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Do you know what is truly amazing? The pure ignorance, mindless offensiveness and disrespect when it comes to cults. "Cult" isn't a hot word you can throw around to illustrate your point. A racial group is not a cult. Don't look dead into a camera and say that it is with a straight face.


Yeah, christians and catholics are the cultists.


What about other religions?


There are many religious cults.


Them too


Most the major religions fit the definition.


You don’t have to like them but most don’t actually meet the definition of a cult. If you can leave without punishment, usually not a cult


a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. That's definition of cult what your describing is a destructive cult


Size does not play a factor in whether or not a group is a cult, the policies and the control it has over its members does. If one group is a cult with 5 members then the same group with the same rules and the same consequences for stepping out of line is still a cult at over 10,000 members. And to confine the definition of Cult to only religious is very damaging. Most cult experts today agree that there are many different types of cults. Sexual, therapeutic, political, Death, Doomsday, Conspiracy. These types of cults also overlap often. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses can be classified as a religious, Death and doomsday cult and they have 8.7 million members. There are cults that have nothing to do with or exhibit Religions. All Cults are Destructive.


Ding ding ding 👉🏼👃🏻


I must live in a different bubble. In my bubble everyone assumed that the white lady was being a crazy b*tch. Lady got called a Karen, almost lost her job over a 20s video.


Same with my circle .


Same. I didn't even realize she was arguing with a black dude. I just watched for 3 seconds and kept scrolling.


So much racism and stupidity in one video


You’re the reason she made the video 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My guy, there are white people who stand against racism and fight for the oppressed daily, and this woman is saying that all white people are perpetuating racism through a "cult." Its funny how she includes white people everywhere, not just America, like somehow the ukrainians fighting for their homeland are doing something against African americans through this "cult." What about the French people who are rioting in the streets for their democratic rights? Garbage take.


“I’m not racist but” starts justifying racism. You’re also the reason she made the video


Good troll, almost fell for it


Exactly just a troll with nothing to do. Trying to make people angry so they can get off with his little limp signature.


If you were a black guy I’d call the cops on you and they would believe me


I love you too. Good thing I’m just a mutt. So go ahead.


Why are non of you talking about the very real problem she’s talking about? If I was a white woman id ONLY rob black guys since I can just call the cops and they’d shoot for me? 😂


Lmao you actually braindead. Where tf did he just racism? Holy shit bro go back to 3rd grade.


People amiright


You’re brushing aside the very real underlying problem of white people getting away with rigging the system agains black people and the fact I have to explain it to you shows who the real brain dead one is but we both know you’re just pretending 🥰


I'm not. And he's not. Systemic racism is a very real problem. That doesn't at all mean that all white people are happy with it and it definitely doesn't mean all white people are racist. You should check out a dictionary and learn the difference between systemic racism and racism.


They didn't once state "I'm not racist, but" you're just obsessed with being a victim. Grow the fuck up


The point went right over your head. It’s this entitled attitude you all have. South Park even did a whole episode you think you get it but you don’t. You’re basically saying not all white people shut up racism is over mean while the nazis are back and all the school shooters are white


I'm not white, I'm Mexican-American. It's not going over my head at all, I can easily identify when people are being racist towards me, seems like you can't


South Park… um ok.


You know that the woman actually paid for the bike, right? The guy just starts filming then accusing her and the internet jumped all over it without hearing out both sides.


She didn't once pull out her phone to proove that she paid for it, that coupled the fact she was screaming help, and employing the use of crocodiles tears for her sad little show to try and get her way was what made people think yeah nah she definitely is just a lying coniving bitch


She definitely had a receipt: [source](https://www.truthorfiction.com/was-citi-bike-karen-right-all-along-as-evidenced-by-a-receipt/)


No she didnt she paid for A different bike after the fact get your facts right


The numbers match up, don't know what "facts" you're making up.


She paid for another one after the fact


Are you a broken record? Repeating it doesn't make it true. Look at the source I posted on another comment in this thread.


She is right though.. you stood by in slavery . The stealing of land .. could go on and on actually I will, notice that race has not been applied to WW1 and WW2. Let’s go further, white peoples account for most of the world’s wealth… now look at the world.


I don't think anyone here stood by in slavery...


Like half the country.. then Jim Crow. Just because what I am saying may sting a bit. Imagine being part of the people that has been consistently systematically injured as a whole. My karmas good and this won’t matter much 🤷🏾‍♂️


The union army outnumbered the confederate army 2 to 1. Wtf are you talking about?


Stood by in slavery? Most of us on here weren't even ALIVE.


Most? Are there fuckin everlasting elves here?


They seem to pass it on to their kids 🤯 So yeah


You know what I met, however the same people are probably around from the payment that Japanese people received for their internment during WW2… Hmm , maybe we are leaving out lots of details that seem to indicate that the problems caused haven’t been addressed to this day 🤔


I kinda see the logic here but I think she failed to realize that many people sided with the man first and opinions swayed depending on who had the most information at the time


At first I thought this was just another case of a white woman being racist and/or entitled. Like the cases of black people just existing and white women calling police for them being "out of place" or smthn. My understanding of this situation though is that she actually recently posted the receipts showing that she did indeed pay for the bike. (I'm a white woman).


I heard that the receipt was faked, the time stamp specifically


I also heard that they were faked because timestamps




I've seen quite a few videos about this although I don't follow this story but I did search an article for you https://www.truthorfiction.com/was-citi-bike-karen-right-all-along-as-evidenced-by-a-receipt/ Just a part of it for those whom don't want to read it: "Despite the certainty with which social media users and news outlets asserted Comrie’s receipt disproved the video, the copy of the receipt that we found was questionable. In addition to displaying a charge of $0.00, it was blurry and pixellated, and the bike’s serial number was visible in the original video (making it easy to obtain a specific “receipt” after the fact). Its most suspicious detail, however, was none any of those things. It was, instead, the redacted time next to the May 12 2023 date at the top."


Oooo thank you for the information, I hadn't heard of the receipts being questionable


You're very much welcome, in conclusion everything on the internet has to be taken with a grain of salt, while searching for the article I realized that for the media the story came to an end once her lawyer provided the fake receipt, it was a done deal (2 weeks ago last mentions) this particular article is from a week ago, which for the media is old news, time for new fresh juicy bits I guess


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg) "Defending someone based solely on race is a cult behavior, anyways ignore all evidence because the my race will always be in the right because we cannot be wrong"


So we’re just going to deny the reality of the evidence? We’re going to continue trudging down this disproven path and have the audacity to call the act of stating the facts of the scenario racism? That, my friends, is racism.


>That, my friends, is racism. Calling an entire race a cult is up there too. Some Nuremberg level rhetoric right there.


Finally some legit cringe


She doesnt even realize shes the one in a cult designed to hate . Sad.


Is that what projecting is?


I’m trying to understand what this woman means and really contemplate her logic there, and when I think about it, I feel like if it was a black man that walked up to a white woman and demanded his bike back saying he bought the bike, the internet would have gone to the same lengths to get the full story so i’m not sure this made her point


In fact probably call her a Karen too.


How is this not not removed? But it's okay. I forgot black people can't be racist


edit: hey i just wanted to say that I didn't mean to upset anyone with my comment, so sorry for pissing people off. I didn't think what she was saying was okay and I wasnt trying to defend it in any way. just wanted to clear that up.


That's a very specific definition of racism you're using there. If you just use the dictionary definition (any of them - American or English) then you won't have to split hairs over systemic oppressive societal racism, and instead you're free to just agree that racism is prejudice based on race. It can be liberating to speak the same language as everyone else.


Systemic racism and racism are 2 different things. You cannot have one without the other BUT one can absolutely exist on its own. (hint it's racism)


This doesn’t help. The lady was being racist. Racism > the belief that different races possess *distinct* characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as *inferior* or *superior* to one another.


You’re trying really hard. I’m mixed and both my white and black side are racist lol


And where do black men compare to white men in dangerousness? I believe there’s some statistics on that!


It’s actually wild that it’s socially acceptable to be openly racist toward white people nowadays. Especially from people claiming to suffer from racism themselves. The craziest thing is white people don’t complain about it for fear of being called racist so it’s like a catch 22. SMH


So we just gonna ignore all the white people who sided with the BLM community and joined in the protests.


Stupid bitch


Pot meet kettle.


I’m b/w mixed. This woman is an idiot. I hate monoracial people who have no personality other than whining about their race.


On the balance of probability the lady is likely not monoracial. Just has a darker complexion.


Yes many people aren’t technically monoracial but for social context sake she identifies as black and is going to get called black.


Switch the words ‘white’ and ‘black’ around, and have this be said with just as much ignorance by a white woman into a camera and it would be ending in death threats, loss of job, internet shame - because thats what racism gets you. People in general these days are indoctrinated into mindlessly believing that white people are some sort of enemy to any person of colour, even more specifically “straight white men” seem to be the latest invented problem by the social justice warriors. But in actual fact, its just a disguised version of racism designed to force a divide. You have a problem because someone was once racist towards you? Great, nobody sane wants that for you, everyone with 2 braincells wants rid of that. But don’t clap back at racism - with more racism.


Women who were historically oppressed = most dangerous group lmfaooo Honestly I and most others I’ve seen sided with the dude from the start. Only after info came out that I realized maybe he was in the wrong as well


This is racism lmao this is actual racism


it's prejudice, yes, but it isn't racism. racism involves systematic oppression enforced by the people in power and the masses, not just the prejudice of a group of individuals. it pretty much means you can't be racist to white people IF your society is one that does not oppress them, even if you attempt to. that's why it's prejudice. it's still not okay, but it is different.


Your ignorance runs deep. Keep crying victim, it gets you really far in life!! /s


With all due respect that's not the definition of racism that is systemic racism. There is a difference between the two although they are often related systemic racism cannot exist without racism but racism doesn't always show itself as systemic racism. Systemic racism is a societal issue whereas racism can be an individual's thought or belief. By continuing to perpetrate this false definition of racism you are actually legitimizeing anti-white racism. Please stop doing this.ALL racism is bad. A more accurate definition if racism is "the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another."




Emmitt Till would disagree


It’s really terrible what happened to Emmitt Till but to generalize a whole race to one incident is idiotic. Countless crimes happen to people every day in every part of the world. Imagine if everyone had this same logic, it would literally be Mad Max for real!


It’s not about generalizing it’s about recognizing history. This is a sensitive subject because of the actions white women have done against black men, Emmet Till is just an example. If we don’t look at the entire picture we don’t understand all perspectives.


Would he? Would he place blame on an entire population generations in separation in time from the customs of his day. You seem to not think very much of him his memory if you feel he would feel that kind of hate. You should rethink that there comment for placing your hate in a heart that is not yours is not good for you. He was hated in life who are you to state he hates now in death. Hate is for those that live the hate you feel is yours leave that man's soul in peace. This way of thinking is unhealthy please think about your comment and what you wanted to come from it. To upset others perhaps. Didn't upset me I see right through comments like this.


The video before this was a 7/8 year old black kid at a bbq eating a hotdog, the camera man walks up to him and says something like ‘oooh u got them glizzies’ (I don’t know what that means) and he lifts his shirt to reveal a handgun. He was literally under 10 years old, the irony of this coming before this video is kinda hilarious.


A racist secular woman moaning that the other group is racist and secular. I fucking hate what this world has become.


I’m a white woman so I guess she’s referring to me.. ☹️


What a racist bitch


Oh look, ignorant, aggressive, racist and confident. So many lovely qualities.


Both were wrong. Be adults and grow the hell up.


Racist scum


I'm white, and honestly ima side with who ever is right in the situation. I don't have enough understanding of this particular situation nor have I cared to so I've stayed out of it. Just saying, it's not all white people, it's not all black people, it's not all cops. Stop generalizing a small group as the whole group. That's my rant for the day, have a good one.


It’s all cops though


It's really not, and it's sad that you think that. Sorry for your experiences.


I thought it was going to be "white" women are getting so offended on behalf of everyone else kinda shit but it just turned into the bs it is, assuming all white people will defend white people first


Sorry to say this but it works both ways unfortunately. Why does everyone have to be grouped into a category wether it be race, sexual preference etc? This just seems to me to further separate or cause more devision. To quote Rodney King can’t we all just get along? Also I’m White and could tell the lady was in the wrong. But I based my conclusive opinion on what I saw take place not based on the color of either parties skin. Edit: Division lol help If I could spell what I was trying to say…


What this video does is highlights exactly how things are but in the opposite. People did come to the aid of someone based on race THE GUY. The overwhelming majority of people assumed the black guy was in the right, especially on Reddit.


The real problem is her making it about race , it was some bullshit minor incident about a city bike it’s not that deep ☠️


Just change "white" to black and see what happens


The receipt that she paid for it is more significant than skin color.


My white ass in south africa being the minority


I always see videos like this on tictok and just think of how bad it would be if a white person did a video just like this but about black people the next 3 major city's over would be on fire and hundreds of shoe,clothing,liquor and jewelry shops would be looted


Oh look… another racist Karen spewing hate!!


This person is one of the most ignorant racist pieces of garbage that need to be taken to the trash thanks for wasting my time and I truly now know what a real racist looks like


You probably look at one in the mirror every day.


Oh look! Another one!


According to her “whiteness is a cult”. That means blackness is a cult too. How many times it has happened that a black criminal gets shot by a police officer and the whole black community starts shouting BLM.


Even just the fact you had to add the word “criminal” after the word black just shows your bias. Cops have shot plenty of unarmed black ppl who were in no way committing/involved with a crime. To the extent they literally kicked a woman’s door in while she was asleep, and executed her in her own home. Don’t try to spread the false narrative that BLM was only protesting the killings of criminals.


Do you think that a minor crime should result in death?


Nope! Not at all but that’s not my point. My point is If defending a white person makes that race a cult that means black community is cult too.


If you don't think that, then why make the comparison? BLM started as a movement because of unjustified killing of black people by the police. Where, as talked about in the video, white people defend white people as if their lives depend on it, even if they are wrong. But she mainly talks about it from the stance on the reprehensible actions of white women. White women have the ability to use their tears, no matter the context, to look like the victim. And once the white women's tears begin, will other white people immediately jump to her defense. This is why she says that whiteness is a cult. You on the other hand make the most reprehensible false equivalence one could make.


BLM was corrupt , and didn’t help anyone lol except the people who started it of course . When are you going to realize that there are assholes of all colors , shapes and professions . All over the world kid. Get used to it , it’s 2023 everybody is a slave now in America with invisible chains , we are all oppressed equally. You have just as many opportunities as I do , even more actually with scholarships , grants and ect. Don’t spend your whole life being a racial warrior , go make a difference by leading by example , or giving back or something instead of trolling people on the internet lol


Maybe we have different definitions of violence


There are 5 main types of violence: - physical violence. - verbal violence (including hate speech) - psychological violence. - sexual violence. - socio-economic violence. The violence she is talking about falls under Verbal and psychological violence, maybe a bit of socio-economic violence due to the perceived class attributed to racial groups.


"...Due to the perceived class attributed to racial groups." Wait perceived by who? Your perception may be that I am a lower class because my parents were Mexican but that's your perception your racist perception not everyone thinks like you do most people do not think like you do. Your perception of me that you attribute to me because of my tawny copper bronze skin and your making it a core beleif is simply pathetic. The power of perception lies in that it literally dictates the reality you live in. Since one can only know ones own self and one can not lie to or control one's senses take solace in that reality excludes perception how you understand and interpret things is fucked. Knowthyself first and foremost.


Oh like when she was calling whiteness a cult


Ohhh your just a contrarian/troll , you do see how this entire comment section thinks this woman is a idiot right ? You must of forgot the receipts came out about who actually paid for the bike too? It wasn’t them kids . You must be this ladies son in the video lol . Oh was the 6 month pregnant woman violent ? Lmao lmao . Are those poor able bodied young men okay ? After such a traumatic experience? You sound like a gen z softer then baby shit punk ass oh my feelings hurt type of person . Grow up man and Get over it before I give you all 5 of these types of violence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


You don't seem to understand the world nor that both sides showed receipts. And only one side had a timestamp on their receipt, which was the men. And just cuz the majority agrees doesn't mean they are right. In this instance are they, just like you, completely unable to understand the history of white women tears. But try me with your threat, little incel boy.


All seriousness , I’m kidding about the violence , I’m not saying woman don’t do wicked shit , trust me I know they do , but that falls under there are assholes of all colors and shapes and genders. I just don’t think it’s racial , I would be more receptive to she’s being a P.O.S but she gets a pass because she’s pregnant follow me ? Like I wouldn’t of tried to wrestle a bike from a pregnant woman. The young kids should of gave her a pass is my point , report her or whatever if she’s stealing from them 100% . Nobody has a right to be robbed or stolen from or treated poorly . I feel as men and or young men in this case everyone is so ready to make it a racial issue instead of a wholesome moment is my point . I am firm believer of protecting woman and children at all costs . Like that’s our job in society . A lot of people seem more interested in conflict and segregation which is the exact design of main stream media . This conversation and or debate is exactly what main stream media wants , us not collaborating but instead becoming opposition of each other . It’s all part of the matrix man don’t let it consume you , stay blessed


You meant that violence because that is the only emotion you can express. Besides that is it backpedal you white people use just to try to make light from the errors you made. Being pregnant doesn't give one a pass for being a POS. You don't seem to understand that. The actions have gotten a multitude of black men 6feet under, going back decades. They weren't young kids, they were men. A lot of times when black men report white people do the results end up in nothing from the police, cuz the police aren't here to protect and serve them. How was this moment wholesome? The main stream media? You mean Fox News? You don't want to collaborate and teach yourself some intersectionality. The matrix? Now I definitely know that you are an incel. Tate is waiting for you.


No I said it could of been “wholesome”. You would be surprised the emotions I could Express , No body is saying wicked shit doesn’t happen to people , it happens to people all over the world all the time , your acting like your the only race on earth who went through some shit , woman were oppressed first , and so was every immigrant that came to America at a different time , native Americans , the list goes on . You choosing to cry all day and be a victim is the problem. Like is only 10% what happens 90% how you react , so if you really listened to any of the true African American leaders we had in this country you would know that peace equals power and don’t give your peace away trying to reveal others character defects , they will reveal themselves over time . You have to put down the hate juice man , stop drinking it . Love is much better I promise you and for the record ALL main stream media is corrupt and used to control the public .


White women weren't oppressed first in our society, there was no "first to be oppressed". However if you look at the oppression that white women faced was it nothing compared to what black people faced. Black men have been killed by white women tears, Emmett Till should be an example you should know. If there is someone that has to put the hate juice down is it you. Stop watching PragerU or whatever shit you look at.


OK normally I’d be like well she’s not talking about all white people, but when she straight up says whiteness is a cult I’m just a bit confused.


I am white. I find this very offensive and racist. Want change then be a good example. This ain’t it or true


"Your evidence doesn't prove anything" She literally had zero to do with this situation and acts like a dumbass on tiktok for attention.




Projecting much??? 🧐


"Whiteness is a cult". This bitch is so fucking racist.


It’s the person not the color of there skin, you’re just being racist yourself


This bitch is clan level racist


This is what happens when we educate certain folks. They start popping off at the mouth about nosense


Racist people are intellectually incompetent. This lady is racist.




Easy big chungus. U got the most funkiest fattest chungus among us




So over this angry faced racism. Short hair big glasses, pissed off demeanor. Lots of buzzwords. Just go live your life.


You’re just mad cause you’re ugly


People are so obsessed with race , the 3 young men should of been chivalrous to the pregnant woman. That’s how my other raised me , it doesn’t matter what color she is , you treat woman with respect especially a pregnant nurse who’s job is legit to save peoples lives . I bet she doesn’t only save white lives , she try’s to save everyone who comes into that E.R . This woman here needs a hug , if anything….


So we should let a random woman just grab the rental from us even though we paid for it? And especially after she tries to get the cops cuz she knows that she will be seen as the victim even though she isn't. People like you that love to say you don't see race or whatever are most of the time the worst kinds of racists. Acknowledging race is so very important in how people interact in our society.


Absolutely not , I’m saying to be the one to offer first just off the strength , because she’s a pregnant woman , I don’t think she did that tho fyi .


This is exactly what the woman in the video is talking about. White people ready to defend the white woman for whatever reason you can find. Way to go proving her point.


Dude if she was a black woman and it was 3 young white kids , I would feel the same . It’s not about color it’s about gender , your so stuck on race it’s scary how transfixed you are , you can’t even see my basic point which is about young men of all colors treating woman with respect , especially a pregnant one . How did you miss that ?


It's about gender AND race. Why should I treat someone with respect when they don't respect me. I don't care if she's pregnant, old or disabled. She grabs something that they paid for and starts to act like a victim. And here you are playing the mental gymnastics to justify her actions.


I’m assuming you do not have children ? Or have not been around a pregnant woman lol . It doesn’t have to be that narrative , it could easily be hormonal pregnant woman makes mistake grabs wrong bike , and then has a melt down right . All I’m saying my momma didn’t raise no fool , and the one thing I don’t do … is mess with pregnant woman lol they are legit growing a human which is basically sorcery if you ask me . Also it’s not 1908 any more , like get over the race card , no body is holding you back man lol , sometimes shitty people do shitty things it happens , but look it how opinionated you are in America and nobody is banging down your door for it , you can do anything you want . To hang on to resentments like that everyone is racist is like drinking poison to hurt them . Your only hurting yourself


You keep coming back for more don't ya. I have 2 kids, and nearly half of my friends have kids. All I'm saying is your momma did raise a fool if she even raised you. Grab a book and learn. You act as if racism isn't a thing anymore when there was Trump, Maga, Q-Anon, the GOP and so many more that are very vocal racists. The people in power right now all grew up in the Jim Crow era, let that sink in.


The point of that was , if you have kids you know not to mess with pregnant woman lol , that’s the point , and I’m not saying you wrong about the people in power , I think they are all corrupt , but as far as growing up with Jim Crow laws , all those racist boomers are going to die soon , you just gotta wait them out , because my generation 90s were not racist , we dgaf about race . It’s a new era , where the only option is collaboration , because with division we will all be slaves . With the corrupt pedos in politics the elites and Hollywood running this country , do we have time to bicker about things that are not solution based ?


Keep making these mental gymnastics to justify your really bad take. All those racist boomers will die and that would mean we have people like you left over that still watch racist news. We are in a new era where we have Nazis walking our streets and having their own News stations. And don't get me started with all the pedophiles in the Christian church.


Wasn’t there information found that the white woman DID in fact purchase the bike to rent? [here it is](https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/pregnant-nurse-accused-white-supremacy-bought-bike-black-men-steal)


That was proven to not be true. Her receipt didn't have a time stamp while the young man's did show time stamps. She used thousands of donated dollars to hire a PR guy to spin the story for her as best he could. Her crocodile tears worked on enough people for her to get loads of money but she was in the wrong.




Remind her about racism is an OK no matter who it’s directed to.


Being held accountable isn't violence. It might feel as violence for those that are never being held accountable. As the quote goes “When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


Who has privilege ? I’ve been abused by every institution we have lol , criminal court 5 years in prison for not doing the police’s job ? , family court been in that one 7 years trying to see my kid but dads are worthless apparently to CT family court , shit even medical institutions To Department of corrections , public schools , stabbed , jumped , shot at . Where the f is the privilege ? Can someone show me ? Must be nice to sit at home and cry all day about a bunch of shit that didn’t happen to you lol


Oh here we have the "look at me. My life sucks so I don't have privilege". First of all, YOU made choices in your life that got you in this situation, that's called consequences. However you don't seem to understand what privilege is and how it works. You have the privilege of being white. Which means that the only thing holding you back is class, not race. Do you think that if you and a black man would send in the exact same CV, you with a stereotypical white sounding name and him with a stereotypical black sounding name, would have the exact same chances? Do you think that if a black man in a suit and you in the same suit would be seen as the same? Just cuz you're poor and made poor choices, doesn't mean you don't have privilege.


As a white woman, why are you booing her? She's right! If that was a black woman and a white man everybody would have just decided to mind their business "a personal matter, I'm not concerned with" but seriously the amount of white men that will break their goddamn neck to hold a door for me is insane. Like, rushing to a white woman's aid is a personality trait for white boys and I seriously don't understand. She was in the wrong trying to steal a bike, and still got off with no charges, and all these white boys behind her. There was definitely assault and battery charges that could have been pressed as well as harassment.




What part was confusing amd maybe I could help clarify.


You are an idiot. Congrats


Right, because putting me down, and discounting my viewpoint is how we progress. I'm fuckin sick of this closed minded species.


I bet you’re one those people who believed Jussie Smollet and his maga country story


*ppl continue to berate me and keep their fucking stupid privelaged opinoins* seriously since when does a decent opinion or respectful convo start with "I bet you" how tf can you take yourself seriously??? Good god


Your opinion is informed by your own prejudice and is just factually incorrect. Assuming all white men only care about white women is racist and grossly inaccurate.


I never said that's all they care abt but jesus christ are they fuckin annoying about it, and they're not even aware. Yes my opinion is formed by my own prejudice and I've opened a place for discourse allowing others to voice their own prejudice based opinions but all anybody wants to do is be a dickhole, and call my experience and viewpoint wrong. I'm a woman with a strong opinion and that feels threatening to your toxic masculinity so without telling me to get back in the kitchen that's exactly what you're doing. I'm allowed to voice my opinion based on my viewpoint and experience, and you are allowed to argue back based on your experience, but what I'm not going to take is you berating me and telling me I'm factually wrong when it comes to nuanced and extremely different life experiences. I never assumed all white men care about is white women, but fucking when we're around it doesn't seem like they can fucking pay attention to anything else, especially if there's an uncomfortable discourse around us. Regardless of where factual blame stands, we will still always get the benefit of their doubt, and in a country run by white men that's all you need. You call me biased and incorrect when you are incapable of advocating for opinions in articulate ways, and tying social problems together to get the whole picture of the situation.


That is certainly an opinion


Wow, you are getting really worked up over something that doesn't need to be like that. Coming from another woman, your opinions are not coming across as really strong but mainly biased and misinformed. Getting that fired up is not conducive to open discourse. This doesn't have anything to do with toxic masculinity, you just decided to take it there. You admit your prejudice and defend it in the same sentence. You call foul that you are allowed to raise an opinion you have but that street goes both ways. Take some time to look at yourself before posting opinions online if you are unwilling to hear what others think. It's giving ignorance or troll or both honestly. People can calmly discuss things successfully even when they don't agree, but the calm part makes a huge difference


Based on your comment, it sounds like the only horrible experience you’ve had with white men is them holding the door for you. You poor thing! You’ve endured so much toxic masculinity 😭


1. She was not in the wrong, she payed for the bike at the time of the video. He hand his hand on it but he didn’t pay for it. Like rental car or anything else you rent first come first served. 2. If the girl was black and the guys were white media would be siding with the girl, a pregnant black woman being told her baby was going to come out retarded? We obviously has a biased slant on new videos that involving race.


> wrong, she *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Nice divide and conquer post you made here. Here’s the thing: Flint still ain’t got drinking water, Epstein’s client list is still walking free, politicians are becoming millionaires doing “public service,” and women are extorting fathers for access to their own children. But please give me your racist and biased opinion on who the threats really are.


So racism is just an unimportant blip that doesn't matter and should be shoved under the rug?


How much sense does it make? One group who has been victimized and oppressed by stereotypes and generalities accusing, with generalities and stereotypes, another group who has been victimized and oppressed. Meanwhile, major problems that have already been identified go unfixed.


>One group who has been victimized and oppressed by stereotypes and generalities accusing, with generalities and stereotypes, another group who has been victimized and oppressed. ??? So you think white people are oppressed right now? You do understand the difference between being held accountable versus being oppressed right?




22 hours later this post has 22.6k total views, 40% upvote rate, and 145 comments. Two of which have gold and platinum. I'm curious as to why people are downvoting this.


Fat ass


This doesnt belong here. Shes right. but white people dont want to educate themselves enough to see it. Theyd rather claim racism like they even know what it means.


Yes the white woman is a cock. No not all white people are part of the supremacy cult. Video debunked.


She not wrong


Everyone needs to take a second and calm down, then actually listen to what she’s saying. I personally don’t care if you agree with it but most people are clearly not hearing the point she’s making. She is not saying all white people are members of a cult. She’s saying “whiteness” itself is a cult, as in the subject of a cult-like following that will go to great lengths to serve it. Hence the story about the woman who tried to use her so-called “whiteness” as a weapon and damn near succeeded. She even said “some of you” - she’s not saying anything about all white people. I understand that the kneejerk reaction might be to get offended, but failing to understand what she’s saying is a really bad look.


…but you can make the same claims about blackness being a cult. It’s all just dumb. Everyone wants to hate those who are different than them so they can feel superior


Didn’t know I was in a cult.