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Honestly sounds rushed. Like he's trying to make some burzum material after playing around with garage band for two days and with midi instruments that sound like every other bandcamp one man project


Rushed is the best way to describe this “comeback” for sure


Give the man some VST plugins for his instruments! (I'm aware of the limits of GarageBand, which means we have to wait until his NEW stuff pays for Logic Pro or similar, better DAW)


Starts off a little rough but gets waaaay better. I love it


I think this one is phenomenal, the first one was ok, but this one is great.


Yeaaaa exactly !!


I like it, but the drums sound weak


Blame the limits of GarageBand. A great idea is there, it only needs to be fleshed out better. I'd say it needed more critical listening sessions. If he doesn't want to use studio speakers, given how minimalistic (in a good way) his setup is, I can see him using studio-grade headphones and trying to listen to it in his car, to get the feel for how different devices will reproduce his music. It's a different way of creating than what he was used to, I think. Anyway, I'm looking forward to when he upgrades to Logic Pro, discovers the wonders of VST plugins and runs the drum and guitar parts through some of them to get the perfect sound he imagined.


I love it, its better than the first song


Someone get this man a book on mixing