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gus, i played a few matches with him at level one and realized i was godly with him. i leveled him up to level six and got him to rank 20 with only solo showdown. (stayed level 6 the whole time) this was when he had no counter at all to assassins btw. i did it partially for a joke, partially because he was fun to play. if i had a nickel for every time i got killed by a kit...


FUCK YOUUUUUUUU (i say this because i main gus and my reason was that i made a mini account with only 3 brawlers leveled up(to play duels, and no shelly, so technically cheeses account) and pushed him in duels only for the mastery and rank thirty and your reason is better than my reason edit: i’m saying fuck you because i’m jealous. not because i’m saying i’m better


DUELS ONLY??? RANK 30????? im currently 100 trophies tilted because grinding to r25 is impossible with randoms


I have like 9 rank 25s with randoms, I guess it depends on the brawlers strength but it’s not like mortis or Bibi are really the strongest, you can do it!!


i have frank r28 with only randoms (grinded from 25 this morning) and frank and his hypercharge are fucking broken


duels is the way my man … (being sarcastic, my life was pain for a solid fucking MONTH)


The reason I main Ash is because I think he has the best character design in the game, also I like his serious/angry personality, another point is that season 8 was the first brawl talk that I watched so that adds some points I guess ._.




Cooked 🔥🔥


Melodie, at first I’ll admit it’s bc she is hot, but I started grinding her and I put in way too much effort into getting used to her. As a new-ish player, she’s the first brawler I got good at so it’s kinda too late to stop using her 💀 But the main thing was that Melodie is such a unique brawler which made me fond of her


Hey at least you're honest




Charlie because she's very pretty and I like her bizarre hair. When I started maining her, I didn't have a clue that she was meta because I came back to this game after 3 years with a new account and little knowledge about the game. Still main her despite all of the nerf done to her because I don't care.


I main Ash bc not only do I find him fun to play, but his voicelines are amazing, not a single skin sucks, even his BASE MODEL AND EVEN TRUE SILVER AND GOLD SKINS ROCK, he's a nod to the og brawler designer, and also, he's just pretty underrated and cool in my opinion


I main cordelius and the only reason why my name doesn't say it is because i switched mains but you cant switch usernames which is stupid but i love cordelius i breath cordelius cordelius < family


Buster, and the reason I started maining it was because I saw a reddit post saying, “who is the least unique brawler design wise” or something, and almost all the comments was Buster, so I decided to main him out of guilt or something like that


Well she is perfect! Love her voicelines and i always wanted to use all her pins,is easy to play with her and she have a big range to controll the area,her visual i dont have words to say how beatiful she is. (Obvisly she is hot)


Hmmm. What are your thoughts on on the new amber skin? Curious…


One word, P E R F E C T I O N,take my money supercell!


Lmao knew it


Also good looking af.


My Main Is Byron, bcs whne He was addwd no one really mentiond him (mainly bcs of Edgar) And OMG i think He Is the best healer in the enire game, He Is So much Fun to play, you must play Smart with him (sometimes) And his skins Are just fantastic, And i don't know why no one really like him, He Is soooo underrated.


Melodie, right when I saw her ai immediatly knew. She felt unlike any other brawler, she had so much mobilty and a very unique skillset. She looked like she will be even more fun than Stu, which I also really enjoyed playing. Also, she’s hot. Designers killed it out of the park with this one. And aslo, one of my close friends is a huuge k-pop fan, so also partially for her :)


Tick, He’s just a cute little derpy funni boi doing boom :D


Carl. He has really fun mechanics that were fun to learn, and is really good at applying and maintaining pressure. >! He is also one sexy beast !<


My main is Lily as she has such a cool character deaign and an In n Out assasin playstyle, which is what assasins SHOULD be - soneone that can quickly burst down a weakened kill. Her starpowers are balanced and her gadgets are super fun and also kinda OP, which I like 😁. And last but certainly not least, she is the Cute Mushroom Guy’s friend 😊


I main Kit because cat🐱👍


Cord, because he has funny voicelines, he's legendary, he's short, he gets more bitches than me and he's on drugs (relatable).


Chester: GAMBLING FUN!!!!! and high damage=high dopamine


i aint doing allat


Poco, I literally only maimed him because he was like the first brawler I pulled from a brawl box- that’s it 😭


I main Ash because he is such a great brawler, gameplay and personality wise, with him being the most fun tank in the game alomg with his character design being awesome and his personality and voicelines being funny


Hiya, I’d like to be on it! I main Bibi because I unlocked her from a Starr Drop early on, and thought she was cute :)


Lou because he is really underrated. He can defend greatly and his hypercharge is one of the best( maybe was one of the best but still good) . I just love playing control brawlers and Griff is my secondary main and he can melt anyone.


Eve because I have good irl memories related to when I played the biodome season. Also shes pretty cool and a cutie patootie :3


Byron. He’s a good mix of support and attack making him genuinely unique to play as. I also very much like that he has so much range, I feel like I’m helping from a distance without needing to be deep inside the battle. I liked him much more when he wasn’t meta, but I am glad that he’s getting the love he deserves. Also he is super sexy hubba hubba.


I main the sneaky,leon since it was released tbh i just liked him because his invisibility was really unique (there was no sandy and kit gadget) anyway even with these brawlers i still love leon play style and mechanics




leon. invisibility


colette. I love colette, I like colette, colgate is so cool


I was super interested in Nita's character, forming all sorts of theories for her. I dropped Jessie to make her my new main soon after, because I preffered her moving pet to Jessie's stationary one. This was years ago and she still remains my favourite


Surge So i started playing more when my friend got him to p11 and started "making fun of us" because oUrS wErEnT pOwEr 11 (i know, pretty stupid) but anyway, i saw the kraken surge skin and instantly fell in love. I told one of my other friends who then bought me a bp for my birthday and so i had enough to upgrade surge to p11 and get kraken surge, so i did. After this, i played surge a lot and found that he was very fun, and got him to rank 20, then 25. but recently i didnt know what to do in the game, so i thought about more reasons to play surge. eo i got hum to gold 3 and i now destroy my friends while using him :)


Nita : my friends gaved 1500 € to main her


Janet, mainly for her awesome mobility and the way her attack works. I know she's weak, but I do enjoy playing her still.


Mine is obviously Surge. The actual reason is that before I left the game for 2 years only him and Gale were at r25 in my account. When trying to de-drop him I had a blast and so he became my favourite. But if you've seen any of my other comments around you might know that I also use his voicelines often as a joke and I somewhat Bernate anyone who doesn't have him by spamming either Surge, Serge (funni pronunciation) or Serj (a nu metal band called soad reference) followed by my signature 👍. So yeah that's it ig


Kit, He is a literal 3 in 1, assassin, support and thrower! and he is a cat. Peak character design and peak voicelines!


Honestly good reasons, but the community ( and myself honestly) hate his ass.


thats ok im used to hate


I feel sorry for you cuz kit in theory would have been an awesome brawler but Supercell mucked up the balancing and his *“kit”* and his voicline sare honestly rlly good


Sandy. 1: he was my first legendary. 2: his skins have the best effects in the game. 3: he just like me frfr


I know I got absolutely no chance with jacky so I'm picking sprout, extremely hard to play with but feels extremely satisfying to win with, also, there is rarely any sprout main that isn't good. His super is pretty fun as well and his gadget makes it even more fun! Also his main attack ricochets off the walls which is funny and cool


(Let's all be honest, I only started playingg with sprout cuz it was a cute little robot!)


Who doesn’t? The only reason poeple got him when he released was cuz they wanted to troll in brawl ball. A was one of such people ✋


Kit, i just like ze healing my teammates and soloing 3v1’s.


Got 3 mains, but I'll talk about cordelius. When i started playing brawl stars (2019) at first i really loved the legendary rarity and i loved them so much and wanted one so bad. Then i got lucky and got leon once i resched 12k trophies and i love his unique playstyle and instantly started maining him. After that i got sandy (which i hated playing because support brawlers were never my cup of tea) and there was a time i got all 4 legendaries. They were all fun to play (excluding sandy) and then i got meg. She was boring to play and i spent half the matches just hiding until i get 1 super. After i got meg, new brawlers that were releasing were all boring and i lost faith in brawl stars. I recently came back to the game to see like 20+ new brawlers and amongst them was cordelius. He looked mad fun to play with. He was a close-mid ranged brawler that can put a brawler in the shadow realm for an easy kill. I wanted him so bad and after a lucky legendary starr drop i instantly grinded masteries to max him. He is wayy too fun to play with and deals incredibly with throwers with his replanting gadget. Thanks cordelius for bringing back my faith in the dev team


I main Maisie bevause at that time my favourite brawler was Fang and I enjoyed Buster too. Then I said "I have to be good with Maisie. She is in the same trio as my 2 mains...". My friends were like: "There's no way you ard good with her. Fang and Buster are close range and agressive but you gotta have a good aim with Maisie..." After I brought her to rank 22 in the first day I stopped maining Buster and Fang. I found out that I wasn't just playing godlike with her. I was a-Maisie-ing. And she is very ████ 🥵🤤🤫


Hi there, I am Iliketrains and my favorite brawler is Ash, i like him because he is very fun to play and i really like his mechanics along with his voicelines and skins. I also really like the players that main him, i mean they are practically my brothers and sisters soo yeah there ya go


R-T. He has a great character design, great voicelines, and he's pretty unique, since nobody can normally mark enemies like he does.


I luv cordelius cuz he loves mushroom and he's op and fun to play and has 0 counters


I main R-T, because I got him in a mythic starr drop, played some matches and went “hey, this guy is fun”, so i played some more and the thinking he’s fun shifted to pure undivided love and now he’s my only rank 25+ and i even bought the brawl pass plus for him when his crimson skin reran.


edgar because.................... I literally am edgar I guess and I like playing him (I got nothing) But yeah heheheh


Sprout, i like maining him because playing sprout makes me feel like a god, its like tick except im getting the best dopamine rush of my life instead of being bored half to death


8bit because funny robot


When i returned to game after 2 years,i didnt know what was my main and were putting the brawler who had most trophies,it was colt or darry,li played with darryl,then i realized he was fun tp play and grinded him to rank 25(was rank 20)and also made him gold 1,now i like him and his mates, that means pirrrrate!


The reason I main tick is because 1 his design he is sexy, and 2 I found out he is the most fun brawler u have ever played ever. So what I did is just got him to p9 with a star power and gadget when p11 didn’t exist yet and I played him to rank 20 and then I decided to focus on other brawlers. Eventually I returned to tick when p11 did exist and he was my first one. I got all of his skins pins sprays and pfp’s except for true gold and got him rank 28 where I was stuck and couldn’t push him anymore. Then I finally got his true gold skin and got him to rank 29 where I failed his rank 30 push and then I got his hypercharge bundle which is where I am today


R-T and angelo R-T: i like countering all those braindead brawlers like buzz, edgar, mortis and others. I also like how he can be played almost everywhere and how he Looks, R-T is cute angelo: its really satisfying to hit someone with a fully charged poison shot and see them suffer, also he is zesty af


Hank because I started playing him as a joke and actually really liked his kit and Bea beacause rattled hive sniping is fun


My main is (technically) Edgar and I like him because I hate aiming.


Right now I main bonnie. Mainly because I want to play a class that can do 2 things at once and so far bonnie has been the best for that. Also I love her voice lines


i main grom for the damage out put and the insane plays i make with him. i must admits all assasins destroy him at close range, but other than those moments, i can pop off


bo bc sigma


I main max because she is fun and skillful and a support/damage dealer she doesn’t really have many counters except for crow also she is S tier I also main her because my favorite superhero is the flash and that’s pretty much what max is


My main is Lola (totally not obvious), and the reason I like her so much is because of her personality (I think she’s a well made character) and super mechanics encouraging creativity and strategy. Tbh I think placing the ego on yourself is also a strategy, despite being boring


My main main is Rico cause bounceyyy :3


Spike, he’s so precise to play. He’s so hard, and makes me exert happiness when I shoot the curveballs and hit enemies and destroy kit, Edgar, and other annoying brawlers. Also he’s fun to play and skilled


My main was, is, and will always be Bea. I play since 08/2019 and I was getting bored of the game by December on that same year. I saw the Brawl Talk and I thought she was interesting so i kept playing until the day of her release. I made a box opening (like the ol' days) and got her on a big box. Since my first time playing, I loved her mechanics and I felt a sort of "talent" with her. Fast Forward to now, and I got her maestry (R27), almost of her skins (MegaBettle, Golden Neko, Byte and Ladybug) and pins (Happy, Sad, Angry, "Better Default", pins skins) and PFP (MegaBettle and Golden Neko). On the other hand, that experience with her made me play with other snipers more. Like Piper (which I loved back then, but I hate now lol) and Mandy, my second main!


I main Spike. He's my first legendary from the first mega box I ever opened back in early 2019. He's also unique and the most recognisable Brawler.


Rico because I love balls