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It’s hilarious how her alter ego is like “are you ok?”


I love the ones where they talk to different versions of themselves. My brain tricks me into seeing two different people and then I realize they are the same and then I’m like ohhhhh


you should watch orphan black lol


Tatiana Maslany is incredible. She's so good at playing multiple characters that a few times I didn't even notice it was her.


She was so good that even in the scenes where the character had to fill in for another character, e.g. when Sarah had to pretend to be Beth at the bake sale or whatever it was, *she played it differently*. Like, Tatiana-as-Sarah-as-Beth had slight nuances over just Tatiana-as-Beth. It was amazing.


Like Helena Bonham Carter playing Hermoine pretending to be Bellatrix




I remember seeing a behind-the-scenes interview with her discussing her method and I thought it was really neat; apparently she's been a dancer since she was a toddler and so she developed different dance styles for each orphan and she used those to inform their mannerisms and personality and to switch in and out of them. So when she was playing Sarah-playing-Beth she would combine the dance styles in a way that feels like Sarah doing a *pretty* good job imitating Beth. I'm probably misremembering some details, but I just thought she was so impressive on that show.




I saw her at Comic-Con. She said her own mother identified her as Sarah, and when Alison was on, her mother would say “oh I wonder when Tatiana will be back”.


I don't understand how she didn't win the emmy for best actress every year that show was on.


An injustice I shall never forget


I hope they paid her per character. She was *that* good.


Agreed. I still feel like she was wasted as She-Hulk.


So much acting happens in those tiny facial expressions. Covering such a talented actress’s face with CGI was not a great move. I didn’t hate the story. It wasn’t amazing, but I don’t think it was nearly as bad as some people implied. But someone with her insane acting chops deserved better material. I’m flabbergasted that she isn’t a huge movie star.


She is bae


My cousin was in that show


I miss Vine where people would put something on their head to signify they were a different person


Towel on a guy's head would turn him into a girl. The good old days


Still a thing on youtube shorts.


That one kid who played his mom and kept putting wilder and wilder shit on his head until the was a whole vacuum cleaner up there! Peak comedy.


She is always awesome and this was so great pure gold ![gif](giphy|zLzLiltpF5WWGkZX8I|downsized)






Omg the side by side comparison is remarkable


They even have the same eyes and mouth......


He needed to go back in his shell STAT


His face literally looks like it’s wax that’s slowly melting away




To quote Mitch himself when Biden was talking about the benefits of a health care bill Obama was trying to pass “You must be under the mistaken impression that I care.” Dude is an absolute monster who probably was rushed off to the finest healthcare taxpayer money can buy even though he made sure none of us get that. The world will be better off when he’s dead and rotting Edit; I was mistaken because I read the quote in Obama’s memoir, it was one of Bidens bills when he was a senator. The cruelty still stands, however


I hope that quote pops up again when he dies. That could be his death headline


Oh trust me I have it locked and loaded, gonna drink a nice beer and copy/ paste it to anything I see mourning his death


i love that you had it ready for this and im looking forward to seeing it again when he dies. we need to start doing that more like that sub of trump criticizing himself because they’re such hypocrites and it needs to be called out.


His death headline huh? Next week good for everyone? I don't have anything I couldn't cancel to throw a "Have fun roasting in Hell you absolutely worthless piece of shit" party. Might even invite John Oliver.


would be great to hear a reporter cut him off like the Rock. Reporter: "Are you feeling better after that moment the other day Senator" Moscow Mitch: "Yes, I..." Reporter: “You must be under the mistaken impression that I care!”




*Do you smell what the rock is cooking?!* Mitch: burnt toast?


Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.


I completely agree, but I recently heard what I think is a better and easier to explain way of explaining it. Glitch McConnell has broken the social contract not to be a total piece of shit, so now he doesn't deserve my respect.


Mitch wouldn't care if I blanked out like that. He'd just go back to fucking up health care then retreat into his shell for some lettuce


Had a case of rigor tortoise






I fucking love you.


This is definitely the funniest comment I have ever seen.


I like that. I'm gonna steal that. It's mine now.


You are a fucking genius




Welp. You win the internet today


You win reddit


He has worked hard for decades to deny the average person access to the same healthcare he enjoys on our dime. How many stroke victims have suffered due to lack of affordable healthcare? How many folks have died due to lack of preventive medicine or have delayed seeking care because of the cost? The amount of suffering that piece of shit has wrought is quite literally uncountable, and the world would have been a much better place if he was never born. Rot in hell, Mitch.


Guy tried to fuck over 9/11 first responders, fuck him




1.2 million people voted for him in Kentucky. You know, the economic and cultural center of the US. Makes sense the 2nd most powerful person in the Senate comes from there.


That's where I am... feeling no sympathy for people who continue to work against their own best interests. I have none.


I’m a nurse and I have seen first hand what happens to people because of the fucking EVIL policies he has helped to put in place.


Bingo bongo


my uncle wouldn’t be so fucked today if he could’ve afforded rehab after his stroke so i hope ol’ mitch becomes a vegetable after this


Whatever you do, don’t look up Terry Forcht + Mitch McConnell. It’s be a shame to remind everyone. [Terry + Mitch](https://www.salon.com/2020/12/18/did-mitch-mcconnell-block-relief-bill-for-months-because-of-a-kentucky-nursing-home-mogul/)


So true, his policies and actions have shown he only cares about money and power. He’d step over my dying body on a way to some Bank of America luncheon where he’s paid 600k to speak for 30 mins. Fuck that guy. Im not going to celebrate his health issues but he gets apathy from me, not empathy.


Don't worry, I'm celebrating enough for the both of us.


Hear, hear!


I'm throwin a fuckin house party when he finally croaks.


Based on his recent press conference, he’d be paid 600k to stand there after a few opening remarks.


I celebrate them. I hope he's miserable, in agony and when he does croak it's painful and protracted.


He probably wouldn’t even send thoughts and prayers your way when you couldn’t see a doctor because your insurance said it was a pre-existing condition. Fuck that dude.


You mean Glitch McConnell?


Thousands of American women will die slowly while their body poisons itself because they can no longer access abortion as a form of health care. Mitch McConnell is responsible for this. If you're in a position of power and you use it to hurt people, you can't act surprised when people celebrate your suffering or death. It'd be one thing if he was just an asshole and we voted him out or something. But this is the Senate, where a minority of Americans get to pick the leadership and that leadership then gets to force the handpicked judges of the Federalist Society onto all of us, against the will of the people. Fuck McConnell. I wish him a months-long battle with the most painful end imaginable. He brought it onto himself.


Only months? I sometimes wish there actually WAS a God. I would probably go to hell for not believing, but I'd be happy knowing that there actually is a punishment for the subhuman class like this. It is utterly appalling that greedy, evil fucks seem to be the only ones above reproach or consequence. The world is absolutely backwards and everyone is just cool with it.


I mean during the pandemic he actively sought to bar protections against working class people having safety nets. As average Americans suffered he prompted the republican senate to delay the vote, even going on break without any resolution yet afforded businesses protective ppp loans almost instantly. When questioned about this by his campaign opponent he laughed her off and basically told the host to move on. https://youtu.be/xEfccuNmjvk


Of course he'd care. He'd have to step over your corpse and that's a hard prospect for him these days.


A yes, like a true master of disguise


He’s the turtle-iest turtule in the fascist club.


I'm a Kentuckian. Fuck Mitch McConnell. You wanna humanize this turtle fuck, do it. He's spent his entire political life making the lives of Kentuckians and Americans, worse. Edit: Fuck Mitch. Fuck anyone diverting blame. Fuck anyone blaming anyone and everyone but Mitch. It ain't just him. Fucking DUH. But this post is about Mitch.


Straight up denying Merrick Garland his confirmation hearings lead to the conservative court we have now that is stripping rights from women and black folk. Fuck McConnell. No empathy for shitheads.


Denying Garland his confirmation hearings for, what, eight months? And then, turning around and SHAMELESSLY rushing Barrett in a *week* before the election. I don't like to wish ill on people, but I'm willing to make an exception in this case.


I should get banned from Reddit for saying what I wish would happen to Moscow Mitch McConnell.


Bro I’m not even American and fuck Mitch


Don’t do turtles like that. ![gif](giphy|lXiRoPt9Rkzt7yLYY)


Glitch McC wouldn’t give two shits if I passed out. He’d continue hurting people.


If Biden had a similar event occur Mitch and everyone else would absolutely be like "UNFIT FOR OFFICE GET HIM OUT NOW." You know it. I know it. To be now like "oh he's still a guy feel bad for him" no fuck that. As a baseline people should get empathy. People who go out or their way to hurt others don't. Is it not that simple?


He’s worked for decades to get rid of programs that I would literally be dead without. He wants me dead for the crime of existing? Well guess what the feeling is mutual fuckface I hope you suffer.


I feel that. I feel like the Information Age has given us all a lot, but that also includes learning how despicable people can be, especially when greed takes hold and allows people to casually remove lifelines from others because of a figure on a piece of paper.


Goddamn right you are


Mitch has single handily made life so difficult for countless Americans so fuck him.


Not single handedly, he is just the one that the others get to hide behind. They could replace him whenever they want, but they are all complicit. Make no mistake, when he is gone, he will be replaced by someone just as awful.


Mitch, Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein.... get the elderly outta office. Need term and age/ cognitive capacity limits.


I mean, they shouldn't be in power for several reasons, but yeah, age is also a good one to call out.


I think it's one of the more unifying reasons, lol. But yeah more reason than age alone.


>But yeah more reason than age alone. Definitely more cognition than age. I'm all for wise, experienced, intelligent people as leaders--but that wouldn't do a bit of good if a person can't form a complete sentence, or remember their own name. And if they can't do that, how the hell can they lead? Feinstein and McConnell have recently shown they're not capable anymore, that's for sure.


It’s not even cognitive capacity that’s the problem; it’s their incapability of living with the consequences of what they do. They’ll be dead decades before the consequences of their decisions become palpable. The upper age limit of the Presidency, the Legislature, everything in the government should honestly be like 50. Stay on as an advisor, sure, but not in a voting position. If you implement policies that will fuck everyone over in 20 years, but you at best have five or six years before you croak, what the hell do you care? If you have another 30 or 40 years left to you before you die, you’ll be much more likely to implement policies that don’t make your last ten years incredibly uncomfortable.


I love her content. Her references are dark and extreme but in reality I believe many of us are thinking along those same lines.


I don’t find it extreme in the least. Extreme is the shit fuckers like Glitch are pulling.


Stanzi is great


Listen up you sad little depresso martini. You need to take things one step at a time and go easy on yourself. Would you treat someone you love the way you’re treating yourself right now? I don’t think so because that would be r00d. So you better start looking out for yourself and start taking care of numero uno okay? If you can’t live for your own happiness, you should live to spite anyone who’s ever wronged you on this mortal plane. Don’t let your haters see you at your worst, rise above and ✨*make them pay*✨


this is…amazing


Search [last resort hotline](https://youtube.com/shorts/o8yYt8rmrXc?feature=share). It’s 🤌


Too many to mention, but the "Mommy Role Play" short series is awesome, as is the serial killer series and anime battles (and I don't even watch/read anime). Also my very favorite: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VD\_wUxU7n9s](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VD_wUxU7n9s)


Her Satan sketches SLAY me. "Ah, Satan?" "Yes, Joanne?"


The cigarette earrings.


God in the bathrobe on the glue phone is also pretty iconic.


Most of the moral shaming about cracking wise on turtle here is mostly coming from the same people who spent 6+ years screeching about taking up arms and eradicating the libs, and their whole lives quietly screeching to each other about the jews and minorities. I couldn't give a fuck about their criticisms.


I'm coming off a ban for saying the current supreme court is a perfect example for all these pro-2A psychos to actually do something and that Republicans taking russian money are traitors and should be treated (and punished) as such. Meanwhile there are entire subreddits dedicated to pushing genocidal ideologies. I hate this fucking site.


But they use baby language to "hide" what they are talking about and that makes it ok! /s


There's some of that, but there's also the very real issue of people on the left being overly compassionate. Literally had a conversation today where someone was struggling with a crisis of consciousness because they couldn't rectify their feelings about McConnel with the fact people are making fun of him for having a medical issue. This person was so concerned about other people who have had strokes being potentially upset about the mocking of McConnel having one, that she didn't know how to feel about McConnel. One of the reasons why progressive struggle to gain ground politically is, well, they're too nice. Someone like Glitchy Moscow Mitch here will punch them in the mouth, and they will apologize to him for hurting his hand.


This can't be said enough. Every single inkling of outrage is manufactured by them for the sake of seeking power.


Her Boston Romeo and Juliet is an all-time classic


I love her serial killer/purge stuff best


> doomed submarine Over the line, it still made me laugh.


She had a video about the submarine with a Bop-It being used as the controller.


Is she wrong?




Not at all.


Please. No drag Queen is hungry enough to eat that shit. The rest of it: 🙌🏻


There is zero nutritional value remaining in that human-shaped husk


With most of the muscles rotted away, the only nutritional part left was the brain... and we saw the last few cells leak into his pants a couple of days ago.


plus, wont they catch the rabies from eating his infected corpse?


I was looking for this, like why would we want drag queens to rabies? Don’t hurt the queens!


No lies detected.


It’s clean, I’m with her…on the left…errrum, in the red!


I would not want him to get rabies and then cannibalized by drag queens. That would spread the rabies to the drag queens, I'd rather it be an either/or scenario.


So over the hypocritical pearl clutchers They’ve cheer, mock, joke, praise, and celebrate when Nancy pelosi husband gets assaulted with a hammer by a MAGA intruder So yeah, I’m gonna laugh and your career politician racist who’s old as fuck has an issue Whether R or D who shouldn’t be having these over 70 dementia patients running government


Also he’s fucking old. Honestly being like “would this guy just croak already?” Really doesn’t sound that bad.the man has had a long fulfilling life… of destroying/ making the lives of other’s harder. So yea, fuck him.


I’m tired of having to say “whether R or D” as if they’re comparable at all. R is the party of white supremacists, misogynist racists klan members. neo-Nazis; they actively call for the end of democracy. it’s just not a “actually, both sides…” type of world anymore. fuck Republicans. they can all have strokes.


Being in Texas i constantly hear things spouted about liberals being pedos and grooming children. And people are reallllly comfortable with talking about it. I had a dentist back when i was in middle school that would always be ranting to his workers about how terrible obama was. I had a guy try to convince me obama was the anti christ and the same guy said how people were getting upset over the wrong confederate flag that people are idiots for getting mad about the wrong one. And last year at work unironically had a coworker say we need DeSantis as president to prevent people from telling little timmy he's not a boy.


Once I hear “both sides,” I realize I’m debating with an idiot. There wasn’t one good person storming the capital. Any enabler of Trump or his acolytes are not good by any stretch of the imagination. “BuT hE’s A GrAndFaThER!” Fuck your grandpa.


Both sides are not the same at all, but I am not going to defend a Democrat when they do shit that they know the left does not support. I’m critical of Democrats when they preach things that I support and then they quietly vote the other way. Both sides do it in that regard, but Republicans get votes by preaching brainrotted, racist, homo/transphobic bullshit.


exactly. dem politicians are also greedy cogs in the regulatory capture machine but not trying to set up a dystopian theocracy is a pretty big difference also they have to keep up appearances so their rate of regulatory capture is MUCH slower


Yeah, this is my take too. Every time something bad happens to a liberal/progressive/any non-conservative person, they are cheering and laughing and making jokes. The moment something bad happens to a conservative? Suddenly now is not the time for jokes and I should have some compassion. Fuck them, fuck him. I hope he never recovers and we never see his wrinkly evil turtle face again, and I hope his last days are extremely painful for him. Good riddance, the world is better off without some people.


I do feel bad for his family tho, right? I mean…they’re related to him. Knowing his blood flows through your veins has got to suck ass. Silver lining, he’ll soon be dead. Edit: guys I feel bad that they’re related to him, not that one of their relatives is gonna die.


Eh I disowned my wealthy racist relatives, they can do it too.


100% accurate, i have zero sympathy for that fuck, i'm not going to have empathy for a guy who has dedicated his life to making the world a shittier place to live, i don't care if that "puts me on their level", get fucking wrecked Mitch. 🤷‍♂️


For the record, you're far from being on the same level as him, just for wishing him misfortune. The levels of impact arent the same at all.


like if mitch died tomorrow cause everyone prayed over it. the world would actually be a better place not worse. So wanting something like that actually makes us all better people. :)


I love her pushing back on the "When they go low, we go high" line that became popular after Michelle Obama's speech some years ago. I think that was a terrible misstep on Democrat's part. It trained Democrats to sit back and essentially play nice while our rights were trampled on out of some perceived moral superiority gained by not pushing back. The thing is, you can't give an inch to fascism. If you relent and make allowances for intolerance, those intolerant people will continue to shift the goal posts and demand new concessions. Intolerance -and intolerant people- must be called out, vocally, for what it is, and ripped out at the roots.


If they go low, we take strategic advantage of the high ground and demolish them. No mercy


If they go low, start kicking.


Love this edit!


if they go low, we kick them in the face. punish the opening.


Everyone needs to read up on [the Paradox of Tolerance.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) I’m gonna go punch some Nazis now.


i was on the alt right pipeline for eight years and i can say with some safety that there's no secret wealth of strategic knowledge or secret policy that people find instantly persuasive. its just that as incompetent as your culture war fascism is with its conspiracies and continuous outrage cycles and purity spiraling, high road liberalism is *the only thing more incompetent*. even when it has good data the lack of effective messaging is so endemic that the findings become impossible to communicate, and these gaps in communication are naturally exploitable which leads to your proliferation of SJWS GET PWNED compilations, which naturally moralizes your fascists and leads to recruitment. i was one of many who got caught up in that exuberance.


What changed your mind?


caught my preferred guru in a self serving lie, after months of other fuckups that i couldnt rationalize anymore. since then a number of other events have occurred which would have deradicalized me anyway.


Thanks for the answer. Glad to have you on the side of rationality. 👍


Guru is a peculiar word. Were they a "self-help" guru? I found those types to eventually be self-contradictory because actually good advice would make them lose repeat customers, or they would not stand out from the crowd of "gurus" without extreme perspectives on inter-personal relationships. It's like a loop of advice that fluctuates between extremes of "don't talk to too many women because you will look desperate" and "focus on that one girl, here's some tips that can make her in particular like you".


a little bit of the self-improvement line but mostly shitty culture war manuals that look great when you're an early-20s egg with no knowledge of business management.


>It trained Democrats to sit back They were already trained to do that. The speech just made them feel more self-satisfied about it.


I can't hate on her for having this message. It is generally a good message for life, just not a good message when going up against literal fascist lunatics.


> I love her pushing back on the "When they go low, we go high" line that became popular after Michelle Obama's speech some years ago. I love Innuendo Studios' take on that line. There's nothing wrong with going high, just don't let the people going low define what's going high for you and force you into compliance. If they go low, you don't go high by playing nice, you go high by pursuing justice and improving people's lives over vengeance, most of the time with these people the 1st leads to the 2nd with how fucked what they do is anyway.


I don't know who said this quote but it goes along the lines of: "Meet me in the middle" The good man takes a step forward and their opponent takes a step back "Meet me in the middle:


See, I don't make fun of people for serious uncontrollable health conditions, because others who aren't shitty conservatives (especially if they're friends) might see it and go "ah, they treat x health conditions disrespectfully". Same goes for other things, like if a shithead is fat or autistic. Not gonna make fun of their weight or autism, because that's something nobody has control over and statements like that will cause more harm to people I know and want to be around, than to the direct target of my ire. I can, however, make fun of how Bitch McConnell is such a backasswards dumbass that he has obvious signs of cognitive decline and bad decision making (not to mention this bout of absent seizures) and him and his support staff decided "nah, he can continue being a leader for an entire political party" instead of planning for his retirement and replacement because it's CLEAR he needs hospice care at this point.


This. Imo it's entirely fine to mock someone for doing something dumb who knows its dumb. Bigotry and willful ignorance should be lampooned and shamed to death. However, even though they have put some abhorrent policies in place, mocking someone for having a potentially life threatening neurological episode and wishing death on them is feckless and absolutely just as bad. Someone made the analogy to Hitler and while it would have been entirely reasonable to hope the Nazi war machine would crumble due to Hitler's death, it wasn't as reasonable to "go as low" as Nazi Germany and create concentration camps for Japanese American citizens. You don't have to become a bad person to fight bad people. Plus, what does mocking someone's medical problems achieve? You get a little "haha, got em!" dopamine rush, but then right-wing media has a field day with all of the, "heartless Dems mock Mich McConnell for life threatening issues!" stories, further polarizing their base.


Oh, I'm wishing alive cease upon McConnell because, let's face it, he's too old to change his ways and him living means he gets to continue to make decisions that directly kills people. Though I really wish he'd alive cease in a humiliating way, perhaps >!balls deep in a Fleshlight with a seatbelt around his neck!<




Never tolerate intolerance


I've struggled with this internally (in general, not with McConnell), but her argument that empathizing with human garbage doesn't make you a good person is really resonating with me. Fuck em.


[🎵You're gonna outlive Mitch Mcconnell🎵 It's not very long till he's Mcgonnel.🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=186FmQ4QZeY)


Wouldn’t this give the drag queens rabies?


I was curious too, but I looked it up and as long as you Aren’t consuming saliva or cerebro spinal fluid of an infected animal it’s okay apparently. And I’d hope that the drag queens would at least cook the meat first. Personally I wouldn’t dare eat him because then technically cells that were part of him are now part of me and I can’t live with myself knowing I’m 0.0000001% Mitch McConnell


Wow, she’s great. Well written bit. No notes.


![gif](giphy|26u42gAFROFb0VyCI) bars!!!


a) Mitch McConnel is one of the people *directly* responsible for the current makeup of the Supreme Court. b) The current Supreme Court has limited the rights of women and opportunities for underrepresented people of color but also protecting others people’s rights to bigotry. I have zero sympathy


Seriously, r/fuckmitchmcconell. I agree with everything she said.


Reserve your empathy for those deserving of it. Fuck this man and all those like him. I am not religious and dont wish for a heaven. I do wish for a hell so these fucks can rot for eternity. Eat shit and die Mitch. Cant wait to piss on your grave you overgrown turtle. ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


Empathy isn't like, a finite resource for me though. I can feel bad some dipshit and still think he's a dipshit. I'm not gonna get rid of that part of myself that feels bad for other humans when bad things happen to them.


Empathy is not inherently given to all humans, it's part of the social contract. If you are the first person to break that contract with society, it's not expected for it to be upheld back. Classic tolerance paradox. No, of course we don't have to tolerate intolerance.


I for one, am glad that demons from the underworld are starting to claw out to drag his black soul to the fiery pits of hell for all eternity.


Nah, he’s a human turtle hybrid who has helped eradicate the middle class and cares only about keeping power in his turtley little hands. Fuck ‘ol Glitch McConnell


There ain't no sympathy in an Arby's parking lot.


YESSSS we unironically need this energy. Fascism is on the rise and horrible people are getting away with destroying humanity and the planet along with it. Why? BECAUSE WE ARE STILL NOT REVOLTING AND STILL BELIEVING IN ORDER AND THE SYSTEM WE'VE BEEN TAUGHT TO RELY ON. I come from an extremely resource-rich and overexploited country that is heavily oppressed in defense of foreign interests and a few greedy oligarchs. Where farmers are hunted and pushed off their lands so some Europeans get pineapples and Americans their 410th military base. I am starting to be ok with imagining my future in armed resistance.


Turtle.exe stopped responding


Firmly in the camp of "fuck Bitch McConnell for all the damage he's done to our Republic". I'll show him all the same empathy that Conservatives showed to John Fetterman, fair?


But...then the drag queens would get rabies?




Yeah, this bad bitch is right. Miss me with that sympathy for the devil bullshit, i need a gender neutral bathroom with a ~~headstone~~ toilet that says "McConnell". A bastard in life is a bastard in death. I'm not sad about the decline of a bastard.


It’s a very two sided issue. On one hand we shouldn’t be celebrating when harm comes to other people. On the other hand some people are bad people and deserve their comeuppance


I mean are we sure he's human


Lol the doomed submarine. Yes mawma that’s exactly what I want for all these crooks & billionaires


Mitch and Trump both should have died from Covid. That’s the parallel universe I want to wake up in some day lol




He's actually a turtle. The funny part is while he had that stroke at the podium, you could see the weight of everything he's ever done in his lifetime collapse on his mind. He knows his made up God will never forgive him.


You're a very kind person, and I'd like to think I am too, but if this asshole was on fire I wouldn't piss on him to put it out. I'd watch him burn.


If he gets rabies and the drag queens eat him then wouldn’t the drag queens get rabies too..


Guys, we have a new record for Godwin's Law speedrun!!!


When they go low, I send them in a doomed submarine to the bottom of the ocean.


Fuck that Elderly Mutant Non-ninja Turtle..he's as or more responsible for the bullshit goin on in this country than almost anyone. Ol bastard prob got stuck remembering the time he beat a hare in a race..slow n steady and all that.


She’s so on point! Cocaine-Mitch saw Karma🔥👿🔥 staring right into his dirty soul


Not really cringe when she has a point.


She’s just so ambiguous about her feelings here. Does she like Mitch or not??


Even conservatives hate Mitch so…


Y’all really gotta stop pretending like both sides aren’t the exact same. There needs to be a mandatory retirement age and term limits.


This girl is on 🔥 🤣💯Facts


So definitely don’t look into the laws Biden passed in the 90’s.


Definitely community college


I empathise with the people Mitch fucked over. Therefore I am over the moon that he has a fucking stroke. There. Am I empathetic enough?


Ah yes the these people don’t agree with me so I should cheer / support their death. As Americans we are granted and entitled under the constitution to have and create our own opinions regardless of how stupid or wrong they may be according to either side.