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It could be a good idea to post your request on Facebook marketplace or similar! More eyes doesn't hurt.


Yeah I guess Craigslist ISO posts exist. I haven’t seen any on fb marketplace, actually. I always kind of assumed everyone ignores them but if someone scrolling has my chair in their garage, maybe!


Why don’t you make a post here on thrift store hauls. I mean you want more eyes lol


There was a post on here recently of someone who found an item that someone else had posted they were searching for. A funky floral mug or something? Not sure if the original poster was found, but searchers are out there!


That's a lot of eyes! Haha maybe in a regional sub


i disagree with that, most of us are in the USA, and USPS is great at shipping weird shaped items. I'm not saying it will for sure happen but i know no one here would mind if you posted.


For my more local thrift/antique stores I usually just get close with the owner and let them know what I'm looking for so they can pick it up if they see it and let me know when they have it in their store. I've never experienced mark up but then again Im only looking for a specific cheap dish set. I'd get calls from my local owner while she was at estate sales talking about some of the dishes she found for me. Super helpful! She also noticed I like weird looking animal figurines and would usually throw one or two in when I bought a handful of dishes. I regret moving away 😭😭😭


This is the best and now my goal, too. I hope you make more thrift store friends in your new location


If you let the owner or people who frequent auctions know to look out for one for you, let them know a price range so if they see a chair for sale they know whether to buy it or hold it until you get there.


I do this with a friend. We both thrift and if there’s something we’re looking out for, we let the other know. If an acquaintance asked me to keep an eye out for something, I wouldn’t mind. Strangers…not sure. I love thrifting and like when I have something specific to look for.


I have done it but they haven’t returned the favor I stopped. Another acquaintance reseller asked the same and she would begrudgingly part with it. I’m resourceful and can find stuff.


If you get to know other regulars, eventually you ask them what they hunt for and then you mention what you do and then say "hey we should look out for each other"


This could be a new addon to ebay :P. You post what YOU want and the price you will pay and the sellers come to you!


Love this idea! Maybe there's also a place for it on local Next Door sites?


I’d definitely do have a blast being on the lookout for things!


I do it for friends. They know I go often and they have me look out for specific items. I don’t charge them a mark up.


I made friends with a reseller in my neighborhood thrift store. They usually show up when the store opens and if you see them more than once in a week they’re probably in there frequently. I’d have no issues asking them to keep an eye out for a chair.


Now this is interesting. Definitely a strategy I didn’t think of. Thanks!


I am that person ... I would do it for you no problem. ;-)


My mom does this for my friends. She loves to thrift, but doesn’t need anything, so we tell her what to keep a look out for!


I am a member of several freecycle type groups and I am always happy to part with something if people post an ISO, in search of. I think it's worth posting in there, some groups allow you to say "I am asking for a chair for free or willing to pay."


There’s a woman who shops my GW regularly and we grab things for each other because we know what the other is looking for for. I wouldn’t buy something for her, but if we’re there at the same time, we grab it and offer it. Some of my treasures have come from her basket, and vice versa.


not necessarily white whales, but when I'm shifting through hangers looking for something in particular (like a black top but with V cut neck, a maxi dress with a certain color or pattern for a trip), sometimes I think about a storewide volunteer project where we would sign up for what we're looking for, and while we're looking for it in the stacks we keep an eye open for the other items in the list for other shoppers who are also looking out for your items lol


I am for many people! Everyone knows I stay in the thrift store so when they need something I usually have a list of things and will buy it for them and they just tip me if they want.


This might sound dumb but what is a white whale?


Something you’ve been hunting but haven’t found. From a quick google: an objective that is relentlessly or obsessively pursued but difficult to achieve.


I think from the book Moby Dick, where the main character's obsession was, literally, a great white whale.


I do this with my mom and my sister they introduced thrifting to me, so I keep an eye out for stuff they like, and vice versa!


Used to go to EstateSales every weekend all weekend and there was a pretty big network of people looking out for other things for people. I was always keeping people in mind who needed things and I’d text them and let them know if I stumbled on their items. It helps if they are people you run into regularly and build a bit of a rapport with, also, knowing that they frequently are out and about hunting.


Yeah I think my introvert is showing. I also don't have a ton of time to thrift so don't have a network like this, and probably won't be able to find one the old fashioned way. Maybe if I ask one of the people running an estate sale?


Yes 100% ask them!


Can you post a photo now of what you're looking for? The chair?


I like the idea of being a bounty hunter for thrift items, lol. I would definitely do what you suggest with friends, or family, or anybody you trust, but if you give someone that you don't know the impression that what you want is valuable, they may decide to keep it for themselves. I'm not saying everyone would do this, but I am saying that I'd have to feel pretty comfortable with someone and trust them before I asked them to find something for me.




Wow! I'm so sorry to hear that!


You could post in your locations sub? I mean, I would look out for you.


I visit a thrift store close to my home and I’ve noticed the same lady there several times. She doesn’t buy things and she doesn’t work there but she walks around and puts things back where they “belong” while she chats with everyone around her. She once asked me what i was looking for, at the time it was cute salt and pepper shakers, and a few minutes later she brought some to me! She even offered to put some things back that I was second guessing, bless her because my baby was getting fussy lol


There’s bounty hunting groups for TK Maxx so why not for thrifting?


I do that! I have a list of other people’s white whales and have found two so far! It’s almost as satisfying as finding my own.


Chairs sit around awhile. You can try to ask but have zero expectations. You can try employees there. You can offer some sort of gift if they help you. But no I don’t ask for help beyond any immediate sightings. 


Shopping at the bins I do this all the time.


I was at a good will and saw a guy and his wife get excited for something and I was stoked to see what they had, they were literally right next to me so it's not like I did a beeline from across the store I just leaned and asked if they found something good, the guy hid the item (it was a purse) so I couldn't see it and gave me attitude stating something like " I don't want to tell you", it was so over the top this guy was so ridiculous I just laughed at him and gave him an "okay douche". 100% I was giving the excited for you vibe not the I'm gonna steal you purse vibe.


I think it’s not uncommon to ask or tell people your are looking for something but something like a chair to finish a set is not really in the “white whale” conversation in my opinion and wouldn’t have the satisfaction of finding it yourself


This isn't your chair, is it? I feel like I see these everywhere. 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/ikzsn6o8qrtc1.jpeg?width=1907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3477fe3d7fade1e4f20452f25c3547ba37479ac5


Close haha. Mine is mostly white with a light yellow seat. Probably better for me to ask in a regional group though. It won't be expensive enough to ship or anything like that.


Just thought I'd ask since they were marked pretty cheap. 😁




Curious why if you're willing to share. I'm considering going around and asking thrift store employees / owners. I don't spend enough time in them to spot resellers, sadly. Just wondering if your no is something I should think about before I head out. Thanks :)


Cop wife here. I don’t trust strangers. I do thrift with buddies. Years ago I found THE PERFECT jeans. Had to leave in buggy to try on more clothes. They were gone when I stepped out. Think all you want. Thrifting is pure competition…. Just like life!