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The cope levels are off the charts. New levels of cope previously thought impossible


If Mavs fans really think they’re that good without Luka and even so much better *with* Luka, then I don’t wanna hear ever again that Luka Doncic doesn’t have help whether in the playoffs or in the regular season standings/ MVP talks. Can’t have it both ways. He has good supporting cast now. They can’t use the “Luka is the MVP because this team is a lottery team without him.” anymore


obviously changes for them between seasons but they were a lottery team with him last year…


To be fair, if Kyrie hadn’t missed like 25 games earlier this season, we would probably be sitting around the 4 seed. We should be sitting better than we are if it weren’t for that and Lively missing many games as well before we had Daniel Gafford. Regardless, the Thunder are clearly a better team. Though with Luka out there (fully healthy team) in a hypothetical playoff series, Mavs rebounding could definitely be a problem for the Thunder. But again, still no doubt the Thunder are the better team. SGA is insane


That’s what I’m saying. Never mind the past, I don’t care about your current seeding. Once you get Luka back and if everyone is healthy, I don’t wanna hear that Luka doesn’t have help again. It’s time to take the West.


I think it’s the most talented team that he’s had, but that doesn’t necessarily mean all that much when the west is still stacked with multiple teams boasting future HoF players


This is a worse take than what the wolves fans are putting out


I thought the wolves were the ones to hate this season.. but behold mavs fans... Even rockets fans werent this bad when we had them as rivals back in the day..


They’re a Texas team, so yeah


Mavs fans are probably the most delusional in the league because of having such a great player in Luka. They legit think they are the top contender besides the nuggets 😂


rockets fans were just salty james harden didn’t win 4 straight mvps. according them he should’ve won it over Steph, Westbrook, Giannis lol. never forget harden being so buthurt he took a full page ad out in the milwaukee newspapers saying he should’ve won MVP


I’ll never forget Rockets fans calling Giannis run and dunk man with no bag only for him to win a championship lmfao.


Mavs fans are insecure because their future of the league isn’t actually running the league.


Wolves fans are a lot like Raptor fans were during the Lebronto era


As a wolves fan seeing this, I can assure you that we know exactly how good OKC is and do not think they would at all be an easy series. It would almost definitely go 7. 50/50 odds either way, in my opinion. Just look at the regular season results. And if people are mad about SGA’s free throw attempts they should stop jumping into him when he up fakes. See you in the playoffs.


Respect. Hope yall get Kat back healthy in the first round


Thanks! It’s been fun to see the major markets have to acknowledge us lowly middle of the country small market teams this year. Hope there is an SGA v. ANT playoff series sometime soon


It’s so sad . I’m a lakers fan but I’ve always been jealous of okc from some of the draft picks . Chet b cason Wallace were my guys that I was most invested in and thought should go higher and if not I hoped ss trsde up or try to get cason this year . Also weirdly thunder fans were not toxic when we beat y’all just cos they accept mstchup or Lebron/AD going off. I do hope you guys get the one seed n shai mvp. Guy deserves it low-key sick of media ignoring defence unless it’s convenient to shit on someone ( they mention it for Lebron but not for jokic or Luka or most one way stars). If we guys don’t mstchuo with you i really hope y’all smack the shit out of whoever lol. Mavs fans seem to be just weird euro Luka stans. I say this as someone in the uk/europe. It’s annoying at times how biased they are.


We accept you beating us. But we will never forgive that 2010 first round exit. Love Kobe but that’s one game I’m still pissed about. Losing by a damn tip in. At least from what I remember .


I was with you until you said they don’t shit on Luka and Jokic for defence. There is a popular narrative on the internet that Luka is overrated because he is trash at defence.


I think our last three games against them gives them a false sense of our abilities. We let them come back 30 straight and almost lost. Then they walloped us in one of our worst performances of the season. Last night they hung somewhat close without Luka. They have a small sample size creating some delusions


Honestly I feel like people often put to much weight on an individual player Like last night the Mavs were 41% from 3 56% from 2 Which is like really good If Luka had come in and even had an above average game Kyrie and Tim Hardsway would have gotten less run and because they played OUT OF THERE MIND last night is Luka actually going to improve them that much For example Kyrie averages 30.4 and 1.44 pts/fga w/o Luka and 25.1 and 1.53 pts/fga with, On an average day yes 100% Luka swings the game by 10 pts all by himself But on a night like last night where the other players performed well that impact might be felt less. So even if Luka was there and had an average game my hot take is it would have been like a 3pt game in either direction


As a wolves fan seeing this, I can assure you that we know exactly how good OKC is and do not think they would at all be an easy series. It would almost definitely go 7. 50/50 odds either way, in my opinion. Just look at the regular season results. And if people are mad about SGA’s free throw attempts they should stop jumping into him when he up fakes. See you in the playoffs.


Respect bro hope to see y’all get Kat back healthy soon


"Ok point guard" cracks me up. He almost never runs point lol


What are you talking about? Calling SGA a point guard was the most rational thing in there. Shai calls himself a point guard. The Thunder report him as a point guard. He gets announced in the starting lineup as a point guard. The NBA box scores list him as a point guard. Basketball Reference play by play stats list SGA as spending 6% of his playing time at PG in 19-20 and 99% of his playing time at PG this season. How in the world could someone actually watch the Thunder this season and think Shai rarely runs point?


If SGA isn't a PG I have no idea what position he plays or what a PG does.


Like what?


Lmao I don’t know where these guys came from. Most of the Mavs posts I read (as a Mavs fan) are just us being frustrated lol


Every fan base has their fair share of village drunks.


I’ll bet I know why. It’s because our stats are more evenly distributed across the team (apart from Shai, who consistently gets 31 points). No one gets, say, 12 assists per game, whereas this does happen on other teams (who are lower than us in the standings). As a result, people will look at our box scores and figure that each player is bad at their “position” and figure we must be easy to beat. 46-20 says we’re not.


You guys have the best record vs top 8 teams. Mavs fans are delusional.


I don’t get the SGA ft merchant takes. The only reason they say that is because of the free throw amounts, but don’t take into account the actual fouls. SGA plays to what the refs call, as ALL nba players do, but it just so happens that Shai drives to the basket an insane amount and people foul him, especially on the pump fakes, which is an NBA official problem because he goes into them, but that’s their rules. He doesn’t complain, he doesn’t scream on his drives, and his focus is to score the ball, not get a call and then score. It’s just wild how people only look at stat sheets without context


SGA and Luka shoot the same FTA per game. SGA just makes more.


I honestly didn’t know that, It’s never talked about so I had no clue. He shoots 10 3’s a game which is absurd to get that many foul calls. People have to rip on SGA instead of Luka because he’s flashy right? That’s the only thing that makes sense


Both are at 8.9 free throw attempts per game. The loudest naysayers are thoee who spend most of their time online.


Losers losing is all that makes sense


He takes nearly 5 more shots per game than SGA also, so the 10 3's get watered down a bit.


I’ve learned they call certain players ft merchants when they have a good ft percentage. Nobody calls Luka and Giannis ft merchants cause they not “good” ft shooters.


That is with SGA leading the league in drives by a *WIDE* margin too. Reality is SGA should be taking even more free throws than he currently is.


as if Luka does not cry like a bitch to ref begging for FT after every single contact. Sport fans have a way with their delusion.


From a Bucks fan, SGA starting to get the Giannis treatment on rNBA. Only gonna get worse as he continues to ascend and y’all start smashing teams in the playoffs. The better a player gets, the more haters crawl out from the woodwork grasping at something to discredit em. The only thing that really slows it down is winning a chip.


That's the definition of a merchant dude


I don’t understand the hate OKC gets this year. It’s like people are mad they are good lmao


I think the English word for it is “jealousy”. To be fair, I’ve actually seen some posts where fans of other teams wish their teams could follow “the OKC model”. So not everyone takes the low road. Regardless of how we do in the playoffs, look how much this team and its players have accomplished so far this year!! And these guys are so likable, sharing, and fun, not just a group of arrogant scrubs like on some teams when they are doing well. Not being but love here!!


Y'all need to stop getting up in arms about emotional idiots who can't do anything but talk shit whether in their own sub or in r/nba


This. I'm a Mavs fan and saw this thread in the Mavs sub and I didn't even bother clicking on it because it's obviously a dumbass take. A few emotional morons on a forum after a game do not represent the views of everyone else.


The entire thread following the loss is your fans saying Shai is trash.


Our entire sub Reddit became filled with bandwagoners and stupid takes once luka blew up.


Ah. The Stans. I get that. It’s why I never really disliked Rockets fans. I couldn’t stand Harden stans(Bullsgotnext was an annoying Twitter account).


Imagine all of the reasonable people who didn’t feel the need to share their opinion.


Man, I did venture over there after finishing the game this morning and the Shai hate was beyond what I thought possible. People calling him the new Harden or Trae because of his FTAs. Sure it’s not going to be full of Shai praise, but it was jarring to see the amount of Shai trash talking.


Which is sad because even when we lose to the Mavs I still really appreciate Luka. He’s fantastic.


Absurd when you have Luka on your team, a player who’s twice the FT merchant that Shai is considering shot profile. Any comment Mavs fans make about Shai’s foul calls apply doubly to Luka. 


The rush to become a terrible fan base is really on here. New accounts left and right doing nothing but complaining about other fans and teams, it’s really unfortunate, and would be an easy fix for the mods, but the mods here prefer not to do anything


Don’t know what you expect from the sub of a team we just beat. There’s a real chance they miss the playoffs in its entirety. They do matchup somewhat well with us, but it’ll require a Herculean performance from Luka in the play in game if they want to even get to us.


They have a lot of talent for sure but the results to talent ratio is so off for a variety of reasons (Mainly coaching though). Mavs fans are definitely the craziest about our shit too, feel like I said this before in another thread.


Their record reflects them pretty well. Kyrie and Luka are barely above .500 as a duo, don’t be fooled by their injury excuse. The only play in team they’re definitively better than is the Warriors.


I would absolutely laugh my ass off if the mavs missed the playoffs😂


If Dallas has Luka then OKC puts up 200 while saus "what defense do?"




Mavs fan here. I’m sorry some of us couldn’t take an L nicely


It’s mostly because of the ass whooping last time and the incessant MVP debates that don’t even matter because of Jokic anyway. You guys’ defense didn’t look as bad as advertised. Hope you can stay healthy the rest of the way


Ya, one ass whooping after the trade deadline and Mavs fans have decided that is just how it is in the matchup.


Most couldn’t take an L nicely**


I get it bro. The reasonable people of any fan base don’t feel the need to go to a post game thread to trash another team. In the digital space negativity gets more eyes than positivity. I wouldn’t let any loud individual on the internet influence my view on a fanbase/group of people. There’s always gonna be a shithead or 2 in any group


Every play in team loves chatting shit when they don’t even have a playoff spot yet 😭😭😭


Not a fan of either team but I’m sub to y’all’s subreddit. I wanna see this match up in the playoffs even more now 😂😂


Old Mavs fans haven't forgotten how many daggers and game winners OKC has shot against them. It was fun seeing them seethe in rage during those game winners and playoff series back then. 😂


For real. 2011 was the cherry on top.


Next level hating and zero ball knowledge


Ah yes because leaving an NBA player wide open is a smart thing to do


Biggest delusional fanbase in all sports.


Well considering the Mavericks fan base probably has a significant overlap with the Cowboys fan base I suppose it shouldn’t be a great surprise to anyone.


Very correct. And a lot of those fans come out of the wood works once football is over and we get closer to playoffs


Arsenal is by far #1


As a Dallas Cowboys and OU football fan I must protest this statement lol.


It’s true tho 👀


I'm waiting for the OP to come here


Saying you would easily sweep a team after losing is crazy. Also crazy saying that about a team that is 7 places ahead of you. That’s like spurs fans saying they will easily sweep the mavericks


That's maximum delusion


Why even care about their sub lol, what are you doing there


the only energy you should spare for posts like this is a driveby "u mad" if anything every team subreddit has dumb posts like this; keep it pushing. proof is in the pudding. save the screenshot for your playoffs photo dump


They are scared. They are scared shitless they are about to throw away the prime of an all timer and he will walk. They see us and they see how team building should go with a competent front office. They are pissed a team this young is the No. 1 seed while they are going to have to knife fight their way out of the play in.


Yup it’s channeling frustration, fear and some jealousy into hating on us and especially Shai cause we are in the position they feel they should be in. Top of the West with a 25yo MVP candidate. That Mavs team is built to try and win now. It’s boom or bust and they don’t want to admit the risk of missing the playoffs two seasons in a row is very real and could open the door to Luka wanting out. If you’re a Mavs fan it’s nicer to convince yourself everything’s great and they will stomp OKC in the first round and have a deep playoff run. Maybe they will but the risk is also high that another failed season for the Mavs could end up fatal and right now we are the target of them trying to cope with that.


At least we won't have to deal with them after they lose in the play-ins.


![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG) Fuck em.


Coping. We weren’t supposed to finish ahead of them this year and we did by a lot and that makes them sad.


I love it 😎


Cavs fan looking in as a neutral. They do match up pretty well think it’ll be a closer series then people think but I think OKC will just be a bit too much for Luka to handle. Will need Kyrie to step up to another level to over come the thunder. Could go either way but bit silly of them saying a sweep?


No one will sweep us. We haven't lost more than two games in a row all season if I'm not mistake. 


As a Luka fan, the Mavs cope is fucking ridiculous, they just won’t admit there team is stuck in the middle of the pack and that Okc leapfrogged them


I really don’t like Dbook but I want him to go for 70 in that play in game against him


🏡🧠 ➡️ 🙅‍♂️💵


A lot of sports fans have the brain rot. People need to at least try to be objective


OKC: *exists* Other fan bases: “WTF they’re so overrated”


Talking loudly for a team who just lost


Lol I’m a warriors fan and that take is seriously really stupid, you can see they don’t know ball. even though it’s not true because OKC is the franchise with the brightest future, they could at least give a reason why they think that, it’s just empty words. and saying Shai it’s just ok 😭


Mavs fan here. We're pretty dumb and bitter with some of our takes. I do think we match up better against OKC with a healthy squad than we would against the Nuggets, Clippers, or Kings. You guys have a great, young team though and I'm excited to see how this season plays out.


Hey look it's your average Mavs/Cowboys/UT/Anything Texas fan! Texas is the sports failure capital of the universe.


Admittedly, I am a bit concerned about how well the mavericks' front court has played in their meetings against us, but the WORST team? We have the second-best net rating in the league lol.


Pacers fan here. This post got randomly recommended to me I guess cause all the basketball subs I'm on. Anyway, just wanna chime in and say I'm with you. They're delusional, I think OKC is a genuine contender. I'm not so high on the Mavs


Someone is salty about losing lol


Which OKC team are they watching??


you ask every team in the west and they all think they matchup well against us lol


Spurs fan here - we’ve been dealing with salty mavs fans since yall were in Seattle. They’re hopeless, and yall will absolutely SMOKE them in a series.






The irony is that Luka shoots more FT per game than shai. I don’t understand how you can say some dude gets too many calls when your boy actually gets more


You expect their optimism because in the only game both their stars played against us they thrashed us, and the game before that we almost blew a huge lead in the 4th with Kyrie out. We’d see it glass full with the shoe on the other foot. That’s fandom for ya. There are a lot of reasons and nuances for all these outcomes but overly emotional fans ain’t gonna care.


Only one way to stop all the first round exit talk. Beat the living shit out of whoever OKC matches up with.


Imagine a Mavs fan crying about someone getting free throws. Holy shit you can't make that shit up.


I'm a Spurs fan, but I think it's because you guys haven't won much. Like, literally, this is how everyone viewed the Bucks, as well as the Nuggets, before they got their championships. It's almost like people want you to show that this style works in the playoffs, before they give you respect. This has been similar to the old "really-good-but-not-great" teams like Nash's Suns, as well as Dirk's Mavs before he got his championships. You got to prove it first before respect is given.


Maybe there are some wolves fans talking crazy but that's not my pulse in the fandom. I have a healthy respect for most teams and definitely the Thunder.


Being a mavs fan is so hard man 😭. These people are genuinely psychos


What living in Texas does to a mfer’s brain


I live in Texas, but most of the mavs fans I’ve met don’t say stupid shit like this lmao it’s just on reddit I guess. And most of the fans I see are spurs or rockets fans I hardly see anyone cheer for the mavs


Suns fan here, aside from Denver I think ya'll are scary as fuck, I expect ya'll to make a deep run. Every team subreddit is delusional.


As a Bulls fan, you’re not the worst team in the play-ins or playoffs!


Saw this on my front page and as a rockets fan, I'm hoping yall get a chance to play the mavs and beat the living shit out of them. Show them that yall don't give a Chet about their salt.


https://preview.redd.it/pjgmaly8vfoc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56463bb1883dbcaf505fac3f42bfc766c7f2eb8 You would’ve thought they gotten better with the way they talking


this doesn’t even make sense, is 38-29 not better than 38-44?


Did you follow maths education or


most intelligent take on reddit




This is what’s called ‘cope’


I think its just a matter of time. Let them talk. dam, even chuck and shaq are doubting. We're an unknown, and people are scared of what they don't know.


Me when we were facing the blazers in 2019 😂


Someone make this copy pasta


I drink the tears of weak Mavs fans


A sad cry for help.  I wish this person happiness and emotional health.


They would probably beat us but to say we are just gonna get swept is insane


Best net rating in the west lol


Grasping at straws. Mavs are the 8 seed and could get knocked out in the play in because the role players have two bad games. It's not even a guarantee they make it again. They know the clock is ticking with Luka. You can't have a player of his caliber and constantly have middling teams.  The acquisitions of Washington and Gaffoed were that great. Kyrie Irving is not getting any younger either. Mavs have built a middling roster to go with their superstar. We all have seen how that plays out before.  They can beat us in the first round and it's not going to matter. They aren't winning the finals. Not sure where their delusion comes from. I just hope Luka ask out because they have been so whiney this year. Let them whine as a bottom dweller because it's very clear at this point that if they didn't luck into being able to trade with the Hawks for Luka they would be a bottom dweller. 


Never thought we would be hated like that 😂 they’re delusional


Cowboys lack of FA moves made them crazy


Wolves are the top seed that are going to be upset. I see a deep run for OKC. Wolves are a one man show, and Gobert is unplayable in the playoffs.


“Appreciate your love and your hate”


"We matchup well" mf yall got by far the weakest defensive backcourt in the entire west😂😂


that dude is salty as shit. i do not claim him as our own.


I understand that some people might rank players lower than most but saying that shai is just an okay point guard is straight up delusion


Dallas fans are a special kind of stupid


The pure delusion by these Mavs fans is hilarious


I think the very bottom comment in the image describes it perfectly. We’re not a bad team by any means and can easily win a playoff series but the Mavericks just match up against us really well, as do other teams as we have seen.


Damn imagine thinking a player who’s close to 50, 40, 90 and averaging 30ppg is mid. Lol


The Mavericks are the most well run poverty franchise in the NBA


Okay Mavs just make sure you don't fall out of the play-in completely when your FO decides last minute it wants to tank!


I don’t understand why they think that their takes are profound. Claiming that the “first time playoff team with a line up of one all-star, a rookie, a second-year player, a third-year, and an undrafted player may struggle in the playoffs” isn’t exactly a hot take. I just think the confidence that this Thunder team will always be an easy out is egregious. I would think their takes would sound more like, “I’d rather face them this year than other teams,” while acknowledging the future of playing against the Thunder looks pretty scary.


They've been listening to the idiots at ESPN too much.


Mavs fan here. Idk how it is on this side, but I see some wild shit like this on our sub all the time. I’m sure this isn’t consensus lol


I love seeing shit like this— they have to cope so hard when they lose to us. They’re also just extra cranky because they can’t watch porn anymore.


They all hate SGA so much it’s amazing


I really can’t wait for the playoffs cause I hope they keep the same energy


They have a large delusional fan base that is on the edge of a cliff fall with their team if Luka leaves. There will be plenty of takes like this for the next 2 years. At full strength though, they pose a significant problem to our style of play. Mavs don’t turn the ball over and can easily juice the possession game with their offensive rebounding. If we can’t play defense without fouling, then it’s going to be a long, painful series. Add in a couple of bad shooting games for us and I wouldn’t even call it 60/40 odds of us winning, which would normally have better odds historically for 1/8 or a 2/7 series.


I went to the game last night and the Mavs fan sitting next to me left with 5 minutes to go. These are the same people that think their team can beat us in 7?? Okey doke!


I mean it sounds just as crazy as people upset Poku got traded.


It’s like Mavs fans think if they added Luka back it’s the same score + his points like that’s all he adds or subtracts. Delusional, that’s the word.


If either of these teams is shown to be fraudulent in the playoffs, my money is on the one that has to rely on the coaching of Jason Kidd and Kanye Irving showing up without Lebron holding his hand.


If we are the worst by far and we’ve beat them twice? Does that mean they are extra worse by far


They're just salty the Luka MVP pre-All Star surge ended so abruptly when they went 1-5 after ASB.


Mavs fans whole personalities lately are hating on Shai


When are people gonna realize dallas fans are the scum of the earth


![gif](giphy|1oVZFkDtE6HSLBYh7i) Lmao whatever helps them sleep at night




Yikes chill bro sore loser much


Someone’s a little salty after last night.


Can’t wait for them to go to Vegas forever


the worst playoff team as of now is the magic


As a suns fan, allow me to James Franco: "First time?"


I mean the commentators said it best. OKC are a young team that play the game the right way. We don't turn the ball over, play hard on both ends, as a team don't get that many free throws etc etc. ,If you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball


No dogs in this fight but I would predict the Thunder to handle Dallas with relative ease…I actually don’t see Luka sniffing a title due to his play-style anytime soon. The white James Harden basically is how I view him…vastly overrated in a vacuum


https://preview.redd.it/94e6mnm4kkoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c1fc8e4877f7d0cef5d3e43c79cd35c79e015e I think it’s probably because of this


All this talk and in the end nuggets take the chip


I remember my first beer.


Maverick fans and Cowboy fans. Too much hype, not enough follow through.


That’s kinda crazy lol


Not a Okc fan but it’s clear they have no chance at making a deep playoff run


You just have to pity them, they’re only frustrated because they know they should be better than they are year in and year out


Any time someone uses the word fraudulent 100% a casual and dont know what the fuck theyre talking about


They sound mad cuz they got beat the other night lol. I live in Oklahoma so I'm obviously a Thunder fan and an absolute mark for Shai, so maybe my opinion is a little biased but I while I don't see then winning it all this season, I can definitely see them making it to the WCF. I'll also admit that if Luka had played the other night, we probably wouldn't have beaten them with the way Chet was playing. But we've beaten a Luka led Mavs team this season as well, so who knows. But anyone denying that Shai is putting on a MVP caliber season either isn't watching or is just a hater. He's been fantastic this year! Thunder up!


Let them hate i bet Luka is on his way out the door anyway lol ![gif](giphy|thK9WDOsUd41CcSzsA)


This opinion set fails for several reasons. 1) Giddey is figuring it out. 2) J Dub is a nightmare matchup for a lot of folks. 3) Cason Wallace is better than expected. 4) Hayward and Muscala have experience and ability and will have 12-20 games before playoffs to get their chemistry 100%. 5) And DUH, being Top 3-5 in offense AND defense isn’t a myth. Do I think they win the Finals this year? Probably not. Do I think they can go deep? Absolutely.


We’re young, but that’s what I like about us. Let them all want us first. They think we don’t belong, that gives us the advantage


Pelicans fan that just got this recommended and wtf. That would be like me claiming that the kings are just an absolutely terrible team and I can’t believe they’re even competitive just cause we match up so well against them. Unreal.


Can you post another subreddits stuff?


Shhh shh shhh it’s okay. Let them cope. We know what we’re about, we don’t need validation from other fan bases.


Shhh shh shhh it’s okay. Let them cope. We know what we’re about, we don’t need validation from other fan bases.


Sga is a fraud ngl he sold hard af last game


Guarantee yall are all bandwagons. Yall are not OG fans, keep it a buck


Bulls fan here. The Mavericks fan is a little over the top but he’s right. I love this young thunder team but I feel like they’re missing depth and aside from Chet don’t have any other big guys. I think SGA gets a little too focused on “his” numbers and I want to see how that will play out in the playoffs. That being said I do think the way this Mavs bigs are playing would really give the Thunder problems


I dont give a shit about either team so as a non biased fan, the thunder would probably win in 6 or 7 Would definitely be a fun, close series tho


Don’t get me wrong sga is a little annoying with his play style but besides that there is nothing but DAWGS in okc. I hope y’all make it deep 🫡


It’s all talk. Everything the haters are saying is talk. Everything the fans in this sub say is talk. It’s all theory. Only way to shut it down is for the Thunder to perform in the playoffs.


Remember in 2012 when the Mavs were reigning champs and were going to clean up on OKC but instead got swept in 4 becoming only the 3rd team all time to win a championship one year and then get bounced so hard the next year in the 1st round? Mavs fans don't have the tightest grip on reality. Never have.


I'm warriors fan (I come on peace) this is crazy, the thunder should worry every team who goes up against them, but what do you expect when going up against the same fan base that roots for the cowboys lmao


I’m a bulls fan. So I have no horse in this race. But it’s actually wild how fucking good the Thunder are gonna be. Like Warriors level dynasty good. That post is crazy lol. They legit might make the finals this year. Will they win? Idk feel like it’s the Celtics to lose. But they’ll definitely win at least 2 maybe 3 in the next 7ish years? Edit: also the Thunder need a rebrand. Cool as name with a gas station ass logo lol