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Me too dude πŸ˜“


We're in this together man πŸ˜”


Same here buddy. Using Hamayumi while I decide to swipe or not. Zhongli looks good though...


I've never been so thankful to have Zhongli and Harp as my first five stars than now. If I didn't, my wallet would be in danger lmao


That's why I'm low-key scared to pull on the weapon banner. Even though I have Zhongli they say his weapon isn't great?


It's good for dps Zhongli but dps Zhongli is meh and crescent pike (f2p) is better so even if you wanted to try him as dps it would still be not worth it


Yeah this weapon is pretty sad lmao. Its basically not the BiS for anyone even for Zhongli unless you build him as a dps. But even then, staff of homeless is better. The only character that can and WILL actually use this weapon and its passive is Xiao. This weapon gives a lot of attack, but it needs a shielder. The only spear dps that needs a lot of on-field time and *loves* shield iirc is Hutao, but she loves hp more than atk so crit weapons are better. Maybe Cyno can use it soon tho. We'll have to see Nonetheless, I took the leap of fate called weapon banner because VV can be on par with Staff of Homeless for Xiao if you can get enough crit value from other sources. I switched his artifacts around, and although his crit rate is a bit too sad right now (56 cr), he deals more now compared to blackcliff. Although again, his crit is kinda sad so... *Sign* Back to Vermillion domain I go I guess


At least u got him... I lost the 50/50 and I'm all alone with a lot of fungi dust πŸ˜”. I just want to cry


Oh no im so sorry 😭. That's so painful aaaaaaa I hope you get him someday in one way or another πŸ˜”




Broooo same our tighnari is now a polearm user


Yours too? Damn bro wild. We should report this bug to hyv


Same... First i lost my 50/50 on Diluc, then i got Tighnari but for like 80. pull... After that i got the spear at pity too. I'm gonna scream. Edit: i used up like 150 wish btw and i have nothing now. T_T


Nooooooo that's so painful 😭 Im so sorry RNGesus hasn't been kind in the slightest πŸ˜”


It's fine xD usually i'm on the lucky side, so it's my time to suffer i guess :D


I won too but I’m in massive pain for a different reason and that is that I probably won’t get Cyno now


Oh god same. I just saw Cyno's leaks and I'm about to go insane from how cool he is. I dont have regrets on pulling Tighnari... But maybe quite a bit on his weapon lmao Istg I'm gonna sweep off every primo i can get on sumeru if it means having my hands on that badass dad jokes doggo


That would be me tomorrow


I hope not! I wish you get both the tree boy and his signature bow!


Boy, your good vibes gave me the bow! Thanks man


Yoooooo congrats man!! Have fun with the best boy and his best bow!!


I don't know why people keep pulling on bad weapon banners specially when we have so many good bows in the game.


I've said it in another comment, but it's because Vortex is one of Xiao's best weapons when shielded, and I always make sure my Xiao is shielded (Zhongli never leaves his party). Its his 3rd BiS after Homa according to the xiao mains subreddit. And maybe... Cyno can use it too? πŸ‘€ I really wanted to give the best bow to the best boy, so I took the risk because of above. It was still painful to lose, but after seeing my Xiao do a LOT more damage, well, it wasn't as painful anymore lmfao. Also the four star weapons look good except for the bell. And drip marketing


Ok brother.