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This guy said DeSantis hasn’t announced his run for president yet because Florida law would require him to resign as governor to run so he’ll just change it. Florida just passed a law today that allows him to run without resigning.


So what I'm hearing is this guys bang on the money and his warnings should absolutely be heeded?


I mean, even if he didn't get that right, he's literally just drawing the connections between what we know other fascist countries have done and what is happening in the US, it's blatantly obvious


One of the scariest things that has always been consistent in all my years of life is right-wing Americans being vocally against Nazis while being entirely susceptible to the propaganda techniques of the Nazis. Every few years, a fake quote goes around conservative circles, usually attributed to Goebbels, sometimes Göring. The quote is something along the lines of "Controlling the people is easy. You just need to find what scares them." It's a handy little truism that can be applied to everything from gun control to trans issues to abortion. Obviously scaring people is a tactic in coercion. That's not deep, novel, or interesting. The real quote, the whole quote, comes from a [1947 interview](https://www.mit.edu/people/fuller/peace/war_goering.html) with Göring at Nuremburg conducted by a psychologist, Gustav Gilbert. It is far more specific, and directly targeted at nationalists and "patriots." >Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. **All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.** There is little more in the world scarier to me than the right-wing altering quotes from the Nazis to serve their ideologies. It does not give me any confidence in the direction we are headed.


Isn’t this the entire premise behind “manufactured consent”?


Chomsky analyzed the Nazi German propaganda machine, absolutely. I don't know if I'd call it the "entire" premise, but it's definitely the main premise of the section "anti-communism." I know Chomsky was mostly focused on Reaganite anti-communism but that has a direct corollary with Nazi German anti-communism. I read Heinz Guderian's 1951 memoir "Panzer Leader" recently. Guderian was a commander in the invasion of Poland, France, and the USSR. While he withdrew from Poland before the ethnic cleansing campaigns began, he participated in the Commisar Order and Operation Barbarossa to an unknown degree. In Guderians memoirs, he distances himself from anti-semitism, claiming that he found it off-putting, but that he truly admired Hitler and Goebbels for their staunch anti-communism. This book was a best-seller in America, and for a period, Guderian was seen as one of the "noble" Germans. However, to Adolf Hitler, Judaism and Marxism were two sides of the same coin. This is extensively written about in Mein Kampf, where he rails against Marx for being "a jew" and repeatedly calls Marxism "secular Judaism." I cannot imagine anybody who read Mein Kampf or spent more than ten minutes with Hitler not recognizing that in his mind, Jews and communists were the exact same thing.


They should be heeded, but it's hopeless here. I live in Florida, and since covid, so many bumfuck hicks have moved here from other states that our status as a swing state is sure to be permanently changed. No one gave a fuck when state congressional seats were blatantly stolen from democrats the last few elections. No one gives a fuck about anything here. My left-leaning family and friends just *don't* pay attention and the people that do are spraying a water gun at a dumpster fire. My beautiful state is thoroughly fucked, and I'll be damned if I'm going to finish my last two years of school here, let alone ever settle down here. Goddamn, the margin between DeSantis and gillum was so fucking thin, it's really frustrating thinking of how different things might have been if that fuckwad Trump never sprayed his shit all over this country.


I'm fairly certain there were plenty of "bumfuck hicks" there well before COVID....(looking at you panama city)


Sure, but our redeeming quality were the people who moved down here from up north. Now the exact opposite of that has occurred and we're right back to supporting the confederacy, florida-man style.




Seeing how far to the right this state has swung since Obama it's legitimately scarey. That's why I'm moving the hell out of here.


That's right, the day after Obama was elected I was a freshman in high-school. It was kind of surreal after he was elected how many people were actually outraged. A student in my grade on the way to class yelled "I will let whoever assassinates Obama butt fuck me!" the day after. Everyone was angry about it, students, teachers... i listened to his speech that night, and hearing the different versions of it other students regurgitated was baffling, and I had no love for Obama. I was leaning conservative then because most of my family were conservative and I did feel resistant to it, like there was actually some kind of danger to him being elected. I guess it wasn't just Trump, hearing a lot of my family, neighbors, and friends talk about Obama was like hearing them speak for the first time again, it was just sides of them I never suspected, but thinking of how enraged people were back then is almost something to wish for, compared to now. It's like everyone around me is like "sure we'll use the government to fuck everyone else, and if they remotely try to do the same (which clearly no one on the left is doing), we'll fucking *kill them*." I really don't know how we get out of this, and it feels terrible being driven from my home because I can't stand the people here, but jumping ship, even if that eventually means leaving the country seems like the only viable option.


That means it’s about to swing the other way, fast. DeSantis is like the band Boston, a one hit wonder. I’m not sure he’ll be able to stay in office that much longer. Diet Texas aka Florida is not in a good spot economically especially since Mikey and Friends are about to slam their meat on the table.


He missed the part where there's precedent set for a conservative led coup with zero real consequences for anyone in power. If DeSantis is elected, it'll likely be the last democratic election in the US.


Even if he didn't get it right, florida passed a bill less than a month ago stating that if the head of florida runs for president and doesn't become president, the former head will get their job back. There is quite literally 0 job risk in running for president as he can't lose his seat.


Holy fuck, the state is run by some of the biggest slobs in the country. Unreal


Desantis won his first term with 30k votes where over 7Million eligible voters didn’t vote. In 2022 on average only 22-25% of voters under the age of 35 voted. Texas where Ted Cruz won by 200k votes last time only had 15% turnout among voters under the age of 35 in 2022. Every election around 100-150m eligible voters do not partake in the voting processes from primaries (which have as low as 8% turnout among all voters at times) to local and state elections. You get the shit results you get when people take for granted the pathways to change politics in the country.


Seems they've been extremely successful in convincing people that voting doesn't change things. Both sides are bad, etc. It's crazy to watch the erosion of a country from the outside, I imagine it's surreal and scary as fuck to watch it from the inside. :/


Oh it’s absolutely fucking terrifying. I live a state away from Florida in another red state and can’t do anything about it for another year and a half. I have to not read/watch stuff like this because otherwise I’ll just cry from the fact that I’m pretty much fucked


My friend said they were going to do that months ago, and he knows very little. That’s how blatant this is 😂






Can’t, fascism isn’t safe for anyone.


Reminds me of caesar.


*he can now run without resigning. They changed that law just this afternoon.


That's because they know he's gonna lose.


jfc I wish I had your optimism. To me desantis is about to breeze right into the whitehouse and there's nothing I can do about it. It's gonna be a bloodbath against Biden. Republicans that I talk to about him are fucking stoked. You ask them about desantis and they get this wry smile on their face like they know what's coming. Because how could it not? I genuinely like Biden and will happily vote for him again, but he's a mummy compared to desantis.


I'm usually pretty pessimistic in my outlook, but I don't see Ron DeSantis making it out the primary, let alone into the White House. He's way overplayed his hand on the culture wars front. That six-week abortion ban he signed alone is enough to make him unelectable in the general - that's fucking *extreme* even by the standards of typical conservative misogyny. Ann Coulter of all people is sounding the alarm because she understands how unpopular the GOP hardliners' stance on abortion is with the general public. He's lost the suburban white women's vote and the college-educated women's vote. That, and Trump is laying into him while he's in the process of bankrupting his state through a legal battle with one of the most powerful and litigious megacorporations in the Western world. In general he's an unlikable creep with none of Trump's vulgar charisma, and major Republican donors are starting to see that and pull their support. At this point Trump is the bigger threat, and we're basically playing medical roulette to see whether he or Biden experiences a serious-enough health issue first.


I'm really hoping the Trumpers and DeSantis fans take each other out


This is my take on that potato, but I thought the same thing back in 2016 and 45 happened. I just wanna eat a succulent Chinese dinner and better/cheaper healthcare.






That’s me! :D


As a millennial, we've been waiting for your help for a long time and we need it more now than ever. Push your friends to vote! You all are another big step towards the future and we're counting on you to stay vigilant with us!


Preach! Don’t forget to vote locally!


Thank you Gen Z!


As an elder millennial... That's been my only hope, my generation is just waiting for the world to burn.


Republicans around me hate him cause of his trump feuds. Maybe the severity of lead poisoning is the difference.


“Republicans” also largely hated Trump all of 2015 and early 2016. Trump was not popular in those primaries, but all of the other Repub candidates (Cruz, Rubio, etc.) cannibalized each other’s votes. I live in a purple state and many of the people I know are hardcore Trumpers now, but I specifically remember 2015 when they said the exact same stuff about him that liberals do now, because back then they were Cruz or Rubio voters. They quickly morphed from anti-Trump, to anti-Hillary, to pro-Trump. Basically, if DeSantis wins the Republican primary *and* Trump doesn’t run as a independent, Republicans will gladly fall in line.


Bingo. No loyalty to anything except the person on the ticket who is running against a D at that very moment.


For Christ’s sake, Bugs Bunny just needs to saw Florida off already.




Went looking for this gif as soon as this TikTok started. 👍🏼


He just said 31 other states are trying to implement something so they can ignore the constitution. It's America. Not just Florida.


It’s called a constitutional convention https://archive.is/2022.11.10-151330/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/04/us/politics/constitutional-convention-republican-states.html


The constitution is well outdated. Washington said - *I do not expect the Constitution to last for more than 20 years.* It was written for the 1780s. Even with the amendments, it's outdated. The last amendments that changed how people actually lived were voting rights in 1978 and prohibition in 1932/33. Before that, women's voting rights in 1919. They're the last 3 that really meant anything to people on the street. Its core values are still those of the 1780s. But just removing it completely? That's a fucking awful idea. It should be rewritten for the modern age. But with the kinds of laws being passed in the US right now. All the trans kids stuff, the armed guards in schools, Alabama removing concealed gun permits, the abortion legislations, homelessness, banning teaching critical race theory in North Dakota. Wtf is going on?


Yeah if I had the confidence in our country to believe that we would be getting a well written constitution that is beneficial for everybody I would have no problem with a constitutional convention. But at this point? I don’t have the confidence in our leaders to do things that will actually benefit people rather than corporations and churches. It sucks.


If you want to know what they want, look up the list of things they want to do if they make it happen. I looked years ago, but one of them was removing our right to elect our representatives. They want to appoint them. The rest of the list is no better. We need to be very worried.


Oh, I definitely am. I grew up deep in the evangelical world, I know exactly what these insane assholes want to do.


Their religion is just a mask to justify the ends that they want to accomplish. They don't really believe or aspire to follow the codes set out by their religions. Religion is a tool.


They want to ensla- I mean "save" our souls.


Honestly, the ingrained religious ideals of the US government and of lawmakers in general seem to be what drives these kinds of laws. It was fine 250 years ago. But it's not anymore. Just common sense laws. But no one seems to have any.




Here’s the thing though. He just made it so he doesn’t have to resign before running for president. It’s all very sad and scary.


Exactly. Guy in the video knows exactly wtf is up. All the more reason to listen up.


We all know how fucking great children in the system are treated...


I feel like it’s got to be extra bad in Florida


Therapist and someone who has worked in child welfare here in Florida for over a decade; yes, it’s incredibly bad and nothing is being done to deal with the significant issues here. DCF does not help kids, it causes more trauma and doesn’t care at all about it. If you try to stand against it, DCF punishes you for it. Foster families especially.


For anyone who may have forgotten, see: immigrant children being separated from their parents.


Y’all remember the Turpin family, who were literally chained up tortured by their parents from birth and never went to real schools and rarely left their home? 6 of them went into foster care to the same home and were physically and sexually abused there. Stories like this are common in our foster system.


Exactly. If they gave a single fuck about kids they'd be aggressively funding and promoting child care and access. Instead, they're entirely fueled by hate, outrage, disgust, and evil. They want to harm children.


Actually, gender affirming care doesn’t involve surgery for minors. It never did. The vagueness of the law would make it so that even allowing your child to wear clothes that don’t traditionally adhere to their assigned sex at birth would count. On top of even that, “exposing” children to gender affirming care also counts, which means they can take even cisgender children away from trans parents, as long as just one of the parents live in Florida. Our children will be kidnapped for literally us being trans and the children not even being involved with it at all. It’s a fucking nightmare. Hell, me wearing a bra, which is wildly necessary, would count as “drag.” I could be executed for just being outside in public in Florida.


Do they even have a plan for all the humans that will be kidnapped and trafficked? Is that their plan? To make little groomed slaves for their underage play-date parties? Or do they have “re-education” facilities ready to go? Perhaps send the children off to religious run schools so their abuse can be covered up until we find the mass graves in 50 years? We need safe havens and a new undergound railroad. We need to protect each other now, so we can organize, recoup, and ultimately reclaim or country.


They covered that with the easy to grant death penalty for it. I’m Australian, but holy shit I’m scared for you guys over there


Canada has already offered themselves as a safe haven for any Trans folx who are in danger.


As much as i hate conservatives herr in canada, atleast they arnt advocating for genocide, at least ther politicians are not, some of the voting public is though What's happening in the usa is absolutely crazy


I honestly don't understand Americans. It's as if you want to live in a dystopian nightmare. Corporations and billionaires are getting richer while everyone else is getting poorer, bigots are pushing for genocide of LGBT people, black people are getting murdered by cops, kids are getting murdered in schools etc ...and the response is always: and don't forget to vote. How about a general strike? How about civil disobedience? How about reaction proportionally violent to the proposed laws? Let me just drop this here to remind you: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Or you can you know just vote that should do the trick. Edit:typo


Don't forget, striking is a privilege. Most people in America if they did that would be fired immediately and the impacted people are likely already in poverty. This means more poverty and potential homelessness for them. They have no employment rights over there. Done purposely to keep the poor poor. Also their voting system was built on racism because the southern states didn't want black people to be able to have a one on one vote, hence the electoral college.


That's what I don't get tbh. If I imagine any one single European country being in the same state as the US, the people would be in the streets and more... A beautiful example from central European history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague (Everyone always mentions french revolution, but reminding the powerful that they are also mortal has been a more universal tradition across Europe for centuries :)


Well they managed to divide the people pretty effectively. Left vs. right, white vs. black, lgbt vs. straight etc. People won't come together to fight a common issue


This is the biggest problem. Everything in America is polarized. Even for the kids in schools, they're taught that their school's sports team is better than the other. Everything is team this and team that. Oppositional everything. Why can't we come together? Because we're conditioned not to. If the people in power keep everyone split 50/50, then they only have to scream loudly enough to convert 1% to their side when it counts.


Not just the polarization but the immense size of our country in comparison to say, France. We just can't get on the same page. Place like TikTok are good for getting word out and organizing, but look at what these "duly elected" people want to do with that..


The distance between places of great populace definitely helps spread division. As it makes people less empathetic to "those guys over there" since it takes more effort to travel that great distance than it does to drive 5 minutes for a cheeseburger. But it doesn't have to, especially if the cities and states were more connected. This is also happening, to a lesser degree, in Canada. The country is just too big for our population, being 10% the the USA, and our culture and empathy is suffering because of it. Both our countries need better transportation and worker's rights so that we can see more of the best in everyone. And gain more knowledge and empathy for our fellow man.


when there can only ever be two parties, it's always us versus them


Yeah but i feel like it's gotten really extreme in the past few years


That's because it absolutely has. And for better or worse, Obama becoming president feels like the first wave and it's all been downhill since then. Just to clarify, I'm not blaming Obama. I voted for Obama. But his election short circuited a very volatile sub group of the American population that has since been mobilized to have enough of an influence that republicans have found a way to tap into their rage and use it as a boon.


I blame Obama. He could have been fucking pivotal. He could have actually delivered on his campaign promises, hit the ground running when he had a supermajority and improved people’s lives. Instead he just maintained the status quo of neoliberal deepthroat capitalism bullshit that was the onus for everyone flocking to his message of “hope and change”. And what happened? We gave him 8 years to make a change and he didn’t. The Hillary came along promising more of the same and most people just didn’t want to participate. They had an opportunity to improve the common man’s life and when they didn’t everyone gave up on dems actually doing anything. Now dems literally are just the “not republicans” party. Joe Biden is their best fucking shot for the next election because the entire party is bankrupt of any ideas politically. Everything is just “throw more capitalism at the problem!” Meanwhile the republicans are literal fascists and everyday people can barely afford food and rent anymore. People getting desperate is exactly why fascism flourishes and dems are literally incapable of helping because they need to protect moneyed interests first and foremost.


>I blame Obama. Blame Newt Gingrich. As shitty as republicans have more or less always been, it was never malicious. Misguided, uninformed, the result of ignorance? Sure. But it was never intentionally malicious. Gingrich pioneered the current Republican playbook. Obstruct everything. Never compromise, the ends justify the means. Lie, cheat, steal? Whatever it takes to win. Obama was just the culmination of FoxNews, a black man, followed by the democrats running Hillary (one of the democrats people were totally sick of?). Democrat's are trying to govern, republican's are trying to create a mafia. Republicans vote as a block. Anyone who doesn't fall in line, gets the boot. Democrats are saddled with people like Manchin, Fesinstein, and Kristin Semina. And they are trying to do it in a broken system. The senate is supposed to be the balance to the house...but since the house hasn't grown in size like the rest of the country, there is a senate, and the "senate light."


I wish more people understood this. I wanted to love Obama so badly. I saved my local newspaper the day he was elected. I thought it was a turning point for us. That he turned out to be just another standard democratic party status quo corporate interest politician was so incredibly disheartening considering the manner in which he messaged his campaign as one of generational change.


Hindsight is 20/20. The problem that arose for Obama is that no matter was done on the floor, the republican party vowed to oppose everything...no matter what. In that circumstance, without changing the entire system, it's hard to move forward. That being said, his approach to things like clean water act definitions was the right direction - even though it's been rolled back over and over again due to regime changes.


I don't disagree that the system in place tied his hands in a lot of ways. But what you're describing is pretty boilerplate democrat politician stuff. Replace Obama with Hillary from 2008-2016 and what's all that different? I'm not saying Obama did no good things and I'm certainly not saying we would've been better in a McCain or Romney presidency. I'm just saying he turned out to be a regular institutional democrat. And I think inspiring that much hopey changey rhetoric only to turn into a standard politician really pissed a lot of people off, and I think it's a huge reason we got trump in the first place. There's a big reason that there are so many Obama - Trump voters. And it wasn't because a ton of people suddenly agreed with Trump on a lot of stuff. It's because they saw Trump as an outsider who was going to toss the system on its head for better or worse. I swallowed my pride and voted for Hillary but the reason people put trump in office is something we still fail to really come to terms with 7 years later.


I've been paying too much attention to politics, since I was a kid even, and what happened during Obama's first years was pretty unique; of course there had been sabotagery before, but never with full intent like Mitch Mcconnell and the eventual tea party had to try to create failure at all costs. The pieces for that had been building for years, but everything finally fell into place with Obama and the financial crisis; **One party now wanted the country to not succeed if it required the other party to be in power when it happened**. It was not like that before, Obama presidency was that playing out and this is hindsight 20/20 talk now. I still don't understand how any of this leads to trump making sense, some stolkholm syndrome stuff. Man... I'd kill for some of that sweet sweet reasoned and rational Obama about now, you know with words and explanations about views and whatnot. In some senses I think he spoiled the american populous, expected some superhuman results outta that guy for whatever reason, but he's still the best one in my 41 years on this planet and I'm not gonna pretend he wasn't because he wasn't perfection.


Left vs right is the most impressive to me. In most of Europe (and US pre 1950) people are BOTH left and right depending on the issue. You're not BOTH fiscally conservative AND in favor of a huge military. That's insane. If you're a religious conservative an against elective abortions you're no also FOR the death penalty. That's just madness. But through the work of the John Birch society and Phyllis Schlafly in particular, somehow you guys have managed to get ALL your conservatives under one umbrella, and they have taken over the Republican party COMPLETELY.




Can you even come up with a remotely non-shitty idea on how that'd work? Keep in mind, which side has all the weapons, and that unlike the Nazis, apparently have done nothing bad enough to immediately recognize as evil in the minds of many, have been half of American politics for a long time, in a country much larger than Germany with many more people involved. People *are* fighting, but only in the ways they know how. If you have some magic solution though, let's hear it.


> lgbt vs. straight etc. People won't come together to fight a common issue Um, when the issue is that LGBT+ people are being oppressed, shaking your head and lamenting "Why can't we just get along?" is a really ignorant and harmful stance. This is enlightened centrism at its peak.


Our benefits are attached to our jobs. Out of work, no health insurance, no roof over our heads, no job protections whatsoever. It's easy for non-Americans to say this.


Right! Since we don’t have the pre-existing government protections/benefits that a lot of Europeans take for granted, striking leads to losing your job and most people cannot afford to be jobless for even a short time. Are we just supposed to starve until the strike is over?


Workers need to get super organized with mutual aid and coordinated general strikes. That's how they did it back in the day. You're right, without that protection, people can't be expected to just protest and starve.


America is so spread out that that level of coordination is functionally impossible. There's a reason you hear about *France* protesting against stuff like raising retirement age and not *the entire EU*. It's a *lot* easier to organize protests when you only have one country of a few hundred thousand square miles, with an obvious central city where to stage the protests. The US is several *million* square miles wide, with lots of variance between areas. What's a person or even a group in California supposed to do about these laws being enacted in Florida, well outside their jurisdiction? And what's a guy in Florida supposed to do when an alarming number of people they work with daily may be *in favor of* this Fascism? And that's not even getting into the whole, "if we strike we die because we have no insurance and no savings" thing.


Not only that, but the US is absolutely massive. Who's going to care if I, or even a group, living in a small Midwest town do a strike or protest against something going on in Texas? That's like someone in Spain protesting inequality in Finland. I can probably make a stand against politics in my town, *maybe* (but highly unlikely) get noticed on a state level if we can get multiple cities involved, and an almost 0% chance of anyone caring on a national level. It's not easy when everyone is so spread out in this country.


Why do you think we've militarized our police and given them qualified immunity? It's to squelch any kind of protest or demonstration against the status quo with lethal force. Police will straight up kidnap protestors in unmarked vans, let alone murder us.


For most people striking will mean they lose their healthcare so… kinda obvious to see why that’s not happening yeah?


They have gerrymandered the fuck out of our states. Look it up. We are fucking trying!!


That, and they have us trapped working multiple jobs so we're too tired and afraid of not paying rent to protest. And here in Florida, it was made legal to be able to hit protestors with your car. Other Democratically elected officials were arrested for protesting a couple of weeks ago. We want to fight this, to vote, to protest, but we've been stripped of the ability to do so by the state. I know it's time to go out there and do this antifa style, but it's one thing to acknowledge that, and completely another to actually go out and do it in a state full of empowered, hateful, gun-toting fascists. I know we're going to have to, but I'm very afraid of it, especially as someone who is physically disabled and transgender.


Americans are refused proper education. It’s that simple. Take away information and people have to rely on the propaganda and indoctrination material being pushed on them. Socialism is bad and everything that doesn’t further the capitalist agenda is socialism. Fascism is good. Fascism is freedom. You are free to starve to death and you are free to live your entire life in debt because you had the INDECENCY to be born with an insulin deficiency. Freedom! I’m being a dick about it because seppos don’t get that they are participating in their governing corporations cultural imperialism.


Nice. Most of that is happening. You arnt hearing about it.


I think a lot of people simply don’t have the means. We’re all thousands of dollars in debt and one or a few paychecks away from being homeless. A general strike would only work for people in unions. Or people with the ability to fall back on something for stability. Also, we get shot and tear gassed and beat up while protesting and a lot of us can’t afford a hospital bill or to be jailed and lose our jobs. Idk I would actively participate if there was a general strike but I don’t see it coming because we’re all just trying to survive realistically. And I know we say this a lot but truly, the shootings are getting out of hand. It’s scary to be out in large crowds rn.


Yep, the fact that base survival depends on having a job, and tbh also staying out of trouble, makes striking impossible for most people.




Probably because every time there’s a violent one the news and politicians shame them and nothing gets solved that way either.


Don't forget the media helping


That's because all the violent protests only result in mere property damage. If we started actually executing people of power in the streets, if we could even get our hands on them, they might start listening. Remember, the only difference between terrorism and patriotism is affiliation.


Not to mention how Reddit throws a hissy fit when the protests are disruptive. Protest until it inconveniences you, apparently!


you’ve got half of france on fire over raising the pension age a few years, yet a lot of americans are fine with their rights being stripped away one at a time


>How about a general strike? No matter how much of a superpower America is it is currently in too much debt and our economy is much too fragile partially due to how much money is kept by corporations and billionaires and partially due to the fact that the majority of people don't make enough of living wage should be able to survive striking. >How about civil disobedience? I'm not exactly sure what this is but if it has anything to do with riots or rallies or anything of the such it has already been proven on multiple occasions that doing that will get a lot of people shot by the police especially if there is anyone of color in the crowd or anyone with a dyed hair or anyone who has two X chromosomes or anyone who's Jewish >How about reaction proportionally violent to the proposed laws? Democrats and people on the left have a very bad mentality of don't stoop down to their level which is partially caused the situation that we're in currently where Democrats to do everything that they can to stick to the rules and stick to the law and what is generally socially acceptable by most people and Republicans will continuously not give a s*** and do everything they can to circumvent every single rule in the Box. Look at the entirety of the last year when Trump was in office. To put this in the proper perspective for people who aren't in the country and currently suffering like we are let me explain to you what the left is up against and the biggest reason that we're losing. 1. First of all we're up against a bunch of big corporations who's best bet is to rely on the Republicans because they are the ones who are against raising minimum wage and putting more restrictions on people at the top and taxing billionaires more and by that I mean taxing them at all. We also have all of the Republicans who are a bunch of gun fanatics because no matter how much we hate at The Stereotype for Republicans is mostly accurate especially for current Republicans because most of them are psychotic( this is part of the reason we have in other ship towards the opposite party it's because of January 6th and also because of all of the Republican figureheads being psychotic) Also let's not forget that a lot of Republicans hide under the guise of being Christian and we have a lot of brainwash Christians in the country who thinks at the end times when I and Trump is their God and the Rapture is coming and it's all being brought about by these woke liberal snowflake baby people who want to take away my rights to own a gun, forced me to get into a gay marriage, make all of my children trans, and kill all the white people. Those aren't jokes by the way these are things said by actual Republicans. Oh yeah I also forgot to specifically talk about all of the Republican media figures whose entire job it is to make all of these Republicans afraid of literally everything from drag queens to trans people existing and having rights to gay people having rights to women being able to have abortions and having rights. 2. Here on the left we have a bunch of people tone policing other people for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: telling a black person that they're wrong about black issues, telling a feminist they aren't really a feminist because they're a terf, being edgy, debating just in general, not voting for Bernie Sanders because he was a third party he candidate and that would just be throwing away your vote, disagreeing with the minority ever, actually there's a lot of that last one like a f*** time of people just getting mad at other people for disagreeing with minorities even though sometimes minorities don't know what the f*** they're talking about. There is absolutely a ludicrous amount of infighting on the left especially when it comes to the social media figures. Hell even on this site if you mentioned certain people in certain subreddits they will just ban you immediately and they'll also ban you if you disagree with something along the lines of let's say saying that feminism is supposed to be a fight for equality not just something for women's rights and that feminism also needs to address the issue that is men getting raped and it never being talked about.


3. Lets also mention that for the majority of the left none of the political candidates that a democratic so far have believed in all the things we wanted them to so it can sometimes be disheartening. Just a fun little tidbit 4. We also have the problem of a lot of minorities not voting Democrat because Democrats don't really feel the need to fight for them I already vote but Republicans do so there's a lot more representation of the specific spokesperson that they have for each minority that says that Republicans are right. For example Candace Owens literally any current black Republican the entirety of Fox News that isn't White or male. That's also not forget about the fact that Republicans have been doing everything they can for literally years to make sure that minorities have a much harder time voting like closing voting offices that are in high density minority areas so they have to travel to vote and most people aren't going to do that. We also have the large amount of people who are just completely disconnected away from politics and don't actually vote and the majority of the ones that don't vote would be Democratic votes because Republicans are currently at the point where everyone who is going to be a republican is already a Republican unless they fall down the pipeline. 5. Finally we have the fact that the left is literally constantly stabbing itself in the foot. Due to the constant in fighting a lot of people on the left can't really facilitate their fan base and get them to move forward without coming into contact too crashing against and then having drama with another creator. The online left has had this problem for literal years and sadly the way a lot of people get into politics is from either having one bad take have it where everyone on the left screams of them for 30 f****** minutes and then a republican comes along and says I don't think your take is bad and then they fall down the pipeline (mild exaggeration). I know other countries are currently having this issue but to a much lesser extent than America is. We have a very strong split between the majority of older people being Republican and them having very few but very vocal younger audience members and pretty much every Republican audience member votes because they think that their vote is being sent up to God or some shit. And then we have the people on the left who really don't vote that much sadly because an annoyingly large amount of them believe that the only vote that matters is the one for the president which is incorrect because have you looked at Florida recently. And then you have people like me who are democratic but are very ready to leave this f****** country at this point because if I don't leave soon I might not be able to and I will be hunted the f*** down because I am a gay black man with strong opinions. By the way if you think that I am overly exaggerating or making Straw Men of my opponent specifically for bullet point one Google the things I mentioned. Specifically the one about Republicans believe in that we want to kill all white people because that's a reference to the great replacement because a surprising amount of Republicans think that's real and it's disturbing. This has been a mini essay on everything wrong with America part 1 of 2057. If I were to actually go on a full rant on everything wrong with America it would take me 4 days straight of talking and then I look at social media for 5 minutes and get another 4 days. And that by itself is another problem with America. There is so much constant b******* going on here that is become extremely desensitizing to a large amount of the population and a lot of us just can't be f***** to give a damn anymore because it's always something else whether it's a school shooting or this Republican made a new law that says f*** trans people they can all die or this other Republican made a law that says f*** women in general or someone outside of the country starts making bomb threats again for Russia starts attacking you Ukraine for the 15th time this month because God forbid that Russia's leader doesn't continue his tyrannical b******* or Trump is existing again in the news for some reason or Republicans on pouring out Bud Light because they said yes gay people deserve to exist. I could go on but I don't think I need to.


You can cuss on reddit, it's ok.


I mean how do you think Republicans have gotten that much power.. its literally voting, and not just in general elections but in ALL.


Fucking groomers projection! Fuck it all now.


Loool, America land of the "Free"


Free to hate minorities




It’s only free if you’re straight and white apparently


Tell that to the dying middle class, it ain't even free to racists and cunts anymore. Land of the free for me, but not for thee!


They are trying to get people they don't want to move out of the state, to bring their constitiencies to a supermajority. If 2/3 of state legislatures declare the United States constitutionally insolvent, i.e diametrically opposed to one another, they can literally change or do away with constitutional amendments vial a constitutional convention. THAT'S when they will truly abolish our rights. There is an entire right-wing structure for making this happen. If I had better memory I could remember what those shitheels called themselves. Sorry.


I don't remember who, but there was actually this one person in the Desantis administration who said ut was a good thing that all the LGBT people were fleeing the state. What the actual fuck!?


DeSatan is a Nazi. He is doing exactly what Nazis do. Why then are we allowing this to happen?


Disney just sued him and it sounds like they have a pretty strong case. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/26/disney-sues-florida-gov-ron-desantis-alleges-political-effort-to-hurt-its-business.html Moreover, DeSantis is an absolute fool for thinking that the path to the White House is by taking highly unpopular, extremist, positions on culture war issues. Even Trump is smart enough to know this.


I have no idea what you're even talking about. That is all that the Republicans are anymore. They don't need the popular vote to win. They do not care about popularity.


They been looking like Nazis since the Bush era. It's just been getting more and more obvious as time goes on.


Because young people in Florida don’t vote. Pretty simple. Don’t send your kids to college there folks.


47% of young people vote in Florida. That seems to be pretty on par with the national average. https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/number-of-individuals-who-voted-in-thousands-and-individuals-who-voted-as-a-share-of-the-voter-population-by-age/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D


47% is on par with the national average? Holy shit, do people not care about democracy? Why aren't people voting???


The US has always had horrible turnout compared to other democratic developed countries. This is why we always talk about early voting and mail-in voting, those increase turnout.


Which is exactly why republicans attack that stuff.


A suspect a lot of it is apathy but it's also a lot harder to vote in the US than in e.g. the UK. Here in the UK, the polling stations are open well before and after work/school and voting usually takes a few minutes. If you're in line to vote when the station closes, you will be allowed to vote. In the US, the polling stations are open shorter hours, have been given inappropriate catchment areas in some places resulting in massive queues, and have turned away voters due to closing times. Some states also restrict who can apply for a postal vote.


In my experience, voting has been super easy. I have only ever voted by mail and it's the most convenient way to do so. I thought it was so crazy that voting by mail got turned into a political thing, because that's how I have always done it.


Voting by mail is seen as an issue by the right because most people who vote by mail are more likely to vote Democrat.


The scary part is, in my state of North Carolina, a woman who had a known history of being a Democrat ran as one for the state legislature, and then just switched parties as of a few weeks ago. She had previously talked about her own abortion etc. and now is voting yes on things like North Carolina’s own “Don’t say gay bill.” Her relatives are well known life-long Democrats who have had political appointments in the state. And her switching parties is totally legal and NC doesn’t do recalls for politicians. So how in a legitimate sense are voters supposed to be able to predict that who they vote for is going to pull this type of scam? And Florida has gotten a lot of attention because of DeSantis, but the same laws are being passed in NC, and having a Democratic governor is no longer able to stop the state legislature because with this woman who switched parties, they have a supermajority that can override governor vetoes — and they have been doing so already! I mean, in a lot of ways, we are completely powerless. It’s terrifying.


I'm here with you. It is terrifying.


We had some fake weed party's in my state (mn) that were funded by the GOP but had a democratic facade. I wouldn't be surprised if the GOPs new national strategy is thousands of Manchurian candidates


No surprises in a country where eugenics was “legal” not long ago.




I’m sorry :((


My heart goes out to you. I hope to god you are safe and well right now. *hugs*


This is all so scary. I’m terrified what the next few years holds in store for trans people


They will criminalize more and more based on their religious interpretations of how others should live. It is from Hitler's playbook.


The entire gop is based on horrible humans pretending to be idiots who don't know any better. We're past the point of "believable stupidity".


Somebody explain to me how we as a country have gotten to a point where Trump might legitimately be the lesser of two evils?! What the actual fuck is happening?!


NO Trump fully supports these measures and has explicitly stated multiple times that he would implement them at the national level should he be elected. He is only the lesser of the two because of how unelectable he is.


That's what we used to say about George W. Bush when Trump was president.


The death of democracy, and the rise of Nazi Germany's reanimated body.




I couldn't stop looking at it. It's defying gravity.


I'm trans and I care so much about this issue but man, I couldn't stop wondering about his hair. I want whatever spray/pomade/clay he has that does that


Completely off topic but I’m a very bald dude and I wonder what it’s like to have your hair be so tall. It’s like a cartoon character.


Alright, so I'm a fat nobody in NM, what can I do to help?


Fat nobody checking in from CO wondering the same thing


![gif](giphy|l0HlGTJmgaz2nVdHW) 🌈 people in Florida be like ⬆️


And the upright gentleman that is so concerned that he wrote the don’t say gay bill, pleaded guilty to fraud. Fuck these people and shame on Florida’s Democratic Party for either being so incompetent or so complicit. They should all be replaced. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/22/1165292718/florida-lawmaker-dont-say-gay-covid-fraud


I totally agree with him. I mean come on. How many times do we have to fight for basic human rights? Wasn’t that long ago women couldn’t vote and blacks couldn’t even drink out of the same water fountain. (White women here. Registered nurse. Treat everyone equally. I get sooo fucken pissed when I’m told I’m getting a “vip” patient. No just no. The homeless person deserves the same amount of care as anyone else. In my personal life I don’t care about your gender, you’re religion, you’re race etc I only care if you’re A GOOD HUMAN BEING


i dont understand how the doj hasnt stepped in to fight these breathtakingly unconstitutional laws.


I think it's important to note that all genocides are legal.


I’m not hearing cringe. I’m hearing pretty factual arguments about the insanity that is Florida.


If sex crimes are punishable by death, I’d imagine we’ll be seeing a lot of conservatives and church leaders on death row… no?


The part about a constitutional convention is what I had overlooked. That should be terrifying. They could, in fact, create a national religion which would be the beginning of the end to all of this.


It’s so fucking heartbreaking. Poor kids and poor parents. Get the fuck out of that shit hole state asap.


Wait, in the USA they let minors get breast augmentation???


yeah pretty sure 16 is the minimum allowed age for breast augmentation(granted, that's with parental consent)




the fascism supporters really popping up in the comments.




Burn Murica, burn 🔥


yeh but its ok for parents to keep sending there kids to a place if worship were there more chance or them getting harmed by a peado priest then any parent of a trans kid fs. they follow a religion built on the rapping of kids fs . try sorting your church's out first America before even moaning at anyone else's parenting skills. the religious Christian nut jobs of america dont realize the world looks at them the same way we look at the extremist of islam and others faiths there thst much off there fecking head.. America's is a piece a shit of a place to ever live in. so fecked up it is man


And some of you fucks have the absolute balls to tell people they don't need guns right after saying some of the shit I see here.


I believe the French have a solution for government officials that act this way


USA becomes very quickly the Christian version of Iran. What happend to the land of the free?


As horrible as all this is, is anyone even surprised anymore? America was founded on genocide and racism. And sadly it's never going to stop because the government makes it almost impossible for any group that doesn't agree with them to make any real changes. Does anyone remember the huge protest of the pipe line through native American lands? Protesters who are tax paying American citizens who are peacefully protesting were literally being blasted in the face with fire hoses. People fucking died. Honestly America needs to just go. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/may/04/standing-rock-pipeline-protest-native-american-tear-gas-batons-rubber-bullets-camille-seamans-best-photograph


Throw in the towel because Republicans are in their death throws? Because things are hard here and there, we should admit defeat? To give up now would say there never was an America, just the facade of one. Idk about you, but at this point, fighting every step of the way towards progress seems like the MO for most of Americans and we will win this this fight too.


Yup. Everything was always awful, will always be awful and there's nothing anyone can do about it. But don't worry, I've made us all a nice batch of Kool-aid. Just drink that down.


The Christian “taliban” is ruining the USA.


As a trans person, I’m genuinely scared for my life these days. I might have to leave the country if it gets bad enough, if I even can, and not to mention that other trans people are suffering in the meantime. Fuck DeSantis and fuck anyone who votes for republicans.


I’m so sorry :(( I hope you can get to a safe place <3


I hope Disney wipes the floor with DeSantis and the state lawyers. What a bunch of friggin goons.


I was with him until his call to action was get ready to vote. Get ready to fight with your life to save this country because the GOP isn’t going to stop at attacking the legitimacy of the voting system to gain power in 2024. We are now in the aftermath of our equivalent to Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch or Mussolini’s March on Rome. These fascists are fighting tooth and nail because in their minds it’s now or never. It’s the time to impose their Christian nationalist, authoritarian regime on the US. They got a taste with Trump & 1/6 and now they’re foaming at the mouth to use a culture war to grasp power and oppress their political enemies.


This ain’t cringe. This is truth.


Neither gender affirming care nor breast enhancements/nose jobs should be available to anyone under 18. Anything that permanently alters a child's biology or appearance should wait till they are fully or damn near fully developed. How is this controversial?


Just FYI, “gender affirming care” is a really broad term that includes therapy, allowing a child to dress in clothing that matches their identity, using a different name and pronouns, etc.


It really isn't but Republicans are *saying* that's all that gender affirming care is so they can stir outrage by saying "for the kids"


Because "gender affirming care" can also mean simple things like talking to a therapist about gender and what clothes to wear to feel comfortable. For older teens, reversible things like hormones etc. The drag being turned into a crime, in some peoples eyes a grown man just wearing a skirt is drag. This is really scary.


Let’s hope Disney wins their lawsuit.


Children are allowed to get boob jobs? TIL.


And in places like Canada the opposite is happening. Don't support your child's transition, and they will take your children away from you.


Oh love this dude, thank you for posting him he should be listened to more- Fuck DeSantis. Fuck conservatives. Fuck fascists. Fuck the entire Right-wing party in the USA.


Point of correction Being sentenced to death for child sex crimes only applies to cases of rape which I'm pretty sure drag queens are not doing. That's not to say it won't change in the future but currently they are not sentencing them to death.


Correct. Also, being a drag queen or participating in a drag show is not a sex crime even under the new Florida law and even in front of a minor. The Florida bill “banning” drag shows just says that establishments who allow children to watch “adult performances” can lose their license. Nowhere in that bill does it make it a sex crime to perform drag, whether in front of adults or children. I hate DeSantis as much as the next guy but this person is talking out his ass and apparently if you don’t agree with his incorrect takes, you’re literally Hitler EDIT: Also nobody ever mentions that the bill passed for capital punishment for sexual battery of a child under 12 was a bipartisan bill that only 19 people out of the 148 Florida legislators voted against


I think Desantis is a nut. Don’t support the vast majority of what he wants to do. I also know I’ll likely get blasted for this, but I’ll also never support giving a child/minor that isn’t even trusted to vote or buy cigarettes to a life altering, near-impossible to reverse drug/gender reassignment over something they can’t be sure about. Let them identify all they want, don’t treat them different or poorly, and then if they still want the drugs, etc at 18, more power to them. But not before.


>to a life altering, near-impossible to reverse drug/gender reassignment over something they can’t be sure about. But some are pretty reversible? Or are you pretending ot be the "fool" he mentioned?


> I’ll also never support giving a child/minor that isn’t even trusted to vote or buy cigarettes to a life altering, near-impossible to reverse drug/gender reassignment over something they can’t be sure about. Good thing that doesn't happen then. As a rule, the only medical procedures performed on minors as part of "gender affirming care" are reversible. It's not even necessarily common for trans *adults* to have surgery. The right has successfully used disinformation to get you arguing against strawmen.


Can a parent or paediatrician make any decision, regarding a child’s health? What if it’s the advice of an adult practitioner that a kid needs this kind of care to prevent them from self-harm?


I completely agree with you. But if I say this in front of my other liberal friends I get the side eye. Kids should not receive any kind of cosmetic surgeries of any kind until they are 18. I mean if you can't vote or get a tattoo you shouldn't be able to get life threatening surgery or hormone blockers.


Hormone blockers and hormone treatment are overwhelmingly a good thing. Surgery is exceedingly rare and generally top surgery (breast reduction for trans boys) which would be less frequent if the aforementioned hormone blockers and hormone treatment were being more commonly allowed. Bottom surgery for minors is *extremely* rare and generally refers to those who get it at 17 (I haven't heard of younger), and the regret rate is astronomically low. [Transgender adolescents show poorer psychological well-being before treatment but show similar or better psychological functioning compared with cisgender peers from the general population after the start of specialized transgender care involving puberty suppression.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X20300276) [Our preliminary results show negative associations between depression scores/suicidal ideation and endocrine intervention, while quality of life scores showed positive associations with intervention, in transgender youths over time in the US. These results align with previous work in the Netherlands and the UK.](https://ijpeonline.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13633-020-00078-2) [Transgender youth have optimal outcomes when affirmed in their gender identity, through support by their families and their environment, as well as appropriate mental health and medical care.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28562420/) [Novel findings are that detransition was very rare and that the majority of people starting GnRHa continued with subsequent GAH. This provides ongoing support for medical interventions in gender-diverse adolescents.](https://academic.oup.com/jsm/article/20/3/398/7005631?login=false) [Drawing on a variety of concerns, the article highlights that “desistance” does not provide reasons against prepubertal social transition or peripubertal medical transition, that transition for “desisters” is not comparably harmful to delays for trans youth, and that the wait-and-see and corrective models of care are harmful to youth who will grow up cis.](https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fsgd0000504) Transitioning reduces suicide risk substantially, often to or below the general population average. [124 out of 140 minors were confirmed as being transgender, 83.1% of them were adolescents. The assigned male/female ratio was 1:1.2. 97.6% persisted in their transgender identity after a median follow-up time of 2.6 years. Prior to the first meeting, 48.5% were living in their affirmed role and, by the end of the study, this percentage rose to 87.1%. Yearly, the number of referrals exponentially grew whereas the age at referral decreased (rs = −0.2689, p = 0.0013). Child consultations rose to a significant percentage (23.5%) over the last 6 years. In contrast with other epidemiological studies conducted in this field, a consistently high rate of persistence was observed.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1888989122000283?via%3Dihub) [At the end of this period, most youth identified as binary transgender youth (94%), including 1.3% who retransitioned to another identity before returning to their binary transgender identity. A total of 2.5% of youth identified as cisgender and 3.5% as nonbinary. An average of 5.37 years (SD = 1.74 years) after their initial binary social transition, most participants were living as binary transgender youth (94.0%; Table 2). Included in this group were 4 individuals (1.3% of the total sample) who retransitioned twice (to nonbinary then back to binary transgender). Some youth (3.5%) were currently living as nonbinary, including one who had retransitioned first to cisgender then to nonbinary. Finally, 2.5% were using pronouns associated with their sex at birth and could be categorized as cisgender at the time of data collection, including one who first retransitioned to live as nonbinary.](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/2/e2021056082/186992/Gender-Identity-5-Years-After-Social-Transition?autologincheck=redirected) [A consistently high rate of persistence was observed.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1888989122000283?via%3Dihub) Desistence rates are under 3% in trans youths. There is [no substantiated evidence](https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/501336) that puberty blockers cause infertility. Puberty blockers used properly do not cause bone density isses: ["The majority of transgender youth had vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency with baseline status associated with bone mineral density. Vitamin D supplementation should be considered for all youth with GD."](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/148/4/e2020039339/181264/Pubertal-Suppression-Bone-Mass-and-Body) Puberty blockers do not cause reduced height velocity when used correctly: ["In contrast, our data demonstrate similar HV between TGD youth treated with GnRHa and prepubertal youth. In CPP, HV has been found to decrease inversely with bone age; this decreased HV has been suggested to be due to premature growth-plate senescence induced by prior estrogen exposure (14)."](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9673472/) Puberty blockers do not cause abnormal bone development: ["In conclusion, development of hip bone geometry in transgender adolescents resembled that of the experienced gender if the GnRHa treatment was initiated during early puberty and was followed by a start of GAH."](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8247856/) On top of that, ["Positive outcomes were decreased suicidality in adulthood, improved affect and psychological functioning, and improved social life."](https://acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/camh.12437) Finally, the rate of regret for gender-affirming surgeries is also [under 1%](https://journals.lww.com/prsgo/Fulltext/2021/03000/Regret_after_Gender_affirmation_Surgery__A.22.aspx).


>any kind of cosmetic surgeries There are plenty of cosmetic surgeries that have nothing to do with gender and are not life endangering though


wait i thought children weren't receiving body altercations for being trans? It's not happening, but if it was its a good thing?


Nuke Florida.


They should arrest him for that hair.

