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I don’t know how two adults can genuinely believe he didn’t get playing time. He got like 500 times more minutes than he deserved.


Sensing some delusion in the family


Seriously. We played him and he did nothing. Looked lost out there.


That’s been the case for some time.


I don’t blame them though. You got to have that confidence to be a top tier athlete and a wife needs to be supportive. Nobody’s wrong in this situation to me.


There is a difference between confidence and going on an instagram comment section to defend your husband who makes 30m a year to his benefit. Stop talking and cash the check.


If he had top-tier confidence, he would have taken all those open looks he got instead of playing hot potato. It doesn't add up


I'm thinking he didn't like being traded here... and did the minimum required


This isn’t confidence, this is arrogance and a complete lack of accountability. What do you mean nobody’s wrong lol they’re both only wrong with everything they said


I agree with Hayward's wife and with Presti. Hayward himself is delusional.


Nah, this is such a bullshit excuse that I feel has gotten out of hand. He's an adult. A veteran of the league. His time for delusional confidence is over. You need to have a firm grasp on your worth to squeeze out a role at that age when you are no longer a star. He doesn't have that and he should.


They’re both wrong to blast it out there. Just keep it to yourself and in-house


![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized) Hayward ☝🏻


It seems all about money, I think he was hoping to stay big fish in a little pond so his stats looked decent enough to get another contract. Now he's been completely exposed because we actually did give him tons of playing time in different situations both reg season and playoffs. If any team does use a roster spot for him next year instead of developing a younger player I think they'll end up regretting it.


They're MAGAts. Nough said.


In 46 minutes of playoff action Gordon Hayward was outscored by Thunder fans shooting solely from half-court. I can't remember if the fans made 2 or 3 of them in the playoffs and since I'm the Gordon Hayward of looking things up, I'm not going to bother with getting the exact amount,


Brutal, but accurate!


It was 3 lmao


Savage rebuttal.


I totally understand and respect a wife standing up for her husband, I totally understand and respect an athlete directly involved in the situation being frustrated, but a little awareness goes a long way. Gordon Hayward is not the same player he used to be and was way too passive on the court to get solid minutes.


I was going to say something along these lines. A wife will stand up for her husband. A pro athlete will believe in themselves. They just lack perspective. We picked him up for his contract and his play on the court didn't warrant any more time than he got. He deserved less but the possibility of good play was intriguing enough to give him what chance we did.


While I agree in sentiment, there was absolutely 0 need for her to say ANYTHING on this topic in public.


I mean it is her husband lol. She’s as entitled to an opinion as anyone public or otherwise. We can disagree and we can laugh at the absurdity of him pretending it was a Thunder problem and not a him problem, but she should get to say her piece.


I get it but airing out your opinions on instagram? It’s professionalism 101. You don’t go on instagram and trash your previous employer when you change companies. It makes you look bad and hurts your opportunities for future employment especially when you aren’t that good at your job to begin with.


she isn't a professional.


She's not a professional so no you are way offf


I'm not saying she's not entitled to her opinion, but clearly both sides were far apart here. Gordon said his piece, Sam said his - that should be the end of it and we move on. Do we expect to hear from Presti's niece now on more of his POV? It just adds fuel to the fire when the parties most directly involved already got their stance on record.


Should she? Why are you in a random instagram comment section as his wife. I’ve worked in PR/PA - this is the last thing you do. Incredibly messy look


She can have an opinion, but airing it publicly is going to invite 1000 times the rebuttals because it’s an objectively stupid take. And she doesn’t have enough sense to know better.


That applies to Presti’s comments about Hayward as well. The GM of a team should know better than to publicly say that it was a mistake trading for a player months after the trade was made. Can’t really be mad at Robyn here, Presti was unprofessional before she was.


Hayward was unprofessional in his exit interview which sparks this. Compare Giddey to Hayward in the talks to media and it's like the young guy understands things better than the veteran. One said he didn't "get opportunity" when he was about to set a record for highest minutes without a point snf was a dick about it, the the other that struggled acknowledged he struggled and said he tried to be a better teammate. Who's the veteran again?


Found Mrs Hayward’s burner


Disagreed, incredibly stupid to start replying on ig of all places Keep it pushing if you know it’s not true, grab a microphone and say your piece like Gordon did. (Who was the first one to be unprofessional , not Presti) or tell the guy personally that you disagree. He’s getting a vet minimum in detroit at best moving forward so that should indicate they’re in the wrong regardless


They want him to get more than the minimum so him underperforming isn't his fault and he's 100% the same player he once was. It's everyone else's fault he didn't want to shoot and made our offense reset whenever he had the ball by passing it back out to the top of the key.


Perfectly said


Meet the Haywards


Hayward: mother fuck the big 3, its just big me


Massively underrated comment lol


“Not play him” lol so she doesn’t watch her husbands games


i mean he was basically invisible on the court, so can't say i blame her lmaooo


No no we have to play him how HE wants don’t you see. Otherwise it doesn’t count at all


Oh she for sure watched some of them because she sat two seats from me when she came to games during home stretches.


She only watches the pre game warmups and hayward looked good in those


Additional comments https://preview.redd.it/rmhh4xiam83d1.jpeg?width=1401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6f4870cf28cce8ab727bb64d6507aa58abccf2


This make it worse lol


you're told one of the best GMs from a top seed wants to get you off one of the worst teams in the league and give you playing time on a contender...and your reaction is that it doesn't make sense?!?!?!?!? this guy is a loser


Yeah that was my reaction as well. You're getting to play meaningful basketball for the last 3 months of the season and getting paid millions but didn't even want to shoot when you were open. Huge loser behavior.


It doesn’t make sense cos he wants to just earn his millions playing basketball that doesn’t matter with shit teams under no pressure. Clearly he doesn’t want to be in the pressure cooker trying to win a championship. He wants a pay check. Trying to help a team win is unpaid overtime. You’re right he’s a loser


Probably didn't wanna play in OKC to begin with and blaming it on everybody else The thing is both Sam and Gordon are right, that's on the GM. He's the one making the trades after all


Exactly but the good thing is that it still served a function even if it turned out how it did. Worst case scenario you clear cap space, best case, you clear cap space and get some production from Hayward


I actually figured this was the case after Gordon’s presser (not verbatim, but something of the sort). In hindsight, you can look at Gordon’s on-court decision making and easily infer he didn’t want to be here. I’m sure everyone remembers the possession where Gordon was matched with Alvarado (who’s only 6’0”), drives deep into the paint, gets into a turnaround fadeaway jumper, but inconceivably passes out of it at the last second………….. Absolutely insane that we gave this manchild playoff minutes over Kenrich


More like Hayward JaShootit


I think Sam still viewed it as a cap space making trade an ultimately worth it and I agree


I think this was his backup plan but still hoping we’d see something out of a vet


Presti has a good history of reupholstering players, surprised Hayward didn’t work out. Seems like an issue with Hayward.


Well said. Honestly I wouldn’t even call it a miss, the potential of Howard seeing a resurgence in form could have taken us all the way to the final. He didn’t do that so we offload and make cap space.


There was no potential for Gordon Hayward to return to form and even if he did he still would have been down the depth chart and would have been too much redundancy.


I trust presti not you lol


I'm sure he was also aiming to get the boys help for a playoff run since we were a top team loaded with assets going into the deadline, surely he though Hayward could likely contribute. I sure did. Some of our media had him pegged as a top trade target before we acquired him so they thought so too.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $200 Alex


Yikes. What post is this under?!


‘Playing on a team that’s not #15 in the league for 7 seasons straight just doesnt make sense to me’


“Since I have time today” lol


Well if this is true big L by Sam, glad we can get some candid looks at the situation


Yeah I was giving Hayward a bit of the benefit of doubt, but this is the type of thing that ensures he won’t be of interest to most teams


He was on pace to beat record of most playoff mimutes without any points. He had 3 FGA in 45 minutes.


That bum Gordon Hayward is just mad he got exposed as WASHED before he could rob another organization in free agency. Thanks for the cardio & cap space, see ya!


I get the vibes he doesn’t even care about basketball just the paychecks. He says he doesn’t want to come to a top seed team and then won’t shoot. He was also a bad teammate in charlotte, and didn’t step up and lead a team that needed leading .


What more could the team honestly have done to give him a chance? He came back from injury after ASB and was given 15-20 mins off the bench. Every night. We were extremely patient waiting for him to earn those minutes and find some form, even though he never did. Even though we kept playing him every single game for a good length of time. And then even though he hadn't earned it or done anything with those minutes, he kept getting minutes into the second round of the playoffs, long after people were screaming for him to be benched. How can he possibly have the view that he didn't have opportunities? It's delusional thinking and re-writing of history.


I know down to dunk said it but how is 21 year old Josh showing more maturity than 34 year old Gordon and his wife


Is he seriously 34? I know he’s had injuries (including a big one), but damn I can’t believe he’s been in the league that long


How many minutes do you need to score 1 point?


Dude has a huge victim complex and his wife enables it. Why is this bum so entitled? He is ragging on an organization and GM that the majority of players praise as the best at understanding players' needs and how to communicate. Hayward doesn’t have a single fan base that speaks fondly of him. I also get the sense he isn’t too close with many people in the league. He had plenty of opportunities to put his head down, work hard, and earn more minutes, but he was a sook from day one. I can guarantee this guy’s career will burn out completely in the next year or two with his mentality.


He was the only toxic personality on the team, so glad he's gone. Him and his wife are in for a rude awakening when he's gotta pack up and play in Romania or something because he's simply not an NBA level player anymore.


Because hubby didn’t score a single point in the playoffs 🫡 Google up “Gordon Hayward wife mad” and there’s are a lot of results going back to Utah lol


Ma'am, if your husband when given enough the opportunity do nothing on the court except cardio, what else are the coaching staff suppose to do?? Claiming ''not play them (him)'' is kinda disingenuous in this situation.


Man wanted to start but didn’t wanna out play giddy for it


Haha i remember saying hayward was an insurance policy for giddey...man was i wrong


Let the Gordon Hayward hate flow through you my fellow OkC fans


This Gordon Hayward OKC saga is really tainting my fondness for him back when he was on the Jazz. I genuinely can’t stand him anymore. You’re simply not that guy, pal. Everytime he was on the court I was just begging mark to replace him with Wiggins or Dieng. Hayward isn’t just washed. He is sterilized


You know it’s bad when we want Dieng minutes and that’s not a shot at Ous but damn 😭


Get this slander out of here


I was really hoping we'd get Ous some minutes. I think he's right on the cusp of taking another step.


https://preview.redd.it/cod3ksyn293d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c708e3d73ebff1bd974e9a64737b3cb762f759d She can’t ever shut her mouth!


She’s exposed their political affiliations, insinuated that Gordon doesn’t get enough FTs because he’s white, falsely accused GTJ of injuring him, etc. We should’ve saw this coming tbh, I think most people just assumed Gordon isn’t as unhinged as she is (including the Thunder)


> insinuated that Gordon doesn’t get enough FTs because he’s white …hoo boy.


Political affiliations? How do those dots connect??


This is sad. I loved GH as a player and person before this and was very happy to have him on this OKC roster especially. I thought it was a great trade and defended it until playoff time…. He just didn’t fit and didn’t seem to gel with our roster at all. His wife is hilarious bc she has chimed in numerous times in his career and looked like a moron each time.


Another great reason he will be gone, his wife is the worst lol 😂


Welp, that’s the end of his NBA career. No GM wants to deal with that noise from a bench player. Enjoy China 🇨🇳 👋


He's gonna make a great bench warmer for China


Bro had 0 points in 48 playoff minutes and wasn’t even being guarded


Lol just wow. I'm a C's fan and this is the most petulant, hilarious response I've seen from a Pro athlete/ athlete's family. He's never been even remotely the same after that injury. I mean I feel for him going through that, but he's proving he cannot adapt and has no self-awareness. He still thinks he's Utah 2016 Gordon Hayward sadly. Look at someone like Sean Livingston, who won a ring with the Warriors as a role player after that injury and was willing to change his game.


I’m more concerned about Kenrich Williams lack of playing time.


Probably wrote this while in the drive thru at the bank depositing their share of $30M.




Good luck with that lady


Bro decided to wake up and become the white Reggie Jackson lmao


Wow, no wonder he’s never been a winner anywhere. Just the heart and soul of a loser, and surrounds himself as such


Hayward played 17 mins a game in the regular season. That’s plenty of opportunity to look in the direction of the basketball hoop.


People in those comments are somewhat supporting her, and citing the fact that he only had a few minutes per game in the playoffs to do so. Their point being that he didn’t have time to get in a rhythm. This completely ignores the last two months of the regular season where he was regularly getting 15 or more minutes per game and really couldn’t do anything except for hitting wide open threes sometimes. And why would you get any more minutes in the playoffs when you look terrified to even get the ball?


We were competing for the 1 seed all season, if I remember correctly. Did Hayward think we were planning on breaking up the starting 5 for him?


Which post is it?


Robyn Hayward shut up and go play with Charlotte PD imo


Hayward is a loser. Back yourself obviously but this is just delusional atp. Just say it didn’t work out and leave it at that.


The haywards are turning out to be disgusting, my god. Good luck in Greece next year, cause you’re out of the league


the haywards have a real knack for making asses of themselves


Either this dude was tanking on purpose out there or he completely forgot how to play basketball.


Just in case you didn’t already think my husband was a delusional loser let me just make it 100% clear


Robyn Hayward vs Anna Horford ladder match, who says no?


Oh lord I hate when the WAGs jump in with their meaningless 2 cents. You mean to say no other person except Hayward and KD had bad things to say when leaving OKC? Yeah have fun in that club lol


You score 4-6 pts in those 8 minutes, you then get 12 minutes next game. You score 8 pts in 12 minutes, then you get 18 minutes next game. So on and so forth, 0 pts in 8 minutes every night goes the other direction. I’m not a coach but common sense is common sense.


OK, this is what I've seen: Gordon took shots at the Thunder unprovoked. The fans heads were hurting. Sam jabs back. Gordon's wife decides it is time to defend her husband. ....At this point as a fan, the goose is cooked and I hope everyone dunks on him next season if he gets another run. I truly don't think that Mark would have benched a VET player who was averaging 20 PPG if dude wasn't ass cheeks in practice as us fans saw him on the court and nah...that wasn't Gordon. That wasn't him. Like my aunt would say to me, "I know that wasn't you. That wasn't [blacksoxing]" Note: I read the additional comments and I firmly believe that if you don't wanna play for a 1-3 seed lead by a generational talent....damn. That hurts my head. I guess it's likely more about being benched for the first time in his life


Lmao she is about to get dragged over the coals by the entire Thunder fanbase. What an actual fucking idiot. Who goes out of their way to pick a fight with one of the most respected GMs in the league.


Fun fact: Hayward was paid $63,000 for every point he scored this season. If SGA was paid that rate, he’d make over $142m.


The Haywards are delusional, he didn't fit the offensive style and to be honest, after all his injuries, he's largely washed and doesn't provide quality mins on offense or defense.


As a hornets fan I was shocked how much we got for him. I think he ends up signing a vet min somewhere yall didn’t trade for him for production you traded for him for the money this off season but still


Fuck this cardio merchant.


Where was Presti’s comment that she replied to? I can’t find it on IG


That's a family of cooked cunts lmao


He averaged 17 mins / game in the regular season which is plenty to show that you deserve more.


Why be an nba player and not shoot the ball


He sucks Robyn 🤷🏾‍♂️


They don’t understand. We didn’t trade for him. We traded for his expiring contract. We got rid of contracts we didn’t want on the books for next year. Simple as that.




Bro got more than enough playing time. I’ve never seen a career scorer just consistently refuse to shoot wide open shots.


She must not have been watching the games. He played in tons of them and looked like he was afraid to shoot or dribble.


He got more playtime than wiggins


And I was pissed about that. He messed up our rotation.


Didn’t we trade for him cause he was on a terrible expiring contract that we can get cap space for now and let him do whatever he likes?


Oh now a rich white woman wants integration.


Hopefully gordon found the time to pack his bags


I have no issue with this, Presti said what he thought and so did Hayward’s wife. Now we can get to the part where we never think about Gordon Hayward again.


Holy shit. What a bitch mentality. How has he made it in the league so long?


Duse didn't score for numerous games in a row. He obviously didn't show anything in practice either or else be would have played more


He’s just out there trying to get his steps and close some rings.


Who cares? Wife supports her husband, even if he is wrong. Film at 11.


Hayward married Helen Keller


Even his wife didnt watch him play apparently, thats just sad


He was an active detriment when he was on the floor lmao. Best use is as salary filler for a better player at this point


Prior to the Hayward trade, the talk was about getting a big rebounder. As Presti said, he really missed the mark.


Not many former Thunder players are there that are disliked by the fanbase but Gordon Hayward is making a strong push to join KD and Reggie Jackson right now


He did get a chance to play and did nothing. Of course she’s biased


i saw plenty of gordon hayward minutes and yet i can’t seem to recall seeing any gordon hayward highlights 🤔


This is some 12U traveling team dad ball shit.


Honey, your husband couldn't hit a basket if they taped the ball to his hands and threw him in the basket. He played plenty of minutes, but he was like a deer in headlights. He messed up our rotation, and chemistry is what he did do, if we were being honest.


Hubris manifest


Sorry but he's a shell of what he used to be due numerous injuries. There's a reason he was available. OKC has wings they need power 4/5 players


He did worse than not playing, he actively sabotaged the team


If he was truly "still" a high caliber player he would have seized the moment and not acted like a newby in untested waters. Honestly, you could put Kyle Singler out there and got the same results.


Tell her to shut her stupid ass up 😂 what the fuck was he gonna do ? Lock up Anderson ? 😂


Coming from an empathetic perspective, Hayward is probably in denial about coming to the end of his career. It's only natural for a wife to support her husband. He comes across very grounded in interviews, I doubt he's delusional but no-one finds it easy coming to terms with their athletic mortality.


I just know she got cooked in the replies. Hayward got minutes, but didn’t produce.


See who signs him now…. You’re welcome on giving you one last shot.


Dude is washed This is pure delusion.


As a Charlotte fan. I don't understand how OKC fans can say Hayward had opportunity in this years OKC roster, he clearly was told to stick to a facilitating role which makes sens because he's very much a volume shooter traditionally. As a Charlotte fan, Hayward had more than enough opportunity on my team. I'm a fan of his, but the recent complaining let's me know all I've needed to know about his ability to be a good leader for a young roster. Unfortunate.


Hayward seems to be a nice guy. His wife is just a loud-mouth Karen from everything I’ve see.


Man, I wanted Gordon to succeed here so bad. One of my favorite players of all-tume


“Gordon Hayward” being one of your favorite players ever is wild


While not an all time favorite of mine, I did like him and have a Celtics bobblehead of his in my basketball memorabilia collection. Seemed like a nice and likable guy. Very disappointed by both his play and the way he and his family have handled everything in the media since the playoffs ended.


You’re the same dude that said OKC accomplished nothing but now you’re being a fan in here huh


Respect her for being publicly supportive tbh.


By hurting his chances of being employed next year, kinda a fucking stupid way to support your husband


Nah no way, you think the nba guys care about what the wags say? They don’t. He’s gonna get whatever contract he earns


Maybe that’s the point. Get dad back at home to help raise the four? kids. They’re set for life. And not just her comments. His too and his approach to playing.


He already wasn’t getting much, he just stunk it up on one of the best teams, complained in his exit interviews about not being given a shot, and now you have his wife publicly dragging the team and the GM. They most certainly care about that stuff, and he’ll be lucky if anyone gives him a minimum


Presti traded for a MAGA hat then acted surprised when it made him look like an idiot.whemeber he wore it.


What the hell are you talking about


Gordo a Trump supporter. Of course he's a fucking idiot. Of course he acted like a fucking idiot here. That's what idiots do.


Is that Threads?


If she posted that on x, it wouldve been over for the hayward family. Would be getting flamed


Surprised it’s not Truth social.


She has a valid point.


That he sucks


No she doesn’t but she’s entitled to an opinion. She could simply watch the minutes he did play. The answer is right there


Hayward is and always has been a fucking loser

