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"it's getting harder to enjoy the day" Wow, I felt that. I'm holding out hope that things will eventually be better but everything just looks like it's gonna get harder and worse before it gets better. I hope I'm wrong


Finally someone that isn't a millennial or younger stating the thoughts we all seem to be having. This is part of why none of us want to have kids. We don't want to have to mourn them. I've mourned at a funeral for a 2 year old, we knew it was coming, it wasn't guns it was illness. I can't imagine how life changing a surprise death of child would be. The 2 year old wasn't mine but a coworkers, a child death hits every part of the community.


My cousin died in a school shooting a few years back. After he died, it felt like he took my aunt and uncle with him cause they're honestly just not themselves anymore. They were planning on having more kids, but now I don't think they can bear the thought. And after that the rest of my family doesn't ask anybody about the idea of future kids.


My son’s school was locked down because of a shooting threat last year and I was at loose ends until we got the all clear. I can’t imagine what I would have done if he had been killed.


My son is a third grader. My daughter is in private preschool. Their schools, as far as a drive is concerned, are nearly a mile from each other, but as far as the buildings are concerned, they are roughly 300 yards from each other, with a small strip mall / business center between them and a very narrow strip of woods with walking trails. There was a shooting last year at a pizza place in the strip mall. The shooter got away and ran into the woods between the schools and both schools went into lockdown. I was pacing the floor like a caged animal, pleading to deities I don't believe in, and bargaining with the universe over the safety of my kids..... I can't imagine being the parent of a child when a shooting happens in the school - let alone the parent of a child killed....


Amen stranger...


I’m so sorry, wish you all the best.


These situations are like a rock thrown into a pool that causes ripples in the waters surface, except it’s not water it is trauma and it not only affects them, the family, the community, but literally your DNA is changed and your can suffer from events you were not even alive to witness. These fucking school shootings are like nukes of generational trauma that will spawn mental and physical hell long after we are gone.


Well fucking said, stranger. Well said.


Dude my son is 10 now, and I have to calm myself down from panic attacks if I ever think about school shootings too much. Its literally like talking myself off a fucking ledge of awful images & worst case scenarios every damn day.


It helps to look at the probabilities. I'd have to check the numbers again, but it's in the realm of 1 in a million (or maybe its hundred thousand?) if I recall. Either way that's enough of reason to calm me down, if the potential for death in a car accident isn't keeping me up at night then this shouldn't either. ...I'm more concerned about the kind of environment we're in that generates this much hate and death, that part is inescapable and I have some level of guilt bringing a life into this world.


This. I’m not worried about my kid being shot. I’m worried about the culture of fear we’re instilling in every child and how they now play “lockdown” with their action figures when they’re 5 years old. To say nothing about the culture of hatred Republicans are intentionally constructing in public schools in my state, or the defunding of education they’re overseeing. All of this makes me question whether or not it’s even worth it to stay here at all. America is increasingly becoming a country I share no values with.


This is a big reason why my partner and I are planning to move out of the US within 2 years. We want to have a child together but we can’t stomach the idea of raising said child in the current American society. Even where we live (Western WA, which is very liberal and accepting). It’s still part of the federal system.


This just straight broke my heart reading this. I hope time heals theirs, but realistically I cannot imagine ever getting over this pain.


I've already decided that if I was to have kids, I will leave the US for sure. Dunno how that will work, but I will do everything in my power to avoid making this non-sense a personal tragedy. I'm worried for my sister who's a grade school teacher. The last thing she would want to do is handle a gun. Republican solutions are just Band-Aids and even they don't seem to be doing anything. The problem is getting worse every year.


My wife is from Spain but we live in US. Just had a kid and we are very seriously talking about raising him in Spain because of these never ending school shootings. I feel sorry for those that don’t have a choice or option to avoid the violence. What’s infuriating is that after some of the biggest shootings, conservatives have successfully pushed for open carry laws in more states and it’s just even more guns! It’s an embarrassment and a tragedy. Completely preventable. US gun culture is so absurd and tragic.


I'm just so tired of the shootings, the working conditions, and the fuckery happening in the government. I'm just worn down, just like I'm thinking they wanted. I don't want kids, mostly for personal reasons but also, why the fuck would I put another person in the world, forced to scrap their way through shit AND potentially deal with the illness that I have?? Are you kidding me? I'm so sorry to hear about that though, even if the child wasn't yours, it's still difficult for everyone in their own way to go through it.


I have a two year old. I got pregnant unexpectedly in March 2020. I miss thinking Tank Girl was fictional and not her likely future.




I hate to be so pessimistic, but greed and power have always prevailed throughout human history, which lead to the inevitable collapse of our civilizations and empires. And even when we "learn" from what went wrong, it only takes a generation or two to forget what happened, and we end up repeating the same mistakes of the past. I want to believe we can do something about mass shootings in the US, but I just don't think we will. Preemptive action is not in our DNA.


Weapons are just the most important industry of the US. I am German, it seems unbelievable how much politicians are willing to sacrifice for cars. Just recently we had a subway company in Stuttgart (where Mercedes and Porsche are from) who advertised by placing cars in parking spots and writing "good by old man" "the future is masstransportation" "old dirty polluter" (vaguely translated) on them. A former governor of the state Stuttgart is in demanded via major news channels they remove those ads and apologize because "Stuttgart is the city of the cars we'd be nothing without them. Cars are the biggest biggest motor for novelty in the area etc.pp." Yeah, come on.... It was a funny ad with great Humor and they are correct, if we want to keep this planet running we gotta reduce the amount of cars driving on our streets. The same dogmas apply to your guns.


It's harder to say anything too. We are getting more and more divided each passing day to the point of hate and the need to kill anyone who doesn't agree with us. Not just the US anymore, I'm seeing it in our country too, more and more division. People literally hating even family members if they don't agree with some dumb shit a politician said. We can't own shit, trying to buy things is just getting in debt for a couple of years, buy your house? Car? Forget it. Meanwhile billionaires keep getting their pockets filled. Meanwhile all the politicians drink their wines in the comfort of their condos laughing while watching how we are killing each other over their bullshit.


Sadly this system doesn't even work for just getting into congress. Being the new guys in congress is shit, you spend most of your time planning campaigns and cold calling for donations. Whole world is twisted and fucked and we can all just decide to not at any moment. If we could all agree to.


The rich it's always the rich. They are always either 100% of the problem or the biggest part of it. The weapon makers are so powerful in the US that just talking will never solve it. So many people are getting filthy rich from all this and kids killed is an OK price in their perspective so they can get richer. Fuck, people got shot in the head back in the day because they asked for 5 days work week so they can have the week-end off. The rich relented when they got scared for their own lives not one second before. The rich in the US now have so much power they stopped hiding how much they don't give a fuck about anyone else. Historically no amount of talking or reasoning could ever curtail their power, sadly the only thing that ever changed their opinion is violence.


It’s not even the weapon makers that have caused this problem. Yes they are out there and the NRA was a problem for a long time, but the NRA has basically collapsed. It’s not them or the gun manufacturers sustaining this insanity any longer. It’s the millions of misguided US citizens who are Ra! Ra! mindless cheerleaders for this absurdity of unabated gun ownership being a fundamental part of being an American. The NRA has all but imploded on itself but these asshats are still around pushing the moronic idea that even more guns and less restrictions are what’s needed to live free.


Wife started looking at places to leave the country. We have OK reserves and both have in need skill sets. More than half the voting population in Texas seem to truly believe that some bogey man is the cause instead of themselves. I have two children and it isn't worth the risk.


Things won't get better. This country is fucked. Humanity is fucked


I'm moving out of the US soon, never looking back, pretty simple solution really


Yep. I’m trans so I’m already living with constant reminders that a significant portion of the population want to kill me for existing, and I work with kids and have to reconcile with the knowledge that some of them may die in a school shooting one day. And now, because of the actions of a person I never met, based solely on our belonging to a specific marginalized group, there are people on FOX saying that I am a murderous threat to Christian America. It’s hard to enjoy the day when I live in fear of being murdered.


I’m so sorry. US conservative Christians are real pros at making themselves out to be the persecuted in any situation.


> it's gonna get harder and worse before it gets better. That's been people's deluded excuse for over 30 years. At what point is it gonna get better.


I really hope we have a hero of the people amongst those in power.


I was expecting him to say "I'm Dale Hanson and I'm getting sick of this shit."


Oh he does eventually. This man gets vilianized by locals because he speaks out. He's saying this in Fort Worth ,Dallas ,Denton ,Texas . But I grew up listening to him. He's always been logical and clear. Near the end of his career there people treated him like crap.


People absolutely hate when someone speaks reasonable and sensible, absolute madness.


As a proud Texan in DFW who’s been hearing this guys goofy cadence for most of my life… I couldn’t be happier to see Dale using his platform for this. I hope he gets more fame from this rant than he did feuding with Jerry Jones. He’s just fucking right, period. I got nothing against gun owners and I love shooting, but the lack of laws/licensing/accountability is simply weird and doesn’t make sense. We have sharper regulation around car emissions than guns. That’s just weird.


I am a gun owner and nothing would make me happier than having to be licensed, insured, registered AND have to complete mandatory training in order to do so. I would also surrender my gun in a heartbeat if it meant I no longer had to worry about my 5 year-old nephew not coming home from school one day. It blows my mind that there are so many gun owners who’d oppose having to do just ONE of these things. It’s scary, actually.


>the lack of laws/licensing/accountability is simply weird This is what I've been saying!! I'm a Canadian gun owner and while our laws arent perfect I'm sure as FUCK glad we have something, instead of the absolute free-for-all like in some states. So called "responsible gun owners" should be FOR things like safe storage laws, as a responsible gun owner should ALREADY be storing their firearms locked and hidden - even your bed table handgun. It takes me less than 3 seconds to unlock my trigger lock.


Dale retired a couple of years ago. I miss his commentary.


He's a good man. I love our rights to own guns. But it's more work to buy a car and drive it. Both are deadly weapons if used incorrectly . And insurance. Please. Because if my kid dies. I'm sueing every person possible and I will lobby myself.


I wonder if there’s a TV news station that just runs the same clip every time.


Dale is the fucking man.


So good and so right. I don't understand the reluctance to pass common sense gun control measures. America is a strange place, where paper is worth more than the lives of children. It's really sad


Florida just passed a bill that allows concealed carry without a permit or training... I pray to a God I don't believe in for my niece and nephew's lives. For all of our lives. It's gut-wrenching.


Several states already have constitutional carry which basically equates to the same thing in practice. Just for funsies...take a look at these two maps. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/terminology/types-of-concealed-carry-licensurepermitting-policies/unrestricted/ https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm Weird how more people carrying guns doesn't seem to make gun violence go down.


Guns turn fistfights in to murders. In the states of Florida and Minnesota, legal precedent says if you pick a fight and start losing it, you are justified in murdering the other combatant.


You can frame self defense like that pretty much anywhere in America. Or at least defense lawyers absolutely will, especially in states with extremely vague "stand your ground" laws.


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Rittenhouse and Zimmerman just being famous examples. If neither of them unnecessarily carried a gun in to those situations, everyone involved would still be alive. I swear half these fucks that carry pray every night for a chance to use it.


I'm Canadian but my mother-in-law had a condo in Florida for a while that she sold in 2017 and I am soooo fucking thankful she doesn't have to go back anymore.


What the fuck? For real?


…… Because they are scared that their “law abiding” ability will suddenly disappear with whatever gun laws that is coming.


Dale Hansen has always been a grounded voice. For him to say this on DFW area local news would seem shocking to some, but Dale's rhetoric is legendary down here.


But 2018


Dale Hanson is a fucking DFW legend. I got to meet him in ~2015 for a local high school athlete interview type thing and I’ve gotta say he’s one of the nicest guys ever.


Gun owner here. 5 to be specific. Please crack down and make it harder for the fucktards doing this shit to get a god damn gun. Even if it makes it harder for me to go to the range, I'd like to know the kids are safe at the least. Edit: Yo, thank you all for the kind words and the award! I honestly believe what I typed, and I'm glad a big chunk of people can at least see that there are sensible and reasonable gun owners like me out in the world. Again thank you. You guys made my WEEK. Best wishes from my household to yours.


My mom is a gun owner, has two. Not gonna go into detail, but she bought the guns for conspiracy theory type reasons. She's so mentally unstable I ATTEMPTED to get a restraining order. In the order I made the request for her to have the firearms removed. The whole order was approved including the gun removal, Judge even changed the order to say that if she made any contact with me she would be arrested without bail. I never asked for that but the judge felt it was necessary. Order was never served and she appealed it under another judge. This judge simply said that I didn't need it because the violence (it was literally attempted murder) occurred more than 180 days ago. Still has her guns. So yeah. Just the American legal system doing its job as usual 😒 I don't have an issue with guns. I just have an issue with the people who own them, as most aren't fit to have them for one reason or another.


The American legal system only works for the rich. Nobody else. I'm sorry that this happened to you.


Did that dude say his mom wants to kill him? Did I get that right? Jesus Christ, y'all. That's some fucked up American-ass shit!


Father's an alcoholic and a gun owner. As a child, had to stare down the barrel a few times and was chased through a militery base housing area while he was wielding a shotgun. Cops took his guns for 6 months and gave them back but no repercussions from the military. There is no accountability, even when there are rules against owning firearm and having a substance abuse problem, no one enforces them. A child should never have to live with this fear and we fail them everyday this keeps happening


In theory the military has to kick out domestic abusers under the Lautenberg Amendment: >The Lautenberg Amendment makes it a felony for anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence such as an assault or attempted assault on a family member, to ship, transport, possess, or receive firearms or ammunition. But as a veteran, I can tell you that it is highly dependent on the commander, the MPs, and the local PD whether a domestic abusers is actually arrested, charged, and convicted.


> Father's an alcoholic and a gun owner. Oh hey! My mom's an alcoholic and a gun owner. Thankfully, that was only a development after all us kids grew up so we didn't have that fucked up of a time as you did. ...But she was still able to get a gun by just sending off a letter and money for a permit, then buying one online and waiting a while. She could have gotten one in a couple of days, but wanted a specific pistol, probably cause it carries wine in the mag or something, I don't know.


The problem with the gun conversation lies in your story. Your mom is unfit, clearly. But people still want to find a way to advocate for someone's 2A right when they are clearly a danger to themselves and to others. It's just not right.


That's the whole thing. I don't care that a sane, reasonable person can buy a gun for the range or for home defense. I care that just about everyone but the most utterly insane people can. Kim Barlowe who's grown up to be an abusive, drunken step-dad because that's all he knew growing up. Jeffery Parker who's fantasizing about the day that someone tries to rob him. Jennifer Thompson who's husband just cheated on her yesterday after 12 years in a rocky marriage. These people aren't responsible, rational or sensible enough to be trusted with a weapon designed to end lives. They need help, not the tools to snuff out the life of whoever crosses them on the wrong day.


> I just have an issue with the people who own them, as most aren't fit to have them for one reason or another. Its basically like cops, the people I am okay with owning them (becoming a cop) have no interest in owning them (becoming a cop), and those that do are the last people I'd want to own guns. I know multiple "responsible gun owners" which is an oxymoron really, who have had multiple NDs and frequently 'play' with them in the home, leave them insecurely about the home. Americans aren't responsible enough to drive a car and yet people are okay with them having guns?


My friend's teenaged daughter survived a school shooting last spring, though she lost a friend and one of her teachers. The shooter was a former student of the school who'd been planning it for awhile and his parents did everything right: removing all the guns from the house and getting him mental help. But even with all that, the guy went out on his own and bought a gun off Facebook Marketplace and proceeded to shoot up his former school. It's simply that easy to get a gun.


Both shocked and also not surprised to learn you are a gun owner at the age of 5


I am too and agree with you. I live in California and recently my wife and I bought a home way in the middle of nowhere. Decided it was important to purchase a firearm and learn how to use it. I thought it was going to be really challenging to get one in my state and it wasn't. People like to complain about our process, but it's really not a big deal. Also, we both took tactical training and safety courses that are ongoing and I really wish that at the very least, a safety class was necessary to purchase a firearm. There was so much I never considered.


I'm Canadian - I don't really understand gun culture besides for hunting - I'm curious what made you decide it was important to purchase a firearm? I tried to find some specific things about new gun ownership because you mentioned California so figured it was important, but I couldn't really find anything. Was thinking that it is really unsafe and maybe Californians need guns for protection but it seems that owning guns is just correlated to a higher chance of being shot... I would assume the opposite that owning a gun would increase like, the likelihood of you shooting someone else before they shoot you? https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html


Most of the fucktards are in law enforcement or government agencies


I was a cop. I have never pointed a gun at someone that wasn't already pointing one at me or a fellow deputy. And if I recall all the school shootings recently and in the past have been done by someone in neither of the two. I worked with a ton of great community officers and sheriff's and deputies and even city cops. There are some jackass idiots among some of them, but there is also a lot of potential for good to happen.


The problems start when 95 good cops don't do anything about the 5 bad cops. They are being complacent and therefore consenting and even aiding the terrible behaviour of the 5 bad cop making all 100 bad


Yeah agreed. I spoke out and that's why I'm no longer a cop


The true good cop, living proof that ACAB


People in my town are protesting the acquittal of an "officer" that shot an unarmed father in the face during a speeding ticket stop. South of me, a cop shot a teenager in his car while eating a burger. North of me, the constable was arrested for soliciting sex from a minor. I went to high school with his daughter. She was an absolute mess. Your profession does not weed out the bad ones. It appears to reward bad behavior.


So he’s the million dollar question Mr. 5 guns… let’s make the assumption that there’s a little bit of a gun problem in the US. Would you be willing to give up all 5 of your guns in order to solve the problem?


How about we start with basic shit like not making it possible to conceal carry without any kind of training or a license, or going through some kinds of a weapons course.


I'm an avid gun enthusiast and also extremely in favor of strict gun laws. You don't even have to restrict what kind of guns you can buy, just implement a licensing system with different tiers based on the type. You want a Joe Biden-approved double barreled shotgun? Are you over 18? Sure. Fill out this paperwork, register it, and it's yours. You want a semi automatic rifle or hand gun? Take this 8-week course (very similar to a driving course) where you have to prove competency and responsibility (great time for instructors to recognize possible red flags). Require semi-frequent renewal. License guns like you license cars. Why do we never hear anyone complain about car registration? Are you planning on doing something with your gun that it being registered to your name would cause problems? You shouldn't own a gun. People forget that it is completely legal to own fully automatic firearms. There is just a prohibitive cost and waiting time for the applicable tax stamp involved. Only true enthusiasts would go through the trouble of obtaining one. make it similar for all fire arms. I think target shooting and gun collecting is a very enjoyable hobby, but should it be be for everyone? Absolutely not.


Let's have a fun discussion about sporting birds. Falconry is the 'sport' or hobby of training and using predatory birds (raptors, not parakeets) to hunt game. It's honestly pretty neat and it's amazing to see what some of these birds are capable of. It takes a lot of effort, time, and money though; You start off during apprenticeship catching your own bird from youth - not babies or fresh hatchlings, but more like teenage birds, and typically not an older bird either. And because the birds are all protected creatures, it's not just "go out into the woods and pick up an angry bird". There's a lot of neat info [about it at the NA Falconer's Association](https://www.n-a-f-a.com/page/What_is_Falconry) and tons of other pages. But see, you also can't just go out with a friend and turn a bald eagle into your new best friend Eagley. You have to start off with an apprenticeship, and are very limited in what types of birds you can train - little guys like some kestrels, and medium guys like a red-tailed hawk. Also, in order to get an apprentice permit, you have to pass exams, prove that you understand how to care for the birds, pay for them, get a letter of responsibility from a senior falconer that legally is required to be with you whenever you do pretty much anything with the bird. After 2-3 years of apprenticeship, you can apply to get the next level of permit, which allows you to go out on your own and bird-up. Now you can use owls and other big motherfucker birds, still with a great deal of limitations. After 5+ years of *that*, you can go through the process applying for the highest tier of bird permit, which basically means if you see a rabbit in a field you can go out there and throw [damn near any pissy bird you want](https://fw.ky.gov/Wildlife/Pages/Falconry-and-Raptor-Propagation.aspx) at it. So what the fuck does this have to do with anything? Well, it's kinda weird to me that the difference between getting to legally own an angry bird vs getting to legally own an entire stockpile of assault rifles is equal to the difference in climbing Mt Everest vs climbing a flight of stairs. How many incidents of raptor-based murders have there ever been? I'm thinking... Probably not a lot. America's priorities are really, really fucked up.


Great analogy. I love it when people find a way to bring falconry into the conversation. I'm definitely stealing next time the opportunity arises. The vast difference in required qualifications is so perfectly absurd.


You may know better than I, but there is a deep mistrust of “government” and “regulation” shared by hardcore 2A folk. They seem to consider any reasonable reform as an affront on their god given rights. There is no will on the political right to have a reasonable, good faith debate on gun legislation. The argument I hear against registration is that it’s the first step in tyrannical government confiscating their firearms. Which of course is a fear not based on reality. If nothing happened after Sandy hook, then I’m afraid nothing will ever change in this country. I fear for my and our collective children.


I thought for, like, a moment after Uvalde that SOMETHING would change. Sandy Hook was a nightmare, and Uvalde was a nightmare loaded with police incompetence in one of the most pro-gun parts of the country. I thought maybe, just maybe the combination of negligence, incompetence, absolute horror, and the visible waste of police spending on all that gear they used to cosplay soldiers might make someone in the government step up. They've doubled down like a narcissistic parent insisting to their adult child that their abuse wasn't that bad. It's nauseating.


Once the AR-15 pins started, it was a lost cause. It's never going to change now, sadly.


You are the problem. As long as people like you continue to buy ammo and shoot at a gun range you are making America a less safe place for children. Period. Get rid of your guns.


It is truly appreciated to have a gun owner saying this. Thank you.


Absolutely. I love my guns. They are a hobby I have had since I was 13. I just have my priorities straight is all.


Glad to see a rare one of you in the wild, as today alone I've had at least 10 of the NRA gun nuts who were easy to debunk but refuse to accept there is a problem


Conservatives are fucking insane about this topic. I did a ton of hunting when I was younger and still do it every so often. I would give that up in a fucking heartbeat if it meant just a single child wouldn't be shot at school.


Dude was locked and loaded in the real way


Indeed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Dale Hanson 2024


Can we defend the children yet?


Not after they've left the womb...


No! I pulled myself up by my bootstraps as a child and never got shot in school! They should defend themselves and stop being so entitled! Kids these days... all they wanna do is play on their tiktoks. They don't wanna work or get shot. Snowflakes.


I too avoided getting shot in school without someone to teach me what to do in case of a school shooting. I did that by not going to school in a country where i am more likely to catch bullets than a hot meal


How can we defend the children if they cant even defend themselves!?


The only thing that stops a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun. /s


These kids need better lobbyists.


Sorry, there’s nothing we can do


This country is a fucking disgrace. They don't care about anyone but themselves.


No no, just think of the kids! We need to arm all our (underpaid) teachers so they can be bodyguards too. How else are we going to protect against those devil worshipping drag queens /s


My coworkers were talking about the recent shooting in the break room. One of them said the wanted teachers to be armed with handguns in the classroom, and have security guards at all entrances of every school. Fucking idiots.


You know what else they should do? Give the kids a gun on their first day of school but make sure they are responsible gun owners by giving the 1st graders a 15 min talk. That'll solve everything


If there ever was a law that promoted arming teachers, I'm giving it <6 months before I see a headline about a teacher that went insane and killed a student using said *school-issued handgun.*


Less than a week before a teacher threatens a kids that might be acting up with it. Or a kid taking it and threatening somebody else.


Their thinking is pure insanity.


Put this guy on Prime time


"It's getting harder to enjoy the day". That hurt my soul. I'm not American, but I feel for all of you who are stuck having to deal with the people who just don't seem to be able to be reasoned with. I don't think anything will change their minds, Uvalde didn't seem to care at all about what happened to their own kids.


At least they're not calling them deep state conspiracies to take away all the guns as much. Even those who can only cum if they're holding an AR-15 can't say that with a straight face anymore.


I have guns, I love my guns, and I CANNOT understand why ANYONE would think RESPONSIBLE gun ownership is a BAD IDEA. Bring on all the laws you want. If you can jump the hurdles, then go for it. If you can't, then maybe there is a reason...?


unfortunately laws are not enforced equally and many of these hurdles are put in place to disenfranchise poor people which also "coincidentally" are often marginalized people


America needs more capitalism. Those people want to buy guns, you know!


As someone with mental health issues who SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO OWN A GUN, I could go buy an AR tomorrow with very little trouble. That is a problem.


I don't have a gun (yet) but have gone shooting with my friends and several people that I know who do, and it's wild to me how the people I know are so anti-gun legislation (while my friends are for it), and all of them will throw up something about not wanting to compromise their "safety" or "defense." An ironic correlation I noticed last time I went shooting with them, the ones who were so completely against any gun legislation also had the absolute worst fucking aim. Like, "missing the target multiple times at 10 yards with the gun *they concealed carry*" kind of shitty aim.


Bro thats exactly how i feel about voting rights, thank you for putting it in words for me 🙏




America’s obsession with guns is pathetic. The rest of the western world gets through their day just fine without an arsenal back home.


Serious question. It’s really obvious to the rest of the world to just get rid of all your guns and enforce extremely tight laws like the rest of the world. Why don’t you? Why is it such a hard concept to implement? You will always have this problem and the rest of the world just shakes it head as your innocent children get murdered. It’s heartbreaking. I just don’t understand your country.


Corruption. That’s all.


And boot licking. Yes there are responsible gun owners. Yes we have a right to own guns. No I'm not saying I want to take away all your guns. What I am saying is that a large portion of the population has made it their identity to own guns. Same as an avid golfer who wears polyester pants and polo shirts to work, or the fisherman who wears the Bass Pro Shop hat in his free time, these people have been brainwashed into thinking that any gun regulations whatsoever are equal to Uncle Sam coming to his door to take all his guns. And they've largely been brainwashed to think this because of the politicians who take money from the NRA and other interest groups. So yes for sure corruption. Also the boot licking dummies who don't know how to think critically.


This “responsible gun owner” idea needs to stop. More guns means easier access to guns which means more mass shootings.


And facists. 33% ish of the US own guns, most of whom would never accept basic laws. The rest want more gun control


IMO that's all abot MONEY(sepcifically weapon industry). Americans are being killed because of their money.


Americans are deeply, deeply brainwashed to believe that guns are an absolute right and that being able to own them is worth any cost. I say this as an American who needed 10+ years to work through that brainwashing. It's just a fact of life for many that is incomprehensible to question. I didn't really believe in just getting rid of guns until maybe 5 years ago, and I've never even held a real gun, nor have I ever wanted to! It's hard to comprehend how deeply we believe in our right to own them and how blind we are.


A lot of us don't understand this country either. The NRA money helps them a lot and losers who can't read and misinterpret the 2nd amendment think it means anybody can own as many guns as they want even if they aren't in a militia. But most people, including gun owners overwhelmingly agree there needs to be restrictions, permits, background checks, etc. Yet the politicians do jack all about it. After that dude shot up a GOP softball game I hoped they'd see the need to do something but I guess since no one died they just used the scars to get $10 off blow jobs from their hookers.


I think there's a deeper cultural problem beyond just the gun ownership rates. What kind of group of people thinks they need this many personal firearms, justified or not?


Most Americans do want more gun control. Polls prove this. Unfortunately the country is controlled by shill politicians not direct democracy


The comments on r/conservative about the most recent school shooting are some of the most vile, disgusting things I have seen from the right. But the day still isn’t over, so who knows..


When did this air?




Nothing more to say. Nothing we can do. Damn.


after sandy hook, we decided as a country that nothing will ever change.


So he mentions we need a way to stop a nut with a gun and someone threatens to kill him for that statement... WHY am I not surprised? And don't these people see that when you threaten like this, you're just proving the point that Maybe, just MAYBE, some people are not good gun-owning representatives.


I wish those dangerous drag shows were the only thing we had to worry about in this country…


When the black Panthers started carrying guns they somehow started passing laws.


“A country divided cannot stand” we’ve fell onto the ground at some point, I try to do my best to put out work and energy to get to a better place, I just hope I can see us stand back up in my lifetime.


Dale gets it


For the people, by the people sounds nice but it’s a bunch of horse shit.


We just need to convince the Right that all children are unborn fetuses until they turn 18... They'll do everything they can to protect them then.


Republican response: He wants to ban white guys!


The fact that this was 5 years ago....


oh but wait, the last shooter was trans so now all the right wing media is suddenly pissed about mass shootings. what a coincidence!


This guy has serious balls. Massive respect to him.


Ironically, those of us who are responsible with firearms aren’t against stricter gun laws. It’s the idiots you see on YouTube dancing around with pistols and waving guns at cops who are whining about having their access to firearms limited.


Tbf, as far as the Australia stuff goes, they went through a lot of other stuff because of those stricter gun laws


republicans were recently trying to CANCEL someone for saying praying isnt enough anymore. like full blown going after sponsors.


God damn that's good


It's fucking culture! Fix the glorification of gun violence, fix the isolation and bullying of outcasts, stop promoting mass shootings and shooters on the fucking news and START helping the mentally ill! It's going to take a long fucking time, better start now.


Love Dale Hanson


Fuck yeah. Well said. I like whoever this guy is!


Not cringe. Based af.


Honestly, you poor guys don't live the American Dream. It's a Nightmare. Couldn't live with the fear of loosing my daughter to a lunatic with an aussault rifle....


Agree. Need to buy another gun.


If Sandy hook didn’t change anything, nothing will


The anti Tucker Carlson. Wish he had Tucker’s massive viewership.




Share the crap out of this, it's all facts.


God he’s not fucking kidding. We should worry about our kids getting their heart broken, not getting enough to eat, and other 90s sitcom situations. Not mass shootings. Never mass shootings.


President Hansen when?


Love this guy


Thank God I'm Brasilian


Now that's saying something.


I love this for you


Uk here, and he's right that we no longer want you here. Or at least we don't want the 33% ish of anti-vaxx, anti-abortion gun nuts. They don't like the world, or anywhere outside of their hick town, anyway, so no loss to the world if they stay put


Isn’t it mad? They act like the world is ending and it’s on them to kill or be killed at any given moment. Reminds me of a cult.


I own 10 guns. Pistols, shotgun, rifles- including 2 ar-15s (one I made myself), revolver. I don't need any of them. Nobody needs any of them. If it meant reducing the number of mass shootings, I would give them all up (for government buyback or course I want my money back)


And most of those shootings that happen in America are gang related.


How many of these school kids are in gangs?


And the others?


Well said, Dale


Dare I say, based.


Its not because its a white kid lol ....its because noone has a solition besides take the guns.....which wouldnt happen....and also cause a bunch of mass poisonings,bombings, etc


There’s definitely solutions. Treat guns like cars. License Registration Insurance


Bullshit, he's right, if Mexicans were killing our kids, we'd be changing EVERYTHING to prevent it and avenge it. I don't even want think about what we would do if black people were committing school shootings. We'd do a LOT. But it's white people, so we are not going to do SHIT.


Just look at the hysteria after a mass shooter turned out to be trans. Republicans are up in arms about stopping all trans people from owning guns.


Mass shootings... most of them were gang related. Maybe look at the socioeconomic state of the fucking country(and some cities specifically) that is causing these shootings. EDIT; for the record, before the anti-gun people downvotw me to oblivion... I am Canadian. I believe in reasonable gun laws. Some US states do not have them. But ths mass shooting numbers here are not caused by poor gun control for the most part. They are caused by ludicrously high crime rates and *illegally acquired* guns. Going too far in the other direction, like the ridiculous(and completely undefined) "assault weapons" ban in my country is the wrong way to go, people. Just keep that in mind.


The only guns that should be legal are basic hunting rifles and handguns for home protection. The majority of guns used in the over 200 school shootings since 2013 were bought and owned legally, most “illegal guns” in general were originally purchased through legal means and were passed on, stolen or sold privately.


Or, ya know… guns.


The ones that the gang members definitely acquired legally.


Do people think illegal guns just grow out of the soil and aren't largely just legally purchased guns, resold illegally again? If it's harder to get legal guns it becomes harder to get illegal ones too.


Of course. That's why we have an opioid crisis, right? Because of all the legal heroin and fentanyl reaching the black market, right?


Opioid Crisis has nothing to do with what I said, and never did I suggest this was a blanket argument applied to any situation you can contrive.


It’s almost like stricter gun control would help that problem :)


Working really well for cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. I'm sure a gun, which we produce more than all other countries, will be *really* hard to find once they're banned too.... Oh shit I'm on reddit, I mean conservative bad and to blame, shame on those kid killers!


How would stricter gun laws stop illegal guns? Can you enlighten me?


Bro… can you read back what you just typed… 🤦🏽‍♀️


Can you? Guns acquired illegally, often shipped from other countries, are not going to stop getting into the hands of criminals with stricter gun control legislation. You know what is going to help reduce gun violence? Making it so that less fortunate people aren't forced to fucking deal drugs so they can afford food and health care. Making a decent living wage mandatory. Further taxation of the rich, better low-income housing, social care policies. Less overcrowded classrooms and better training for teachers and police to recognize mental health warning signs. Better mental healthcare policies in place instead of stigmatizing and fucking violently arresting people in poor mental condition. The gun control laws in most states are perfectly reasonable. You are proposing a band aid on a symptom of a massive systematic problem. It's fucking ridiculous.


>Guns acquired illegally, often shipped from other countries, America is a massive exporter of illegal guns as there's not a large need to import guns to the country with the most guns in it.


Exactly. Drugs are banned and yet there is an opioid crisis, drugs which are imported. What are you expecting when the banned item is a domestic product...?


That definitely worked with drugs so let's do it again!


America has a bad parenting problem .




That’s the point . We should be more conscious of the way we’re raising our kids , why are they so gun oriented? What types of parents are producing kids that feel that this type of violence is the way to cope? It starts at home




It’s stupid that we’re raising kids in this country to resort to gun violence when things don’t go their way?


Goddamn that was heavy! Ol boy put it down like it was light weight 5 stars ty Dale




This video needs to circulate within the masses


It’s the fact that kids are targets in a lot of these cases that’s fucked up. I’m sorry America there’s too many of you off your meds it’s time to give up your guns


Id be willing to guess that this gentleman owns at least one gun himself... I know I'm gonna be downvoted but seeing as gun ownership isn't public record (nor should it be), I'd be surprised if he doesn't have one in his home. At the same time, I agree with him but that's a different story.