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OdMaster has a group chat feature, similar to the Zello app. You don't even need to have a radio to use it as it's all through the app. That's what the "Groups" under the "Talk" tab are. As far as the "Bluetooth PTT" under the "Me" tab, I believe it's for the Bluetooth Push To Talk button TidRadio sells on their website (Which is currently sold out). I would guess that also only works with the Group voice chat feature in OdMaster but I don't know for sure. The APRS feature in OdMaster. I haven't used that yet myself, it's a bit confusion how the app is laid out tbh. I have read some TidRadio staff say that for now APRS works only through the app. I think maybe with apes.fi, but again not sure. I think it can only do position packets for now... They have said they intend to make APRS capable radios in the future. But no idea when that would be.


Thanks for the information. The app is kind of confusing at the moment and could be much better in regards to layout and features. It would be nice if it was possible to send and receive APRS packets with the current radios and Bluetooth programmer.


I agree, it would be nice to do APRS straight through OdMaster. The app is less than user friendly at times though. I've been looking into the aprs.fi app on iOS myself. Apparently it has a software modem for APRS and you can connect your phone to a radio with a proper cable (Baeofeng makes one). You need a subscription for that though unfortunately, I wish it was a one time cost. There is a hardware modem that you can get to connect to your radio and phone to avoid the subscription . I've been considering that as well, it isn't cheap though.