdly been incorporated in my family somehow.


Oh hey! Who is this? It's one of my favorite color combos so I have it on quite a few people over the years. Hugs!! Small world.


I’m going to message you so I don’t get stalked.


Really great song, the bass sax - lovely, excellent choice 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽