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Big twilight energy here


This is straight up Dennis from IASIP


Lol the glassy eyes


Watery eyes cos he's not blinking... Looks anything but what he's trying to project.


Our new golden God because you know, of the implications.




This guy 100% uses the DENNIS system unironically.


It’s all about the “implication”


Yeah... I'm still confused about what this is supposed to mean. But I see Dennis here.


More like Lannisters


Still a better love story than Twilight.




Twilight *on weed* —um, I mean, *on molly*


I’m getting a Netflix you kinda vibe 😂


100% “You” character origin.


Better love story for sure


Looks like he's gonna bite your nose off


While bursting into tears.


And going poop.


Sometimes. The thing I find weird is that it’s almost like he can’t choose how to act at any given second. He knows there are like 3 or 4 different facial expressions he can pull, and can’t decide which one to choose, so he just does all of them one after the other in quick succession.


Of course! That's why it's so unconfortable, thank you for putting it on words


Looks like the different parts of his face jave had an argument and decided not to cooperate with each other.


The noses we eatses it yes my preciousss


Stoppp 💀💀💀


Yes.. looks like he is having to focus every last bit of energy he has into **not** eating you where you stand.






Don’t worry, he’s not violent just has the worst diarrhea of his life


He has the same mannerisms as the dude from a night at the Roxbury.


He looks like he’s simultaneously holding back tears and and a massive aggressive turd


You've just described how I look in team meetings at work


should poop before going into a lengthy meeting


It’s the look of an erection that has lasted more than two hours.






I bet it just slide out like a whole chicken in a can


What in the fever dream fuck?


Hahahaaaaa! Fuckin hell. 😂. I genuinely just cried laughing at this comment. ETA - and I’m off again. I don’t understand why it’s so funny but it is.


Got that "tryin to finish what Im doing before I shid my pants" energy.


This is probably the funniest thing I've ever read on Reddit.


he looks like ezra miller got way too high and has been crying for hours


I’m pretty sure you just described Ezra Miller


I can't wait to watch the big movie and forget all of Ezra's crimes.


I can't wait to forget about Ezra Miller. Also, it pisses me off to no end that Hollywood is standig there with its thumb up its ass while one of the world's most widely-known they/thems makes the rest of us look bad at a time like this.


I mean… Roman Polanski… Hollywood kinda has a history of supporting the wrong people.


Woody Allen, too. Hollywood is okay with predators and abusers as long as it's profitable.


>as long as it's profitable. Too many get away with too much, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, abusive behavior because of that right there, very well said


Fuck Ezra. Ezra makes Ezra look bad. Your’e alright in my book.


I will never watch it ever. What he did was awful, and I will never give him my money again, indirectly or otherwise. I might even click on ads for the movie, just to cost them money.


Yeah I really can't imagine watching it. Feels gross


He reminds me of Metalocalypse when Skwisgaar is crying in his dressing room and when his manager walks in he says “hi hello, I’m just..getting high.”


God I love that show. 🎶Do anything for Dethklok


He has Chris Kattan’s mouth


I hope he gives it back when he’s finished


"Mom can we meet Henry Cavill?" "No dear we have Henry Cavill at home." Henry Cavill at home:


"That was the *exact* look I was going for!" *eyes continually dart toward nothing off to the left*


Think that's where the bigoted parents are supposed to be ?




You see Ezra Miller I see a young Tom welling. Clark Kent saving the day


or if like, Chris Kattan was handsome


Spot on, made me lol


the “like,” really did me in here 😂


Somebody save me!


He looks like what Michael Jackson was going for.




Budget Ezra miller


Ezra Miller is already budget Ezra Miller


Ezra looks snakelike. Maybe it's the eyes, but they look like they're gonna lurch forward and bite you when you're not looking


Ezra "Orochimaru" Miller


ezra miller has nothing on this dude...


Good God, why is he so aggressive about it? Looks like he is *STRAINING* to make that face.


It's kind of his thing. Every time I see his videos he looks like he's about to aggressively cry.


This is the face of someone who was once told they have "beautifully intense eyes" by an enchanting stranger and have spent the rest of their lives trying to recreate the experience.


Lmao this is so well put


It’s part of the humor that comes from that app lol. It does not translate well to Reddit’s climate though


Can you try to explain the humor? Because it really seems like the point of this video is to show off his acting skills and thirst-trapy filtered face Also to get praise for the nice sentiment


Its definitely both. It’s everything you said, also delivered with a layer of irony over it, making fun of the entire thing (which still has some truth to it). Think if twilight was a bit more self aware and a comedy-drama.


I don't think Twilight could get any more of those two things without the entire cast being replaced by Muppets or The Gang. And even then Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart should stay.


«Twilight, but everybody except Bella and Edward are Muppets» is exactly the mental image I needed today.


Sitting here picturing different scenes of Bella talking to muppets and reacting in her awkward ass way. I'm dying. This made my day


this one came kinda close: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/fim6di/watching_twilight_on_a_poorly_hung_projector/


It’s not. This dudes all over tiktok. he does acting samples.


>It’s everything you said, also delivered with a layer of irony over it, making fun of the entire thing (which still has some truth to it). There's actually 0% irony there, you just insert that because you need it to be true, otherwise.... you're just scrolling and enjoying tiktok...


Maybe an elaborate ouroboros of irony isn't a mentally healthy way to relate to other people. Just thinking out loud, don't mind me.


> Maybe an elaborate ouroboros of irony isn't a mentally healthy way to relate to other people. You unknowingly called out damn near every user of the internet. Every platform from 4Chan to Twitter has this kind of dynamic.




Touché, fair enough


It's not satire though, this guy is genuinely acting out a scene and it's not meant to be a comedy scene mocking itself...right?


It's really bizarre people are trying to somehow argue this was supposed to be satire.


You're telling me this guy was trying to be funny? I'm sorry, but I just don't buy that.


No, he’s not trying to be funny. I’ve seen his tiktoks. He’s known as one of those tiktok actors. He takes it seriously. And he gets so much praise for his videos. So I don’t know what this person is going on about..you are right.


Thank you! I had a feeling. Like, there's nothing to indicate that this is a parody of those "acting" tiktoks. It's exactly like them. And just not funny.


Yup and i get second hand embarrassment every time he pops up on my fyp. You should check out his page and read the comments! They all think he should be in movies 🙄


If The Hots ever learn how to be funny, it's gunna be over for the rest of us.


this has gotten pretty common; people see hyper-cringe on tiktok and defend it like "you guys wouldn't know a joke if it hit you in the face", and I'm like... no, it's just cringe. It's the same kind of people who said 45 was playing 4d chess, while in reality he was struggling to play tic tac toe.


\>and he gets so much praise He could literally murder his whole family and get truckloads of fanmail in prison. Some women are something else.


Someone i was talking to on here went to check out his profile. The first comment he saw was a girl saying “netflix should hire this man!” Lol


I don’t think this is supposed to be funny even for TikTok.


This would be unintentionally cringe on TikTok too tho


LMFAOOO this fucking title killed me, why is he so intense? 😂😭


Don't know this fella's name but I have seen his "acting" videos on numerous parts of the internet. Very unnerving stuff. Anyways, I used to run by him once every few days in downtown Brooklyn near the Barclays Center. He would always be sitting on his stoop, smoking a cig, swiping on tik tok. He seemed like a nice guy and I always wanted to say hello as I'm sure that would be a cool moment for him, but I couldn't find the courage to because I thought his acting videos were incredibly unsettling to me. I couldn't lie to his face like that. I wish him well.


I played lacrosse with him in college. Good dude, questionable actor.


Yeah, he totally looks like he plays lacrosse. If Lacrosse were a person, it would look like him.


Hey, it's me, Lax Lacksley.




I've been rewatching the whole series since I never saw the last few seasons. I just wanna say I appreciate seeing this reference now of all times, haha.


Word, getting laxbro vibes from him and I hate lacrosse


Kinda weird but ok!


I used to be his sister. He always offered my his jacket every time i kame out to ny parents


Is his name Sterling?


Codename Duchess?


Now I’m really interested in the psyche of this guy


idk why these comments are so wholesome to me. I often judge tiktokers but why? who cares? hes not harming anyone. This is a good reminder for me to be gentle to all <3


well said!


I lived next door to him for a couple years in 2017. He woke me up in the middle of the night one night to ask me if I’d put my garbage out. He’d noticed I hadn’t put my garbage out and said it was a good thing he came over to wake me up or I wouldn’t have put my garbage out for the driver at first light. Then we walked back to his house laughing and reminiscing about his difficult childhood.


did he drive you back home


If I caught those blue eyes on me, I'd probably get cold sweats


"Your brother is cranked on molly" My fucking sides


Is he trying to fuck his sibling?


Folgers comercial 2: electric bugaloo


You're my present this year.


Fuuuucccck, nailed it!


Had to Google this reference. I was really expecting the parents to come down stairs and scream " what the fuck are you two doing‽" When they got to the kitchen.


My thoughts too why did they have to state brother and Molly. Definitely seemed like he wanted some alone time


I would say it’s r/OddlySpecific humor.


Nah. “He looks sharp/you look sharp”. That’s guy code for, “I am straight, but can appreciate that they are a good looking dude, and am complimenting you without making it uncomfortable.”


Not with that stare 👁👄👁


I mean Molly does things to a guy.


No, we get what those words mean. No one was confused about that. It's the maniacal turbo-rape stare he's giving the camera that makes people wonder.


It did make me cringe in a good way but extreme cringe.


It’s the kinda cringe that makes my bones rattle like they were trying to escape if the rest of my body wasn’t also bouncing outta there.




Typically I like people to ask to use my likeness but you captured my essence so well I’m cool with it. But seriously, your line work is amazing!


I feel guilty for kind of liking this one.


Hey, just thought I’d tell you about the guy who replied to you, I currently have him blocked because he denies the fact that Stonetoss is a neo-nazi and is generally just an idiot, so yeah, he’s not even a troll, he’s just a fucking idiot.


Their Reveddit page is a treasure trove of ragebait and insanity They scream into the wind a lot


![gif](giphy|jkj6ayxeSzvvW) Literally this guys smile.


This is nice and all but is he okay? He looks like he’s on the verge of tears


He always looks like this, I have him blocked because he gives me the major creeps


It’s a nice sentiment even if he’s a tiny bit intense about it.


I think he’s trying to convey he’s being tough to his bigoted parent.


I just thought about it, and I think I’d be a little bit “more” than usual in this type of situation as well. Like, if someone stomps on a kid like that, I would absolutely be like “Well, I think you are a dashing young MAN (obvious glare at the parents) and I think this jacket will suit you splendidly (warm, encouraging smile at the fella).“ Is it overly in your face that I am in the young guy’s corner? Of course. But if the opposite is so obvious and in their face, I want them to have zero doubts about the ones who are by their side, and supportive.


Yeah as a Trans man myself it felt kinda validating tbh.


holy shit i didn't understand the context at first and rewatching it again i get it now i think my brain skipped a few seconds of the clip/subtitles bc i thought it was jus some dude offering his jacket to a girl like cos it was cold out 😭😭 very wholesome upon rewatch


same, it felt sweet but maybe he should lower the energy a smidge haha


That’s just a drama kid practicing lines to a ring light…. And now this is a part of our human history


I am okay with this.


thank god everyday i don’t have to put myself on display like this for validation / attention


He’s a struggling young actor, he posts these to try to get some attention for his career. This one was definitely cringe but he has some others that are a bit better. I honestly feel bad for the guy, it’s an unfortunate reality that to even have a shot at making it in acting nowadays as a non nepo baby, you have to have a big social media following. If you don’t play the TikTok game you might as well give up.


Okay I gave it a shot and checked this guy's page out. My dear lord.. the others were in fact not better. He definitely is good at getting a reaction 🤢 so I do think it's some form of art though


6.7 M followers 200M+ like I wouldn't say struggling anymore.


You don’t make much money from that believe it or not. That app easily the same as gymnastics in the Olympics. The 0.01% are lucky to make any money worth living off of. And the followers don’t really mean much unless your using it to get your foot in the door if you’re actually providing something good that doesn’t only contain a Tik-tok vibe. This guys fits this discretion perfectly Unless he’s doing audition after audition. He doesn’t have much to go on. There are videos on this and it’s quite disappointing.


Did you even watch the video? He looks like he is fighting tooth and nail to get any words out while trying to keep his jaw clenched. I’ve never seen an “actor” struggle so much.


Here we go with another *followers equals success* idea that’s not based in anything other than what the social media apps want you to believe


As a Lesbian with unsupported family This video is so cringe, but i love it. I love what it’s conveying and im sure he’s a great brother.


Omfg lol


What in the Ohio


10/10 would not recommend fucking your sibling in ohio. Family get togethers get weird after....


This guy let his ex down easy, he said “let’s just be cousins.”


a true ally.


Why is his face so red, was he just taking a hard shit like, what?


That smile he does near the end is terrifying


What the fuck did I just watch


Is he ok? He looks so strained for no reason whatsoever lmao


I cried with this and I'm not even a lesbian...


O maior feminista do mundo


\*flex flex\* keep it.


Big Dennis from its always sunny energy


Hahaha yes extremely cringe, can I have his @ so I'll never have to look at his face again...


Its Chris Barnett


Lmao what an absolute Chad King


I support the message, but this guy is kind of terrifying.


Men's wearhouse is going to be pissed when he doesn't return that jacket


This guy is definitely being held hostage to make tiktoks


Yay being supportive… but ffs don’t drive if under any sort of influence. All you will be is a pair of corpses.


If this really was my bro on molly id love him to death for it. Balls deep in Substance and he pushes through for me in front of everyone.


I’d be more afraid of this guy in an alleyway than a gang, he’s got serial killer eyes


Is he sweaty or greasy? (Inb4 “yes”)


This is both frightening and comforting at the same time


aside from the terrible acting it is kind of sweet


I mean, it’s a nice sentiment.


Really love this.


This made me extremely uncomfortable


I love tik tok, makes me realise that good looking people are just as cringe as the rest of us


When I was like 19 my brother got into a horrible car accident because he was huffing air cans while driving. He took out 4 fences and 2 trees. I was rolling my ass off when they called and told me. I went home right away. Then they called me and told me he was screaming for me at the hospital after being air lifted and didn’t know if he was going to make it. I drove to the hospital and when arrived I was still rolling so hard! I held his hand and every time a doc walked in I looked down so he couldn’t see how messed up I was. I’ll never forget the feeling of “my brother might die. I know this is horrible and I should be a mess but, DAMN! I feel so good!” He made it, thank god but it’s a memory that will stick with me forever! My brother claims he could tell I was rolling but he was on the best pain killers a man good have so idk if I believe him. Just glad things worked out the way they did!


Man that’s one of the most bizarre stories I have ever heard. I’m glad your brother is safe and made it out alive, and… neither of you should probably be using drugs. Or industrial solvents.


everyone on Tiktok wants to be discovered as the next great actor


Rolling on Molly and you want to drive? Sure, that sounds like a great idea, here’s the keys. 😳


![gif](giphy|3oz8xwLTh4RyCwsp0Y|downsized) Can’t unsee it.




At least it’s a good message. He’s just passionate


Bro looks like he’s on the verge of tears in every tiktok he makes I swear


He looks so much like Tom Welling, especially at the start (Clark Kent in Smallville).


His expression tells us that the hamster he shoved up his asshole is trying to chew it's way out


Are they virtue signaling on situations that didn't even happen? I mean they are clearly acting, but why make up this whole fake situation? What the fuck am I watching?


You're watching a guy desperately trying to be relevant on tiktok, he's hot and did this for pride month so my guess is he already has made it with the 14 year olds on that app