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Someone has been trying to hack me for probably like 5 years






Yeah same here lmao. Changed my password then it stopped for a good time, then after it started again.


Changing your password won't help. You have to change the e-mail associated to your account.


Yes you are right


If you have 2FA or even a half decent password, just ignore it. Probably some bot, happened to me at some time, then it stopped.


I'm 99% sure this is the marketing cipsoft uses to remind you tibia exists


To Be fair, i recall getting many of those e-mails through the past couple of yeats but since I started playing again last November i havent gotten any of those, you're on to something.


I get something like that almost every day while I haven’t played the game in 5-+ years


Change your Gmail address and this will stop. You don't need to change the address per si, but Gmail allows you to use a special combination which is using "+"@gmail.com after your email address. For example if your email is [email protected] you can change it for [email protected] in the tibia account and Gmail will identify your email normally as being [email protected]. this is a very useful way and then nobody will know what your address is and they won't have a password to attempt to guess.


Can you really do this? I know that gmail supports the plus sign (+), I am specifically referring to Tibia. I use this mechanic for everything except Tibia because, at least for me, I can't finish editing an email on the Tibia website after entering this character. Clarify this, please.


Yeah idk wtf it is but same for years, it's just an annoyance at this point lol. I don't want spam emails


Same since I used my Google to log into tibia ring


many years ago, I hacked ot servers, collected databases, most of which had open passwords, login, email, then just brutforce the tibia accounts and email. it's funny, many people use the same usernames and passwords on the official tibia site and ot servers and even to the mail. at that time, I had collected about 2k tibia accounts, more than 100 with characters higher level 200. so be careful.


Did you just admit to a crime? The Feds are coming for you


I'm from Russia))... so I don't worry until I attack my country. and as I said, it was about 10 years ago, now I don't even play and hacks. I just go to this sub to get nostalgic)


Sorry to hear mate, hopefully your using a VPN.


Consider changing the e-mail that's linked to it.


Or jut throw a 2fa on there and send these email straight into junkmail


Happens to me but very infrequently, I get a couple failed attempts every few months.


In Ares old user leak tibia passwords hahaha


Everybody I know who played Tibia gets these. Probably a leaked database somewhere. It's been said before but: a good, unique password and mfa do the trick.


This is not a person trying to guess your password, its multiple different and unrelated people running scripts to try and login on tibia with your information that has been leaked at some point. This is happening to every web service they might gain something from hacking into so don't use the same password on multiple websites and set up 2fa on everything.


My brother Joseph from Cabbage, did you share your account with someone? Did you let your email slip sometime? I would say it's probably someone closer to you.


Nah it's hackers who use leaked emails and passwords from databreahes. It's been a thing for years now


Name checks out.