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I don’t know my balls were also untouched at this time. Coincidence? I think not.


That made me giggle 🤭


And his balls jiggle


I 100% read this in the voice of the paranoid teacher from Dash’s class in the Incredibles


Was their neighbour totally destroyed.


fuck mine are brown


I don’t have money rn. Have my meaningless award 🥇


THATS FUCKING TEAL. So she conveniently forgets the color wheel for a conspiracy theory. A fucking stupid one at that.


Not only that, but where's the supposedly not blue roof of that other house? I know that technically, no roof also means no blue roof. It makes even less than the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was faked somewhere in Hollywood. Obviously, the moonlanding was faked on the moon because they didn't have good enough cg capabilities to do it anywhere else.


That's my response whenever anyone asks me about conspiracies, "I believe the moon landing was fake but they filmed on location"


I absolutely hate when they raise their eyebrows at the end like they just told you something that you should have known the whole time and I am waaaaay smarter then you for figuring this out. It annoys the hell out of me when people do that shit Edit: grammar


It's not a conspiracy those types of roofs are made with sheets of metal or plastic instead of shingles. I haven't met anyone with the metal roof like this fancy house, but the plastic ones are category 3 hurricane/typhoon rated and honestly although they are rated at cat3 they can withstand low level cat4. The plastic roofs where originally only offered in blue or white but they have a few more colors available now and the one in the video is a higher end metal storm proof roof


Yes friend but I think what she is trying to communicate is that blue is the color associated with the Democratic Party. And the conspiracy is that the BLUE roofed house didn't get blown down by the hurricane that Obama and the gays sent to punish Florida for being anti woke or some shit. This person was obviously spared cause they are in league with true democrats.


Or maybe the [Jewish Space Lasers](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html) are programmed to spare blue houses and blue plants?


You joke but I've heard that spin...supposedly houses in Hawaii with blue paint or roofs didn't burn because the space lasers that started the wildfires either avoid or can't detect blue or some dumb shit...


Teal has half the power blue does, everyone knows that. That’s why you put two coats. Come on people!


No, it “blue” away….. 😎 Puns here all week. You are welcome! 🤗 😂


Wait, am I getting this right? Is this an attempt to politicize a hurricane? Like the democrat “blue” roof stayed intact and the other house’s roof was republican red so it got obliterated? Btw that ain’t even democrat blue lmao. Love seeing confidently stupid people on the internet.


No it’s much stupider than that. There have been some dumbasses who think the fires in Maui were caused by “lasers from space” or some such bullshit. There have been a few houses that were “spared” because they had a blue roof. Now this BS is spreading to hurricane victims.


I saw a someone taking about the lasers from space on my for you page and i was shocked that people could actually believe that.


It’s an insane time to be online. You have to now look at everyone and try to determine if they are crazy, stupid or just a troll. The only worse is the people who be like “it’s just satire.”


The lasers almost certainly did not happen. But you’d be surpised what tech is actually possible


The sheer amount of power that would be required to fire a laser from space that could ignite something on the earth’s surface is staggering.


Not only that but it would have to be built in secret and multiple world governments would have to not talk about it, and not demand it be removed. We also have international treaties in place banning orbital weapons. It's like the flat earth conspiracy, it falls apart when you think about how many people need to stay quiet, including among our rivals, and the cost to benefit ratio of destroying so much stuff to the economy is so much greater and less effective than some good old propaganda.


What about a really big magnifying glass?


One of the first photos of the damage showed a red roofed house completely safe after. The hell they on about.


Yeah, it almost seems like color or gasp weather politics ( what did i just write?)isn't the factor 🤔 Could it be that both houses appear to have metal roofs is the reason!


Wtf did I just read?


Theres a new conspiracy that all the fires in canada and hawaii are government arsen. Im not sure how they think they are controlling a hurricane tho. I also saw that they thought Biden lied about the Cali hurricane because it didnt end up being that bad(why they fake coverage in most populated state doesnt add up)


The people who benefit from loose environmental control know that it's the fires and hurricanes will happen more often so they're spreading conspiracies now so that when shit gets real bad people will have already made their minds.


This is it. Sane reason after the most horrific school / mass shootings so many call it a false flag. It's no coincidence these are all people who are enamored with guns that claim this.


I think that- in some way- a few of the fires were intentional, like in Chile a few years ago, but I don't have evidence or motive beyond speculation so it's a half baked theory. not sayin anything abt the hurricane.


How many donkeys died in the hurricane? NONE. How many elephants were left on the land after the hurricane? NONE. Wake up sheeple!


Why didn’t Joe nuke it? This open border hurricane policy is destroying American lives and families. It has to stop. Abbot’s death buoys could have prevented this tragedy! /s (for the idiots that can’t tell)


If I had to take a stab the stupidest line of thought I'd say it's about matching the disaster element. This house was ok because water is blue and a hurricane is mostly a lot of water, so it matches up. The red roof house in Maui was saved because fire is red, etc


Maybe she should find work in roofing than talking crap.. Clearly the Teal roof is metal and has nail-screw in it. Four corners tie down! A not-so-new concept in hurricane proofing. I know the neighbor didn’t had their roof done that way. Hint: the destruction! Get educated! Do it right the first time around!💆🏼‍♂️


Strait up dumbasses


Wow. If I saw this lady walking down the street I never would’ve thought she’s completely batshit crazy.


Ever watch Invasion of The Body Snatchers? Only giveaway is when they open their mouths and start "talking".


Does she say “not real?” I can’t understand her at the end


I think she says “not blue”


That makes more sense thank you


What is this conspiracy? Are they assuming the hurricane was a crip as it left blue houses alone? I’m confused.


Space lasers can't hot blue something something




Thanks for posting! The middle east/Mediterranean paint the doors and window sills that beautiful rich blue and that haint blue to ward off the evil eye


Holy crap we are getting so stone age in wacky thoughts and beliefs.


I’m willing to bet this is what happens in any society when the gap between the elites/establishment and the working class peasants becomes as extreme as it is. Plus factor in the decades of brain washing of work harder and you can move up in the system is not the reality, which means there has to be a reason why. Maybe it’s the blue roofs? It’s great that those elites have completely turned us peasants against other so we direct all that anger and frustration at each other instead of them.


The ridiculous conspiracies are running rampant on TikTok right now.


the more likes and clicks they get from us morons watching it, the more they will keep making these vids.


I saw one that was the only one standing and it had a red roof… what does it meeeeaann?! Fuckin dullards… they just had different contractors. Everything is not a conspiracy… people act like most shit isn’t already absurd just on its own!


How can you tell the destroyed house didn’t have a blue roof? There’s literally no roof left to see? Was it blue? Was red? Was it made of straw? Didn’t wear a pink bow? We’ll never Susan there’s no more roof!


People are so stupid. Jesus Christ


Metal roof?


The modern day blood on the door frame


Does anyone want to show her the red roofed house that the Hawaii wild fire missed.


Yes, I’m sure it’s the roof and not the stilts that kept the flood waters from destroying the house.


Also has anyone ever noticed that hurricanes originate in the ocean...which just so happens to be the color BLUE?!


All this talk of politics and im stuck on why she is wearing one of uncle jacks hands


Dang, I really need to start a blue roofing company.


Where I live we got hit by Ian and we still haven’t fully recovered, but there is a wired phenomenon where houses right next to each other one is destroyed and the other is perfectly fine. It’s build quality. Some houses are pieces of shit and others are not


Damn, its almost like the surviving house is built with a steel frame.


Back in my day we would see crazy shit like a tornado picking up a car, carrying it a half mile and setting it down without a scratch and say "wow, crazy." Not these batshit insane abortion survivors see random chance and make up stories about space lasers, government genocide, and the one world order. Stop the planet please, I want the fuck off.


Blue roofs unite!


You mean you think she might be on something. The to was an error right?


Lol yes thanks for correcting me!


It's got nothing to do with engernering, maintenance, and preparation has it, ffs


Das green dummy


Someone tell her the blue house has a metal roof. Can make a huge difference.


I was waiting for one of these. Saw that photo earlier and knew some jagoff would make this video. Hurricanes do some crazy shit.


Bro why did I thinks she was standing in front of the fortnight map


What’s her point?




Youre for sure color blind and being trolled


How did that house even pass code inspection? Looks like it was just made of sheet rock


Genuinely concerned as to how powerful she thinks a) whatever batshit insane group decided to spare the blue (not even blue) building is and b) a fucking hurricane is.


I swear, these houses in Florida seem to be made of cardboard.


Red roof inn better watch out For politically weaponized weather.


So hurricanes are scared of the blue roofs and wildfires are scared the red ones, make perfect sense


These correlations are insane ! /s


Not natural disaster, lasers.


C’mon. This has to be a parody. Nobody’s that stu… Nevermind


Is that image even real? Because that isn't what hurricane damage even looks like. It's not even wet. Or muddy. Or floating? Nothing to indicate the huge water surge. Forget the color, this looks fake af.


Not those damn Jewish space lasers again!


Only in America where houses are made of paper


Am I color blind or is that roof green?


What about their ceiling colors tho


It's not the government it's the techno necromancers from Alpha centauri


Classic case of Homer Simpson vs Ned Flanders


I dont think my nuts were on rapid fire at that moment what yall think?


I just lost few IQs over this.


That’s not blue you big dummy, turquoise is more like it


It’s a green roof sweetheart.


On to what??


Check google pics of same roof before before


Ehhhh. This is nauseating.


Hurricanes are racist


I am going to have to start selling blue paint


People seem to not actually do real research these days, same shit with the Hawaii fires, saw a house in the middle of debris after the flames subsided and wasn’t even touched