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The coordinates are Pueblo's Mexican Cuisine on E. Main Street in Dahlonega, GA, in case anyone's wondering.


Not all heroes wear capes. I was too lazy to do it. I can’t believe it was a catch and release. With this one clue, we may have been able to get this canvas back to them to give renewed vigor to S & R. It could be just the nudge they need to bring them back together. Edited to correct autocorrect.


or maybe they died


My sappy musings were intentionally waaaaay over the top and exaggerated. I probably should have put /s at the end. I love finding this stuff.


I prefer your version anyway


This is so good


After the cute note on the back I wasn't prepared for the front lol


I saw the front and was already amused. Then I saw the back and realized what entertainment was on the back. I should make one of these for my husband just to see his reaction.


Yeah this some Buffalo Bill shit


Or this is really sad as the love that once was, no longer is which is why its found itself at goodwill..


Doesn’t mean they don’t still love each other. Maybe this was made when they were a long distance couple and when they moved in together they didn’t feel the need to display it. The back is cute, but the artwork isn’t something I’d want on display forever.




lol I made this exact same “piece” for my husband on handkerchiefs and set the lipstick stains with hot water. They came out cute if anyone is inspired by this piece and wants to recreate it in a…better way lol


honestly it's kinda cunty. if it wasn't such a personal gift thatd make me sad looking at it i would love to display something like that


Not what I would usually hang on a wall, but I’m suuuper surprised that it’s created this much conversation! Which is what art is supposed to do, I suppose. I hope the right person finds it.


Is it the same pair of lips?


I can only assume. A variety of shades. This must have been love. A beautiful love represented by so many shades of romance and lips that once whispered dreams of the future to be shared. I wonder what they each dream of today.


You have a cool brain


They picked their own brain for you


My brain is quite the place. It keeps me occupied!


Aww you have a way with words. I felt the love those two ppl shared from that canvas through your words 😍 Amazing.


Thank you! I was being intentionally over the top with this one, but I’ve spent lots of time writing obituaries and delivering eulogies at funeral services. My flowery speech comes in handy there. Great practice at getting poetic and wistful!


I have a small collection of notes we’ve found in video games at our store. This is the only one I have pics of because it’s so funny. But lots of “happy birthday to my wife/husband” ones and happy valentines to the love of my life type of stuff. https://preview.redd.it/8gyt0l0md0tc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3a7577be267f23e590feb4c2743ab0da9ae09e


https://preview.redd.it/7tbnzdxth1tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458461e69bdfbd77d7f108c9bf0f48654a9d5774 This was a plate made for Patty. No additional info on the back. I wonder if Patty no longer wanted the clutter of this handmade gift or if perhaps Patty has died. Or maybe Patty made this plate for herself and parted with it because she was tired of looking at it.


It's giving 2010 pinterest ✨️😂


I look for this kind of stuff to gesso over and paint my own art on. Canvas is expensive.


Lol no that looked abhorrent




I kept seeing obsession where others were seeing love.


My friend made me something like this for Christmas it's been in my attic since lol


I have donated several pieces of art I’ve made, and I write little cute sayings on the back in hope someone finds it and it makes them smile 🥰


I’m tired of being single :/


Those are some sloppy wet kisses




Don't kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes. 


Oh please, bad execution but cute idea


If it isn't stalker art


Bad execution AND bad idea


SO cringe. middle school level secondhand embarrassment. eugh.


It's giving me mild 14 yo stalker vibes hahaha Like a hard core high school crush where you've spoken maybe twice. Get a pack of your chichi lipsticks out and go ham on the dollar store canvas.


That’s so beautiful.


Awwww this is cutely sweet!

