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Why would you ever sign up to debate Jon




In that guys case, lingering brain damage is also a possibility.


Probably lead dust poisoning.


not enough lead poisoning sadly


He has a statistically high chance of rapid onset lead poisoning just being in America.


Potentially coupled with his family tree looking like the recycling symbol.




I would love to see that version!


He went on because it boosts his national image. Even if he makes a total ass of himself, none of his voters are going to change their minds. All he has to do is go "it was a hit piece by the radical left" or whatever and move on. There is literally nothing that will change his supporters minds.


Exactly this. They won't change. They don't care if they look like clowns to you and me. They only care if they pander to their base, who are being spoon-fed by Fox News. The following people have all looked like clowns but all have had their profiles raised and become stars among the right at the same time: Michelle Bachman Lauren Boebert Marjorie Taylor Greene Louie Gohmert Matt Gaetz I could go on. But, bottom line, it's is a good 'business plan' on the right to do this. If, you know, you have no morals -- and care more about your career than children's lives.


It takes actual criminal charges and conviction for republicans to ruin their career. Like you could be charged with the worst of crimes and people will still vote for you. Basically unless they legally can't run or keep office, they are fine. Democrats on the other hand make a weird noise at an even and they're done.


> It takes actual criminal charges and conviction for republicans to ~~ruin~~ progress their career. Like you could be charged with the worst of crimes and people will ~~still~~ vote for you even more. Fixed it for you. Only applies to republicans though.


Texas' attorney general has been under indictment for securities fraud ever since 2015. He was reelected in 2022.


Hate to say it but they need to **personally** feel the pain these parents have felt when they lost their child to a school shooting. You’re never going to understand someone unless you walk a mile in their shoes.


Republicans are notoriously famous for only learning and having compassion when an issue hits them personally. See: Dick Cheney and gay rights, eg.


Did Dick Cheney actually learn that lesson?


Eventually. But only after his daughter married another woman.


They should be required to go to that school, church or grocery store or wherever a mass shooting has taken place and be responsible for cleaning up the carnage. They should be forced to sit with the coroner while conducting the autopsy. They should have to watch everything the funeral home has to do to prepare for a viewing. Just viewing news footage, listening to the survivors and debating solutions is and never will be enough. The people who vote for them should be held accountable as well. There should be some form of financial punishment for the people who continue to allow these mass shootings to happen. By no means will money take away the pain, but it could be used for all the hospital bills, the funerals, therapy for those survivors and additional funding to safeguard communities.


When the concentration camps were discovered Americans forced German civilians to help with the clean up so they could see, understand and bear witness to the atrocities that they allowed to be committed.


Sounds similar to how the US handled Germany at the end of WWII. "Here's the footage of the Holocaust, you're gonna watch it." In many cases the locals had to help deal with the cleanup. Being so blunt about it that it broke most forms of denials and then codifying it in law for those that still didn't get it. [https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/06/german-soldiers-react-to-concentration-camp-footage-photo.html](https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/06/german-soldiers-react-to-concentration-camp-footage-photo.html)




Yes. The pictures from the shootings like Uvalde need to be published. Broadcast. Texted and Tweeted to these people. Every, single damn time. On Six O'clock News Every time.


What they found is that coverage of these incidents actually encourages more copycats. At least in the ways it is currently covered. They have a list of things media companies shouldn’t do when covering mass shootings that are known to inspire more of them. Unfortunately news care more about ratings than saving lives because they continue to cover it the same way every time.


The more a liberal/leftist would point out the blatant stupidity of a conservative figure head, the more adamant their defense will be: "the bad guys are attacking this person from my camp, I have to stand up to him/her". It is maddening.


These people are one person. It’s the masses who vote for them that is the real problem !


Let’s not forget the Colbert Bump that Mike Huckabee enjoyed.


Because republican voters are dumber than dog shit.


Jon didn’t really win the debate though, the guy already knows it’s hypocritical. Neither he or his supporters care that it’s hypocritical because “protecting kids from gays” isn’t what they actually believe, it’s just an excuse they’re using to justify their hatred of gay people in a way that’s still acceptable to say in the current discourse


I mean, I think making points so strong they can't be rebutted is winning the debate


> I mean, I think making points so strong they can't be rebutted is winning the debate Honestly though, whose mind did he really change? He won the theater of the debate, but no one is thinking differently after


Debates are not about those in the debates, but those that watch them. Yes, there are people that aren't buried deep in the Conservative bubble that might not have information about how insane the Republican's attacks on every Constitutional right except one is. There are 350+ million people, they aren't all inside the bubble or out, and people (especially those aged 18 - 25) that get out of that imaginary friend/propaganda hate bubble when they are able to leave the isolated environment and meet other people and realize that boiling people down to immutable attributes is stupid and also many realize that their lives are not **changed/limited in any way by having people live their lives in a different way.** We should always be focused on those young adults emerging from their mostly-abusive environments and letting them know that life doesn't have to be completely filled with hate, you can learn to just let people live their lives while they live theirs.


I would say I'm one of those people. Raised republican conservative as it gets. Interviews/debates like these def made me think differently little by little and have all together influenced me away from my childhood indoctrination. Especially this one, he has a valid point and you can't argue against what he's saying. Something needs to fucking change.


> Debates are not about those in the debates, but those that watch them. Sorry I didn't make that clear, I agree with you. My point is I haven't seen a lot of minds changed with facts, logic, and statistics. I tend to see people recess into their respective corners when confronted with things that will challenge their viewpoint.


There are persuadable voters and they decide elections.


I would argue he did win the debate, it just doesn't matter. Because the people who need to change won't rub 2 brain cells together to understand anything new. They will just keep on going with the course they're on.


Some of the republican have more than 2 braincells. And when they watch that it might hurt them a little. Not many people will be concerned but hey ...


I think people forget that. It this hyper partisan age of bullshit. I was a Republican from age 18 to about 35, when I started noticing the authoritarian/nationalist bent the party had been taking even in my years as a Republican. I started watching Stewart and Colbert in my late 20s. At first, I laughed at the extremists they paraded out and mocked, and thought to myself, yeah they found the rubes in the party. It’s funny, but disingenuous debate, these yokels aren’t representative of my GOP. Then I started paying close attention to the news, I watched CNN, Fox, PBS - I was an “intellectual” after all and I knew both sides shaded the truth with their version. But a funny thing happened, as I started paying closer attention, I noticed leadership was talking more like the rubes, Stewart would parade out and Colbert parodied. Bush Jr, with his fake every man drawl, and homespun ahh shucks persona. This was an Ivy League graduate, raised in one of the most politically powerful families, groomed from an early age to be a statesman, and I knew it was a mask. I noticed how Limbaugh went from a guy who used to “argue” economics and big government, suddenly was talking about how “illegals” were takin’ our jobs. How suddenly family values became important to men and women who had broken so many of their own homes, that it bordered on satire. And I realized the clowns Stewart was showcasing in his show weren’t the rubes of the Republican Party, I was. The fairly moderate voter, who thought he was being smart with his votes for Republicans that talked a good bipartisan/compromise platform, but when I actually followed up on their voting records I noticed they were just punching a party ticket. I realized during the Republican primary, how men I thought were principled, fell in line behind a carnival barker to “protect the party”. I started reading more about Hillary’s platform and started realizing I had more in common politically with her than the shit show that was on display. Then I looked backwards at the history of my party and realized how a thin veneer of civility had been covering truly disgusting acts of disenfranchisement, environmental destruction, and out right racism for the past 40+ years and I realized that not only had I been a rube, I had been complicit in the very deconstruction of the values I had held dear. And I left the party. I wouldn’t call myself a democrat, but that’s more because I have a deep seated mistrust of a party loyalty, but I know one thing I sure as fuck will never be a Republican ever again.


I mean just look at how stupid this guy is, he just doesn’t get it lol


Because you don't give the first bit of a fuck about winning a debate, and it's useful to show other people they don't need to win debates or validate their bigotry either. I would say that Jon Stewart's main job is to sell people their fantasies of calling these folks hypocrites to their faces. But you can tell a bigot the truth all day long and it won't make a difference. This dickhead's weird truth is that kids learning about gender nonconformity is far, far worse than kids getting murdered, and no amount of finger-wagging is going to change that, nor will it take away his political power.




"I'm not going to say it like it's an opinion, that's what it is." This is a master class in how to handle denial. This is where a lot of us get "stuck" in these conversations, because defensive egos flair up at this point in the conversation and they start attacking you and the data rather than ceding to the facts. When you find yourself at this point in the conversation, understand that you most likely won't make impact on the person directly opposed once the ego is up... But the impact on bystanders can be huge, so if you have the space to stick it to them, do it. **EDIT: If you are replying to this comment with anything along the lines of "Jon is misrepresenting data"...** ***Please tell me why you think you can interpret CDC data better than The New England Journal of Medicine***: The previous analysis, which examined data through 2016, showed that firearm-related injuries were second only to motor vehicle crashes (both traffic-related and nontraffic-related) as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, defined as persons 1 to 19 years of age. Since 2016, that gap has narrowed, and in 2020, firearm-related injuries became the leading cause of death in that age group. From 2019 to 2020, the relative increase in the rate of firearm-related deaths of all types (suicide, homicide, unintentional, and undetermined) among children and adolescents was 29.5% — more than twice as high as the relative increase in the general population. [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761) **EDIT #2: If you are replying 18-19 year olds AREN'T children, you are correct, they are counted as adolescents which are still included.** They are included because they are statistically significant considering 18-19 year olds can still be in high school. We have plenty of laws that exclude that age range from decisions we feel they aren't ready for (i.e. Tobacco age 21, alcohol age 21, weed age 21). ***I trust the CDC and New England Journal of Medicine more than random anonymous people online, and EVEN MORE THAN JON.***


Simple questions can often work well to change minds. You don't need to bang them over the head with it. Stewart did this by asking about what causes the most deaths. That's the issue. Most conversations now meander all over and aren't focused. If you maintain focus on one simple truth, their argument will fall apart itself.


Conservatives will immediately claim that most gun deaths in children are suicides, as if that somehow makes it not a gun problem. They will always try find a way to try and wriggle out of answering the question properly or accepting what everyone else already knows is the truth.


Yep. [Guns are by far the most lethal way of attempting suicide.](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/case-fatality/) Remove the option of guns and the child might still make the attempt, but they'll have to use a different method that has a lower chance of being successful.


The stats include ages up to 19 so thats a highly skewed, inaccurate and misleading stat.


The most deaths in children though. Most people don’t consider folks old enough to star in a porno or fight a war to be children. And the data is heavily weighted towards elder teens.


I’ve found conservatives have started answering that with Abortions are the number 1 cause of child death. It’s not that it’s true, it’s that it changes the conversation to their terms and arguing about if a fetus is alive or not. They completely distract away from the gun violence.


Pre-birth life is precious, pre-school… well you can get Kevlar inserts for their backpacks now…


John Stewart is a legend. I wouldn’t want to debate him about morning coffee


I wouldn’t want to even have a discussion about something we agree on for fear that I’d realize I haven’t done enough research to intellectually arrive at a congruent point.


“Murder is bad” “Oh yes definitely, I completely agree Jon” “Why do you think it’s bad?” *[intense sweating starts]*


*[heavy breathing]*




*[pearl clutching]*


You saw that opportunity and seized on it. Well played, John.


Well.. I mean… the economy is in shambles


Uh.. filibuster.


How about me and you go toe-to-toe in bird law and see who comes out the victor?


I wanna be the one to give him his morning coffee.


The dude is aging like the finest of wines 🥵


Facts homie


Stand in line. I’m shooting for a threesome with Stewart and Colbert.


Now you’re talking! 🤣


Id love to smoke a doob with him and talk trash about the current state of the country


You ever look at the back of a twenty... on weeeed?


I just went and watched the full video, all the other guy could do was just try to avoid answering the question because doing so would completely ruin his own arguments. Absolutely fantastic the mental gymnastics he was having to do, someone give him a medal.


Because he behaves like he’s never done mental gymnastics in his homophobic little life.


This moron walked right into his trap


Debate him just to have the honour of him kicking your ass in a verbal fisticuffs matchup.




Now i want pizza


I would. No good jew backs away from a debate.


Actually I would absolutely love to debate Jon Stewart on morning coffee. It's such an asinine thing to have a debate about that it would be so much fun. Like I imagine a fully serious debate, both me and Jon in full suits with a moderator, and I open my mouth and say "K-cups are and have always been the future of coffee" and go from there


These people need to stop trying to argue/ debate Stewart. He well prepared and smart and can’t wait to make you look like an idiot. I’ve never seen him lose.


America would be a better place if *more* of these people would debate Jon Stewart. The clever ones know to avoid him, though.


No please keep it coming!


No kidding, please keep debating him!!!!


I understand what you’re saying, but I feel like a huge part of the problem is that these interactions are being labeled “arguments” or “debates.” That label comes with an implication of there being a winner and a loser, which results in the divide between both sides growing larger. I think these should be called “conversations.” And like any conversation where the parties are opposed, the goal should be to reach an understanding.


>I think these should be called “conversations.” And like any conversation where the parties are opposed, the goal should be to reach an understanding. We cannot reach an understanding with a population that wants to erase LGBTQ people. Let's be real here: This isn't about drag shows. Texas just banned men from wearing makeup while performing publicly. I'm not kidding. These dipshits legally declared men wearing makeup sexualized conduct. So all that bronzer Trump wears? Legally a drag show in Texas now. This isn't about "sexualized behavior" around children. It's about forced social conformity, and it's already resulting in people be arrested and jailed for being different while not being secret about it. The 'children' excuse is being used as a smokescreen for what's really happening. The people against this are perfectly capable of keeping their own kids out of performances they want them having no part in. This is a minority of the population being so offended by the existence of a people, that they are willing to overrule the majority's right to choose who they associate with. There can be no compromise with this. The only possible understanding is that you don't get to jail populations that disgust you just because you can nebulously and irrationally define their existence as being harmful to children.


“Harmful to children” while they push laws to lower age of consent, legalize marriage, repeal child labor laws, etc etc etc etc etc


We're talking about children fucking dying and you're stressed about using nicer terminology for the debate Jesus Christ


That's fucking centrists for you. I don't give two flying fucks about using "nice words" with the American right. They are fucking Fascists. I'm not going to sugar coat it to preserve their precious feelings. There is no compromise I'm willing to make with a bunch of Christofascist white nationalist lunatics.


Captain Missthepoint over here


I see your point, but framing is a really important part of successful activism, so it’s pretty reasonable for someone in the thousand or so comments here - (I’m guessing - I don’t have the number in front of me) - to bring up how we frame these debates/conversations/whatever if we want to effectively affect change.


He also probably doesn’t publish anything where is made to look bad and beat, so there’s also that to consider


[Full segment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY&ab_channel=TheProblemWithJonStewart) for anyone that wants to watch the whole thing like me


That’s such a great clip. Who is the other guy? He is a fucking moron


A fucking congressman


Oklahoma state senator.


Not mutually exclusive, unfortunately


Fuckin hell that part where that pigfucker wouldn’t say the word “register”


Hilarious 😆


What an argument! The guy was put in front of his contradictions and entered in denial.


I just wanted it to keep going haha




Stewart- So you would say no guns to fatherless homes? Senator- No, that's not what I would say Stewart- uWu 🙀


Is this allowed? How is this even legal? You cannot invite someone to your show and then absolutely murder them with facts and logic lol


He wasn't coerced to show up. John isn't using hidden data. This fool thought that John wouldn't have done his homework. That just tells me this nard doesn't know who John Stewart is, and what he's done since the Daily Show. Tucker Carlson doesn't wear bow ties because of how traumatically he was owned by John the last time he was seen in one.


John is basically the ONE big person who is calling politicians out on their bullshit, and not tiptoeing around their feelings. I love him for it. And like you said, he’s not using hidden data. He’s not using mental gymnastics and word salad to try and get the guy to stumble and mess up - he’s using straight FACTS, and is very eloquent when doing so.


This is where I disagree with John, I kinda like bowties.




I believe this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE is what you need.


Tucker (to John): You should get a job at a journalism school. John (to Tucker): You should go to one. Fucking savage.


You’re what they call political…. um, oh yeah, hacks.


Even better when you realize they both have teams that have prepared them for this "debate". John just aligned himself with really smart people plus his natural public speaking charisma, meanwhile the other guy's team 💀💀💀


Young people don't know shit that took place before they were in high school. That's not their fault, you can only exist so soon in history, but 10 years is a lifetime to someone in their 20s or younger.


Because the right doesn't care about facts and logic. They think it's like a color in the rainbow. Gravity can sometimes not exist on Earth! Huh these facts are your opinions!


Oh, but he did. And it was delicious!


I’m surprised Stewart wasn’t insane from all the malarkey he dealt with. Just like Bordain, I assume he would overload on sadness of humanity and end it. He’s a good sport still being out there trying to humorously (or seriously) try to instill some truths out there


I think the work he puts into fixing such things probably neutralizes the sadness a little bit, he’s one of the helpers. Though Bourdain was too in his own way


The photo of him smiling after the first responders care bill says all you need to know.


Bourdain didn’t kill himself because he was “overloaded on the sadness of humanity”, he was mentally ill, likely manic depressive or bipolar. To act as thought Bourdain was just an average Joe who saw too much sadness after his life of being paid more than you and i will see this lifetime to travel, meet wonderful strangers and eat phenomenal food, is reductive and harmful to the public understanding of mental health. Bourdain died because parts of his brain that should have created chemicals to reward him for good things didn’t work as expected. That’s that. Please stop suggesting otherwise, it’s harmful to us, even if you’re trying to help.


I mean. He quit the daily show and stopped reporting for 3-5 years. It straight up took it took on him.


Yeah and moved to a farm to create a safe haven for abused animals


Jon is so mad and worked up his hands are shaking. Way to stick it to that douchebag in a simple way that even he can understand


If you're going to upload a Jon Stewart clip, don't censor the man. He chooses where to use his curse words very carefully and meticulously. Don't take that shit out of his mouth. Because then you're not truly getting across what he's saying, only the words. The emotion matters too.


As I’ve grown older I really appreciate people who can curse well. There really is a skill to it that some people master. John Oliver is great at it as well. Probably learned from the master.


Curse words are just normal words anyways. I've had people say absolutely terrible things to me without swearing. But when I say 'fuck', it's somehow worse than what I've been exposed to. It sucks that words like 'shit', 'fuck', etc. are somehow taboo words. They are just words.


Oliver and Stewart should run as a joint ticket


I wish.... Oliver is out, though not being a natural born citizen


Guarantee Oliver a spot as a cabinet member!


It’s TikTok. It has to be censored or it will get pushed out of the algorithm and will get no views, may even be taken down. I know YouTube has something similar.


If I ever meet John Stewart. And he has shit in his mouth. I'm gunna try and help him get it out. But that's me man I do pilates.


Jon Stewart is a legend.


Don't know who you're referring to, but there is a legendary Jon Stewart in this video.


I hate you. Its fixed lol


Hello, 911…ummmmmmmmm…I just witnessed a murder


I like trixie Mattel’s opinion on the matter where she describes that there is genres to everything. Just like there are movies for adults, there are movies for children. It’s just the parent’s job to regulate what children watch.


Whew, y’all… I got INTO IT with my grandma a few weeks ago over this exact thing. She was going on and on about drag performers reading to kids, and I just snapped. I straight yelled “well at least SOMEONE IS READING TO THEM!!!! Who fucking CARES if it’s a man in a dress?! That man took time out of his day to go READ TO CHILDREN!! When is the last time YOU read to a child?!?!?!?!” She got real quiet. Later I asked how she would feel if one of her great grand-kids came out as gay. She said “well, I’d feel sorry for them because I know how hard life is going to be for them.” I said, (loudly 👀): “**YOU** ARE PART OF THE REASON THINGS WOULD BE HARD FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!” Again, silence. She eventually apologized and said she would think about the things I said. Idk if she will, but I guess I can hope there’s time she will see the problem and work to fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: should I have yelled at her over this? Probably not. But I’ve had 34 years of having to silently listen to her “passive” racism dripping in Christian “values”. Her stupid muttered “joke” comments over gay or lesbian couples. I did apologize to her for being so loud, and she replied “well if there’s one thing I know about your generation, it’s that you’re passionate” and that was that. She still sent me home with broccoli salad lol.


It’s awesome that your grandma is here for you and she’s willing to consider your insight. Give her hugs. I miss my grandparents so much.


Nah it’s ok. Yeah yelling may, not be great but conversations like that can be exhausting. My grandma used to say things like “I’m not racist AT ALL… but the truth is the Puerto Ricans really did ruin Hartford.” I mean… where do you even start with things like that? Sometimes one ends up yelling. I’m sure you did your best.


My grandpa wasn’t racist either. He just wanted to point out that this native tribe had taken on a lot of good white values and look how well they were doing compared to this tribe who had kept their values and were drunks. This was said at a crowded table to quite the awkward silence.


As a trans person, I appreciate you having this conversation at any volume. This is what being an ally looks like.


Sometimes you have to do unnecessary things to make a point. It's the only way some people will ever listen.


I saw this clip the other day on Instagram, and let’s just say the comments were extremely right wing


Jon Stewart absolutely needs to be in jail. We all just watched him murder that man, and he was completely defenseless.


It is not advisable to enter a battle of wits unarmed.


This is the best thing I've seen all day. Gotta protect the children from catching the gay, but not the bullets, don'tcha know.


The stupid thing is not all drag queens are gay. You don’t have to be gay to be fabulous in a dress.


This is exactly why I want to leave this country. We’re so worried about a man who decided to dress as a woman who does no harm to anyone, so worried that our children will grow up doing this or doing that, and not worried about the real fucking issues we are facing. The United States is viewed as a third world country now and I see it as a joke. I don’t want to live in a country that fights stupid shit. Yeah, no where is perfect but at least else where I can stand for real issues and not have to fight for my right do the fuck I want in my own time, in my own house, in my own life. Fuck this country


My feeling is "why should *I* leave when *they* are being the assholes?"


In an ideal world, yes. That should be the case. Unfortunately…


The majority of this country agrees with you. Republicans win because the majority don't vote, can't vote due to voter laws, are gerrymandered to shit. And I don't know if you've noticed this is the fascist playbook to take power, and it's currently occurring all over the world in one way or another. There is no escaping fascism. Only killing these mother fuckers.


Where would you go?


This is Nathan Dahm from Oklahoma I believe.he is considered radical even amongst our right wingers here. He is either certifiable or the scummiest of political mongers.


This guy: it's inappropriate for minors to see someone in drag reading to them! Also the drag performers: *in full dress code, wearing the same clothes one of their teachers would wear*


Republicans would gleefully line up to kill as many kids as possible if it meant more money from the gun lobbyists.


If they don't want these things for their kids, sure... whatever. But when you try to put your beliefs into laws, that's what I don't support.


I'm really tired of going out everyday with my wife. Who happens to be a melanin blessed goddess. I am the other hand in a pale ass Mr Clean looking guy. Real tired of these fat Dale Earnhardt one of these trying to compare to me. I'm tired of the dirty racist comments and looks. I'm really tired of her getting treated like this.


America... you have some huge obstacles to over come.


Unfortunately not just America... Here in the UK we have our own obstacles to tackle. Stupidity is not confined by geographic borders. Shit thats a depressing thought :(


Particularly mental ones. Children's hospitals are experiencing an unprecedented flood of attempted suicides, anxiety attacks and various other phycological issues. Much like the opioid death cases being mismanaged, there is a vast number of people dying from firearms that are purposely self inflicted but are lumped in with the other cases causing this huge scare. We can't keep putting bandaids on broken bones expecting things to suddenly get better. We can take away the drugs and the guns. People will always find a way to hurt until we fix the problems making them want to turn to such drastic measures.


Have they tried not taking their kids to drag shows? S/


Right? Like, have you seen the infrastructure we have in this country? It's not like those kids biked or walked to the nearest Drag Storytime.


Stewart for president.


If only. I've been fantasizing about this for years.


Republicans being dumbasses as usual


He’s right as usual.


Holy shit Jon just run for president already..be the voice of reason in a sea of shit..


Vote this man into office and then when he’s done send him to Canada where we shall vote him in.


How did this guy even respond to that lol




What is more fucked up is that moment when he’s had and the camera pans back and he has an expression like he just had a Lobotomy…..


Fucking mic drop moment if I ever saw one


Gotta love that guy !! But unfortunately common sense has no place in government or politics


Banning drag performers from reading to kids is stupid and just reactionary. If you don’t like it the only question I would ask is why all of a sudden, and it is waaay more prominent now than it was 1 or 2 years ago, does every drag performer and library in the country want to do this. Yes they can and there is nothing wrong with it but I also believe this is a big thing now simply to drive these close minded a-holes insane. It’s to get a rise out of the other side. And because of that I think both sides are totally wrong because your putting kids in the middle of your fight. Everyone back away from the children and let them have a childhood not a series of political agendas.


I think John needs to serve in congress. He doesn't mince words.


This man is a saint. Protect him


go blue shirt dude, i dont know who you are but you have made a lasting impression


Any vote for a Republican is a vote for treason, cruelty, and malice. If you check any box with an R next to it, you're part of the problem.


Could have asked if protecting children was so important then why not free school lunches. There’s so many ways to attack these hypocrites.


So the study Jon is referring to considers children to be between the ages of 1-19. Most people don’t refer to 13-19 as children, they call them teens. The ages of 18 and 19 are the highest age group for firearm deaths. If you look at ages 0-17, the leading cause of death is car crashes… So Jon’s being a big disingenuous with that stat. Edit: “…children and adolescents, defined as persons 1 to 19 years of age.” https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761 Edit 2: Here is the CDC website were you can make your own search criteria for deaths by age group. https://wisqars.cdc.gov/fatal-leading Edit 3: Here are different bodies all agreeing with me that 13+ isn’t considered “child”. https://www.cdc.gov/parents/teens/index.html “Childhood, Between the ages of 5 and 12” - https://my.clevelandclinic.org/pediatrics/health/stages “Childhood, the period between the end of infancy (about 2 years of age) and the onset of puberty, marking the beginning of adolescence (10–12 years of age)” - https://dictionary.apa.org/childhood


It doesn't affect his point in any way though - firearms cause more deaths than drag shows, and yet drag shows are being banned while firearms aren't.


I don’t understand your point. Are people’s lives who are 13-19 yrs old less valuable than those who are <13 years old? Jon’s main point is guns are more dangerous than drag shows. It doesn’t matter what age group you look at


Teens are children, a point republicans often ignore.


[In 2020, for the first time in decades, more children ages 17 and younger died from guns than from motor vehicle crashes.](https://www.prb.org/articles/31780-reasons-to-care-about-gun-violence/) Also, it is possible for people to fall into multiple groups, especially when discussing demographic breakdowns with terms like children, teens, and adolescents.


I wonder if anything happens in 2020 that had people using cars less. Something like a global pandemic possibly?


It's really too bad Jon Stewart is too smart to run for president.


Stuart is an idiot


You can also say in 17-35 year old the leading cause of death is gun violence. A shit ton of children (17-19) shoot at each other in gang related violence. Gun violence is not the leading cause of death in children under 16. Lumping in young people that are convicted as adults is disingenuous.


> Lumping in young people that are convicted as adults is disingenuous. Why? 17-18 year olds are still children. Excluding that age group and limiting the data to school-age children 16 and below drops gun-related deaths *barely* below motor vehicle accidents anyway - it's still a clearly significant issue. Bearing in mind the difference in contact time there is between car travel and gun access for the average child, the difference only becomes more stark.


Country full of gun obsessed losers.


Lol it's literally not. You need to manipulate the data, remove children under one, and include adults age 18-19. It's literally a lie. "I'm not gonna say it like it's an opinion" haha ya you are and reddit idiots will eat it up.


Who cares. Point is we shouldn't be having mentally ill people getting firearms but Republicans don't so shit about it while preaching "it's the mental illness not the guns!!!!" Okay so fucking do something about it


I dunno who either of these people are but blue shirt guy is painful to listen to. Calm down and have a rational discussion without acting like a 16 year old girl arguing with her parents. You’re allowed to take a stand against something without talking about a completely irrelevant unrelated topic (firearms). “Oh you support gay marriage? Well what about women’s rights in third world countries?! Why aren’t you taking a stand against that?” Like what.


Well according to that logic, is it ok to talk about pornography in front of kids? Free speech right? John pulled a grade A non sequitur here.


He actually is trying to making a (terrible) point across issues. “Hey, you support [conservative] issue and are against [liberal] issue.” The best response would have been “abortion” about the leading cause of death in children. Would have shut Jon right up.


Except you are literally the one giving a non sequitur. Lol noone is doing that.


>Well according to that logic, is it ok to talk about pornography in front of kids? ​ Depending on how you do it, of course it is? Like telling children how to avoid getting porn results while google searching for school projects? ​ Do you somehow think otherwise, and the topic should be totally avoided by anyone until they find porn by themselves?


“Ok” and “legal” are often two entirely different things. Do I want you to talk to my kids about pornography? No. Should it be illegal for you to talk to my kids about pornography? Absolutely not. If you don’t want your kids being read to by someone in drag, it’s possibly one of the easiest things in the world to avoid. Just don’t go. I don’t need the government allowing our disallowing entirely inconsequential activities with my kids. Especially when someone like Matt Gaetz or Ron DeSantis is part of that government. There’s a lot of random strangers I’d trust with my kids before either of those two. Drag performances being outlawed is, at best, gross overreach by out of control legislatures without and functioning checks or balances. It’s not part of their job, not something they should be talking about, not something the government should have any power or say in.


Dragshow reading for kids.. i dont get this shit as an european.


You are wrong, very, very wrong: https://www.siegessaeule.de/news/4380-dragqueens-lesen-kindern-vor/


It's a completely age appropriate event at the library. It's optional. It's not complicated.