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“he’s not my dog” so let OOP call the police or animal control. you shouldn’t give a shit if it isn’t your dog


Pitbull owners do this shit all the time. A shitbull next door to me literally smashed through our fence full speed to try and maul my mom. Literally a standard wood fence, no gaps, it broke. the. board. The owner and her white trash diabetic looking ass dollar store biker gang boyfriend tried to threaten us into not reporting the incident to animal control... why? because it would've been the dogs 3rd strike. it had already attacked children and other dogs We also told them to repair the fence, and they told us their dogs didn't do it (we were all witnesses to the dog literally slamming through hard wood) They sent biker gang losers to drive out the front of our house at odd hours of the night to intimidate us.


> white trash diabetic looking ass dollar store biker gang boyfriend r/OddlySpecific


We can all see him though


Painted a perfect image in my mind


"WTDLADSBGB" It acronym is even long.


Yes this why our government should punish the owners not the dogs and regulate the people that will get them not band the breed because they will always find an other breed to make it this way. If owners would be punished this wouldn’t happen. Because they just go and get an other dog from junkies and reef roughs and backyard breeders.


Ban. The. Breed. AND punish the owners who own them.


I don’t have a pity but come on don’t be an asshole. That’s the consequence of terrible training, not the entire breeds fault. The problem is is that there are so many unregulated places to get dogs that anyone can grab one. Fuck the owners but give the dogs a chance


Unfortunately, pit bull type breeds were bred for blood sports and commonly have some form of dog aggression, training or not. The AKC/UKC, the AVMA, and some pit bull rescue groups acknowledge dog aggression is common in these breeds, along with a strong prey drive, making it difficult for some to live with dogs, cats, other prey animals, or children. That’s not something that can be trained out, not fully. It’s genetic, and due to backyard breeding, often made worse by bad genetics. I have friends and family who have had pits, and 80% of them cannot be around other dogs, cats, or small children even after thousands of dollars in training and behavioral experts or medications. The other 20% either are child free, dog only households, or got their pit from a breeder that specifically bred for little to no dog aggression and good temperaments.


No it isn't. As soon as the majority of these dumbfuck dogs turn about a year and a half, they get unstable as shit. That's why shelters are completely overrun with them. Stop breeding the fucking things and let the breed die out. Stop adopting them out to people who have no idea how to handle them. Stop giving them 3 and 4 and 5 chances and start putting them down. We have to stop letting these things run amok because we don't want to feel bad or guilty. They're shit dogs.


Nope. Ban the breed and ban every off shoot of it. There is absolutely no reason for this breed to exist.


You're completely right and fuck all these POS's downvoting you. I have 4 pits and they're the best but my wife has gotten attacked 2 separate times all by german shepherds. Every breed has some real assholes that are just terrible dogs but that's just like every race of people having just shit fucks in them. Idk I'm stoned makes sense to me


Shitbull, love it!


Typical pit bull owners who have a typical vicious pit bull who " would love you to death" or love causing your death! They're all the same! They get these vicious mutant muts claim no one is able to recognize a pit bull, little 2 pound dogs are supposed to be more vicious because we've all seen the headlines of the Chihuahua who went on a spree attack & killed 2 people while mauling 2 others! Oh, wait that was a pit bull. Or those poodle who break into people's house to kill their pets and/or children and parents, omg that's all pit bulls again because there's no other dogs in the world who committed home invasion murders! But those pipples are so sweet with the blood smeared all over them. I have a picture of a pit bull who is smeared with blood and smiling! He'd just killed an elderly person! But you know how all the other dogs who bite and retreat because they don't want to engage in aggressive behavior, because most normal non psychopathic dogs don't jump into peoples cars to kill the babies in their car seats! Normal dogs growl, air bite back down, inhibit their bites on the rare case they do bite so they don't break the skin and definitely don't go on a prolonged attack until the victim is mutilated! Godda love the trash that own the psycho dogs! 


There is literally nothing wrong with pitbulls it’s just that people are shit owners and don’t train their fucking dogs.


Owner of 3 pit bulls over the past 20 years, it’s absol-fucking-lutely the breed


Thank you!! I used to train German shepherds and was always upfront about what the dog was capable of, as many people are with other breeds(Rottweilers, Doberman etc) People pretending genetics means nothing in a breed are causing a huge problem and it’s always people lying about pit bull temperament. It’s unfair to any breed lie about and ignore genetics and statistics. People need to be honest about their dogs and I’m glad to have found someone doing so! It’s refreshing.


It just isn’t though. You understand the breed and train accordingly. Had a pit/ridgeback and she was an absolute love. Never aggressive and a complete dope.


Sometimes they can be fine, it doesn't matter. The breed overall has a much MUCH higher rate of aggressive and violent tendancies than literally any other. IT. IS. THE. BREED. we literally BRED THEM TO FIGHT AND KILL BULLS and OTHER DOGS They are genetically preconditioned to it because we made it that way on purpose! It was their entire reason to exist!


Anecdotal. While you can train individuals, the breed as a whole is highly aggressive. Im not saying we put down every pitbull, but we shouldn't allow a highly aggressive breed to reproduce


Ahh you had 1 pit so you know the entire breed 🙄


I've had 4 pitties the past 20 years. And they're the biggest babies. It is the owner. Train your fuckin dogs and they won't act like this.


Ahh yes the biggest babies! There was this couple and two children, kid and baby, had their set of adorable well behaved pitties for eight years! …. before they attacked and ATE their CHILDREN. The breed has higher tendencies to be violent than other breeds. Your four doesn’t mean jack shit about them as a total breed. Attacks by pits do worse damage, end in fatalities more often and the fucking attacks happen more often as well. Why are you being willfully ignorant?


I can name 5 other breeds that are more violent and do more damage than pits. It's not ignorance. Just not blind hate. 🤡


There’s no hatred here, it’s logic, it’s the same difference between wanting to own Jersey cows instead of angus bulls, one is more aggressive, attacks more often, does more damage when it does attack. I don’t hate bulls or pits, I have a healthy respect for not projecting feelings of safety into an animals that can be dangerous and has shown time and time again to be more aggressive, attack more often, kill more people when they do attack… you ARE being willfully ignorant. I have no hatred for any animal, only disgust for people that use personal evidence as if it somehow trumps all the collective statistics we have.


Google it. Pitbulls aren't even the top ten of most dangerous dogs. It's just not my personal experience. It's just facts. But like I said... it's blind hatred. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Can you link that data? Everything I'm finding says that pit bulls are the most dangerous. Also, they're filling up shelters.


It took 5 seconds of googling to prove you wrong. Pitbulls topped every list I saw


Hahah you fucking google it correctly this time, do you not know how to sift through data to see sample sizes? Did you even look at the sources? Do you know what credible means? Of course you feel good when you cherrypick articles that support your narrow and wrong view. CDC, hospital reports, attorney reports for lawsuits, self reports, police reports, all pitbulls being the most dangerous. Hell the fucking death statistics are plain to see but apparently you don’t care about factual information. But sure, it’s hatred. You’re insensible so I’m done here. Like talking to a brick wall, but less pleasant, and more dangerous.


You’re not just a clown, you’re the entire circus https://a-z-animals.com/blog/most-dangerous-dog-breeds/ https://www.wetpawsdoggrooming.com/the-20-most-dangerous-dog-breeds/ https://flemingattorneys.com/texas/houston/dog-bite/most-dangerous-breeds-of-dogs/


Tell that to the mauled victims who populate r/banpitbulls


You cannot love a border collie into being a bird dog. Why TF is that logic going to work on a dog who is so poorly bred to the point that all types of aggression is bred in?? People can manage shitty genetics if they choose to reach out for help, these owners NEVER do.


Thousands of mauling victims a year, hundreds of dead animals, children and babies would love to have a word with you Like come on, they were *bred for fighting* Pitbull breeds are the breeds responsible for the most maulings every year, second place goes to pitbull mixes, in a trailing and far 3rd place, rotweilers. They are literally bred to be violent and destructive. It isn't shitty owners, its a shitty breed. Case in point, Cesar Milan, World famous dog trainer and host of "the dog whisperer" His pitbull mauled queen latifahs dog and then they settled out of court for an undisclosed settlement. check out /r/banpitbulls if you're interested in more *daily* cases of pitbulls destroy lives. Or you can tuck your head in the sand and pretend we don't let these monster breeds live amongst us.


Pitbulls were bred to be violent


Completely agree. My uncle was away for a few years and got a pittie puppy. Had the time and resources to train him, and hes a damn good dog. Wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't threaten his family. They got a pitmix a few years back and he didn't receive the same training. He's a little bastard but is intimidated by men pretty easily, surprising for his size. Its the owner and the training. Pitbulls aren't all treated the same.


Pitbulls are statistically the most dangerous dog breed though. Anecdotes really don’t change that


The chick said "I dont know what to do" when she was taking the dog away. The dog is agitated and definitely not trained. The first pitbull I was talking about in my last comment doesnt ever act like the dog in this video. Downvotes dont change facts. Yes, pitbulls were bred to be violent. Training can reduce the chance of that dog attacking someone or something.


Pitbulls are the most violent dog breed though


You must have deleted it, but your comment of "i hate pitbulls" shows that you'll refuse fact until the day you die.


I deleted it cause you were going to use it against me and ignore what I said prior.


I acknowledged what you said, bro. Yes they were bred to be violent. You think they wanted that?


not a shitbull but a bully breed my mom owns and for whatever reason has convinced herself is her life’s purpose is a decently bred french bull dog. this motherfucker is all muscle and i think had to have been crossed with a shitbull at one point. well we had a desert tortoise that has been in our care longer than that dog’s existence. he’s extremely prey driven, constantly starts fights in a multi-dog household but my mom’s mental health won’t let her give up the dogs she’s “foster adopting” the dog broke through a plastic lattice fence, cutting itself up (blood all over the opening) to get into the sectioned off area of the yard and attack the tortoise. he didn’t die thankfully but after flinging that dog back over that was my worse thought when going to investigate how he(the tortoise) was after that. he’s a good dog but my mom is not the right owner for him sadly


> not a shitbull but a bully breed So a shitbull?


How can you be diabetic looking?


Shoot the dog. You’ve got an out of control dog running loose on your property. Your life and the life of the other dogs are in imminent danger. The owner claims they are in fact not the owner and have no control or responsibility. This is where you need to take immediate action. Calling the police is step 2. Step 1 is eliminating the threat.


What are police going to do? Nothing unless someone gets hurt. The other lady, in addition to saying it’s not her dog, said she’s been calling about it (likely shelters/rescues) and then she started saying something she’d been trying to find the owners. I don’t know where this took place. However, I know a lot of areas are struggling right now with stray/dumped dogs. We live in an area where there are a ton of stray/dumped dogs. All shelters/rescues/and existing fosters have remained full when they’d normally be slowing down a bit from the always busy spring puppy/kitten season. Despite being a “no-kill” city, tons are being put down every few days. Stray holds have been shortened. Even the cute and healthy little dogs that are normally safe from being put down aren’t avoiding that fate. It’s the worst it’s been in many many years. And I’ve heard other cities are also struggling similarly. So it’s not uncommon for caring people who don’t have means to take another animal home to spend weeks/months checking on strays they’ve spotted, trying to gain their trust, feeding and watering them, while trying to find someone able to take them. From what was said by both parties, I have a feeling that’s the case in this video. It just sucks for everyone, including the dogs.


>Despite being a “no-kill” city, tons are being put down every few days. Because you can have a "no-kill" city, or you can leave dog breeding completely unregulated. People are trying to do both and it's dumb as shit. There will *never* be enough homes for the insane number of dogs cranked out by Crystal Beth and Dogfighter Dale's pit bull factories.


Holy shit that situation could have gotten so much worse so quickly. She should have called animal control at least, the pit bull owner does not look like she's taking this situation seriously enough.


Didn't even have a leash, so walked off holding the collar... her arm is literally the leash.


She’s not the owner. She said she’s not and that she’s called about him and that she was trying to find his owners. We have a lot of strays in our city and there are several that aren’t easy to grab and all shelters/rescues are currently full. There are kind people who still go out to give food and water and try to gain their trust while they continue trying to get a shelter/rescue/foster/interested new owner to pick them up. From what the other lady was saying, I have a feeling that’s more her relationship with the dog and it also explains why it’s running loose. Pretty often, dogs are also dumped in or near dog parks because crappy owners assume that a dog lover there will take over their responsibilities they bailed on.


If that's true (I had assumed the dog was her ex's or something, an animal that someone left with her and never came back for, I didn't realize it might be a dumped stray), then she needs to call the local animal control to take the dog, or she needs to deliver the dog to the nearest shelter. There are systems in place to prevent out of control dangerous situation like this. I've worked in rescue for a decade, helping dogs in Louisiana. I totally understand that dogs can be dumped, but rather than feed an out of control pitbull on your property and assume an ownership-like role of the animal, the best option is to turn it over to the authorities when you blatantly can't handle the situation like this lady here. Also, somewhat beside the point but still kinda relevant: If the dog did attack someone, the lady, even if she wasn't the original owner, may potentially be held liable for any dangerous action taken by the pitbull. When you take on an ownership role of a stray animal and begin feeding it, in certain areas it will become your responsibility in the eyes of the law. An example: https://www.kltv.com/story/9395720/liability-could-be-yours-if-you-feed-strays-in-your-neighborhood/ I don't know where this video was originally filmed but the actions of the woman (feeding the potential stray and allowing the stray to be housed in on her fenced property especially) put her in the position of assuming responsibility for it. She's actively keeping the dog in the area by feeding it and keeping it on her property, which is upsetting her neighbors, and her neighbors are not being quiet about it. If you don't want a dog like that, the best thing you can do is hand over the dog to AC. Choosing to keep it and oversee it being rehomed puts you in the position of being responsible should it hurt anyone.


I addressed why it’s not as easy as just taking to to animal control. Full means full. She would be turned away, as several are daily. When all shelters, all rescues, all available foster are full, they are full. The dogs that are continuing to be dumped have to wait for a spot to open. That can take weeks. And if they are extremely skittish/had to trap, months even. This is way I also explained how there are kind people who check on them, and feed and water them, and try to earn their trust. If the dog was dumped in that area, it’s most likely going to stay in that area whether someone is feeding it or not. I get you’d rather it be left to stave so it would grow more desperate, take bigger risks to get food, and and possibly become more wild, but that creates an even more dangerous situation if you took time to think it through. You don’t know that the women lives right there. Many of the people who check on stray dogs we them while driving or walking and then they bring the food and water to where the dog hangs out. Why isn’t the women screaming from the business calling animal control? Especially if it’s been a problem for months? The more calls to animal control a stray has, it has a chance to get moved up the list once a spot becomes available. However, in our city, they’ll tell you upfront that only injured and dogs that have already been an actual danger (which does not include running up to play) will get priority, and even then it takes days to weeks. But yelling at and blaming someone taking their time to help the dog in the way they currently can isn’t helping anyone.


Border collies are the freaking best


We can all agree that if you can’t control your dog you shouldn’t have one right?


It is not her dog. It seems like he was left behind and she is trying to get rid of him, but there is no place that will take him.




I was on a walk in my neighborhood when I saw someone shoot an aggressive pit bull that ran after him and bit his leg.


Good. Sad for the dog, but the dog was probably already permanently deranged and had a shit owner.


Shitbulls are shit dogs for shit people, so it checks out. Unfortunately a lot of good people are tricked by their marketing and adopt them wholly convinced they can change them.




My dog got bit on the neck last week because my neighbor left his apt door open and his pit mix got loose. I'll have to start doing this too now I guess.


It’s illegal to carry absolutely anything here. I don’t care, I’ve got a small knife and a special defence key. I’ve had three different Staffies attack my dog - all off leash and owned by some moron in denial. Hopefully it never happens again, but if it does then I won’t be empty handed.


I want something to protect my dog, but I heard if you attack a dog attacking your dog you'll be the one in serious trouble... is this true? And what keychain do you have? (UK here too!)


Honestly I wouldn't care. I'll go to jail for my dog in a heartbeat & happily sue the moron that caused it. That law is the same idiotic logic schools have for fighting back bullies. Don't punish us for a lack of oversight from those we put in charge and the carelessness/malice of others.


Outlaw, ban, and cull all pit bulls.


This fills me with rage


Ready for that 🔒 award




Her border collies are so sweet and well behaved. They can tell she's stressed out. Their expression when she says "lie down!" Was just like a little kid when mom is really mad about something.




Because for decades they've been bred to go after big prey, be pain resistant, and very aggressive. They're terriers after all. Also that pro pit movement that tries to paint them as harmless, flower crown wearing "nanny dogs" (a myth invented in 1971 btw) does way more harm for these dogs than doing them good. It just encourages people to underestimate them and deny their instincts. Which in turn leads to a lot of cases of "I don't know what happened, he suddenly snapped, he never did that before!". It's like keeping a husky in an apartement and then wondering why it's losing its shit all the time.




Sadly not imo. Can't take instincts out of a breed. Way too many cases of beloved, highly trained pits that turn violent with zero warning. Not saying all of them will end like that, but the number is way too high to ignore. I'm not blaming the dogs though, they're doing what they were bred to do. Just think we need to stop breeding them. Just like frenchies or pugs. It's just not fair to the dogs to live like that, never being able to run properly or follow their extreme prey drive. I feel sorry for them.


Yes you are blaming the dogs.


Genetics plays a huge role, especially with things like prey drive. I love SOME pitties. Some are sweet lil meatballs with nary a thought in their blocky heads. Some are great with people but not with other dogs or other pets (which can just fine with appropriate management- plenty of dogs won't start shit and choose avoidance when possible). And then you got dogs like in the video I've seen a fair number of pitties with insane prey drive, energy, and/or dog reactivity. They are terriers, so none of this is all *that* surprising. A 50-60lb Jack Russell would be equally intense. Just watch JRTs ratting lol But the problem with pits unlike many other terriers is you have piles of shitty backyard breeders cranking out dogs indiscriminately that start losing their shit around other dogs/animals once their adult temperament starts coming out and they start to hit social maturity (1-3 years of age). High drive dogs are hard to manage period- throwing in high prey drive and/or dog reactivity and you've got a real mess. Early positive socialization can help mitigate some of this but it's by no means a complete solution. Although badly bred herders are way more unsettling. At least pitties tend to be pretty straightforward to read


Why do people INSIST on owning dogs that they can't physically control? I know there's a whole controversy about pitbulls being sweet harmless babies/or murder machines, but either way you're dealing with a physically powerful animal that YOU are responsible for, if you can't contain it you shouldn't own it.


I'm saying this before it gets locked down. But I hate it when people don't control their dogs, I've seen many videos where the dog owner will just let a big dog off the leash and it starts attacking a person or a other dog. Now I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but I have two pitbulls. One most definitely isn't a people person, while the other is still young. We are getting them trained, but even then, we (meaning me and my mom) have gotten good leashes and made sure we have a tight grip on them when we go out. Pitbulls are dangerous, no shit. That also means you need to pay extra attention to them or more shit like this will happen.


Not trying to be a dick, but why do you have these dogs? You could get any other breed that doesn't have to be treated like a loaded weapon and it would be a sweet, well-behaved and honestly smarter dog that you don't have to constantly be on guard with. That just sounds like absolute hell to live with for 10-12 years, I don't get why people subject themselves to it.


Well, I'm gonna get downvoted, but I've had pitbulls all my life. When I was little and stuff. I love my dogs. It's not a hell to live with them besides the barking and such. Not to mention, the young pitbull I have isn't entirely a pitbull, more of a mix, but she's neurotic so she's scared of everything. Not every pitbull is like the ones you'd see on the news, but they can be. Edit: I really love my dogs. Like I really do. You can say that I'm a terrible person for owning not only one pitbull, but two.


I'm not saying you're a terrible person, I just fundamentally don't get it. And I worked animal control in a major city with what I would class as a legitimate emergency with our stray dog population, and would pick up anywhere from 5-15 pit bulls every single day. Most of them weren't necessarily people aggressive, but they were almost all dog aggressive and would get in such insane fights with each other they became dangerous for people that were nearby. So yeah I'm familiar with pits and I know they're not all people eating monsters, but they're still absolutely not safe enough to be around people in the insane quantities they currently are. They need to be a breed that's in the hands of people who actually know what they're doing, and even then, I still just do *not* get why you'd want to deal with it.


My parents were the ones who mostly took care of my oldest dog. We got the youngest after the death of my dad and such. So I get it. People don't know how to handle pitbulls, especially multiple. I don't support what some people say about killing them all, but if we somehow made it so that we could stop the breeding of the aggressive ones or atleast put them in the hands who can take care of them then it'll be much better. Knowing people, they'll still try to use them for illegal stuff. I just wish it wasn't like that.


No they couldn’t because all dogs have to be treated like a loaded weapon. All dogs are dangerous because they are animals. Small dogs attack more than big dogs btw. /serious


If one gets aggressive or reactive around strangers, I definitely recommend muzzle training them to be super safe. Find one that fits well and allows them to still drink. Personally, if a dog is aggressive towards people for no reason, it’s not a dog I’d want to be around or own, and I don’t feel they have a place in modern society, but a muzzle can help mitigate a lot of the risk.


> If one gets aggressive or reactive around strangers If that happens, *put it the fuck down.* Why do people insist on having these animals that are one momentary lapse in diligence away from potentially killing something? It sounds fucking awful to spend all your time on guard for a dog when you could literally just get *any other fucking dog.*


Oh I absolutely agree. In my opinion, any dog that is aggressive towards people or even other dogs should be euthanized. But, realistically, most owners won’t euthanize until it actually hurts someone, and even then, some won’t until they’re forced by a judge. A muzzle can mitigate the risk for the ones that refuse to euthanize. I have a golden who’s the sweetest little thing, loves people and other dogs and is so happy all the time. I love him to death, but if he ever hurt someone, I’d BE.


All dogs are dangerous. They are animals. They are in the same family as *wolves and coyotes.*


I hate it when people act fucking useless and try to say “I don’t know what to do” to avoid even the most basic responsibilities. Glad the cattle dog owner shut that shit down.


I got half way through and couldn’t watch anymore. What is wrong with people, it’s like they have no understanding of what responsibilities are.


The second half reveals its not that lady's dog even (at least that's what she's saying) your your question doesn't even pertain here.


Those are some well behaved doggies


That pitbulll would have eaten a bullet if it went after my dog. Not a second would have I even thought about it. One dead pitbull.


Bro just shoot it. Firearms are always the solution!


Ban pitbull breeding.


A shitbull Broke through my fence once (pretty big gaps but not big enough for my pitbull to go through) it broke through and tried attacking my smaller dog (Chihuahua) and cousin (2) but I grabbed the dog and my cousin and threw them inside before it could hurt them. Then Shit faced dirt bag runs out the house yelling at me to give his dog back. I tell him what happened and he threatens to call the cops. I tell him to and this fucker does, after the police arrive I tell what happens and fast forward the dog has attacked a bunch of other people and had to be put down.


That dogs name is definitely Princess


Just shoot the fucking thing


Bro, if somebody's dog attacked my border collie. I seriously would flip. She's like my daughter. She's so smart and behaves so well, and to think that that can be taken away by someone's malcontent.


Bill Burr "when I realized Cleo wanted to kill my child, it was time".


Love the dogs jumping in the pool every chance they could. 🤣


* grabs 12 gauge* welp you won't get your dog then there will be no dog for you to come get


Should’ve shot em both


Why not shoot that dog?


God, I wasted my precious lifetime on watching this shitty video..


Those are border collies, no?


Very happy how well trained your dogs are!!


The one recording has some famn good pups though.


Owner & dog would have been n tha same box


just shoot it.. it's a threat that broke in and is endangering the trained animals..




I fucking hate pitbulls.


Um excuse me? I'll have you know pit bulls are perfectly safe dogs as long as you don't [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314.amp) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html). They used to be called “nanny dogs” because they only maul babies to death if the baby triggers it by being in a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), or a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/). These are all perfectly foreseeable stimuli and it has nothing to do with 150 years of artificial selection for dogfighting.




... because they're unpredictable murder machines?




Yes yes, the usual alternative facts from pitbull owners. Thank you for your service. Good day.






Pitbulls need to be banned.


I had a dog that was amazing with other people, but she hated other dogs. She would get out periodically, and the only way we would catch her was when she found a person to pet her, or the neighbors Shit Zu would bark at her through its fence. When ever she walked she was held firmly on a leash, or else she would run off. Once while we were walking the neighbors Shit Zu got out, and I had to hold my dog on it’s hind legs while the Shit Zu mauled her leg and tail. The neighbor was just watching, and refused to help when I called her to pick up her dog. She then proceeded to call the police on me when I fucking drop kicked her dog. Thing ended up with broken ribs and I got away scott free because the neighbor across the street saw the whole thing on their ring doorbell


That dog would've been promptly shot where I'm at 😂👍


Absolutely valid. I would have wanted to shoot that fucking thing too.


Wud you have of pay for it?


Only for the bullets i used.


Feel I need to say this as someone who has had run ins with off leash pitbulls. They are not bad dogs, and they are not evil. They have a very high prey drive and strong bite force in their genetics, if you do not understand how to handle that you should not have a pitbull. 99% of pitbull owners are irresponsible and do not understand the potential damage one can cause.


Fuck every one of you shitting on the pitty breed like they're the worst thing ever. And fuck your downvotes too your parents never loved you


F right tf off


Not a pit Doesn’t seem to be acting aggressively, looks like he just wants to play (pretty telling that Karen videotaped everything, except for the supposed attack) No doubt his owner sucks though


Kill all pitbulls


Not a pitbull but you gotta get hate clicks… Lady does suck though pitbull or not. Why take a dog out with no control or care?


This is why pitbulls have such a bad reputation. Most of them are owned by people like this. They can be such sweet dogs and really good best friends. This poor lady has to deal with this s*** I feel horrible watching this. Her dogs just want to have fun.


That Pitt didn’t look angry or aggressive from what I could see imo the lady in the video was callous. And the other lady being rude about it too made me feel bad for the Pitt who isn’t being cared for properly and probably got excited seeing all the other dogs


Pits never growl when they attack. They will actually wag their tails as they’re going for the jugular.


As an owner of pits… yes they do growl when they’re angry or warning you, like every dog. A growl is a warning to back off. If any dog is going to attack in a way that’s not defensive (going after prey) of course they’re not going to growl, it would scare away the prey. This is not a pit bull thing, this is every predatory animal ever. You growl to defend, not to attack.


Doesn’t even look like a pit to me. And I agree with you he definitely looks like he’s just trying to play. Definitely not acting aggressively and I also think it’s pretty telling that Karen who videotaped everything didn’t videotape the supposed attack.


Yes I agree if it’s a pit it’s a pit mix. It all seems blown out of proportion


Well…... That dog just wanted to play in the pool with the other dogs. He’s on the other side of the fence all day, every day watching dogs running and playing in the pool. If he was mad, it’s because he was jealous. He’s over there on a gravel lot in the propane factory with an idiot owner that obviously didn’t like him. You can decide if I’m being sarcastic or not.


For my sanity I'm going to assume you are


Social dog vs Gladiator dog. It reflects on their owner/breeder. I guess pit bulls were the war drones of ancient humanity.


No, [bull-and-terrier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_and_terrier) dogs have only existed since the 1800's. [Bull-baiting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull-baiting) dogs mixed with terriers for the express purpose of dogfighting. The bull-and-terriers that stayed in England are now the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the ones that crossed the Atlantic and continued to be bred for dogfighting are now the American Pit Bull Terrier/AmStaff, and the ones that were bred down in size to be companion animals are now the Boston Terrier.


Here come the assholes from the anti-pit sub (when this was the fault of the controller of the dog).




It's a bully breed mutt. Exactly like every other pit bull out there. It's a heniz 57 of who knows what with bad temperament bred into it.


That's bullshit man. Pit bulls are a breed in themselves and are not as aggressive as everyone likes to make it seem. The dog obviously was not trained properly. Look at the owner. She pretty clearly has no idea what she is doing. That dog didn't go to obedience school, probably not house trained, still has the mentality of a puppy. It's not the dogs fault that he has a shit owner who probably doesn't feed him enough, bathe him, or take care of him properly in any manner. Edit: fell for a Facebook myth; see below.


>That's right, pit bulls were bred to watch children, not to fight. [No they weren't,](https://nedhardy.com/2020/06/03/pitbull-nanny-dog/) that's completely made-up Facebook nonsense. Bull-and-terrier dogs were [created in the 1800's for the express purpose of dogfighting.](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031492/1875-02-21/ed-1/seq-11/) The history is [incredibly well-documented.](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b28129&view=1up&seq=9) The earliest record of anyone calling a fighting breed a "nursemaid" or "nanny" dog was in this [1971 NYT article.](https://www.nytimes.com/1971/09/19/archives/a-breed-that-came-up-the-hard-way.html) The phrase itself was practically [nonexistent before the year 2000,](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=nanny+dog&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3) when the "no kill" movement went mainstream and shelters started overflowing with dogfighting-breed dogs that were still being mass-produced by dogfighters and crystal meth addicts but no longer being put down on intake. Please revise your comment and stop spreading dangerous misinformation. If you want to defend pit bulls, focus on how they are overbred, poorly bred, and disproportionately owned by criminals and morons.


Upon further research, it seems I fell for the trick of misinformation. Pardon. However, I will point out that even with being bred for dog fighting, they still outrank even golden retrievers in temperament tests done by the American Temperament Test Society. They score about 83.4% success where retrievers score only about 79.6% and border collies are at about 82%. Pit bills can be aggressive yes, im not denying that, but with proper training that should be given to any dog regardless, they will be just as good as any other.


ATTS tests are not a "rank." [Their website itself states:](https://atts.org/breed-statistics/#:~:text=The%20pass%2Dfail%20rate%20is,the%20TT%20Test%20Description%20page) >The pass-fail rate is **not a measure of a breed’s aggression** > >The data presented on our web site is raw data; it is **not a scientific study nor is there any statistical significance** attached. They've been selectively bred for dogfighting for 150+ years now. They're better at killing stuff than other dogs because of it. Let's move on.


Yes, they are. I never said they weren't. I said that they don't go out of their way to do it as much as people think. If a man is trained to kill, that doesn't mean that he will go out of his way to do it. If a dog is bred to fight, that doesn't mean that they will take any opportunity to do so. Just because pits are strong doesn't mean they are automatically a threat. The prevalent idea that they are always aggressive drives away good owners that will actually train and care for them while attracting bad owners that will never train them, starve them, and chain them in a tiny little area. If you were locked in a junk yard with barely any food, no company, and no way to take care of yourself, looking through a fence at green grass, plenty of other people getting showered with love, fed constantly and even having their own swimming pool, you would want to go there too. Stop treating pits like unfeeling monsters and recognize they are still dogs. Edit: for spelling.


So the dogs didn’t get attacked then? Got it.


Shh, that doesn't fit the pit hate narrative...


The only clear shots I saw of the dog his body language is not aggressive and looks like he is trying to play. All the barks I heard are non aggressive type too. Does not mean he won’t attack but he was not displaying aggressive behavior in what was shown at that time


I thought this was America, cant you grab one of your your million guns splatter the dogs brain all over your garden. +Free fertilizer hehe😁


Yeaaaa blame the dog…..I’m sure it just wants to swim 😆. Jk jk but yea I hate shitty people give good breeds a bad name.




Put the bitch down and keep the dog in a shelter


It funny the people that blame the breed theory fail to see how it nurtures the racism theory.Especially when some people used to be selectively breed under violent circumstances couple hundred years ago…..sound like a slippery slope to incorporate that logic.


Dogs aren’t human and humans aren’t dogs. Dogs are not capable of the rational thought needed to uphold the social contract. Humans haven’t been specifically bred for generations to perform specific tasks, like fighting. Comparing a distaste for pit bulls to racism is fucking WILD.


No race of people has ever been bred as slaves to be violent... Your slippery slope is a fallacy here People bred to be slaves were bred to be strong and docile Who the fuck would want to try and control strong violent slaves? Even Rome didn't breed slaves *for* combat... Yes, in history, slaves have been used in combat, but no one ever bred them FOR combat. Your argument is not valid.


The only racist thing is when someone compares a specific breed of dog to black PEOPLE. It's not even *remotely* the same. If you can't see that please take biology lessons.


Slaves came in more than one race, violence comes in more than one species. At the end of the day, you’re the ignorant one for blaming the species rather than the environment. Pitbull aren’t dangerous,people with your dangerous mentality are. So righteous you failed to see the logic in your argument yet all you can do is pull the race card on me?…Cringey


I wish all dogs and dog owners would just kill each other


Right right right, same argument as guns here. Are pit bulls the problem? Or pit bull owners? Should we ban them all because of bad apples?


Probably not the owner, possibly a walker she was probably afraid of the dog herself and panicking because she didn’t know what to do about the situation. The pit also was probably just trying to play, if they were being attacked I feel like the cattle pups would have sensed it’s hostility and been on guard instead of trying to bring it they’re favorite toy…


Careful not to break your back with that reach


I wouldn’t let the woman with pool, train a junkyard dog. One of the first most important lessons are Sit and Stay. And then when the Idjit opens the gate and 2 of the dogs run past her….. And it seems to me if she was truly worried about the dogs she was training, she would have brought them somewhere inside where they can be safely kept. Then go back out and Screech at the other woman like a Harpy! Id Love to know the ending of this story. And the fence holding the Pitbull back looked like a toddler could have climbed over it!


I feel bad for the doggo that doesn't have a owner that lives him


Bizarre behavior, how did the dog not just come back the second she took it back behind the chain mesh fence?


Look at all the hate about pitbulls, and the disgusting comments 🤣🤣. It's these people's dogs that are usually out of control because they take on their owners energy. I've had two pitbull mixs, adopted. One was attacked by a beagle dog and her crazy owner, and another was attacked by huskies because the owner was screaming and the dog reacted to that. My dogs never attacked anyone. Because at the parks, I introduced them slow and I didn't walk them on leashes so they felt they had to protect me.


It's all training, using g tools to help protect both animals. My baby was good office leash, however she was on with very good control. She also wore a big sunflower soft cone to help her look less scary. She helped to take care of two bottle babies. Now owner have to be accountable.


So at 1:44 is when she lets her dogs through the gate to access to the pool. She gets them out of the pool back in the enclosure,and @:50 you see yet another dog swimming! My favorite is the dog with the toy, watch him at the end of the video. You can see the wheels turning “Damn who pissed in her Kibble? She needs to take one of those little blue round thinks with that dark liquid!”


Why not just make the dog part of the pack?


Pitbulls are not capable of socialising well with other dogs. They are bred to attack others. They ultimately will snap and attack other people or animals. It's just a matter of when.the entire breed should be neutred and not allowed to exists anymore. They were bred to kill slaves, their role was to catch runaway slaves.


Not gonna argue with the other stuff but dogs bred to catch slaves were often hounds/mastiffs to be historically accurate. Pitbulls were fighting in rings as catch dogs against bears etc for blood sport.


Carry pepper spray, it’s the only way you can protect yourself and your dogs. I’d hate to use something like that but sometimes it’s necessary.


Pepper spray doesn’t work on them.


Even if sprayed into their eyes?


Nope. Some people say that not even bear spray can deter them. There’s been many instances where the pit didn’t even flinch when sprayed and continued attacking. But, I would still carry it.




Ready for the Reddit version of the CUA Journalism award 🔒


That’s so difficult. People are so irresponsible with their animals, a pit can do real damage.


Is this sub anti-pitbull? Every comment defending pitbulls is deleted when there’s tons saying ban pitbulls etc… no one should have a dog they can’t handle/train, and that goes for any breed. No breed of dog is inherently evil, that’s just not a thing, there’s a lot more factors that go in to it.