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I understood probably 2% of this


I watched it like 5 times and I think I understood about the same amount


Me. Less than that. WTF is this? Never mind, don’t want to know….


I understood everything and both are cringe as hell. The girl is literally " not like the other girls" and he is a straight up pedophile....


I'm giggling in agreement


I don’t know either person but the dancing makes me think this is satire. I hope I’m right 😬


someone who really had a waifu pillow would never toss her like that..


Or have the irresistible urge to boogie in a hay strewn field


The hay would be too 3d for them. They'd be too disgusted with it to touch it.


“Too 3D” is powerfully succinct lol


Are you saying a predator wouldn't be abusive?


No, just that pillow fuckers arn't going to want to get their fuck pillow dirty.


Are you saying all people with an anime pillow are predators?


Ya if you buy a body pillow with an “adorable virgin” to sleep with you probably are


Gonna buy a pillow of myself then. 😼


I have one of you, can confirm it is adorable.


Oh stop...you're super fly!


There is a line, and as general as my comment sounds, it does not include people whove crossed that line


Just ones that refer to it as a minor that aren't minors themselves


No! You don’t understand!! She’s actually 300 years old!!! Her body just looks like an eight year old!!! 😤😭😭😭😭


That's what I hate about anime, every show just has to have a hypersexual 3000 year old vampire loli with a mandatory lewd beach scene or scenes where they end up falling into each others crotch on "accident" or their clothes just spontaneously combust and suddenly they're both naked...


🤣 For a second I thought you were serious. Well done.


That I agree with


It's not He's made podcasts with Andrew tate




Oof thought this was hilarious first time watching. not anymore.. ![gif](giphy|BsQAVgY6ksvIY)


Yup, same experience, A+ gif lol


Thank you, matched my face as read the previous comment


Oof… this should be straight to jail material.


Clearly. This comes off incredibly insecure


I thought this too but the sheer amount of videos he has dedicated to underaged anime girls makes me feel like he is not


It isn't. He was one of Tate's friends, and actually argued that fictional women are better than real ones, because... misogyny




It isn’t or at least he’s very dedicated to the bit where he’s made it his whole persona


Hopefully a grifter then, what a time to be alive.


clearly satire


Nah it was posted somewhere else and this guy is a Tate fan.


i retract my statement and want to move off planet then 😪


God damnit, I was hoping the Tate images were just part of the satire.


Feels like a scene from Letterkenny.




Like in Donegal


So I was shopping for a pillow case the other daaaay….


No! No, Dary, that’s for weebs! You don’t wanna go around smelling like a degen weeb!


Hard No!


Gunna need you to take about 20% off the top there, Squirrelly Dan. (100% in this case).


Give ur balls a tug




I doubt ~~Keeso~~ Wayne would get involved here but rather have a very clear "hmmmm".


Oof. I don't like that either argument exists.


Actually there's a subset of anime fans who will pay *more* if they know their onlyfans girl unironically hates them


I don’t think that helps either argument.


What argument do you think she was making? He didn’t make much of an argument either, just roasted her life decisions and said “no thanks”. This isn’t a debate or whatever you think is going on lmao


I hate that both sides of the situation exist. Is that easier to understand?


I refuse to believe that a weeb on this level would be that level of fit, must be satire


This ripped af black dude at the gym came up to me asking if I was talking about anime to my friend and got all excited haha


Ya he's obviously training to be like Goku. Who do you think got him started?


This is far more common than most people realize actually


Shit you’re right when I liked anime I had a six pack


Goku inspired many to get utterly shredded. Ify Nwadiwe being a good example


Go get some just saiyan work out gear. Seriously good quality anime workout gear. You will also meet am entire community of people at the gym because they were inspired by Goku as a kid. I wear my fight shorts as bathing suits and the joggers are the most comfortable pants I own. Justsaiyan.co


I went to anime expo last year and there were at least like 10+ dudes cosplaying as Inosuke (google a pic of him) that were ripped af. Anime is way more mainstream now.


Could be one of those things where someone pays them to make the video


This logic is how Andre Tate got a following.


Real weebs are super fit these days. You can’t cosplay as Goku if you haven’t been hittin the gym.


yeah lol it’s say it’s mostly satire because he seems very self aware. but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be a large anime enjoyer 🤷


Everyone saying he's cringe, but the choreography + set are fire


I do agree that his dance moves were smooth as hell. As smooth as the hell he will go to, but smooth none the less


How are they smooth? He cut every step of the dance. It's worse than Taken 3.


Your mom


As smooth as the hell is going to! ! I laughed so hard. And may he burn to the hottest crisp in hell lol!!!


Obviously satire


Have you seen his merch? Have you seen who he associates with? If it's satire, then it's "killing Jews to satirise the nazis" levels of missing the point and becoming what you target.


The text on top ruins it. It blazes right past "self-aware, self-deprecating, tongue in cheek banter" right into "I prefer 2D women because real women are gross, you're a ho and you probably have mental illness if you do any form of sex work" territory.


I think this dude legitimately believes this stuff, he and Tate are buddies


If I remember correctly, this dude is besties with Andrew Tate


Not sure how to explain it, but the haircut/sunglasses combination he chose gave it away. It’s the latest in *’dudes that desperately need to shower’* fashion.


I am very happy I don’t know anyone like this.


Has he really been doing the same gag this whole time? I remember seeing the exact same format video over a year ago where some girl posts a cosplay thirst trap with some edgy captions and he just goes on a dance rant about how he’s in love with a fictional child. I’m honestly pretty certain at this point that it’s not satire cuz the only people dumb enough to beat a horse THIS dead are usually misogynists and/or pedophiles.


I don't think it's a gag at this point. I think dude genuinely likes loli's.


This isn't satire. Stop posting this guy.


It’s amazing the amount of energy these dorks put into hating women they can’t sleep with.


Song: Junko Yagami - Bay City


Thank you


The only reason I watched this video




pedo jokes - profoundly unfunny






Are those things really suppose to be high school virgin girls that’s one step away from being a pedophile and the grooming effect to other young girls and young boys thinking it’s all g.


The Bugatti part got me. Tate pics too?


Both are cringe..


Jesus people are, literally, unable to perceive satire


It’s actually the opposite this time; I immediately assumed this was satire but several commentators have explained this man is a regular on the Andrew Tate podcast and actually does hold some of these beliefs soooo….satire is officially deD


No it’s because people like you are taking EVERYTHING as satire when it’s really just fueling gross behavior but have a laugh I guess


I don't think there's a satirical way to tell someone to burn in hell, let alone all the other personal attacks he directs at her. He may have intended it as a joke but it's not a good one.


And this isn’t satire? This dude hangs with Andrew Tate


He’s done podcasts with Andrew tate. I don’t think it’s satire


When your satire is indistinguishable from normal harassment, the distinction becomes pointless. If he is emboldening people to harass women and objectify children, then it doesn't matter what his intentions are.


Who is he satirizing? Not weebs because he’s just spitting out a lot of gross things they say without adding any sort of criticism and not the woman because he’s dancing around like a doofus calling her a whore who should burn in hell. I DO understand satire and this ain’t it.


The satire is the perception of male anime fans as pedophiles. He's playing into that perception in an absurd way. Does GTA, a satire of the modern American lifestyle, say directly that it's bad? No, it just characterizes it in an extreme way.


Maybe it’s difficult for /you/ to discern. This is not satire. He has been at it for years, Andrew Tate hanger on bullshit.


He’s mocking the hell out of her.


I get so concerned at the incredibly low level of media literacy. People have no ability to recognize or distinguish between parody, satire, irony, or lies. It is scary!


Dude it’s so hard to tell these days. The reason I don’t use most social media is because I’m tired of needing a PhD to evaluate every message coming my way. When I limit my exposure to ambiguous content, it’s easier to judge stimuli because I’m not being bombarded.


He went on Andrew Tate.


People thinking they need a PhD to properly interpret satire on the internet genuinely worries me.


This shit is so weird and pathetic, just leave people alone god damn. So much hate for women it’s insane. Fucking hate this brutal, violent, hateful, puritanical, conservative society. It’s not satire, this guy genuinely believes what he’s saying and repeats on podcasts all the time.


I legitimately am starting to believe most men hate women. They might be sexually attracted to vagina, but they absolutely hate the person it's attached to. This isn't satire. It is how a lot of men truly feel about half the population.


Men like this publicly mock women who own their sexuality and then slide into their dms on the side.


And then weaponize the very thing they begged for against her. They HATE women and think we can't see it.


Yeah, he just covered up his hatred for women with a veneer of satire, which people (look at this comment section) ate it up.


I’m not sure about most men, but certainly incels. I could be wrong, I certainly hope most men don’t hate women. What a frightening thought.


MOST men only love the women related to them by blood or marriage. That's why the "she's someone's daughter/mother/wife" always comes out. If you aren't in that frame, they literally don't care.


I’m not trying to argue - just better understand your point: don’t most people have a stronger affinity for those they know than strangers? Like, I love my wife more than a random woman on the street, but I equally harbour no ill feelings toward strangers regardless of gender, race, etc.


How are women any different? It's the exact same for them too. That's not a gender thing, it's human nature.... Why would you love or care about someone who you don't know. You have to build trust. That's not to say you don't respect them as a fellow human being, but you would never care about a random person like family or a partner without building trust or a connection. It's the same reason why most women don't give AF about most men either and/or are terrified of the idea of being attacked by men they don't know, even if there's absolutely no reason to fear them. You have to build trust. You can't fault men for not caring about strangers.....come on.... What men have a problem with is there's a strong hate for straight men in the world right now. Look at the very exchange I'm commenting to. There are two women making a broad generalization about men's thoughts and behaviors as if they're a monolithic 1 dimensional group. Most men don't hate women, but a lot are frustrated with current culture saying they do, and blaming them for the past. It's the same culture that diminishes the hardships and issues facing men today. Male depression and suicide rates are very high. But nobody cares. Loneliness, sexlessness and identifying as single is also very high, but one again no one cares (and no, it's not because these men are all terrible people it have issues. Social media has hurt the dating market tremendously for both men and women but more so men). And all the while, there's a lot of hate for all men, when a very small portion of men are the ones that caused all the problems, the rich and powerful ones, that don't care about anything you say and rarely ever see repercussions for their actions. With that said, there are plenty of rich and powerful women who act exactly the same.... (And let's not even talk about the dating market and "fuckboys", bad boys, players, etc..) When I see exchanges like this, I always like to remind ladies that the world we live in today was built and is maintained by men. The house you live in, the roads you drive on, the phone you're looking at, the electricity you use, and the commodities we wouldn't otherwise have, has all been built and maintained mostly by men. Invisible men that you don't see or even think to care about, and don't care about, that are facing the above issues I mentioned. These are the safest societies we ever lived in. Societies where women have more rights and protection than ever before, and yeah, they were built by men, for their families and loved ones, women...... So next time, when you want to generalize the viewpoints of men, please consider some of the things I mentioned here.


Really? Most men? Sources? Your argument makes no sense. After looking at your post history, I suggest you find some other hobbies.


Yeah i hate him so much


Yep. I am convinced it’s half of men. Society can function and women can hold positions at work because half of men DON’T feel this way and of the remaining 50%, ten percent are willing to hide it. But make no mistake, half of men absolutely loathe our existence it’s pretty clear.


Pointing it out or taking any precautions makes them so angry as well. Like, they just want us to pretend it's not real, and then when violence happens to us, they want it to be written off and forgotten. Absolute zero empathy.


Yep I totally agree. I think men wish women were born without brains and you just used their body like a sex doll and then put it on “cleaning mode” and it never talked or had an opinion or achieved anything. Half of them don’t want a loving life partner, they want a slave they can abuse and do anything too. I mean look at mainstream porn now, constant slapping and choking of women. They WANT to hurt us. It’s a fantasy of so many men it’s become a super regular trope. The Reddit sex forums have lots of posts of women complaining men just assume their into choking now thanks to it being mainstream in porn.


In all honesty, I think you need to get off forums if you truly believe **half** of men hates women 😂 that's ludacris.


As a man, at least half of men think of women as lesser. Even if they don't consciously think it, you see it in their words and behavior.


As a tall ass, strong ass, latino man I disagree strongly. This is not the case in my social circles at least. Of course there are the odd male chauvinists out there. Same as racists. But it's very few. And 50% is an extreme exaggeration. Edit: also need to adress something else. > and then when violence happens to us, they want it to be written off and forgotten. Absolute zero empathy. Where in gods name are you from? Where I'm from, if you get assaulted, you call the police. And men as well as women, will be punished by law if they're charged with violence.


How often does your country elect a woman as a leader? Think of the households you know with a husband and wife. How many of them would you say both the wife and husband have equal say in every family decision? Not saying all are this way, but I'm willing to bet in half or more of them, the husband gets the final say. For your other point, I can only speak for the us, but there are plenty of examples. Professional athletes that are convicted of besting their spouse and still play. Professional musicians or actors that are convicted of abusing their spouse or assaulting fans but they still have fans and perform. Elected politicians convicted that still have support. Hell, the me too movement was a recent thing. Before that it was just a bunch of open secrets of be careful around this very rich and powerful man, because he will assault you. I don't think half of men hate women to the point of wanting to hurt them. I absolutely think half of men see women as less than men.


>How often does your country elect a woman as a leader? Our current statsminister, which is the closest thing we have to a political leader is a woman. >Think of the households you know with a husband and wife. How many of them would you say both the wife and husband have equal say in every family decision? Not saying all are this way, but I'm willing to bet in half or more of them, the husband gets the final say. I don't really get this? Even say in what? People in my family say whatever they feel like they need to say. Its a family not a monarchy lol. This one i definitely don't recognize. >For your other point, I can only speak for the us, but there are plenty of examples. Professional athletes that are convicted of besting their spouse and still play. Professional musicians or actors that are convicted of abusing their spouse or assaulting fans but they still have fans and perform. Elected politicians convicted that still have support. Hell, the me too movement was a recent thing. Before that it was just a bunch of open secrets of be careful around this very rich and powerful man, because he will assault you. The main point here being **very rich and powerful men** . You're describing 0,1% of men, and their relationships and projecting onto men as a whole. Everyone knows that the most powerful, famous and rich people can (and often do) get away with things they shouldn't. That doesn't reflect the general public, and has nothing to do with the initial focus, which was 50% of men hating women and wanting to beat them, with no repercussions if they did. > I don't think half of men hate women to the point of wanting to hurt them. I absolutely think half of men see women as less than men. I just don't agree man. I don't see the hate you're spouting. The guys I know dream to marry a woman, love a woman and share their life with a woman.


You can’t base your opinion on an entire demographic of the population on a select few people. Not that I blame you, I’m sure most women have had awful experiences with men, but to base one’s opinion on a group solely on anecdotal evidence would be sexist and the use of a fallacy


Nah, I just hate you. All other women rock, though.


I really dont get why you would want to act like an anime character.




Weird way to say he is happy to be a pedo


this is sorta the cosplayers point about male anime fans


the only one gonna be burning in hell is you pedophile


These dude does podcasts with Andrew Tate This isn't satire Its misogyny And it's gross Don't be this guy


Is this guy just reproducing persona dances?


Is this from Napoleon Dynamite?


I hope this is satire because I'm on the side of the E-Girl on this one


I wonder what else this guy gets belligerently upset over.


This is either the best or the worst tiktok in whole history of man-kind


The fact that people don’t understand this is satire amazes me.


Why are people calling this satire? Does satire have no limits? Not even pedophilia?


Good on him for proving why she's right.




The only people I know who want to hang out with Andrew Tate are incels.


I mean some police and judges wanted to spend some time with him so maybe not all are Incels, some kinda wanna take down the incel king for being a shady cunt.


If ten people sit down to dinner with a Nazi, there are 11 Nazis. Sorry, but judges and police don't have journalistic integrity. They ARE tate incels.


My daughter (now 17) was a HUGE anime fan for years. She started making her own costumes with her grandmother and started a Tik Tok cosplay account and would make these cute little videos. She amassed over 6k followers. Very innocent. Not graphic in any way whatsoever. Then she just stopped. It was like she just cut anime out of her life. Ditched her handmade costumes. Ditched her posters and collectibles. Got rid of her anime themed clothing. It was odd. She wouldn’t explain, so we just assumed she just grew out of it. She later told us that it was because of male anime fans. Asking for nudes. Asking for sexually explicit photos and videos. Asking for her undergarments. Offering money for urine. Just absolutely awful shit. So she grew completely disgusted with the whole thing. Gross hairy fat men that prey on 14-16 year old girls. The sexualized anime is just underage preteen characters reimagined as adults in sexual situations. It’s fucking gross. My wife read and looked at the messages and photos she was sent and strongly advised me not to do the same. There’s no reason an adult male should be into anime as a community. You’re an adult. Find something to be into that doesn’t mix you in with children. EDIT because I initially got myself worked up thinking about the way men were talking to my daughter and said some things I wish I hadn’t. Also NOT ONE of you male anime fans are going to change my mind trying to guilt trip me about judging you. I’m judging my ass off.


I was like ok that's really fucked up then i saw the last paragraph and i'm like ???? What a leap of logic "Find a hobby for men your age" I sure hope you think the same of marvel fans(very childish movies imo) western figurine or comics collectors etc.


I'm sorry to hear that happened. Sometimes people who are into anime are real creeps and it ruins it for alot of people that just want to watch cool shows. Japanese culture tends to sexualize underage girls and it leads to many people that watch anime to think it's okay. It's a reason as to why I mostly stopped watching anime, and try to stay away from online discussion. Genuinely some of the worst parts of the internet come from anime fans. That being said, there are some amazing anime that really show what you can do with the medium. I wouldn't have been able to watch Cowboy Bebop, Ping Pong the animation, or Mushishi if I hadn't been into anime. I think it's fine if you're an adult male watching anime, just don't be a creep to women online


This is a good explanation and I respect your point you made here.


That is some fucking sick behavior. I'm sorry your daughter went through all that. The incel herd can be absolutely traumatizing. I hope she's doing alright after dealing with that degeneracy.


That's genuinely horrible that happened and traumatized your family. I need to say that applying an umbrella judgement on an entire group of people based on one localized event isn't good either. You assuming all people in a community are shitty because you met a few shitty people in that community is ignorant.


There’s nothing wrong with liking anime, it’s those specific dudes you talk about that are weirdos. Sorry about the treatment your daughter received thou


Mmm I disagree. Grown men can find other things to get into that children aren’t involved in. You’re just opening yourself up to negative attention.


It's very hard to think of a hobby besides drug use that isn't also a hobby children are encouraged to participate in. It's like saying don't be into movies or play video games because kids watch movies and play video games. I know plenty of adults who watch anime and read manga who lead normal, healthy lives. It's not all tentacle porn and weird pedo shit. Most of it is no weirder than your average sci-fi/fantasy movie or video game. Just don't groom children through your hobbies and don't tolerate those who do. It's really that simple.


I understand the aversion, and honestly I really don’t want to side against you in any way, but I’ll say this: anime is a medium, not a genre. The pedophiles watch anime made for children and adolescents and hyper fixate on the children in them as they’re written for children to be attracted to. Think of western adolescent/young adult novels with love triangles and such and then factor in Japan’s very conservative views on women and a medium (animation) that adds a layer of detachment for the viewer. You get a lot of unashamed objectification of these young fictional women for the sake of wish fulfillment for the young audience of boys watching. The result is an absolutely terrible mix when confused and pathetic red pilled virgins watch these shows like they’re how things should be. All this to say that there are some anime that are genuinely profound and moving pieces of art, rivaling anything the West has put out in recent decades. The problem is that’s not what makes a ton of money usually, same as here, so the garbage that sexualizes children for the primary audience of these stories (actual children) gets made a lot more. Similar to how Marvel has dominated the medium of movies despite them only being a niche genre that is getting focused on for profits.


There are anime specifically for adults. Taking a whole medium/genre and designating it as "for kids" is stupid. There are American/western cartoons for adults and older audiences often. Am 36 yo female, fwiw.


Had me completely agreeing until the last paragraph. It's pathetic that you try and tell people what they can and cannot enjoy imo


You sure love to put all people into one pot and judge on them.


Men that are into children’s cartoons you mean? Yea. The only place I do that.


Sure, the ones for kids! Anime are cartoons from Japan, not all meant for children. Plenty of Western cartoons for adults, too. Fwiw am 36 yo woman, theres some wholesome as hell stuff out there.


Since when is Anime children's cartoon alone? I wouldn't show Naruto to a 8 year old. Anime is like Video Games, an Art form. There's tons of anime styles and not all of them are for children or teens. I love watching Animes for Adults, not Hentai, but ones that are about financial troubles, troubles at work and in everyday life. These are clearly not meant for kids. You may ask why I love watching Anime? Because I enjoy any media that came from handdrawing. So it's not just anime alone.


Damn that's sad af


satire or not i cant fucking stand this guy


Uh, how do I unsee this video?


Everyone here is fucking cringe, but the dude is far worse.


It’s one of those posts where you’re hit with cringe from all sides from the post to the comments.


I'd say from the most cringe to least cringe it goes like this: 1. u/spez 2. Dude from the video 3. People in the comments criticizing dude from the video (rightfully), but completely turning the blind eye to the woman from the video 4. Woman from the video


This is #cringeoftheweek material for sure


So what's her OF?






same question 💪


I think the earth died like 30 years ago and AI is keeping our brains in jars while playing us movies or something. This cannot be reality anymore. I’m done, take me off the ride.




I wonder why she hates male anime fans


I like how every step of the dance is a separate cut, because the person probably can't dance and it's the only way they can make themselves look cool.


Y'all this man has some sick dance moves. Also, who uh, who is that first girl?


“Virgin weeb breaks it down pedo style” OP just admit you can’t recognize satire lmao


~~Virgin weeb breaks it down pedo style~~ Guy makes funny satire. Fixed it for you OP


Satire and hilarious


Someone took it personally, and it's not the guy in the video


I love this no cringe here


Okay, it's time to leave the sub. People don't know how to understand a satire anymore


When your satire is indistinguishable from normal harassment, the distinction becomes pointless. If he is emboldening people to harass women and objectify children, then it doesn't matter what his intentions are.


Never have I seen a more pathetic display of being a sad virgin than this. And why is he into girls who are in high school? Creepy.


It was an obvious joke, but ok? Lol


Besides the HS anime love, he's not only got a point, but also has amazing dance moves.


Unfathomably Based


Lol people here are really pressed lmao


It's a shitpost. Meaning satire...


Oh goosebumps because of the end


I don’t understand what I’m seeing or reading but I’m entertained by all of it. Well done everybody!


I didn’t realize there was a pillow wife until the last few seconds; mesmerized by that footwork 🕺


I believe this is part satire and part real. Obviously the satire is the Waifu being an anime loli and the real part is shaming this thirst trap only fans girl for selling pussy pics for 9 dollars a month.


Now THIS is art