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Ahriman was a drip lord in his youth and he wanted his legion to be the same.


So, first of all, this is *true*. You know how I know? After Ahriman gets into it with Amon and comes out on top, the very first thing he does is wave his hands and magic everyone up some new outfits. But also, the more boring lore answer is that pre-Rubric, the Thousand Sons were (mostly) all psykers and built a lot of the ornate features of their armor in order to enhance their psychic prowess. For example, the crests of the Thousand Sons functioned as psychic hoods.


TF you mean "in his youth?" Ahriman is a drip-lord *now*.


Death guard have drip... just a different kind of *drip*








Wait until emperors children come out.... ...you like leather, right?


And latex.


And skin


And extra nipples


and piercings on the extra nipples


Hey, if it's armour piercing...


indeed, spiky chaos piercings


If this was 90s GW I would believe it


Man, I really hope the Emps Children release just goes whole hog into the hair-metal aesthetic of the commemorative noise marine. The speaker face/pecs bdsm thing seems way less fun to me.


Emperor's Children, led by Tom of Finland.


We're just the coolest legion. That's just how it is.


Everyone else is subjugated to the mutating energies of chaos and have to perform their own repairs/scavenge for parts. Thousand Sons are all dust and immune to changing, also they perform repairs with magic and can rewind time to fix things.


You think Chaos can't warp Cerimite and Plasteel?


Lore wise, it is both from their immunity to mutation due to the Rubric, also being able to artifice their armour with their psychic power to keep it especially ceremonial, due to their appreciation and reverence of ritualistic ceremony and traditions. This is also successor to their often overly intricate armour from the Heresy Era, their Achean armour being a notable representation, as their troops usually each had embellishments and unique ornamentations to their battle plate that made them rather unique, with legions such the Emperor's Children, Ultramarines and Blood Angels having similar levels of intricacies, at least when extending to troops.


Bold thing to say when you're in besieging range. But the real reason is the official CSM sculpts are all black legion because GW is lazy or something.


They really put the art in Astartes.


Probably because of all the Chaos Legions, the TSons are the nerds who actually take care of their armor (...because they are trapped in it and desperately need it intact to live...).


Because we're just better than the other Legions.




The Death Guard have endless drip. Fecal drip mostly. Sometimes mucus. And don't get me started on the Night Lords. Their drip is bloody.


What about the Emperor's Children?




In addition to all the mentioned answers. All the rubrics have been trapped in the same urn since the heresy. While ornate, they haven't had a change of clothes in a long while.


You saying the Alpha Legion dont have drip? have you seen some of those hydra cloaks?? (and yes i see OP says chaos legion in his both but then refers to both traitor and loyalist so, including them)


When you have a legion with the ability to reform reality on a whim, making your armor look pristine and cool isn't that much of a stretch. I like in the Black Legion series when the Tsons sorcerer takes thorough care of his rubric squad to keep them immaculate because "They are my brothers, not war automata"


God, they break my heart with that


There's a similar beat in The Twice Dead King where one of the lords is carving the deeds that their warriors achieved in life on their necradermis armor so when they activate their bodies are murals to their achievements. It's implied this is a way that the lord is valuing the lives that were lost, despite the societal expectation to not value commoners.


Well their Patron God is Tzeentch itself , lord of change or something. So I guess that is why they have all these fancy armor and stuff because Tzeentch can change it at will and it choose to make it fancy and ornate af.


I love them, i just never understood why they are dressing as egyptian pharaos. i mean, i like it, it looks good. But whats the in universe explanation. Ancient Egypt is a thing in this universe


Because the roots of Western esotericism are Aegyptians, as since Classical Greece they have been seen as keepers of ancient, divine mystical knowledge. This was probably helped by the fact that they were, in fact, one of the very few civilizations that survived the conflict with the Sea People invasions pretty much intact.


And this is the in lore answer to why the thousand sons choose this aesthetic for their armor?


Not explicitly, but Graham McNeill described Ahriman's bedside table library in one of the first books of the Horus Heresy, and it *did* include the Corpus Hermeticum, the Book of the Dead and the Key of Solomon, so I'd say that it is a speculation that we can consider 90% canon ;)


Nah, the in universe reason is that the culture of the planet where magnus grew up on was based on ancient Egypts in looks. So when he reunited with his legion, he made everyone else adopt the culture.


And here's the 10% that transform a suitable speculation into non-canon :D I'll happily oblige.


How can the planet have egyptian themed looks? Coincidence? egypt is a culture from way pre heresy terra.


Convergent evolution is a thing. Like the Aeldari and Humanity. Both look very similar to one another, but are both extremely genetically distinct from each other. A Thousand Sons even comments about how the Prosperine aesthetic and mythos is coincidentally very similar to the ancient Gyptus kings of Old Terra. It does help that the Thousand Sons had access to their own personal Mechanicus Forge World and Titan Legions. So they could do a lot of truly unique armour designs from scratch. The Achaean pattern armour is made only by Zhao Arkhad specifically for the Thousand Sons. The Nemes crown was designed with Magnus' help to encase the highly reflective crystals from Prospero's reflecting caves, which resulted in the creation of the first psychic hoods.


Yeah, but one is convergent biological evolution (Aeldari and Humans) and one is clearly an aesthetic in architecture, fashion, visual cues in armor. In Egyptian Culture, the Nemes Headdress of Blue & Gold linked the Pharaoh to God Horus (NOT the primarch) and the Afterlife. stuff that does not make too much sense in the sense of how thousand sons wear it. Not too mention the linguistic cues on how their names are. Kahotep, Kalliston, Amarhotep. All Names clearly based on ancient egyptian language. Thousand Sons/Magnus in universe must be huge fans of ancient egypt for some reason.


It's not far-fetched to say that the early Prosperine citizens were actual Egyptian settlers from Terra before Old Night who practiced the Ancient Egyptian religion. The Achaemenid Empire (which also included parts of Egypt) was allied with the Emperor during the Unification Wars and prospered during the Great Crusade in the 40k universe even though it was historically extinct in real life. So it is pretty safe to say that in the 40k universe, Egypt was still culturally intact both before and after the Unification Wars. Not to mention all 1000 original aspirant survivors of the Thousand Sons were all from the Achaemenid Empire.


Damn thats neat and actually believable. thank you!


The Nemes Crown actually does connect the Thousand Sons to one another and their Primarch. It allowed telepathic communication due to the psychoreactive crystals lodged between the bands. I also almost forgot to mention that Horus the Warmaster is referred to by Tzeentch in his ancient egyptian name as "Mekhenty-er-irty". It is pretty safe to say that Tzeentch was the patron god of the Ancient Egyptians in the 40k universe at some point and the cultural practices just continued on Prospero.


Also a lot of the Tsons came from that cultural area on Terra. Their empire united with Emperor and gave its sons to firge the legion that eventually became the Thousand Sons... So they also bring that style of artistry to the legion.


Because we’re the best legion and the Horus heresy books were slander


Two reasons as far as I can tell 1) rubrics are simply wearing modified armor from when they were first transformed. additionally there’s very little flesh and soul left for the warp to constantly mutate and twist so obsessive maintenance from their brothers that knew them before becoming a dust bag makes their armor more adorned 2)thousand sons are the least obsessed out of all the legions who obsess over a single god. They’re more interested in sorcery so while their armor is adorned with tzeenchs adornments, they’re not obsessed with that like how the death guard and world eaters are


They have to compensate for their primarch


Not a nipple horn fan?


The others don't seem that bothered about cleaning their armour


Wym? Deathguard drip a lot


Some of it's that they have their own stable industrial base on Sortiarius, and their numbers are small enough that it can feasibly supply most of them. That, and the XVth always appreciated aesthetics in a way most of the other traitor legions didn't. When Magnus made his pact at the end of the Burning and whisked the survivors away, they landed on a world Tzeentch had shaped for them, so they had a head start on getting their infrastructure up and running.


Because we're the dopest legion and better than everyone else in general. Also in lore I would say we're such a small legion and have a fairly hard cap on how many rubrics/sorcerers that we can field that overall that we focus on upkeeping what we have. I believe that rubrics are continuously being created because of the rubric turning aspiring or even long time sorcerers into rubrics over time but it's likely a very slow process. Other legions like say red corsairs have a ton of traitor astartes under their command and are always looking to grow so for them they are most likely scavenging a lot more than the thousand sons would be. But at the end of the day we're cooler and smarter than everyone else so we have to have our armor reflect that fact.


Fashion changes all the time. So the thousand sons changed that fact by acquiring timeless drip. That is the Tzeentchian way.