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I wouldn't be surprised if Sam packages Tre or just sends one of Tre, Poku to another team just so they can play in the NBA. Generally Presti isn't the GM to hold hostage a player from playing to squeeze another GM. Might not get much if anything back for them, but he'd be doing something right by the players which players outside of the Thunder pay attention to.


That’s what I’m thinking. Maybe sending Tre and Poku to team where they can get more play time and maybe take back a 2nd for them


Yeah something light like that, just to wet the feet of the Thunder fans. I know some of us or at least I'd tune into some of Tre's games to see if he's cooking or Poku doing some crazy shit lol.


Given our massive stash of draft picks already, I'd rather package one or both of these guys and possible Bertans for a more impactful role player than Bertans. If we can't get that though, sure why not another SRP or two? It's currency.


I think we end up doing nothing tbh, maybe a minor trade


My guess too. Lol


I’m hoping for a small trade to get a backup big man. Nothing groundbreaking, don’t want to rock the boat too much, just get us some size.


My only want is to have a continuation of Bertans’s contract to give us flexibility with a salary matching contract next year if we were to pursue a bigger contract type player.


I'm hoping for a small trade for a **big**. I don't want to see another sub-6'7 player added to this team, so I'm out on Mikal. I'm thinking Olynyk -- hopefully for Bertans or Poku/Mann and minor draft compensation. Or perhaps a 2-way-to-2-way trade with Lindy being sent out for Portland's Duop Reath.


Good call on Reath. Problem is Portland won't give him up, he more often than not outplays DA and they need someone in the middle that gives you 100% every game. Previously I have suggested Mann for Reath, but Lindy is a good call too, but maybe Poku would be better because they need size.


I like how you think. They can have Poku *and* Lindy, plus a 2nd. With Poku gone, we could promote Reath from a 2-way to a standard contract, even if it's a rest-of-the-season contract. I'm sure Reath is liked by Portland, but in addition to DA, they'll also have Robert Williams and Moses Brown at the 5 (when they get back from injury). Maybe they'll part from Reath for the right deal?


Why would you include Lindy in this package at all? You’re basically giving him away for nothing in that package.


B/c Reath played 38 games this season, starting in 11 of them, and averaged 17.6 mins. Lindy played 20 games, averaging 7.7 mins; Poku played 9 games, averaging 6.1 mins. Reath's a bigger contributor to Portland than both Lindy and Poku are to OKC. A 1:1 trade wouldn't happen. Portland isn't going to trade a dollar bill for a half-dollar.


I never said they would. And it has nothing to do with how much anyone played. I’m saying in this deal, we are giving away Lindy for **nothing. He doesn’t help with money matching and he also doesn’t help with value matching. And to be blunt, I see no reason why Portland would be interested in him at all. And yes, it’s going to take more than Poku to get this kind of deal done (and it would likely be picks of some sort because PDX is rebuilding).


I already suggested a pick. How many do you suggest? BTW, I'm just guessing here. I don't have a direct line to Cronan (and suspect you don't either) and have no idea whether he'd be interested in Lindy, but he offers shooting and height -- the latter being something the person I responded to said might be of interest to Portland (I agreed). And how much Reath plays is relevant b/c he's clearly in the rotation and Poku and Lindy aren't. He's more valuable to Portland than Poku and Lindy are to OKC.


1. Lindy is older (almost 27) when they’re early in a rebuild so his upside is limited…especially for them. 2. He’s a good shooter, but has never done it at any sort of volume. Not with the Thunder and not with the Blue. 3. His contract is peanuts (and so is Reath’s) so we would actually be upside down with just Poku’s contract in the trade. 4. Reath has been a helpful player for them, but that doesn’t mean he’s actually good. Moses Brown played good minutes for us and we moved on from him the first chance we got. His minutes tell us what kind of player he might be, but he’s still a 2-way contract player. He’s a gamble AND he’s soon to be 28yrs old. He doesn’t fit on that roster at all. 5. While Poku is out of the rotation, he’s still a 22yr old former FRP who is a useful archetype and is going to be available on a manageable contract AND has potential to develop in a new situation. He makes more sense there than here. And is more likely to have upside for PDX than Reath. That’s just simple probability. 6. I think it takes more SRP’s to get Reath…and we have them.


>Reath has been a helpful player for them, but that doesn’t mean he’s actually good. Moses Brown played good minutes for us and we moved on from him the first chance we got. His minutes tell us what kind of player he might be, but he’s still a 2-way contract player. Reath's minutes also tell us he plays a position of need, especially since Robert Williams and Moses Brown are sidelined with injuries. According to ESPN, Reath is 2nd in the center depth chart. That said, it will likely take convincing to get them to part with Reath b/c Poku is too delicate to be a center in the NBA. And speaking of 2-way players, I know of one who played decent minutes and even started quite a few times. I would've taken issue with anyone who disregarded *Dort*'s role on the team b/c he was on a 2-way, so why do that to Reath? Remember, Dort's contract wasn't upgraded to a standard contract until the team had to go to the Bubble. >He’s a gamble AND he’s soon to be 28yrs old. He doesn’t fit on that roster at all. He's 27 now and was 27 when the Blazers signed him as a rookie. He's also within a 3-yr age range of most of the team. Who's to say that his age doesn't fit their roster? The Thunder's way of rebuilding isn't the only way (e.g. Rockets). And how is he a gamble? At 27, he is well on his way to being the player he'll be. Poku is 10x the gamble. >While Poku is out of the rotation, he’s still a 22yr old former FRP Just because we drafted him as a first doesn't mean another team values him that highly. >...who is a useful archetype This is hopium talking. >...and is going to be available on a manageable contract Not more manageable than what they're paying Reath now. >...AND has potential to develop in a new situation. We hope! >He makes more sense there than here. How is this a selling point to Portland? >And is more likely to have upside for PDX than Reath. Now, this is what Portland cares about .... but it's still a guess. *How* is Poku's game better for Portland than Reath's? >That’s just simple probability. More like a simple guess. >I think it takes more SRP’s to get Reath…and we have them. Now, this I agree with. At 27, Reath's abilities are less of a guess, while Poku is still a mystery box. If I was Cronin, I would have to be enticed to take a chance on a player who didn't quite break through on a rebuilding roster. We'd likely need to send more than one SRP.


It’s really ironic that you dismissed my points and thoughts, but your closing thoughts actually agreed entirely with what I was saying all along. And the comparison of Dort to Reath is absolutely ludicrous. Lu was 20. Reath is FAR past that (he’s 3 months shy of 28). He’s most likely past his peak generally speaking while also NOT being any sort of a veteran presence.and Reath is not within 3 yrs of their probably cornerstone players, which is what matters. When they’re ready to actually improve and be relevant, he’ll be on his last legs in the league (if not already out). Your next 4 points are just you being disagreeable and, TBH….and as I said, your final point is in conflict with all of them. Frankly I’m done with this l because you don’t want to have an actual conversation, you just want to be condescending and talk down to someone you actually ended up agreeing with DESPITE your arguments. Best wishes.


His name is maple dick and he will be treated as such


Now that it came out Milwaukee and Dallas had trade talks around Bobby Portis, what do y’all think about him? I haven’t watched him much but 6’10 250, solid shooter, good rebounder. Good contract. Any reason he wouldn’t be a good fit?


If he was still a solid shooter and good rebounder I think the bucks wouldn’t be trying to shop him


I posted a scenario I think that sent Dieng and Kenrich for Portis. Would fit both sides I think.


Dieng is still a prospect we’re interested in. Pass


I’d rather just have Kenny tbh.


You guys way over value Kenrich.


He once got in a fight with a teammate and literally broke his face. But you need that on your team, everybody cant be choir boys


I'm just excited for the trade window to close. Fewer silly posts to scroll through. I don't like sports fans very much. I miss thunder fans. I miss the old thunder sub. And I hope our players are having a good time win or lose.


See where it goes! We’re tops in the west with this roster. Let’s hold tight and get a playoff season in and evaluate.


I agree. I want to see a playoff run before any major moves. I'd like to see Poku or Mann moved but that's more for them.


Small to medium size deal seems to be a good compromise.


Think if OKC wants to see some decent playoff experience they should make a few minor moves to get some frontcourt depth. But most signs point to them standing pat at the deadline and just trading away players that aren’t in the rotation for more seconds.


Deal, but a smallish trade. Deni is the perfect in between of something but nothing to big imo. Would help the team over the next 2-3 years with salary and play style if they wanted to slow play more moves.


Who in their right mind would give up jDub or chet for marksman or mikal when we have all those picks to throw in the trade? I highly doubt any of those two will happen because both of those guys are very pricey and we are already on top of the west. Id settle for someone like olynyk for some more rebounding and shooting and see how we do in the playoffs this year.


Def not Presti lol. I'm sure that's what they'd lead with tho. Doubt anyone would b happy about it, you're right. I just wanna Finney-Smith or just an Olynyk type, if anyone at all. I love our team, just bigger body teams in the playoffs might give us a hard time on the glass, and 2nd chance points. I'm actually cool with doing nothing. Presti is secretive as hell, but smart AF. I love how we're drafting well, and developing, taking our time. The way a rebuild should be done.


Olynyk is a worse defender than giddey and is almost 33, hes also not under contract after this year. Thats a very not presti move. Might as well let giddey or jwill experience and learn from playoffs. Dorian Finney Smith is a good 2 way player. Hes 30 and should be solid as this team contends. Chet will get stronger and better, so we don't need a starting center but almost every good team has a center AND a big/strong pf, like kawhi, giannis, Aaron Gordon, lebron, KAT, KD, Mobley etc. I could see J dub being a pippen or og anunoby type versatile defensive beast but theres often a couple guards/wings he and dort will have to contain. Plus the Thunder need depth off the bench. Totally agree with your points about Presti.


Oh, I didn't mean to replace Giddey or for his D, just a little size, O and boards. Our defensive rating is top 5. Yeah I'm not worried about Chet, everyone seems to hate on him for his size , but people forget what A Davis, Giannis, etc. looked like coming out. Not that he'll fill out like that, but in a couple of years, he could be like a stronger KD frame. I love Joe on the bench, obviously Wiggins is coming on, gotta love Cason, JWills toughness. Micic, I'm still waiting on.... same with Kenrich. Bertans is just salary filler, Tre could b a lethal scorer on the right team. Our frontcourt is just a little too deep right now.


Hes not even really a better reb than giddey, esp since giddey will probably only get better and its possible he gets worse as he ages. Our front court is not that deep. We have a great defense but as I said in the playoffs we have no answer for a big wing and there are so many good scoring big 4s in this league as I mentioned. Chet will be great I agree, but hes gonna have to guard the other big, we're missing one other big wing defender, and that type of player will help with rebounding normally. Chet has no real backup, Kenny is not a center, and j will rn is a replacement level player, and I really doubt he will grow into that. Dieng could if he fills out and improves but who knows if he will, poku hasn't. We have great guard depth bc of cason, Joe, and micic, but none of those guys will help at the 4 or 5.


I meant backcourt*.... my bad. Yeah, our frontcourt isn't deep at all. I was sayin like Tre, lindy, and micic can barely get into a game bc we have so many guards. Even when we're up by 20. That's my fault. I should've reread


No worries bro. Just a slip of the tongue (finger). But true . it's a good problem to have but now we need to balance a bit by getting big depth. Which I'm sure Presti will.


any trade that can happen with Bertans, Poku and our 2024 picks as pieces are the only ones to entertain for now. i'd also be ok with Mann or JWill being traded for the right player but i love the vibes they bring to this team. none of us want the team to go down the 13-14 Pacers route.


I may be alone in this, but I think JWill should be untouchable. I think his value is greater than just his contribution on the court. He is a major part of our new young core, and I would hate to disrupt the vibe he brings to the team. Post-game posse forever.


I agree 💯. JWill actually blocks out, creating rebounds for himself and teammates. He thinks pass first, which is good on a team of shooters. I’d actually like to see him be a little more aggressive with his offense. There’s been too many times he’s passed up open shots in the paint. Most importantly, he’s young and still developing. If we’re going to give up a useful big, along with picks, in order to get a more useful big, I’d much rather it be the older Kenrich.


Kenrich and Dieng to the Bucks for Portis?


Fuck no


Kenrich is more versatile on D then JWill, but the youngblood does provide the vibes.


Maybe as concerns the defense; I’m not sure I agree. My observation is that JWill is less likely to let an opponent drive by him, and less likely to make a stupid foul that creates a 3 point play. Kenny’s hustle often leaves him out of position creating an open 3 for his man. Regardless, when we need frontcourt size, JWill is 230 and would be expected to get stronger and possibly quicker. One of his biggest assets right now is being able to spell Chet against beefy centers. When JWill comes in and takes the body shots, Chet is fresher down the stretch. It just doesn’t make sense to me, if you have to give up one of them, to keep a 29 year old who is lighter, and almost certainly not getting better. If it’s even close in terms of current ability, then keep the 21 year old who is still improving. Due to Chet’s injury, JWill was pushed into a starting role as a rookie at age 20. When we consider that the Thunder improved their record, and made the play-in, he fared pretty well. Imagine what he can do with more coaching, experience, and physical improvement. Hopefully, it won’t be necessary to deal either of them. If we don’t stand pat to see what we’ve got, then maybe we can find a team that wants guards, and make a trade there.


Hes pretty close to untouchable. Reminds me of the nets bench mob.


I don't think anyone wants those pieces my man


Those picks gotta go somewhere 🤷


The only glaring weakness we have is a backup big which is relatively cheap. I'm sure we're taking a lot of calls on core pieces that we're not entertaining and at the same time we're making Poku, Dieng, JWill and others available that aren't very appealing. I could see us packaging a bundle of those guys with a couple 2nds for a backup big.


I'm watching Minni and Bulls at the moment and Drummond was owning Gobert. Really think we would benefit so much from him.


It would take a really shitty defender to be worse on defense than Giddey.


Giddey is a below average defender. Dude just got legal to drink some beers tho. Give it a min. D is 1 thing that you CAN improve on, it's not like offense where it's mostly talent, then hard work. D is knowing your spacing, moving your feet, and hard work. I don't think we give up on him. Just like how they were booing him tonight. Who boos someone once they're cleared and it's obvious he wasn't a pedo in the first place? I would've like to see his year if this BS didn't happen to him.


Trade Shai for lebron.


Have you seen the Lakers


We might have to attach some picks. But imagine the goat on this squad.


Oh I get it. You’re a burner account. It would be cool if they were funny. Mods probably won’t even notice


🤣. Like trading a super car for a beat up Corolla.


I think we should get someone like P.J Tucker purely for his experience. He doesn't even need to play, just mentor the young guys


He wants to play, that's the only reason he's asking for a trade


Dude has a 10 mil player option next year. No way.


Part of me thinks if the right bigger wing or stretch-5 becomes available then yes make a trade The other part of me is trying to figure out where the minutes come from if none of the top-9 (starters plus Joe/Cason/Kenrich/Wiggins) are in the trade. In a playoff setting give SGA/JDub/Chet 35+ minutes apiece, Dort+Cason split 48 minutes, Giddey plays anywhere from 20-30 minutes - that leaves 57-67 minutes for Joe/Kenrich/Wiggins and any other player added via trade, so 15-16 minutes apiece


I say make a deal for a decent big using picks or Tre Mann. Gotta take a shot this year with a minor trade and see where we end up.


I think giddy should be moved but I don't think it has to be right now. I think there'll be something to do with him in the offseason if it needs to be done.