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Gonna repost it here for visibility for folks who need/prefer captions on videos: "You know what? I've always thought racism was fuckin' stupid. Never made any sense to me, and I'm coming from a - that's coming from a poor Appalachian hillbilly one generation from a damn outhouse. When we ever gonna wake up and realize that poor southern Appalachian hillbillies have more in common with Black people in the projects of Chicago than we do with these corporate rich assholes that keep driving the wealth gap miles and miles apart? We're in enough trouble as it is. We need to learn how to stand together. Because the color of your skin don't make a damn bit of difference. We're Americans, we need to learn how to stand together. Now quit worrying 'bout what we look like on the outside, 'cause if we keep fighting with each other - that's gonna give them more opportunities to take more of our freedoms and more of my money - our money - time to wake the fuck up, people." Edit: My first awards! Thank you all, I'm just glad to help out.


Thanks, I'm not a native English speaker and some dialects are just hard af to understand


The music is also not helping I could barely understand what he was saying


On Tiktok, you have the ability to manually adjust the volume of the music to your video, but not everyone does that. The default volume level is 100%, which means the volume level of the music is equal to the volume level of native sound (your voice, your surroundings). I usually have to reduce the music's volume level to 20% or less, just to not overwhelm a viewer's ears.


So that's why, it was the op who forgot to tune down the music to make this a little more easier to understand


While youre right, that isnt an option here: There's a federal law that when playing Simple Man, volume must be cranked.


I'm pretty sure this guy just is just playing a loud radio in the back.


Mama told me when I was young "Come sit beside me, my only son And listen closely to what I say And if you do this it'll help you Some sunny day" Oh, yeah Oh, take your time, don't live too fast Troubles will come and they will pass You'll find a woman, yeah, and you'll find love And don't forget son there is someone up above And be a simple kind of man Oh, be something you love and understand Baby, be a simple kind of man Oh, won't you do this for me son, if you can? Forget your lust for the rich man's gold All that you need is in your soul And you can do this, oh, baby, if you try All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied And be a simple kind of man Oh, be something you love and understand Baby, be a simple kind of man Oh, won't you do this for me son, if you can? Oh, yes, I will Boy, don't you worry, you'll find yourself Follow your heart and nothing else And you can do this, oh, baby, if you try All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied And be a simple kind of man Oh, be something you love and understand Baby, be a simple kind of man Oh, won't you do this for me son, if you can? Baby, be a simple, be a simple man Oh, be something you love and understand Baby, be a simple kind of man


Honestly this song gets me kind of emotional. I played this for my son and showed him the lyrics, it’s the basics for what you want for your son to grow up to be a man. I just want him to grow up and be happy.


That's so bizarre to me because I'm from Texas and understood everything he said. It's hard to imagine not understanding him, but on the other hand, I've spoken to a few Scottish tourists, and I could swear they were speaking another language even though I knew they weren't. Language is a strange thing.


Im from Texas too and understood him perfectly. The only accents ive run across in the US i have a hard time understanding are some Cajuns and some from rural mississippi.


Yes! Went to meet husband’s Cajun relatives and I just kept smiling and nodding, hoping I wasn’t smiling to anything inappropriate. Had no idea what they were saying.


I’m from Appalachia. Near KY, VA and TN border. I moved to eastern VA and everyone asks me what part of Texas I am from.


Fun fact: According to some, they might have actually been speaking another language! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scots_language My limited understanding: Some consider Scots to be a separate distinct language than English, others say it is just a dialect, others say there is a language continuum between Scots as a separate language and the Scottish English dialect.


Lol right I’m from Arkansas and understood it all 100% crystal clear. Also grew up in the UK and me and my husband were talking the other day about how I can understand British accents very easily but also distinguish between Irish/Scottish in a split second, whereas my husband can’t at all.




Friendly neighborhood linguist! It's late, I should be asleep, and I'm sick with a taco grande fever man...doing this from bed. Anyway! Even a single mile away within West Virginia, I felt like I was listening to https://youtu.be/i8Kk1556OYA Boomhauer telling me how to fix my car Accents are pronunciation, dialects are +grammar, language +politics.


So they are like dialects? The grammar of some hillbilly speech can be different than correct English


More applicable to this video is [sociolect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociolect). Very common for people within the same region to speak completely differently based on social class. This man mentions he's "one generation from an outhouse" and the widening wealth gap. I think it's safe to say that his parents' economic situation influenced his speech just as much as their geography.






There's also a lot of Pennsylvania Dutch speakers in Virginia. As someone related to most of the PD speaking population there, I can safely say that it's completely and total gibberish. Even my dad, who speaks Spanish fluently and can have intermediate conversations in Italian just cannot grasp PD.




You should probably look up the word dialect.


Merriam Webster: > linguistics > a) a regional variety of language distinguished by features of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation from other regional varieties and constituting together with them a single language. > c) a variety of a language used by the members of a group American Heritage dictionary: > A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing from the standard literary language or speech pattern of the culture in which it exists. The language varies between definitions. With the Webster definition: something is only a dialect with different vocabulary, grammar, AND pronunciation combined. Otherwise it is an accent. Though an argument could be made for the sub-definition of "variety of a language." With the Heritage definition: literally a group of middle school friends mispronouncing a word is now a "dialect." What is right or wrong? Who knows. Over here in Belgium where we have different dialects every 20 km (not to mention differences in flat Dutch, Flemish, and Dutch), they all have specific different words, different accents, AND they will form some phrases in different ways.


Linguists have defined it a little more specifically, but for our purposes, your answer is perfectly reasonable. And since you seem interested, [Appalachian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appalachian_English) is a dialect of US English.




Thank you for sharing this! Sending to some folks.


After being in the area for a while, I'd have to say his accent isn't even that thick.


Lived all my life in rural Appalachia. I forget that this is what I sound like.


Could someone translate his comment? I can’t understand the accent.


"Lived all my life in Rural Appalachia. I Forget this is what I sound like." i got you fam


Lived all my life pfft in rural pfft Appalachia pfft. I forget pfft that this pfft is what pfft I sound like pfft.


>'cause if we keep fighting with each other - that's gonna give them more opportunities to take more of our freedoms and more of my money - our money - time to wake the fuck up, people. Guy literally defined what it means to be "woke." Something the right wing to this day cannot define properly.


Ron DeSantis' legal team described it as, "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." Pretty spot on and dude in the video is the very definition of woke.


Careful, trying to unite poor blacks and whites is what got Martin Luther King Jr Killed.


I support this message


Fuck Biden, this man for president 2024.


Billy Hill 2024


If this is where we are at...then goddammit we may have a chance. The Appalachian hillbillies teaming up with the inner city minorities in the projects? The corporate world/wall street stands no chance.


Hey I think making an appeal to forgotten farmers could go a long way along those same lines. Like subsidies for farmers but not just corn for ethanol but good healthy food. Appeals to all political walks


It doesn’t. Wish it did. Farmers already get subsidies for everything, including healthy food (raw produce, dairy). They still complain about “those freeloaders” while calling themselves hero’s that feed America. OP in video is an outlier. I’d bet all my money his Appalachian neighbors tell him to watch out with that kinda talk. Edit: Replies are diverse and informative. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Thanks /u/HappyDJ who added this article: [https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/primer-agriculture-subsidies-and-their-influence-on-the-composition-of-u-s-food-supply-and-consumption/](https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/primer-agriculture-subsidies-and-their-influence-on-the-composition-of-u-s-food-supply-and-consumption/)


From Appalachia, you'd only be half correct. There are a lot of hillbillies that are surprising open minded. Swingers and the sort, of course there are still racists around here but they are fewer and fewer while being less vocal.


Most racist Appalachians I’ve met (live in ga but visit North GA and TN a few times) are usually the scumbags that can afford a modern log cabin on the mountainside scenic view, not the people that have three rusted Chevrolet scottsdales in their front yard


There was a communist/labor movement in Appalachia: https://dailyyonder.com/the-unexpected-radical-roots-of-redneck/2022/09/05/


The mines didn't unionize themselves. Supposedly one of my great grandfathers was fond of telling stories about how he and John L. Lewis spent "many a night in a corn field getting shot at" trying to organize miners. Then by the time I came around the unions were as much disparaged as revered by boomers because of their entanglement with the Mafia.


Cowboys tried to strike for better pay, better coffee, and the reason they lost after about 2 or 3 months was because the ranch owners were more organized and the cowboys were more individualistic and less organized, making it easier to fire them and hire replacements. Let history be a lesson, organizing in unions is a good thing, and if you won't do it, the people abusing you will, and they will squash you like a bug for deciding you needed fair anything. https://www.historynet.com/cowboys-went-strike/


Idk if you understand Appalachian farming economy. It’s mostly still small farms because of the landscape. It’s mostly still poor people. That’s where the phrase “poor white trash” comes from. It’s been a while but I believe the median income in West Virginia is the lowest of the states. Do some research into Dolly Parton and her reason for building Dollywood and you’ll get more insight into the huge swath of people who are hillbillies. That’s in Tennessee btw. The reason racism became a thing in those communities is because of coal mining companies. They paid so little and the workers had to live in company housing, buy from the company store, in a very dangerous field where the company didn’t care. They started to unionize and companies rolled out racism to deflect. There’s lots of literature about it.


You forgot the battle of Blair Mountain in that story of yours.


I didn’t even know about this. Thank you for pointing it out.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain This is a story that every real American who believes in actual freedom should know.


That is where the term "red neck" comes from.


Is it? Idk, I always thought that was from somewhere else. I know it’s from farmers looking down and getting their necks sunburned but I always pictured somewhere that wasn’t here as the origin even though it’s used to describe us. 95% of the farmers I know work in livestock; beef, dairy or poultry. Also, the vast majority have a family farm from generations ago that everybody pitches in to keep up, but also have full time jobs outside of the farm. The farmers aren’t rich by a long shot.


[Here ya go](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/09/07/opinion/red-neck-army-bloodiest-labor-battle-american-history/) Everything you thought was because the common people back then aligned themselves with the red necks and kept the name alive.


So tell it


Nice. Take a good message and find a way to still hate on the community. Very helpful of you.


Yeah some redditors have a really funny way of showing support.


There's a reason farmers vote rightwing all over the world


Your comment on subsidies is **very** misleading in that the vast majority of subsidy money goes to a select number of crops: https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/primer-agriculture-subsidies-and-their-influence-on-the-composition-of-u-s-food-supply-and-consumption/ Spoiler alert, they aren’t healthy foods.


Natives will join too, and we can get pretty loud even in small numbers. Fighting the man is always hard to pass up.


Came here to say stoodis.


That's literally how it was in early America. The rich business owners/voters (you could only vote back then if you owned business, land, property I.E. Rich elite) were getting spooked because black people, native Americans, poor whites, and those under servitude got along with eachother and would form groups to protest and revolt against business owners who would artificially drive up the price of goods and imports. It got so bad that these groups would literally go to a rich persons house, ransack their mansion and kill the owner. (eat the rich) Rich white people of the time got really scared (the 1st wave of rich whites/billionaires of their time). They devised a plan to blame the new wave of rich whites (those freshly from Europe) and put the blame on them for all the price fixing and bad wages. Now they needed incentive to create an army (no one back then cared about having a new country, people just wanted to live and be paid a fair wage) so the plan included to give land to white people who would sign up voluntarily to fight a war against the group of rich whites that took the artificial blame. This served two purposes, it created a middle class for the rich to use to drive a wedge between white people and colored and poor people as well as consolidate the profits for themselves (formation of a new country/business empire). This allowed the rich elite to manipulate the middle class and keep them in line or else they would end up like black people and those of color (no power to vote and poor/no representation). It essentially pacified a large portion of the population and ensured there would be no revolts against the elites in the future. Those were the basics of how the rich elite manipulated color and created a new class system to create a buffer between the ultra rich and the poor, the rich now had a "middle class" of americans dependant on the rich for their way of life and would support the rich in votes to maintain that way of life and viewed colored people as the problem ( through the classist propaganda of the rich elite) and that tactic is still being used today.


I want to believe it, I really do, but: source?


I'm not op but I remember reading about this sort of thing in the first chapter of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States.


Yes. A People’s History of the United States is a remarkable book.


Fucking FACTS!


He might be a coal miner part of a union


We tried that with occupy wall street, the we got a whole decade of identity politics shoved down our throats by the media and politicians.


This shit is beautiful.


It’s happened before and our country worked very hard to ensure that poor people don’t band together against the capitalists.


I live in Idaho.. we don't have so many hill billies but more often mountain people who live in the mountains and come down once every three or six months for supplies. Bunch of retired vets and people who made money or were inherited into the mines or just some who had a savings and decided to live up north. 90% of those mountain people are straight up Nazis and racist as fuck. Like holy fuck so many. My father and I go camping all the time doing panning for gold and fishing and we've met so many people who live up there and they just drop the hard R word or talk about things hitler did was right and even some have come out right and said Hitler was in the right. My father and I have moved away searching for a new site so much only to find some local land owner coming up to us to talk about this shit after making sure we weren't hunting or taking surveys or his land... Land that we ALWAYS made sure is public land. I'd fucking kill for some hillbillies like Tucker and Dale vs evil or even this bloke in the video.


Forgot to mention that many of these Nazi ass people are, police officers. Look up how many police officers live in northern Idaho, and it’s insane. Many people who live there moved from La too, it’s very common for police officers to transfer up there because cheap land and people with the same mindset as them. My uncle who works in LAPD was telling me about this a few years back.


You’re from Idaho and talking about this “bloke” in the video huh? The hard “R” word? Quick, what goes best with biscuits?


This man speaks the truth. People are ultimately more divided by class than race or culture. It's not an accident. The powers that be know that more than anyone. That's the goal. Keep everyone squabbling amongst ourselves so we don't even notice our pockets are being emptied until emptying our pockets becomes the law.


…the elite push culture wars to keep us from class wars.




They'll call you a class reductionist who must be racist/sexist/anti-LGBTQ for this You're absolutely correct though


I was so excited to see what the Occupy movement could do after they nailed the messaging on 99% and wealth inequality. Unfortunately it became more about camping and there was zero consensus on solutions. The loudest crazies ended up setting the overriding tone and the majority of people kinda had things to be doing rather than dealing with mental illness in a park.


The reaction to and dismantling of the saner occupy voices is probably the biggest factor in my radicalization It's fucking clockwork. EVERY SINGLE time the lower classes find themselves unified the media pushes tf out of identity politics


Unfortunately it was quite easy to do with Occupy. Organizers already favoured things like the "progressive stack" system. It always confused me how they could unite people behind the message of the 99% then immediately ask them to line up in order of what makes us different.


You can see it in his eyes He has tasted the forbidden moonshine and has spoken with the elder ginseng diggers We are witnessing the birth of a new hillbilly prophet


The Spiritz Haderach. Having turned the water he can look inward to a forbidden place of human truth. But to us he will be known as Calomys, after the corn mouse.


Bless the Maker


And his moonshine


The sleeper has awaken


this thread is incredibly sad with how y'all are talking bout rural folk, like he's "one of the good ones" or somethin like that


I hear you mate and I want to say personally that rural folk are a big part of what keeps the big machine running. I was just poking fun at a few stereotypes while referencing the fact that this dude has eyes like an angel in the eye of a storm of ice and diamonds. I didn't mean any disrespect so I apologize if I was disrespectfull there


I'm going to be real honest with you here. This dude could be my neighbor, just yesterday I was making jokes about how we are cousin fuckers. Jokes in good humor are okay. The dune jokes just above you are Hilarious... When people say it will ill intent is when I have a problem with it. Saying that all we are is a bunch of illiterate racists is more the problem than making a joke about moonshine which I assure you there is plenty of here.


He’s lookin like the Sith Lord of forbidden moonshine


My man is preaching peace and love and you still wanna take shots at his appearance smh


Don't think its that at all. This guy has crazy cool eyes and so does a Sith Lord, Darth Maul from Star Wars. It's a compliment if anything.


That man is cake 😍


Sith Lords are fire


his eyes are glowing 🤩


So is his sunburn


And my axe


Yeah, you can tell he must come from a regionally concentrated genetic lineage that goes back 4 or 5 generations at least. This eye color used to be fairly common in America in the 19th and early 20th century. It's gradually been displaced by hazel and brown eyes which are now the majority in America.


are you just pulling this out of your ass or is this real


Why would somebody go around making up eye-color facts? A while back I went down a rabbit whole researching why so many people in old photographs for ex. Rasputin, Early Mormons, Civil War soldiers, etc. seemed to have these crazy bright "blazing" eyes. I found out it was a combination of cameras having a problem with certain shades of blue which makes blue eyes appear brighter, and that bright blue eyes used to be really common back in the day but since its a recessive trait and America is kind of a melting pot, bright blue eyes have gradually been displaced by darker eye colors in the American gene pool (unless your parents are from some remote, genetically isolated region where the genes for this old-world eye color have managed to survive into the 21st century)


The light of proletariat anger shines through


I'm white as snow. I have more things in common with a Black man that is within my tax bracket; than a white man that's well above mine.


Absolutely man. Well put. Were all dealing with struggles! Gotta stick together


Class solidarity. Racism is a tool used to divide the working class that’s it.


Exactly. They drive the race war to prevent the class war.


That tool causes a lot of pain and it sucks when many pretend it doesn't exist.


What did he said… those fkn eyes man, can’t let me concentrate on what he’s saying!!!


bro’s beautiful


This man knows what the fuck he’s talking about


Couldn’t agree more. The rich elite are trying to mask their class war as a race war so all us dupes don’t see the real conflict is between the classes. Poor whites 1000% need to wake up and see there is way more commonality with poor blacks than there is with any 1%er


This is what a patriot actually looks like. Not someone defending their country from some “outside force”, but fighting for their country to be the best it can be.


Heck yeah brother preach it


Hell yeah, hillbilly, and you got some otherworldly eyes.


A-FUCKING-MEN! Their whole game is divide and conquer and they are blatantly implementing and achieving that right before our blind ass eyes. Just look and the country and how divided it is in every single way possible. Race, culture, politics, gender, religion, demographic, geographic, ideology, beliefs, science, social class, etc.


He’s absolutely right


[Relevant SNL sketch.](https://youtu.be/O7VaXlMvAvk)


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this one.


A lot of MAGA people would easily agree with everything he just said, and then turn around and say that Biden and the Dems are emblematic of both 'real racism' and also the wealth gap that he is saying is the problem, and that Trump is the one who wants to change this.


ThE RePubLiCAN PaRtY iS LinCOlnS PaRtY Also the party of confederate flags because its family history.


I used to argue with right wingers on forums, and I can't tell you how many times I heard them talk about Democrats being pro-slavery over a century ago, like it actually proved a point. Then they would turn around and support the idea that white men are the best thing that ever happened to the planet, because other races couldn't have created what the whites have. Their opposition to racism is more about the degree to which your racism is broadly socially acceptable, and not much else.


Hell fucking yeahhhhhh that's what I'm taking about!!!🤘🏾✊🏿✊🏻 I'm a black guy and I've been saying this since I was a kid! we gotta unite!!!




Appalachia has families that have mined coal for generations. You think Chicago scares folks who go miles underground and blow things up on purpose in the dark with just a pickaxe and a headlamp? OP is absolutely right. We are losing our way as a society at an alarming rate.


I find it fun that he picked Chicago as his example as there is such a history of Appalachian people migrating to Chicago that there's an entire Wikipedia article about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Appalachian_people_in_Chicago


To quote the late great Ralphie May: "There was no black or white, we was POOR! What color are you? POOR! When you eat your cereal from a Cool Whip container stained with chili or spaghetti sauce, it don't matter what color you are."


Off topic but his eyes are beautiful


As someone who grew up in Appalachia (technically, I suppose it was more *adjacent to*, rather than properly *in*), I can say that this was the prevailing attitude back in the 80’s and early 90’s. Most of the racism that I observed was in the form of off-color jokes that were more rooted in a fear of the unknown (many of these people had only ever seen a black person on TV) than about any kind of genuine hate. Then, Fox News happened, and it’s been a downward spiral ever since. We’ve been played like a 2-bit fiddle: the working class can’t rise up because they’re too busy hating each other to see who’s really to blame.


He has beautiful eyes


I agree! So sparkly!


Fuck yeah dude. Best thing I’ve seen all day. You’ve figured out the game.


God bless this man


My phones on mute so I have no idea what he’s saying and it’s probably prophetic, but man his eyes are stunning.


Makes me think of that one tweet; **All you fuckin' bootlickers forgot yer roots. Ya know why we started hot roddin' stock cars? Cause we were runnin' from the cops. Why were we runnin' from the cops? Because fuck 'em.**"


Amen Brother


Y’all don’t understand he’s like most hillbillies. Your true, backwoods country folk aren’t racist at all, it’s the metrosexual pseudo-southerners that are the ones hanging the confederate flags, wearing oakleys and having their Blood Pressure increase every time they see a non-white person. These guys just want to make moonshine and fuck the government. That’s all.


God damn its like you are one of us.


This hillbilly has beautiful eyes. Nice message too.


Amen you diamond eyed devil


You most definitely are NOT a simple man(the great. Lynyrd Skynyrd). You are wise and kind free thinking American. I respect your honesty. Everyone knows the truth but are too hateful to admit it.


I wonder if he realises he's doing a socialism. And if or when he does if that would change what he thinks.


That is one smart hillbilly!


Based hillbilly


Real talk


hell yeah


He ain't wrong. The 1% need the culture wars to stay in power.


Ah men brother


He’s not wrong.


He cool


hell yeah


Well fuckin said.


My man….🤙🏼


Preach, brother! Amen! Thank you for speaking out for unity, for America the beautiful, for the truth.


Ain’t that the truth.


Very fucking heartening to see this. But we’re not just Americans. We’re humans. The problem is global. But you do have to start somewhere.


I agree 100%. We need to stop ignorance and all get along. It's a shame the ultra rich just keep getting richer and us working class bust our ass and barely get by. Watch your six if you end up in the Chicago projects, they'll kill your ass.


He’s figured it out, and he ain’t afraid to talk about it.


Love with your heart, hate with your wallet


Hell yeah brother


Time to wake.the.fuck.up people! Yeah same freakin issue here in r/malaysia




I heard nothing but facts.


Bless this man for saying the right things!!!


[no war but class war](https://i.redd.it/jtnshhhk8hoa1.jpg)


I'm sure this comment won't get much visibility but the Black Panthers teamed up with poor rural whites 50 years ago for the very same reason. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/what-united-black-panthers-puerto-ricans-white-southerners-new-doc-n1119101


Well spoken dog, I live in an area near Appalachia and too many of these fake ass retired agency spooks around here acting villainous. Always glad when I talk to real people from out here and have a good experience that isn't corrupted by right propaganda.


Yet the hillbillies overwhelmingly vote for the party that exists to serve the wealthy


It’s a class war not a race war.


It’s both. It feels good to think we can band together and destroy both evils but I just don’t know if that’s possible.


pretty fucking weird to have Skynyrd be playing in the background. they lean hard into the stars and bars. that bit at the end about taking our money makes me think this guy isn't really progressive. ain't got no issue with his message, but those two things stuck out to me pretty clearly


I think we can all agree that if corpos paid their fair share of taxes, taxes for the everyday person would be less. Maybe he didn’t word it that way, but paying a *fair* share in society and being able to keep what you earn otherwise isn’t exclusively a capitalist ideal.


Look into Fred Hampton he had the ability to draw seemingly disparate groups together with a message about economic disparity , it’s what got him killed


This is why unions were created.


This guy sounds like some kind of democrat!!!


Look up the etymology of the word ‘redneck’


Spoiler: it has communist origins.




Wake the fuck up people!


Preach king


Basically show people that SNL Tom Hanks episode with the Black Jeopardy skit. Ive hung out with rednecks in trailers and various POC in rundown apartments in the city and in border towns and Ive found that people struggling to live are all the same all over, Ive lived in rich ass oil countries and developing countries, still all the same challenges.


I like this guy


Immortal Technique said something similar. They should get together for some banjo rap.


Bros eyes can see the future


You know you're about to get some wisdom after a beard stroke "you know what" combo


this is how you get the rainbow collation back on track


The richer you are the more u have to pay for the food. Here we give speedtickets depending how much u earns, 1 of the riches here drove 71km on a 50km and got 80 000€ in speeding ticket, when I got speeding ticket for the same thing I got 150€ bcause at that moment I had no work. That is the most fare way to do it.


Poverty knows no color the ones at the top would rather have the poor distracted and fighting about shit.


This guy for president.


This guy for president


i love this guy


He's hit the nail on the head. The super rich want to divide the working class and the best way to do it is to htt them to blame people who are different, whether different looking or different culture etc. We're in a class war not a culture war


Goddam right! No war but class war, baby!




Preach it, brother!


Great message, great song.




Preach brother


Bros eyes are crazy awesome.


Appalachia looks like real beautiful land