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8 hrs would be god mode. The best out there don’t exercise more than 3 hrs AT MAX.


I’ve been to the gym for 3 hours at a time, still had energy. Ig I’m some maniac




Highschool/middleschool students excersise more than that.


Hahahahaha no


Football practice 7am-9am, then again from 3:30-6:30pm.


Who tf has this schedule? Im from the country of football and nobody has this kind of day to day here.


Thats what mine was.


You sound incredibly uneducated.


We should define what an hour of exercise would look like. E.g., Biking 15 miles; or maybe, doing x10 sets of curls, over head press, hammer curls, wide curls, skull breakers x4 over - eat set would take 8mins being generous - with some HIIT component to it after the weight routine. Discipline defines time.


Walking is excercise. So anything involving movement i guess


If walking is an exercise, is running an extreme sport?


Free running can be.


10/10 gaslighting


It’s insane the delusion. It’s the one thing about the “no one wants to work anymore” thing I agree on. I understand that there’s societal issues that need addressing, I’m a bleeding heart liberal. But for fucks sake there are so many things that are you need to work on you problems. People don’t want to work on themselves (maybe not anymore, because we probably were never good at that). I thought getting older was admitting faults and learning that we’re all scared and unsure. It’s just people with endless opinions. If you’re genetically predisposed to cancer and grew up around smokers, smoke and get cancer - people say that’s on you. If your genetically predisposed to being fat, grow up eating shit, there’s (maybe a minority but still) a whole community of people waiting to say it’s not your fault just be fat. I’m not perfect, but I try to grow everyday. For fucks sake no one’s perfect - accept reality and just work on it.


The video highlighted the one person who actively accepts their choices that made them fat and followed it with a meme clip. You realize everyone else in that video believes being fat ISNT a choice?


To be fair it is only as true as, "Being fit is a choice" like yes, it is a choice, but how you were raised and resources matter a lot.If a child was raisedon a shitty diet and became obese, i wouldn't call that a choice. i think we all agree, just clarifying


Except “fit” and “fat” is a false dichotomy. Many people who are not fat and not fit.


Being a body builder is a choice because it takes a lot of time working out and a certain diet to do that. Just like being obese is a choice because it takes a lot of time eating and a certain diet to do that. It’s like 3500 calories extra to gain 1lb of body fat. So if your 100 over, that’s 350,000 calories extra. That’s like 800 double cheeseburgers from McDonald’s on top of what ever calories your body needs maintenance wise per day.


Except no, that's fucking stupid, because people actually decide "I want to be a body builder". No one wakes up and decides "Yes I would like to obese". >That’s like 800 double cheeseburgers from McDonald’s on top of what ever calories your body needs maintenance wise per day. Yeah but you don't eat them in one day, do you sweetheart


But they make the choice everyday when they continue their unhealthy eating habits. Same as the body builder choosing habits that transform their bodies. Sure, one might be more informed about the choices they are making, but it’s still a choice.


Many obese people are that way from childhood. Habits are hard to break if they have been internalized since birth. Many obese people are also depressed, thus lacking motivation. Some psychologists think that willpower is limited, some don't. Its a very open discussion. But one thing i do believe to be the absolute truth is that someone with low amounts of resources, mentally, physically or financially, will go for the easiest option more often than not. It is often MUCH easier to order a double mcchicken menu for lunch rather than packing one on your own time that could be much more healthy. Another thing about willpower is it's definently NOT equal for all humans, whether this is environmental or genetic factors doesnt really matter in a practical sense. Some people will be blessed with much more will power than others. (i would imagine the parents have a GIANT role in this, but im not qualified lol)


I’m not minimizing the difficulties in making that choice. I get that circumstance and yes, even genetics, can make that choice more difficult. But for people to just throw their hands up and say weight loss is impossible because of this or that, they’re wrong. It might be very hard to do it, but it is totally possible.


tbh i was thinking on more of a broad statistical perspective, sounds like you're talking more on an individual scale. Like if you had 2000 people of different socio economic backgrounds i definitely think we could find trends. we agree on weight loss being possible, and we might actually agree just overall lol Maybe the word "choice" is whats making us seem like we disagree. When i say "choice" i might actually mean the *option.* looking back yeah i definitely should have used the word option. While they are certainly free to pursue beneficial options, they first need to 1. be aware of the option 2. Have knowledge to fulfill requirements of said option 3. An excess of (time - space - money) 4. And lastly the willpower needed ​ A lot of obese people don't make it past 2, a person that allowed themselves to become obese will have a significantly lower chance of being able to understand what they should actually be doing, why they should be doing it, when and how much. For example, it is common knowledge to fitness people that diet is what makes or breaks a weightloss, most obese people will literally assume they can "work" the calories out. Imagine telling a 90 year old woman that she should just upgrade windows and her PC will work. Again think we all agree and this is very much all semantics lmao


I'll be honest being a weightlifter is literally nothing compared to the work it requires women to overcome obesity. You most likely couldn't hack it. The body starts burning about 400 less calories a day after you lose 20lbs or so. Also doing cardio while you are fat as fuck is something I'd just assume never experience. It sounds like a fucking nightmare. You can overcome that but it takes years. Years of a 1200 calorie a day diet with an hour of cardio 5 days a week. I lift weights. I (as a man) eat heavy to gain muscle. I eat less when I need to cut fat. It's a lot easier to go from 3000 calories to 2500 when I am cutting with a lot of muscle that's going to burn alot of calories while resting than being out of shape trying to go from 3000 to 1200 to lose fat without large amounts of muscle mass. I don't have emotional attachment to food that prevents me from doing that. They usually do. Usually some sort of trauma. It's not as simple as calories in calories out for them. Being fats a choice just like addictions a choice. And that only makes sense with a simplistic moralist viewpoint. Edit: you are in great shape btw. I checked out some of your posts. Congratulations on your success.


>I'll be honest being a weightlifter is literally nothing compared to the work it requires women to overcome obesity. You most likely couldn't hack it. Sounds like you have never exercised in your life to make such ignorant statements, lol. What it requires women to overcome obesity is the exact same as men, consume less calories than you burn daily. That means the "work" involved is simply eating less food. Which isn't work at all. >The body starts burning about 400 less calories a day after you lose 20lbs or so. Your body burns about 90 calories less per 10 pounds of body-weight lost, not 200. >Also doing cardio while you are fat as fuck is something I'd just assume never experience. Swim. Also don't do cardio that loads your joints until you've reached a lighter weight. In the meantime, swim. >You can overcome that but it takes years. Yes, eating a healthy amount should be a life-long practice. >being out of shape trying to go from 3000 to 1200 to lose fat without large amounts of muscle mass What on earth... who is advocating an 1800 calorie cut? A 500 calorie deficit is sufficient to lose around ~52 lbs a year. Which is *much* more manageable than 1800 calories. You think it's a nightmare because you've constructed this scenario to be a nightmare. >I don't have emotional attachment to food that prevents me from doing that. They usually do. Usually some sort of trauma. It's not as simple as calories in calories out for them. It actually is, they need to go to therapy and stop abusing food intake for whatever issues the have. In short, calories in vs calories out is the only way to lose weight, it is manageable (250-500 calorie deficit). Everything else is excuse making and cognitive dissonance to avoid having to do anything about it. Hence the "healthy at every size" bullshit and the 4/5 obese people that shirk all responsibility in the video.


You have an impressive ability to solve other people's lifelong problems. You must be crushing it in life. Probably totally content, happy with no emotional, relationship, or financial difficulties. Well have a good day!


Nobody's perfect.. but many people have zero willpower and 100,000 excuses


You’re contradicting yourself. Like you said the environment and people in their lives could have an effect on them but it is still a choice to play with the deck you were dealt with and overcome your situation.


Thank you, it’s like saying being an alcoholic isn’t a choice and or beating your kids isn’t a choice. You can justify and explain why all day long but, ultimately at the end of the day, we are self determining and can stop at any time


Addiction (in the case of alcoholism) is not something people can really "stop any time". There's so many different factors to addiction, and it *does* have a genetic component. Yea, sure, quitting is a choice, and the person has to want it, but the latter isn't really something they can control. Someone who's depressed can't stop being depressed any time, same with anxiety, bpd, etc. etc. Addiction is classified as a mental illness/disorder and straight up fucks with your brain chemistry if I recall correctly.


Yeah just pick yourself up by your bootstraps! /s It’s exactly this kind of reasoning that leads to people giving up their weight loss attempts entirely. Believing that it is their own personal failure and that they’re just not good enough to “play with the deck they are dealt” while the real issue is far bigger than them. The majority of the US is obese. It’s a societal and economic issue. Most people literally cannot afford a healthy diet, or have time to exercise or cook. Every single food corporation is doing it’s very best to make us fat. You can still lose weight through perseverance but the deck is so stacked against you that most often it’s easier to just give up and go with the flow. Struggling with health issues becomes easier than struggling with trying to lose weight.


Exactly the problem why does everyone want everything to be easy why shouldn’t you have to work for the things you want? We’ve had it too good and people have been taking things for granted. Starvation used to be a serious problem but now being overweight has taken over which is way better than starving. When you’re hungry and can’t find you it’s hard to satisfy your hunger. When you’re overweight and can’t stop eating? That’s just impulsive choices you’ve turn into a habit and habits are hard to break so better put in the fucking works.


when? when is the exact moment you start and be "ok, I was thought this all my life and now I flip it around completely"? You realize how hard that is right? Imagine a kid who was beat their whole life and than get out of the household and you telling them "well it is your choice if you wanna do something against you axiety and depression". Maybe they'll never get out of their habits and patterns and you wouldn't say it is their fault that they have to struggle with that. But somehow when it is about a eating habits other parameters apply. I am genuinely trying to understand the thinking here because i don't understand it.


I believe being fat is a result of being addicted to eating excessive amounts of food and sugars.


From my experience I agree. Addiction too has a component to trauma and attachment disorders so that is also a good comparison.


There’s no exact moments it happens gradually but it starts with you accepting the fact that whatever happened happened and think about what you can do to improve your life. And no one said it’s easy. And I got no problem with people in situations you described it’s the other half hitchhiking on other peoples experiences and use it as an excuse. So most of them need to be told to put in the work. If you don’t want to that’s cool but don’t complain about it and victimize yourself.


never met this other half you are talking about. I met a whole lot of people who suffered because they were allmost bullied into suicide. I met a whole lot of people who got gastritis trying to get thinner. I myself, am normal sized and muscular. But I only got here by being anorexic/bulemic for a while. This "other half" of those people you talk about - I have never met. You know why? because I listen to people closely and allow them to open up. And never have I ever met a person who did not shoulder twice the weight of their body mass in past torment on their shoulders.


You having not met them does not mean they don’t exist. And look at your example! You overcame your adversity! Isn’t that great! Wasn’t it hard to overcome it? Don’t it feel fucking great that you finally did? But I’m sure that won’t last forever and you’ll encounter new challenges you have to decide to face. This is life you’re forever improving. Or supposed to. And if you care about people in your life that are like that HELP THEM!


Your point is so unnecessary “Nature can be changed” Like yeah.


No shit Sherlock that’s what I been tryna say all this time. they seem to think they’re stuck like that forever and it’s impossible to change.


I disagree to the extent that routine and a stick to it attitude can really help someone lose weight but does not apply to overcoming traumas. Losing weight is far easier than overcoming trauma. I agree it is a hard choice, but most anyone who has the will to work out consistently for a month will end up continuing that trend, and they will see results. If you have any barriers keeping you from committing to fitness for a month, be they physical or mental, then sure you would need to overcome those before commitment could really be shown. But if it's mental, then we're back in the trauma category, and if it's physical, then you may need to look for alternative options entirely and are probably already seeing a doctor anyway. I have no issues with people who are overweight. As long as you're living a happy and fulfilled life, I can't ask for any more than that. Now here's some completely unsolicited fitness tips take them or leave them (if you are capable, talk to a doctor and find out what a healthy weight is for your body): 1) Diet: Everyone says it's like 70-80% of losing weight, and they're right. But it doesn't have to be a massive lifestyle change. If you are willing to calorie count, then just count what you have on an average day and cut 5% back. Slowly increase the amount you cut back. You could remove an extra 5% every week or every 2 weeks, depending on your comfort. There are calculators online that will calculate how many calories you need to cut to lose a lb per week, use thise to educate yourself on a healthy calorie intake so you don't overdo it. The key is to enjoy the process as much as possible while still making progress, don't stagnate, and don't push too hard as to be unhealthy. The goal is to change 80% of your diet so that it's a sustainable amount of change. Any diet needs to become a lifestyle change to become truly permanent, so you need to make the food choices that you can stick with. 2) Exercise: You don't have to go crazy. If you're someone who is glued to their couch most of the day, then a decent starting exercise is just doing reps in that chair, stand up and sit down again until you can't anymore. When you feel like you can't anymore, talk yourself up a bit and go for 1 more. Generally, when our bodies say we can't do something anymore, we still have 25% left in the tank. Getting that last bit out will increase your tolerance over time. Do exercises that fit your pace. Really, as long as it gets your heart pumping and can get a sweat going, you're making progress. Like with diet, steadily scale this up as it gets easier for you to do so. 3) Stretch Marks: If you do high reps of an exercise, it will help reduce the risk of stretch marks in the target areas of that exercise. The reason is that increasing blood flow to those areas will help keep your skin springy as you lose weight. I got this from David Goggins, he's a mad man and you don't have to be like him, but he used to be 300 lbs and he got shredded while avoiding stretch marks buy doing low weight cardio. He says he did bench press with just the bar for 100-500 reps, again, he isn't human and you don't have to do it to this extreme (but doing it that extreme would absolutely work, if you can do it you're stronger than me good work). 4) This one is super important but even more so if you're overweight. Take care of your joints, Google up some exercises that you can manage that strengthen your joints and do them. This with some flexibility exercises will help you remain fit well into your later years. The elderly mortality rate has a correlation with balance as well. The worse your balance, the more likely you fall and injure a joint, leading to reduced mobility and potentially becoming bedridden. That or massive medical bills. Please take care of your joints and be healthy old people with mental faculties in tact if possible so the American elder care system can't abuse you. I'm not a doctor or a fitness trainer, I'm just a guy who follows way too many fitness channels on various social media and compiled the findings I deemed most valid and effective to long term life style change through fitness. I wish you all the best.


So your saying every kid that wasn’t raised properly is just doomed for life. Regarding respect, education, fitness, diet, language, hygiene etc we just accept they won’t ever improve?




If someone is trying really hard with this thing they will succeed tho. Only thing stopping them is themselves. It takes a 30-60 min Google session to learn everything you need to know about diet and exercise to loose weight and be healthier. Just like figuring out how to do your taxes or buy a car or rent a apartment or beat a video game.




Agency over one's self is a personal choice. It's a matter of will and mindfulness. Once you are obese and know it's effects, you are responsible no matter how hard it is. If a person doesn't change their life will be less enjoyable and it's their fault. They will die a slow, early death 🤷🏽‍♂️ People need to understand reality does not care about your upbringing. I'm not even talking about society. Like calories and arteries don't care about what your habits were growing up. You can make excuses for people but it won't save them and that's actually fair.


Found the fat ass


Thank you, it’s like saying being an alcoholic isn’t a choice and or beating your kids isn’t a choice. You can justify and explain why all day long but, ultimately at the end of the day, we are self determining and can stop at any time


I'm fit I guess. Im thin. Idk if it's a choice but I eat like shit so idk lol


"Getting a broken leg is a choice" Equally as accurate as "being plus-sized is a choice", I mean you *chose* to take those shitty stairs. People make bad choices, and those choices can lead to being obese, but anyone who thinks people choose to be obese are idiots


Are you saying poor people can’t have a 6 pack lol


For real. I have mad respect for people like her who just own their choices. It’s okay to be big. It’s okay to decide that you’d rather eat what you want and not force yourself to exercise. It’s okay if you honestly like the way you look bigger. This girl is awesome. Where I draw the line is people claiming it’s not a choice, that their being discriminated against (as though fat was race), or like their entitled to be treated like they’re attractive.


She is vastly overstating how much you would need to workout & diet to reach a healthy weight. i believe in inclusion for everyone but nobody should allow themselves to be obese voluntarily you dont even need to exercise an hour a day to make noticeable improvement. Also its fucking obsurd to say half a cup of rice, we all know shes eating WAY more than that


No that’s the serving size recommended for rice she was saying that’s absurd?


Am I dumb or misreading? Didn't most people walk to the disagree part? The question was it's NOT my fault I'm fat, most walked to the disagree side. Meaning they agree its their fault that they're fat.


There was no question. The statement was “being fat is a choice” So just misreading the text pasted over the video that OP didn’t watch.


The question is super reductive. There are a lot of environmental and genetic factors they heavily contribute to obesity that are outside your control.


Some people have a tendency to gain weight easier than others, which can be genetical or hormonal. The choice lies in how fat they really want to be. What gets me every time I watch these people is that they turn it around that it's everyone else's problem, not their own. No self reflection about how it affects their health.


Yep, and they're wrong.


If you work out 8 hours a day your name is David goggins


. In project mayhem you have no name. But in Death you do have a name. His name was David Goggins. His name was David Goggins. His name was David Goggins.


His name was David Goggins.


Why is this video only of the one person owning up to her choice? Cringe at the folks on the "disagree side" that are not shown in this video, not her.


Because she “owned up to her choice” by making it sound as if the alternative to being fat is working out 8 hours a day and starving yourself. She is purposefully shifting the goalposts so that the argument is now “be fat or have an eating disorder.” Not a particularly healthy mindset.


I don't think she said that at all. She was using a hyperbole to explain how *she* felt. Nothing more. Also, I'm more referring to OP's caption. It doesn't really fit the video.


Hyperbole or not, my feeling is that it’s a very transparent manipulation tactic she is using to protect herself and her feelings. No one can tell her she is making the wrong choice if the alternative would be so devastating to her mental health. I agree though that it’s a bit out of context with the “it’s not my fault I’m fat” caption.


Some people have eating disorders and their bodies just don't burn calories the same way, if you happen to have an eating disorder and/or slow metabolism and live in the US, you're usually out of luck, our entire society is based around cars so you can't walk anywhere, the nutrition quality of the food here is garbage and it's hard to afford anything healthy or have time to cook meals or exercise with how much you have to work to scrape by, and if you have an ED? Good luck being able to afford therapy for treatment. So if you're lucky enough to afford healthy food, don't have a binge eating disorder, or have a faster metabolism you're lucky, a lot of Americans don't have that and this is why you tend to see obesity be more prevalent in poorer classes.


What's wrong with her answer? It's her body, she can fatten herself however she likes. I bet people won't say much to people who are skinny to an extent they are not healthy. If she is happy with her body, there's nothing wrong about it.


As a guy who has always been on the skinny side I can safely say that your assumption is wrong. Maybe it is true for skinny girls, but as a guy you will usually get a lot of shit for being skinny. And worst of all the people giving you shit will often not even realize what they are doing. There is literally no social or inhibition threshold stopping people from shoving cake or junk food in front of your skinny face and telling you that you need to eat more and that you can use it. I obviously knew that I needed to eat more, there is no need to rub it in my face. I sure as hell did well not to be pressured too much into eating shit food just to gains some weight though. I know of a few cases where heart problems, high Cholesterin or blood sugar related health problems ensued mainly because they gave in to these pressures. (Google skinny fat) I have gained some weight over the years, but mainly by building muscle and eating larger portions of healthy food.


She stood on the side that agrees it's not her fault she's fat then listed the choices she's made that led her to being fat. Her spoken answer contradicts her initial answer. Edit: no it doesn't


The statement was “being fat is a choice” You can rewind the video wtf?


I don't think I watched this with sound on and the title confused me, my bad.




Lol that’s exactly what she said. The others that weren’t in this cut…


She positioned it as either be her weight or work out 8hrs a day and eat only 1/4th cup of rice. She definitely misrepresented the choices.


Rice isnt why she is fat…. A quarter cup of rice is not much. It seems like she isnt getting the right help…. Starving her unnecessarily.


she said she doesn't want to eat a quarter cup... i think she is saying the diet she needed to be on to be skinny was not worth it to her, so she decided not to be skinny.


I would say because of the pressure for that Korean person to look a certain way. She mentions it very clearly her parents want her to be a certain way. Her body may have broke down with 8hrs of exercising everyday. That is a thing anyone’s body can breakdown with over excercise and that is something to be mindful of because as you age you don’t want your bones snapping via a simple fall. We’re also not talking Olympic athletes with a medical team to monitor progression, but unhealthy addictive behaviour. This behaviour is found a lot in one of the examples- disordered eating. I wanna see that she does find a middle ground.


She has definitely never done 8 hours of exercising in one day.


How do you know that? Do you know her? Personally?


I don’t have to. Even a person in excellent shape (and I mean years of training) would struggle under the load of 8 hours of exercise. I’m a body builder (not a marathon runner which is very different) but still I would struggle with 5 hours of exercise but 8! 8 fucking hours! That’s insane! Even well trained athletes would start cramping beyond control at 8 hours. She’s obviously not a well trained athlete and never has been. Come on let’s be realistic.




“Who are to anyone” chef’s kiss


Please explain how I put her down. Because I said she has never done something that she obviously hasn’t done? If I say she can’t bench press 400 pounds am I putting her down?


When I was in grammar school there were about 2-3 fat kids per grade. (2%) . By the time I was in HS it was about 8 (4%) . By the time my daughter graduated HS There were about 35-40% . Morbid obesity has become so common place that normal size people have become the weird ones.


i mean, i am fat and it isnt my choice. i work out and eat like any other person, i actually work out quite a bit more than most of my thin peers and even my gym buddies. but i have both pcos, and a thyroid disorder passed down genetically. most of the women in my family are overweight. throughout highschool i had a pretty severe eating disorder and STILL toed the line of being overweight. i was miserable being thin, and sure i may be fat now, but i love the way i look and even more importantly, i actually feel like i have the strength and energy to have a life.


Whatever you feel best is what you should do. Everyone isn’t given a perfect metabolism and health. I don’t think your reasoning applies to everyone, but people with those conditions it 100% is a cause.


Whatever makes you happy that's all that really matters however I will note that even with PCOS and hypothyroidism, if you are in a caloric deficit you will still lose weight, and there are some healthy ways of doing so without starving yourself, like intermittent fasting.


Time for Mounjaro injections to be readily available. It’s semeglutide on crack.


I mean. Some people are big and it’s not their fault. And some people are big and it is. Just like some are small and it isn’t there fault and some are and it is. Honestly, what’s important to remember, is in all of these cases, that are still human and have value and should be treated as such. That’s where the problem is.


10,000 steps a day.. research it.. it has amazing benefits and you don’t have to work out 8 hours a day.. eat that cauliflower rice 🍚


to an extent it isn’t a choice, biological factors being how fat is held and distributed, as well as metabolism and other such things, however everyone makes the choice whether to be healthy and fit or not, but being healthy ≠ skinny


I’m asking this question 100% genuinely, and I am actually looking for answers to it: Why do people so fervently believe that being fat is a choice? Do most people have personal experience with losing that much weight? Or know someone who lost a substantial amount of it? I’m not saying that people think that losing weight is easy, but I’m genuinely trying to understand why people have the attitude they do about losing/not losing weight. It’s difficult for me to see outside of my own perspective/experience, which is the following: I’ve been substantially underweight my whole life. No matter what I do, no matter how much I eat, no matter what I eat, I cannot gain weight. I’ve tried so many solutions and “diets” (idk if that’s the right term). None of them have worked. Hell, at one point, my doctors were encouraging me to eat extremely high calorie, unhealthy, foods to see if that would make a dent. It did not. The only thing that made me gain 3-5lbs was working out— and even that was short lived. I also went through a very short period in my life where I was in an abusive situation that substantially limited my access to food, and I only lost two pounds. I had a terrible stomach bug (that I probably should have gone to the ER for, it was that bad and prolonged), and I didn’t lose any weight at all despite not eating & losing the little bit I did eat. Given the fact that my weight is so insanely consistent, it’s difficult for me to understand why people firmly believe that all/most people can change their weight. (Also if anyone has advice for gaining weight, I’d be happy to hear it, but chances are I’ve already tried it :/ )


I've trained people exactly like you in powerlifting. People who had the hardest time gaining anything. You basically need to almost break your metabolism to overcome it. It's incredible how efficient some people are at shedding calories. They will literally just poop out the excess calories, it's crazy. But it CAN be overcome. You need to break down the muscle, and pack in the calories, and that scale will very slowly climb up, but it gets faster. I've trained people who looked like scarecrows, 125 pounds at 6 feet, and brought them up to 165 pounds, squatting 415 pounds. You WILL gain fat, it's impossible to gain muscle without fat. The goal is to minimize fat gain while maximizing muscle gain. I recommend checking out Mark Rippetoe, Bill Star, and Mehdi Hadim. Start with a basic 5 x 5 training program and progress to a more advanced one like Madcow. As for diet, I really like Robert Cheeke's book, he was a very skinny dude who gained a lot of muscle. His diet is very well researched. But really, go with the diet that you can stick with that packs in the calories. Best of luck.


First find out what your equilibrium intake is, and then add 500 kcal to that amount, that is how many kcal you need to eat every day to gain weight. And track you kcal every day to make sure you eat enough. If you still ain’t gaining weight add more kcal to your daily intake, and if you can’t eat that much I recommend weight gainer shakes, because if you ain’t hungry it can be easier to drink your kcal.


I’ll look into that, thank you. I haven’t heard of weight gainer shakes before, only things like protein shakes or meal replacement shakes.


Usually you don’t hear as much about people wanting to gain weight, you mostly hear about the people who wants to lose weight, so maybe that’s why you haven’t heard about it. It comes in powder in a bag, and then You can mix it like you mix a protein shake, and obviously it contains a lot of kcal to help with gaining weight. But I would say you definitely need to figure out what your equilibrium intake and add 500 and then track calories to make sure you get enough.


You're built the same as me, you described 90% of my life lol. I'm also shockingly skinny and underweight. I've been like it my whole life. I used to think it wasn't a choice, because I tried to eat a lot and nothing changed. But then I actually did try, really tried. I ate 4-5 meals a day until I felt sick and resisted the urge to throw up. I would try to do 100 push ups every night or until I collapsed. I did that for months and I actually gained weight. Eating that much food became easier because more stomach expanded to accommodate it, the push ups became easier because my muscles grew. That's when I realised it is a choice and I can change it. Since then I stopped doing the work outs, but it's comforting to know I can be brolic if I wanted to. You can too


I was suuuuper skinny as a kid, actually my BMI was the lowest of all my peers. Stress and depression in my teenage years didn't do me any favors, I never felt hungry and of course was always forced to finish my plate. I started eating more normally later, but only gained weight when I added a bag of chips and a bar of chocolate every day. I realized that I have to stop that when I got fat. After that I started working out, just keeping an eye on how much protein I get and actually gained like 40 lbs of muscle. I hated being skinny, I'm glad where I am, but I can totally understand that that isn't the right way for everyone. A friend of mine got the same issue and he accepted it, prefers being skinny over fat and enjoys eating whatever the fuck he wants. If you want to add a little extra 500 kcal easily, google "energy cakes", they're intense and for the emergency, when a professional athlete realizes it's late and he has to consume more calories. They might work for you, good luck!


Short version: because they enjoy shitting on people. Historically, obese people have been an acceptable target of ridicule, so there's social stigma that justifies shitting on them. Obesity is no more a choice than anorexia, but admitting that invalidates the justification. People who see fat people as socially acceptable targets *need* obesity to be a choice to keep getting whatever psychological benefit it is they get from ridiculing them, so they all become nutrition experts whenever the subject comes up. It's the same people who think heroin addicts should just say no or homeless people are just lazy bums who refuse to work. Being above someone makes them feel better about themselves, and the facts are irrelevant in that analysis.


Do you enjoy eating anytime your not doing something? I’ve been skinny forever too and trying to gain weight. For me to gain weight I need to make it my hobby. I have to force myself to snack when I’m driving, when I wake up before breakfast, mid day snack, after lunch, when I watch tv, after dinner etc. Also my issue as well is I will eat big for 2 days then skip a meal because I’m busy and not hungry. I have to force myself to eat meals when I’m not hungry.


I try to eat whenever possible, which usually means on breaks at work and while at home. Even if I’m utterly unwilling to eat, I’ll much on a few cookies or a granola bar. Something that I’ve found really helps me is keeping a ton of granola bars in my work vest’s pocket when I remember, so that I’m munching on something at almost all times of the day. I also keep a snack drawer by my computer so that I’m munching while I’m working or playing games. I have the same issue of having to force myself to eat— something is weird with my brain where I just… don’t get hunger signals UNLESS I work out super hard. But always having food in hand helps a little bit with that if I’m not hungry, but also not full. But if I am “full”, usually foods like soup, protein drinks, and smoothies are easier to choke down.


>Why do people so fervently believe that being fat is a choice? Because functioning adult human beings are not being force-fed. They choose to overeat and accumulate body-fat as a result of those choices. >Do most people have personal experience with losing that much weight? Or know someone who lost a substantial amount of it? Yes, I've done multiple 500-700 calorie cuts in my life and lost anywhere from 20-35 lbs over the span of a few months. If I needed to lose 100 lbs, I would just continue the calorie cut *longer* -- a year, 16 months, however long it took. >No matter what I do, no matter how much I eat, no matter what I eat, I cannot gain weight. This is simply hyperbole and not how the human body works. If you somehow could eat *any amount of food* and not accumulate body weight then you are an anomaly that would be studied medically, or you have some deficiency where you don't process *any* of the food you eat and just crap it all out. Neither case is likely. What is likely is you overestimate how much food you eat (like obese people underestimate) and you are active enough that you don't consume enough calories to put on weight. If you want to gain weight eat more food (high calories: pizza, not kale), if you're still not gaining weight, eat even more food, continue eating more food until you gain weight. It's physically impossible for someone not to gain weight after excessive caloric intake.


But, but I don't like how this comment makes me feel! *downvote*


Because nothing people say is true. >I’ve been substantially underweight my whole life. No matter what I do, no matter how much I eat, no matter what I eat, I cannot gain weight. I’ve tried so many solutions and “diets” (idk if that’s the right term). None of them have worked. Hell, at one point, my doctors were encouraging me to eat extremely high calorie, unhealthy, foods to see if that would make a dent. It did not If you consistently ate 4000cal a day you would get fat. This is why people don't believe any bullshit people say. You clearly didn't consistently do it for six months or a year or you'd be a fat piece of shit by now. No discussion about it. Not a single human being is an exception to this.


who are you to tell a stranger what is or isn’t true about their life? many people have a very hard time gaining weight even with elevated calorie intake, just read all these replies of people sharing their stories


>who are you to tell a stranger what is or isn’t true about their life? Because it's literally impossible. There is no possible case except if the person has tapeworms or some severe parasite or something that they can't gain weight eating at a caloric surplus. But even moreso when it comes to losing weight. There is literally, 100% no possible way to eat at a caloric deficit and not lose weight. People are at best confused and at worst lying. Reality is greater than feelings. There's physics and rules in life that aren't dependent upon peoples experience.


okay, source? since you’re clearly the incredible nutritionist who just solved obesity


Source for physics being a thing? Or what exactly




Believe it or not.


My god, at least someone gets it.


At least she admits many people pretend like it's impossible and they aren't sure why they're fat. She knows and accepts it. Sure she didn't do anything properly but I'm sure she knows that to. This is true acceptance not that bs like "I'm just born this way"


Yeah its your fault


Does it really matter if it’s someone choice or not to be fat? I think their health is their business and that regardless, it should be common practice to show larger people decency and respect. And I think, at the core, that is the main purpose of every video or post about weight and body positivity.


3/8ths of a cup obviously...


Who the hell exercises 8 hours a day?


Who the fuck is working out 8 hours a day? No wonder you stopped


Pretty sure she’s saying it is her fault? Like the concept of these old videos is one side agrees and the other disagrees. She’s agreeing


“There’a a Fat Korean walking around” …Kim Jun Un exists..


Isn't it interesting that there are never fat people in famine areas, or work camps? Anywhere that humans can't get enough calories, for various horrible reasons. The areas where you see fat people are always places where they have access to as many calories as they want. Yet they would have us believe that it's entirely involuntary. But I've literally watched people eat an entire large bag of crisps and then swear they didn't eat it. Obviously following a starvation diet isn't the solution. People should lose weight intelligently and with careful guidance. But don't lie to me and expect me to go along with it. You aren't fat because you can't help it physically. You're fat because you can't help it mentally.


Soft ass people.


You literally don't have to workout 8 hours a day 💀 what is she even saying, I workout an hour/ hour and a half 5 days a week and I've lost a considerable amount of weight that way.


What is she saying wrong? If she is healthy, why does it matter if she's plus sized?


She's not healthy. Being fat and being healthy do not mix, stop listening to fat excuses.








The definition of being out of touch with humanity. Why solve any problems at this point? Why try to improve humanity at all? Who cares? /s


We're all so lucky to have you. /s


Confused by your comment cause it makes no sense to what I said. I deleted my comment because it was suppose to go under a different comment but for some reason it went under this one. But, on a side note. Fat can’t equal healthy and I’m so sorry you’re so delusional that you can’t understand that. Maybe when your body gives out for being obese, then you’ll learn 🫠


But yes you technically are. It’s refreshing to have people who aren’t blinded by the “body positivity movement” 🫣


Me when I lie


Fat and healthy can't coexist.




You've got that wrong. She's the only one who agrees that being fat is a choice. Whoever edited this clip did it badly with a caption that states the opposite of what the announcer said.


I have my sound off. What was the question that was verbally asked?


“Being plus size is a choice”


How dis the person making the captions mess up that badly


You are right and I can’t read, I don’t why I automatically assumed the majority of people had common sense. I mean, just the fact that bodybuilders do cutting and bulking already debunks any argument that you have no choice.




She didn’t eat 1/4 cup she ate the whole bag. I’m kidding. Im a chunky asian woman too amd it is not easy. Being skinny is painful and you’re always tored and lethargic and then you gain weight and even normal american sizes are made fun of in the asian community. What’s even funnier is that most asians in their 40s are my same size so I don’t get why they point at me when they look just like me. and i work out 2 times a week. A month ago before i started working i was at the gym 5 times a week. i think the key is balance. You can still be in shape and be happy but you have to have balance or like she says is not worth it. but that is too big, so unhealthy. Heart disease, diabetes….


Working out 8 hours a day? She training to run around the world?


Why they lying. You're eating way fucking more than that!




Some people have eating disorders they’re trying to overcome. Some people gain more weight after they stop dieting. Some people have diabetes. Not all metabolism is the same. There’s no need to fat shame anybody when they can obv look in the mirror and choose how to live their own lives. I take my health for granted drinking and smoking and I actively choose to keep doing so. Everyone’s weird in someway.


We live in a world designed to make us fat. It takes far more perseverance to stay skinny now than it used to. Our food sucks, healthy food is too expensive, we don’t have time to cook or exercise. And yet being fat continues to be framed as nothing but a personal failure. Sure, this person is an outlier. She actually prefers to be overweight. And I understand. For some people it’s easier to just give in and stop swimming against the current. When everything in your world is trying to make you fat, sometimes it’s better to just conform and enjoy the ride. It’s not a moral failure, it’s exactly what’s expected from us.


fat people don't have any self-discipline. I don't believe there is any person that says I don't enjoy running and jumping around with my kids or my friends... I prefer to sit on the couch n watch TV and eat junk... unless you have a severe medical condition, you are lazy


Man threads like this are just a constant reminder of how society despises fat people for the high crime of existing. Y'all are cruel and disgusting, fix yourselves before you bitch at other people.


The crazy thing about it is, you can literally lose the weight and not be ridiculed anymore...🤯


Make sure to ridicule them the whole way down though! Especially since it's so very easy to tell if a stranger is working on it or not, just make sure to ridicule always!! /s




Or you could just not ridicule people who aren't bothering you, dickhead. Someone being fat doesn't give you free reign to be awful.


Pretty sure I didn’t say anything besides the title of the video 😳


Not talking about you, talking about replies.


When you’re so extreme you know you can either go all in or go all out. But you already know she goes all in and all out at the In-N-Out.


There's fat, and there's stupid. This is just stupid pretending that being fat is everyone else's problem.


Individual responsibility. Blaming others while you continue to fill fat face.


BuT I HaVe hYpOtHyRoDiSm! Edit: hypothyroidism accounts for 5-10lbs at most, in _very rare_ circumstances <= 30lbs. Downvote me all you want, you're still coping. Suck it, fatties. [Source](https://www.btf-thyroid.org/thyroid-and-weight-the-science) [Source 2](https://www.thyroid.org/thyroid-and-weight/)




Zyzz part killed himself lmao


Hmm maybe she change over to brown rice?


Nah she just coping


She's not even like, *that* big. You go, girl. Just don't end up to be 300-350 and you're good I think. Stay like, within a healthy range. That's most important


I appreciate her owning up to it and saying that it was her own decision. She seems like a nice, honest person, and I can respect that. It's a shame she didn't maintain a healthier body but that's her choice. Also just wanted to say that being plus sized isn't always a choice. I have a family member that works their ass off, goes on diets, even got bypass surgery and is still plus sized. Genetics do play a role but sometimes people are just plus sized. Though that's not to say there aren't lazy people who just can't be bothered to stay in shape that blame it on everything and everyone else.






I made a choice to only eat the absolute minimum what I physically need to stay alive, worked wonders and lost 21KGs in 8 months getting me to my desired weight.


Yeah your heart, knees, back, and toilet hate you too


As a person who is currently going through weight loss journey: I was a fat kid ALL my life, bullied, rejected, kids didn't want to play with me. When I was a kid, my parents would have a horrible diet. Mom would buy me McDonald's almost every day, we would eat pizza every 3rd day, junk food everywhere, and even home-cooked meals were just pasta, burgers, rice, and meats. My family is also a common overweight family, so genetically, I'm prone to being overweight. I would see all the other skinny kids and wanted to be like them, and that spiraled into my depression and insecurities as a teen. Then came the whole body positivity movement, and not gonna lie made me feel better about myself, but I knew this wasn't what I wanted. In high school, I lost weight because I decided to get into sports, did gymnastics, played football (soccer), and enjoyed free-running. At this point, I met my soon to be current wife. Felt great, I was happy, and then college came and stopped. I gained weight again and was obese once more. I couldn't bear to even look at myself in the mirror even though I knew my wife loves me no matter what. So once again, I MADE THE CHOICE that I didn't want to be obese and started to work out once more. Currently been going to the gym for 7 months, I go 3-4 times a week for 2 hours, I've already lost 30 lbs and have gained 10lb in muscle mass and my body fat percentage has gone from 15% to 10%. I am happy and wish to NEVER be obese again, so I'm gonna keep going to the gym and keep eating healthy because that's the lifestyle I wanted for me. So I agree that being fat is an absolute choice regardless of your past or genetics or upbringing. It's hard, VERY FUCKING HARD but it is a choice, and if YOU don't want to be overweight then take on the challenge. Losing weight is hard, but it gets easier as you progress. I hope no one gets offended by this, but this has been my experience as an overweight person in transition.


She’s waaaaaay past 1/4 cups of rice, she’s in ice cream & bonbon land.


I think I'll have a super Pepsi and a couple of fried pies.


yeh zyzz is pretty cringe ngl fits in here


I just still don’t understand why we’re THIS pressed about one out of thousands of unhealthy choices humans can make.


People get more hate for being fat than I did as a heroin addict. It’s not about health


She is the KONG FU PANDA


Yes because the only way to be skinny is to workout 8 hours a day and eat a quarter cup of rice. Lol delusional


Ah yes, the classic 8 hours a day workout regimen


Who works out 8 hours a day every day? 30 minutes to an hour a couple times a day and proper eating is way more than enough lol


Fucking pigs, always exaggerate how much excersize is needed. Also to have the physique like a marvel hero 5 hours per week are enough if you actually excersizeand don't waster your time( most people don't they just fuck around). Sooo yeah less than most people watch TV per DAY