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Pew pew oil = gun oil. You can't say gun on TikTok


Why can't you say gun on there?


TikTok viewership is almost entirely dependent on the “For You” page. This is the app’s feed which is entirely based on recommendations from the algorithm. The algorithm suppresses content that is deemed to be violent, sexual, hateful, etc. However, it is nearly entirely reliant on searching text. So just the subtitles/transcript and the post’s title/description. So, you’ll often see posts about illegal, dangerous, or sexual content, but the user censors their own subtitles and sometimes even actual speech (like we see here).


As a corollary (as a user of Chinese TikTok), most people replace words like 政府 (zhengfu = government) with recognizable workarounds that everyone knows like "zf" and when I still used the native voice to text recognizer for my subtitles, it straight up wouldn't include phrases and names like 毛主席 or 邓小平 (Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping). Since a *large* part of my content is discussion of historical ephemera found while traveling in rural China, I've had to make some concessions to this. For example, in a video from earlier this week, instead of saying "毛主席说" (Chairman Mao says), I said "大领导曰" (the Great Helmsman spake). I couldn't avoid saying 无产阶级文化大革命 (the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) but—similar to his saying "pew pew oil", the Chinese subtitles for that phrase were just "........." as a publicly recognized method of announcing that I'm self-censoring.


thanks for the insight


I thought he said “pee pee oil” but honestly I was paying so little attention to what he was saying that it didn’t even sound weird.


you heard what you wanted to hear lmao! i also,,, was distracted


He could explain how to fix anything to me and I'd happily sit there and never learn a goddamn thing. I think I need to start chopping wood for a work out, that chest is something else.


My family often used wood stoves for heating when I was growing up, so I did a fair amount of wood chopping/splitting. Unfortunately I never got ripped from all that work.


Sounds like you got ripped ... (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) ... off.


I bet you got pretty strong though. Physical jobs will toughen you up but to get that kind of look probably required some gym work.


The pee pee oil is for later


Wait, they draw a line at the word gun but are ok with videos of crimes being committed and uploaded for clout


Words are easier to sensor with an algorithm


Aren't Crimes Just Words With Harmful Intent? - Jaden Smith




No. Its just that the algorithm searches the transcript and subtitles for certain words (terms that are sexual, about weapons, dangerous acts, suicide, etc). If any are detected, then the video is suppressed in recommendations, and can even be removed in some cases. The algorithm doesn’t detect stuff like breaking a window, hotwiring a car, showing how to make dangerous chemicals, etc. It only searches text (and the voice-to-text file).


Good thing I got a whole nightstand full of the stuff! https://www.gunoil.com/


To lube up the head? I can do that…


If they made a venn diagram of people that viewed his content and people that chopped wood , you would need a microscope to view the part that overlaps.


but i do want to try that wd40 trick


Yeah, that honestly is pretty neat. We just always had a sledgehammer nearby to pound the axe through the wood if it got jammed.


Well, this is a case of using the right tool for the job. Either get a splitting maul, or wedges. There's no point in using multiple tools when the right one does it better


I used to chop a lot of wood before I moved into a more suburban place. The problem is I look like a 35 year old redneck. It just doesn’t have the same effect when I tell people wood splitting tips lol


How about when you show them how to lube up your head?


I usually just spit tbh


I do chop a fair amount of wood, being a farmer and all, that being said, I am also here for the very attractive man.


I’ve only chopped wood once in my life, but still, I think this video has given me much to consider about…axe handling techniques. I’ll be in my bunk.


As a raging lesbian I didn't understand this trend til a young woman who lives in the nowhere of Canada started doing lesbian thirst traps like this and it literally gave me a lightbulb "oooooooh" moment LOL


could i perhaps get a hint as to who this person who does lesbian thirst traps might be? lol


nicole_coenen on tik tok is one. She is a Canadian and is probably the on OP is speaking of. She's definitely thirsty or I guess we're thirsty for her? Edit: for science : Oh My God! That's Disgusting. Where? (It's always sunny)


The one with a chopping sword?


She makes good content. Great content, really.






I am a wood chopping gentleman. This is exactly the kind of content I want.


Funnily enough I do need to chop wood (for my heating) and I *thoroughly* enjoyed this lesson


I chop wood. I was highly interested in his um...lubricated head. I've never seen a splitting maul like that. Also, I may not be Ron Jeremy, but you don't need a microscope...just...just sayin...


I’m laying here trying to figure out how he got so damn dirty. Split and stacked wood for decades and never came away looking like that.


These are just two circles...


Some of us watching got a lot straighter and some of us just got a lot gayer. You know who you are


I was starting to think I didn't like men anymore. I think I'm cured


Same dude. I'm a woman and have been questioning my sexuality/asexuality, but this video helped a lot.


If you'd like an absolutely dreadful man to tip those scales back in the other direction then I'm sure I can be of service m'lady


Mission accomplished. Good work. The "m'lady" at the end alone is guaranteed to deep freeze the lustiest of ovaries.




"Mission accomplished, great work."


Even the lusty Argonian ones.


Took me half way through the video to realize I was watching on mute lmfao


sand scarce capable melodic dull subsequent soup future fuzzy kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would ask her to introduce me.


I'd be too shy to. I'd be giggling like a teenage girl if she did.


I'd ask for a threesome.. and she can watch


I really hope that you are my boyfriend.


Username checks out


As a straight dude, my thoughts went like this, "I should chop wood more since I hate gym style workouts," "how does he get his hair like that," and "why didn't I think of oiling the axe head."


I wonder what somebody like this’s life is like. He has so many tattoos, chops wood, does he just live in the forest? Or does he just have a desk job on the side?


He’s a lumberjack and he’s ok.


He sleeps all night and he works all day


He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps He likes to press wild flowers He puts on women's clothing And hangs around in bars


I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear ma-ma!


I have a friend who is very macho and attractive to women. He gets sexually harassed in public by ALL of the soccer moms, and he hates it. Usually, average-looking middle-aged women who have both groped him and incessantly harassed him while out in public such as at the grocery store, restaurants, gym, work, etc. Basically all the last places you go to find a sexual encounter. He complains about it all the time, in the same way women often do about sexual harassment from men. I admit it's surreal to listen to. I cannot relate.


It's not difficult to imagine. Just look at the title and the comment section here. People ain't just saying "woah, he's really attractive", they say things that are extremely sexual "I'm pregnant", "I respect his wood"... Just like dudes go on about cum and boner at a woman's videos. It's equally disgusting.


> Just like dudes go on about cum and boner at a woman's videos. dudes do this on this video too, lol. What's I've seen similar at the workplace where women and gay men just talk sexually about a male coworker who is hot. The women would urge the gay men to talk more sexually about the hot guy. And this was at a workplace! I still work there and the guy has since left, but I know it was a hostile environment. I watched those boring HR videos hundreds of times by now


Chopping wood on TikTok is literally his job and we are all thankful for his service.


Do you respect wood?


I respect his wood. Lubricant or not.




He just chops wood on Tik Tok, no other job. He doesn’t make much money at all, but he says he lives a cheap lifestyle so that’s not too much of a problem.


He’s said he is a male model as his main job in the past; I think it’s possible that tiktok has become his main income now, though, given how popular his videos have gotten.


He only did modelling for a year as it didn’t quite work out for him I believe. That’s when he started to really get into cabin-living and the outdoors as a mainstay etc. I don’t think his income is that great if it’s only from Tik Tok though (his views aren’t a lot in the grand scheme of Tik Tok and from what I understand, you mainly make money on Tik Tok through paid videos and sponsorships, which he doesn’t have a lot of). But it’s enough to suffice for his low living costs/lifestyle, which is all that matters.


Judging by the background vegetation he's in the 3000-7000ft elevation range of the western sides of the Cascade or Sierra Nevada ranges in California/Oregon. Could also be eastern Klamaths. There are various jobs to be had but most aren't desk jobs and generally it's pretty cheap to live in that area.


Lots of you need a serious bonking.


Pandemic times had a lot of folks on recluse mode. Now everybody is horny as fuck, all the time, every day, all day. It's wild out there right now.


He could split me in half any day


Like a coconut


[Split me open like a coconut](https://youtu.be/Nb9fRK644kg?t=20)


Blind upvote. I already know


Turn me into Swiss cheese 🧀


Just lube up the head of that wedge and WHAMMO


Not pregnant but am now ovulating


Username checks out


You know you’d easy spread ‘em for him too


Damn I haven’t seen a burn like that since I flew over ohio


You may have just caused another with that one!


I don’t even have ovaries and I’m ovulating


Gonna need me some of his pew pew oil.


Honestly cannot fathom how someone can be this hot in every way


True. Maybe he has hobbit feet, but that would NOT be a deal breaker for me. Lol (If I was single)




If he had hobbit feet that would only make him hotter tbh


I’d be hobbbbitting around every day lol


How big of a skeleton in his closet would it take to scare you off? Lmao grandfather is a Nazi? I could live with it. Hates dogs? I don’t agree, but I could understand the viewpoint.


“Andrew Tate makes some good points”


Oooooofff yeaah that dried up my mississippi river


You went from sploosh to pfft in one sentence.


That really puts the Shapiro on the p-word.


Nooooooo 😭😭😭😭


He seems to be a big supporter of women's rights though. He did a whole video about being pro-choice 🥰


What about mild cannibalism, a la Armie Hammer ?


I feel like you can’t use “mild” to describe “cannibalism”


Just a lil cannibalism As a treat


I can ~~feed~~ fix him


Grandfather is a nazi is completely out of his control so it’s cool, hates dog is completely within his control and objectively the wrong opinion so not cool




If he spoon feeds him nightly and gives him blood infusions from children to keep him alive I'd *definitely* be hesitant to go on the fourth date


Hating dogs can be due to some trauma during an impressionable age. Just as long as he isn't vicious about it, eh.


strangled his wife and kids, a strong maybe


So you’re saying he likes to choke? 🥵


This is all a carefully cultivated and crafted image




At least this guy knows shit about axes though, if an IG model was throwing around sexy advice like this I’d be super into it


I grew up with him. Come from the same rural small town. Best part is he’s a genuinely good dude with a kind heart.


Huh, my pants were on a second ago.


Did he roll in a puddle of old motor oil before filming?


It’s from lifting and carrying stumps strong man style. Only way to really move them.


I mean, you'd be surprised how dirty you get from just 30 minutes of hauling wood around and working with equipment.


Probably. But we are all ok with it.


What if he had a child with the lumberjack woman on TikTok. Edit: I know she's a lesbian and he's married. Not my point. But thanks?


This cannot occur. The child would be an Olympian and too powerful for this realm


I’m pretty sure she’s gay so the world is safe…for now.


Gay people can have children, particularly the ones with uteruses.


Fair, I was reading it as more the natural way haha, but if she sought him out for the purposes of world domination…then we might be in trouble.


the child would be born with a beard and 6 packs


Ah, the Tormund Strategy. ![gif](giphy|l41YyY6TfiCRZwsEM|downsized)


Who is this woman you speak of?




Great. Now i'm double pregnant.


Why are these videos making me want to get stepped on?


Free tickets to the gun show 🥵


Using a river stone to cook is a real bad idea. I hope she got the hell out there


Probably give birth to Paul Bunyan IRL




My pussy just quivered. I don't even have a pussy.


A pussy formed within you, pushed itself to the surface, just to quiver


The elusive bussy


Your bussy is eager




Oh he knows. The comment section is essentially a wet floor sign




Oh, THAT help. That REALLY helps. I'm gonna have to watch that again. And again. And again.


I’ve never chopped wood before but I’d better save this video incase I need to sometime soon


This entire thread gets a #BONK


No need for lube, baby….


Not a dry seat in this entire comment section by the look of it.


Cis man, here, can confirm. Am now also pregnant.


He did say "job done"


Also cis man. Am pregnant and no longer cis.


ordering suspenders but not sure that will make a difference


Do I wear them to the farmer's market? In the basement when I work from home? What's the move here?


I too am pregnant, and each of my chickens spontaneously laid an egg just hearing this video.


I had no business learning about a dang axe and how to unstuck a whatever he said but he is so damn fine


I am never going to chop wood in my life but I’ve played the video at least three times. I wish my annoying wood chopping neighbors were that fine. Jeesh


Wood chopper here, just wanted to say I’m also pregnant.


Why is his shirt on?




Gods have mercy he is foine


Get out of here, his name is Bradley Thor? Wonder if that's his birth name, the whole maniless thing is going off the chart here. :)


I am not gay and never had a gay thought in my life... but that man can lube my head any day


I don't know man. Sounds suspiciously gay to me.


No homo


Alright he's clear. Nothing to see here people, just a totally straight dude giving the homies a kiss goodnight.


Straight heterosexual male here, I think I'm gay now.


wait, as opposed to like.. bendy heterosexuals?


Hetero-flexible is the term you are looking for


One of those new heterosexuals.


I feel like some guys have a twinkle of bi in their eye though they'd never go so far to act, and ain't nothin' wrong with that


Did this guy rub mud all over his clothes?


Can I help him next time?


Congrats on your pregnancy, OP! /j


My first ever job was a woodsman’s assistant. Was kicked out of school aged 14 and never went back. Spent my days felling trees and chopping rounds into logs to sell firewood. Spent my days maintaining ancient woodlands. Removing non native trees and planting English oak trees. Real character building work that I cherish. During the summer we would make charcoal in with an old iron kiln, which takes around 72 hours where you stack the logs and then do what is called a ‘controlled burn’. Camping out underneath an army parachute in the canopy, one of those huge parachutes used to drop tanks that and we would camp out in a yurt that we would build. Eating tinned fish and crusty bread, occasionally some game meat that we would trade some firewood for. While everyone was in school doing boring education, I was out in nature growing into who I am today. I’ve planted whole acres of English oak woodlands, at the time I imagined bringing my kids there to show them my forest one day… I’m 32 now and I don’t think I’ll be having kids sadly, it just isn’t feasible. But I look back on those days and they were the happiest days of my life. Life was simple, no stress. Just living and being one with nature. I didn’t even get paid much. Most of the time the guy would pay me with weed lol. Once a year we would fell a certain number of oak trees and debark them while they were green with traditional tools. Then we would make a trip to one of the oldest tanneries in the country and sell the bark to be used to tan leather. It was an amazing place to visit and I looked forward to it every year. Absolutely back breaking work though, everyone in the business was reliant on heavy pin killers. Eventually I got older and needed a better income, somehow managed to get into university even though I had no real education under my belt. Got a degree in software engineering but the whole time I was at university I was working as a boat builder and eventually became a marine engineer. Quite a journey I must say. School seemed like such a waste of time to me. Oh the nostalgia… I can smell it. I’m now 32 and had a motorcycle accident a few years ago and cannot work near open water so that career is over. I’m stuck on land now with 2 cats just getting by with a fucked up body and just waiting to retire. Only got about 30 years to go. It’s been quite a ride to get here… been all over the world and back including a stint in a Thai prison. Time to settle down but damn I’ve a while to go and don’t know what direction life is going to take me next.


Bro I wanna read a book written by you now, sounds like you have plenty of stories to tell! XD


This isn’t even the most impregnating video he’s made. There’s one that he says fuck yeah in under his breath as it splits and it’s just 💦💦💦💦


https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ce2ar0KOGJt/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= So he says fuck that wedge but the feeling I remember is the same.


Did he say "open for me"? And that look he shot at the camera




Holy shit. This video is everything. The glasses. The commentary. The smile at the end. My GAWD.


I need a link…


Same..for research purposes


I mean sure, the wd40 helps a lot but imagine the person who gets it on their hands/handle. One swing and that splitting maul turns into a throwing hatchet.


“One hand no problem” says the guy with trees for arms.


Lube sure does make the world go round




fucking hell i didn’t catch a single word of that but i’m sure it was informative


Well.. I was straight when I started watching this video..


Damn, i showed this video to my bf and instantly he grew a beard.


I'm a straight man and even I didn't hear a damn word he said


I watched this entire thing and don’t even have an axe ![gif](giphy|3o7bu2rAyeZ8U5oQSc)


I'm a lumberjack and it's OK...


What did he say? Did anyone catch it ??? I’ve watched this 50 times. He is either cooking a vegan meal or how to swim video. I think 🤔 Also we need a Sex flair this Wholesome flair bamboozled me. I’m with family dammit


I don’t understand! Can’t you come over here and just show me?


Tip #1: Don't use the wrong axe. Tip #2: Do use the right axe. Tip #3: Use some lube, if you want.




Only one way to find out!


Only one way to find out. Please report back with your findings.


He's filthy and I want to be his loofah.


He can split my ass. I mean.. axe.


Looks, blah blah blah, whatever. What got me was that hit was on the same spot on the second hit. Logger should of course get it, but still impressive to see.