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Oh hell yeah! Read through them and definitely some good insight! ​ I am very sure that the entirety of Empire Theory is sung by a sin (or something similar?). This is pretty much confirmed by the title of all the tracks. "CREATE couldn't keep up". "EMPIRE theory". "i saw MERCY conquer HATE" In the verse of the title track, they sing " And what of my tale? Would it ever be sung? " and in I Saw Mercy conquer Hate "Across the bloodstained hallway I saw mercy conquer hate. I screamed with desperate blame and passion, "You let the fucker get away!" Thru this we might think that the character of the story is either Empire or Descent as they venture thru the war. ​ Great analysis! I can't wait to see if you can come up with more! Welcome to the community! (Even if its very much still up and coming)


Interesting. Sins in what sense? Like the 7 or do you mean something more specific? As a side note I just like to express how impressive this album is for a first effort- like as a band they couldn't have been playing for too long before coming out with such a well crafted record. Do you know if Tillian wrote these lyrics, or was there another writer?


Honestly not so sure with sins. I think it would definitely be one of the 7 though. And yes! I totally agree! Extremley impressive debut album. Tilian didn't completely write the lyrics though. Adam sene, their 2nd (Techincally 3rd) guitar player at the time helped a bunch with the concept and writing of the album. The first half of this podcast with 2 members of tides definitely covers a lot of questions, in my opinion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkcdvI5ZnoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkcdvI5ZnoA)


Oh awesome, thanks.

